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New Year’s Eve Service
For did not I say a change etc etc would be like this before, do you not feel it, do you not sense it? I say unto you, it’s time for you to get excited as you come into my house and come into my presence, get excited for what I am going to do. No longer sit back, for I say unto you, enter in with all of your heart, when you enter in I show up on the scene and do great and mighty things. You’re not small, says the Lord, you are not small, no longer say you are small, for I say to you, you are great, for I have made you a great, yes, a great nation, and even though you do not see it in the natural, I say unto you, you shall. For my word has gone forth and there has been a change, there has been a change, there has been a change, will you make the changes in your own heart, says the Lord, will you make the declaration and make a change to become all that I desire for you to be? For it is time for you to run, to put your running shoes on and to run, it is not a hour for you to lag behind, but it is time for you to run with me like never before, to get into my word like never before, to become those giants that I have called you to be, to become my hands and my feet that you may reach out to others and that you may do my work and do the things that I have called you to do. For it is your last hour that I have spoken to you about and, yes, my revival is taking place and it is going to do a work in my people who desire it and want it and are ready for it. Are you ready for it my children, do you desire it, is that the only thing that you desire, for my word says those that hunger and thirst after me they shall be filled. Do you want to be filled to overflowing, do you want to receive of me, do you want more and more of all the things that I have said unto you? For it is that hour and it is that time, lay down the weights that upset you my children, and walk in the freedom that I have given unto you, for that freedom is for you, it is for you now, it is for you now if you choose to want it this new freedom. As you enter into the new year are you going to walk like one I have called you to be or are you going to walk in this new freedom I have called you for or are you going to be the one that you have always been? For I say unto you, make the choice that you’re going to make, make that choice tonight, says the Lord and as you make that choice and enter into the new year you shall experience a change that I said you were going to experience as you come into my presence, as you come into my presence with great expectation you will see, you will see, you will recognize and you will feel the change, that different that I have made a change.
I say unto you, my children, mightier, mightier, mightier this new year, says
the Lord, this twenty-twenty three will be year my people stay free, says the
Lord, while the world around you gets held up in bondage, says the Lord,
you’re sent here to set them free, says the Lord.
For if you’re free you can set free, says the Lord.
it’s no longer time to sit back and watch, it is no longer time to stand on
the sideline, but it’s time to enter into the fullness of the things that I
have, it’s time to become what I have called you to become. It’s not time to become what I haven’t called you for,
it’s not time to step into the shoes that are not yours, it’s time to step
into your own shoes, and if you don’t know what that is, seek me, for I will
reveal it unto those who will seek me. For
does not my word say to him that needs wisdom let him ask of me and I shall give
it unto him and yet man doesn’t ask me because they think that they have it
all figured out. But do you know
what is ahead, for I know what is ahead for you, I know what is in store for you
and the hours and the minutes and the days ahead, saith your Father. For, truly, I have great things in store for those who will
receive it, listen to that again, I have great things in store for those who
will receive it, for those who will walk according to my word, for those who
will be the ones that I have called, who will step up to the plate even though
the hour is late. For, truly, it is
now that time and it is now that hour, I have spoken unto you that before and
you have been preparing for this time and for this hour and now it is here.
For how many New Year’s are left remaining, for man cannot tell you
that, for if you ask man they might tell you twenty thirty, but how many is it
really? What are the signs pointing
to and yet the true prophets are seeing it much closer now than ever before, now
they’re starting to lineup with the vision that I gave you, why, because it is
now that time and it is now that hour and as you enter into the new year you
need to be ready to do what I have called for you to do.
Leave the past behind, leave the failure behind and step into the future
that I have, step into the provision that I have, step into the blessings that I
have, the miracles that I have, the signs and wonder that shall follow those who
are doing what I have said. For did
not I tell you that I would make it very clear who was of me and who was not,
who has the power and authority of me, those are of me, saith your Father.
For you cannot make that up, they cannot fabricate that and, yes, there
will be false power out there, but it will be nothing like the real, for it will
fizzle out very quickly, but the real will go and go and go.
For truly it is that time and it is that hour I have called for revival,
revival, revival, let it birth within your spirits this night, be excited about
what is now going to take place and realize that I have chosen you for a greater
work, a greater work, a greater work. Who
will answer the call, who will step forward, who will come out of the darkness
and into the light? Will you be one
of those this night, saith your Father, this night, this night, for tomorrow is
a new day, a new day, a new day, make that choice tonight that you’re going
forward with me, full steam ahead, petal to the metal, not looking back, not
focusing on things behind, but focusing on what lies ahead fulfilling the call
that I have given that I have placed upon you.
But, remember, fulfill your call not somebody else’s, fulfill your
call, don’t try to be something that you’re not, for I have made you into
who I need you to be and you are very important from the least to the greatest
even to the youngest child you’re all important and you all play a part, your
own part. It is my desire that you walk forward with boldness doing
what I have called for you to do, for truly great things are ahead.
12-25-2022 am service
For, yes, truly I am faithful to those
who are faithful to me and even at times when they are not faithful I am still
faithful, for that is what my word says, I am faithful.
But, oh, for those who have set aside time for me even on this day how
much more will I do for you. For
you have set aside time for me first, you have remembered the true meaning of
what this day is and I love you with an everlasting love, and as I hear you pour
out your love to me, oh it just brings joy and gladness to my heart.
Therefore, I desire to pour out upon you without measure those blessings,
I desire to pour out upon you without measure My Spirit, I desire to pour out my
gifts without measure upon you that you can receive of my joy and my blessings
and my faithfulness, for you have shown your faithfulness to me, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, I gave
unto you, says the Lord, and you give yourself to me, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, all is yours and all is mine, for my kingdom
is yours, my kingdom is yours, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, press in.
12-17-2022 am service
For I am all that you need, says the
Lord, so what do you need today, what is it that you have need of that I can
give unto you? For I am here, I do
not change, my word remains the same, as you come unto me I will answer, I will
hear and I will give unto you the things that you have need of.
Boldly come before me, says the Lord, boldly come before me, see if I am
not God, for I am God and I will prove to you that I am thee, I am, I am the
everlasting God, I do not change, I am the prince of peace, I am the wonderful
counselor, I am everything that you have need of.
So, I say unto you, as you come unto me, call upon my name and I shall
answer you. Know my word, know the authority I’ve given unto you, as my
word has said, that you come boldly before the throne of grace, for when you
come boldly do you not come with expectation, says the Lord, do you not come
knowing that it is already taken care of, it is already finished?
Yet many times when my children talk to me they don’t know with all
expectation that I have already provided and made a way for them.
Oh, I say unto you my children, learn, learn, learn them, that you might
walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you.
For, yes, the times in the world they’re going to get darker and darker
and darker and they’re going to get more evil and more hard and you need to
follow me and walk in my ways and walk in my word.
For my word is the light along your path, but if you are not living and
walking in my word how can I light your way, says the Lord?
Therefore, I say unto you, call upon my name and I shall answer you.
For I say unto you, my children, I am all
powerful and I’m in control, says the Lord, for these days are like a zoo,
says the Lord, but yet if you keep in my word and stay on my path the exhibits
can’t hurt you, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, stay out of the bears den, says
the Lord, and stay on my word, for my bear that I sent forth shall not hurt you,
says the Lord, for it’s only contained to it’s area that I have given unto
it, says the Lord. Therefore, know
that, when she moves I am here with you, says the Lord.
For many things have to take place, yes,
but I have given you everything that you need to do all I’ve called for you to
do. There is nothing that you need
to fear; there is nothing that you need to worry about if you’re walking with
me. For I have already made a way
for you, I have given you power and authority to go forth and do what I have
called for you to do and I will fill you with My Spirit to overflowing, I will
give you the power that you have need of. For
if you’re lacking I said ask of me and will I not give it unto you, will I not
open the windows heavens for you? For
truly I love you with an everlasting love and it is my desire that you are the
overcomers, it is my desire that you are the head and not the tail, it is my
desire that you are conquerors. Therefore,
I have given you everything that you have need of and all you have to do is
receive the fullness of it, saith the Lord.
12-14-2022 pm service
Yes, for truly this is not an hour or a
time to fear, but it is a time to go forth conquering, to go forth boldly, to go
forth and take what is yours for this time and for this hour.
Do not allow the things that are going on in the world stop you from
reaching your highest peeks, saith your Father.
For truly many things are going to take place in the world, but remember
they are not for you, they are not for those who are walking according to my
word, according to my promises. Yes,
you need to be under my hedge of protection, but remember I have called for a
glorious time and a glorious hour for my church.
Even amongst everything going on in the world, even amongst the
disasters, even amongst the turmoil, I have called for a glorious hour for my
church. So do now worry about those
things, do not let them trouble your hearts, but remember the time and the hour
you are living in, for you’re going to see more of the things that you are
seeing now, much, much, much more, for it shall become far darker for the pen
has inked the paper of the last straw. I
warned you about this when you first started this ministry, for you’re scribe
can tell you exactly when the word was given and now the pen has inked the paper
and that has drawn the last straw and destruction now will come to America,
saith your Father.
12-11-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
not forsaken you, I’ve not left you, says the Lord, for I’ve declared unto
you I would never leave you or forsake you, says the Lord.
For have not I declared unto you the things that are going to come to
pass in this last hour, says the Lord. I’ve
spoke of the volcanoes, I’ve spoke of the fires, I’ve spoke of the wild
weather patterns, says the Lord, and yet you think I’ve left you, says the
Lord. I’ve not left you, says the
Lord, for these are the things that I’ve warned you now about for many years,
says the Lord. Has your house burned down yet, says the Lord?
I’ve not forsaken you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, stay in the area I’ve given unto you, says
the Lord, for there is safety there, says the Lord.
For yes, truly, many are the promises
that I have given and I watch over them to fulfill every single one and I have
not forgotten those things. But, remember, I said now is the time of fulfillment, now is
that time and the hour to see those things coming to pass. So be looking for
them, don’t forget about what I have told you, but realize that there is a
timetable and you see it all throughout my word, I speak and then it takes
place. Even though it doesn’t
happen in your timing, it always happens in perfect timing, it always happens
according to the timing laid out in my word; therefore, it always comes to pass.
Therefore, do not be concerned with the circumstances, for those are only
natural and I’ve created you to be supernatural, I work in higher ways than
you even know or realize. Get
yourself into the spirit realm and see and know and understand what is taking
place, for truly you shall see the fullness now, saith the Lord.
12-11-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, I am
your provider therefore, I say unto you, anything you have need of, says the
Lord, whatever you’re going through, says the Lord, I have already provided it
for you, says the Lord. If you need
healing I’ve have given you your healing, says the Lord, if you need finances
I’ve given you finances, says the Lord, I have already provide for you
everything, says the Lord. Therefore,
partake upon my rock, says the Lord, and drink from it, says the Lord, I’ve
given it to you to drink from to get the things you have need of, says the Lord,
drink says the Lord.
For many things I’ve laid aside in my
storehouse for you and they are waiting for you to receive them, saith the Lord.
So do not hesitate to ask for things that you have need of, for remember
you have not because you ask not and yet I have everything that you have need of
and it is my desire to pour out those things upon you when you ask of me.
But many don’t, but it is that time now and it is that hour now for
those blessings to be poured out like never before and it is my desire that you
receive the fullness of the things that I have for you.
For I love you with an everlasting love and it is not my desire that you
struggle, it is not my desire that you go through hardship, it is not my desire
that you are defeated, but it is my desire that you walk as the overcomer in
every area of your life. It is my
desire that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, rest
assured I have it all in my storehouse for you and you can have those things,
says the Lord.
12-4-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, there
shall not be a dry one among you, says the Lord and neither shall you be dry
now, says the Lord, for My Spirit has been poured out now for months, say the
Lord. For years, says the Lord,
from the day you were born it has been available for you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, drink, drink, for it’s ready, says the Lord,
it is ready for you to be filled, says the Lord and my new, my new has come,
says the Lord, where have you been to receive it, come and get it for it’s
been ready, says the Lord.
For there is not another hour for you to
receive, for that day and that hour is here now, so receive the fullness of the
things that I have for you, for you will quickly see the changes coming, changes
coming. But remember what I have
already told you; there were things that had to take place because of the day
and the hour you are now living in. But
yet I have called for a time of great things for my people, a time of an
outpouring for those who are following after me.
Not for the world, but those, my church, those without spot or wrinkle,
those who would set aside everything to follow after me, those who have answered
my call, for those who will do what I have said, for those I have called for a
great day and a great hour, saith the Lord.
For as you read my words more shall be
revealed unto you, you shall look at the scripture in a different light than you
have ever seen it before, for that is what is opened for this hour and this
time. For I shall give new
revelation unto my children that they can walk in the fullness of what I have
done for them. Oh, I say unto you,
my children, press in like never before, for now is the hour and now is the time
for, I am, yes, I am building my church. I am doing great and mighty things for you when you walk with
me, says the Lord, when you walk with me you receive the fullness of what I have
in store for you, for it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of
everything that I have. Therefore,
I say unto you, do not lag behind, but press into all I have for you.
12-4-2022 pm service
Enter into my presence on a daily basis,
says the Lord, for it’s not just for Sundays, for it’s for everyday, for in
my presence there you will find peace, there you will find joy, there you will
find contentment, there you will find everything that you have need of.
For it’s not just for Sundays, says the Lord, but I say, it is for
every day, for a daily basis. How
many times are you in my presence, says the Lord, for I long that you are in my
presence on a daily basis, I long that you have communion with me, that you have
fellowship with me. Oh I say unto
you, that is my desire; oh I say it is an hour to press in like never before, to
draw into me. For does not my word
say when you draw into me I shall draw into you and that if you are hungering
after me you shall be filled, does not my word say that?
Oh I say unto you, my children, you need to get so hungry and thirsty for
me that you can get into my presence all the time that you can be filled with
me, that you what to share me with others around you that they might know that I
am here for them in this hour and this time, for the harvest is ripe and it
needs to come in. Therefore, I say
unto you, get into my presence on a daily basis that you can spill out to others
the things that they have need of for this hour and this time, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, I have
not just given you my book, but I have given you my word that is right within
that book, for that book can’t profit you, says the Lord, unless you speak it,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, get into my word that you can speak forth my word, that you can see
those things that be not as though they are, says the Lord.
For, yes, I have greater things in store
for you now, greater things are ahead for you, but only if you’re doing what I
have said, only if you call them into being.
For I have given you the power and authority to do those things and it is
my desire for you to reach the peek that I have for you, call it into being,
call it into being, expect to see it, saith the Lord, for that time is now.
11-30-2022 pm service
For remember that now is a new hour, now
is a new time, now is time to receive the fullness of the things that I have.
For it is the hour of fullness, it is the hour of fulfillment, and as you
begin to get into this hour you will see it all as it all comes into place,
everything that I spoke to you, just like I said it would be.
Do not fear the things that you see take place in the world, but remember
that I have said that they had to come in this time and this hour, but that they
were not for the church, but they were to wake up those who were asleep.
Do not fear those things when you hear them on the news or when you see
them happening all around you. For remember my promise to you is that it shall
not come nigh your doorstep if you’re walking according to my word, if you are
doing what I have said, if you’re follow after my ways, saith the Lord.
For truly this is a great and glorious time for my church and for my
people, for those who are walking with me.
For truly it is a giving hour and I desire to pour out my gifts upon you,
saith the Lord.
11-27-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, continue
to be grounded in my word, says the Lord, that your roots get established down
deep, says the Lord, for the one thing that my people lack it’s my word, says
the Lord, for they don’t get into it like they should.
Therefore, I say unto you, grow thirsty, grow hungry for my word for
you’re going to need it, says the Lord, more than yesterday you need it today,
says the Lord, for the days coming ahead are so dark you wouldn’t even be able
to see your fingers on your face without knowledge of my word, says the Lord.
Therefore, everything you’ve got to see is going to be in my word.
Therefore, I say unto you, press into me and grow deep, says the Lord.
For my word is your light and it guides
you and gives you all the wisdom and knowledge that you have need of.
How can you walk in wisdom and knowledge if you’re not in my word?
Therefore, I say unto you, get in my word daily that you can walk in the
fullness of wisdom and knowledge that I have given unto you, for you need that
wisdom and knowledge for the day and the hour that you’re living in.
Therefore, I say unto you, press into me like never before, press in unto
me, know who I am, know that I am your Father that I am your God, and I will
bring you through these days ahead no matter what is thrown at you, I am the
same, I do not change. And if your
trust is in me, it doesn’t matter what things take place in the world, if
you’re trust is in me you will not be shaken, you will not be moved because
you’re steadfast in my word. Therefore,
I say unto you, know the importance of my word, get into my word daily, get into
my word daily, that you might be fed, that you might receive all that I have for
you, says the Lord.
11-27-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, etc etc
be my light, my witness, says the Lord, for you’re greater than that, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, I
sent my son Jesus for you, says the Lord, he changed you, he changed you to the
thing that I have called you to be, says the Lord.
For the things Adam changed have been renewed, says the Lord, in my Son
Jesus. Therefore, I say unto you,
grab ahold of me, says the Lord.
11-20-2022 am service
Do I not care for you, says the Lord, do
I not know every little thing about you, even the hairs numbered on your head,
do I not know them? For I say unto
you, I am here for you as you reach out to me, yes, I am there, but many times
my children try to take things on their own, try to do them in their own way and
yet not look to me. For I am here
and I am here to meet everything that you have need of.
Does not my word say that when you call upon me I am here and I answer
you? Therefore, I say unto you,
draw close unto me; know the importance of living and having your being in my
word. For it is my word that brings
life, it is my word that shall sustain you in the days ahead, it is my word that
shall cause victory to come into your life, it is my word that will cause you to
be the overcomer that I have called you to be.
Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, call upon me, do not be afraid
to call upon me, for am I not your Father, will I not hear you, will I not do
what I have promised I will do? Therefore,
I say unto you, know my word, be steadfast, unmoveable, call upon my name and I
shall answer you, says the Lord. For
I am here for you and I desire, I desire that you draw closer unto me, I desire
that you come unto me, that you come unto me because it is I that am here for
you my children.
For I say unto you, my children, the
things I have for you are greater than the things that are behind you, says the
Lord. For if you look at the things
that I have delivered you from, you take your eyes off of the things that I have
for you to come, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say, keep looking at me, keep your eyes on me and keep walking forward, says
the Lord, for soon you shall see the fullness of things that I have for you,
says the Lord.
For you should always be looking ahead
expecting for me to move upon your behalf, for I look to be able to move upon
your behalf, every day I look to be able to move upon your behalf.
Expect greater things, greater things, greater things, for it is that
time and hour now for greater and I love you my children with an everlasting
love, I have made a way for you where there wasn’t a way before and I have
great things laid up for you yet, things that you know of, things that you not
know of. For truly it is that time
now and it is that hour now, expect great things from me expect great things
from me, saith the Lord.
11-29-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, stay
thirsty, stay hungry, says the Lord, for the minute you become to be content you
dry up, you dry up quickly, says the Lord, without even noticing it, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you,
stay thirsty, get in my word, drink my word, drink My Spirit, says the Lord, for
when you are flowing you’re flowing through me, says the Lord and not in the
For yes, truly, this is a great time and
a great hour, but there is no drought in the Spirit realm.
Get into my word, continue to drink deeply, let it fill you to
overflowing that it is bursting out of you.
For truly it is that time now, it is that hour now to draw closer than
ever before, to get into my word like never before, to spend time with me like
never before. Now is the time, now is the hour, not later, don’t put it
off, don’t keep putting it off, for as you continue to put it off it just
pulls you farther away from me and yet it is time to draw closer, it is time to
draw closer than ever before, for truly the time is now, saith the Lord.
For do not allow any to bring distraction
unto you, but I say, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes focused on that
finish line, the goal that is set before you, for great and mighty are the
things I have in store for you. So therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before,
allow not the enemy to sway your attention on something else other than pressing
into me and receiving all the fullness of the things that I have in store for
you. For I say unto you, great are
the rewards that I have for you, so continue to walk with me like never before,
continue to have my word, my word planted within your heart that you continue to
grow stronger and stronger and stronger and become the giants that I have called
you to be for this hour and this time, says the Lord.
11-16-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, it is
not the hour to be down and out, but to be filled with joy with My Spirit, says
the Lord. For at no other time can
you rejoice as you can now, says the Lord, for the things that are coming, for
your soon redemption draws nigh, says the Lord.
For, yes, truly it’s a new day and a new hour and many things are coming in, for you know they’re very close now more than ever before. In fact you can almost see them if you look close enough in the Spirit realm where you could not see them before, but it is now that time, it is now that hour. Do not fear the things that are taking place in the world, do not fear the disaster that is soon coming, for I have said that is not for you, but it is for those who are not following after me. But be ready, be ready, be ready for when it comes the church will be filled to overflowing.
11-13-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, am I not
a God of miracles, says the Lord, have I not called my house the house of
miracles, says the Lord? Therefore,
I say unto you, get your eyes on me, says the Lord and watch as my miracles
shall flow, says the Lord, watch as your problems disappear when you get your
eyes on me, says the Lord. For I
have called my house the house of miracles, this is my house, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, says the Lord and get your
eyes on me, says the Lord. Where is
my motivator that I have chosen for this hour, says the Lord, where is my
motivator, for I have called you, says the Lord, where are you, where are you, I
say? Come says the Lord, come and
fulfill the call I have placed upon you today, says the Lord.
For yes, truly, many I have called and
now is the hour of fulfillment, for there is not time for another day or another
hour, but that time and that hour is now and if there is a calling on your life
know that now is the hour of fulfillment. For
I am calling out to you my children, I am calling out to you that now is the
hour of fulfillment. Hear it again,
now is the hour of fulfillment; it rings throughout the heavens that now is the
hour of fulfillment. The
angels are aware and they know that now is the hour of fulfillment, but do my
people know that now is the hour of fulfillment?
You should know because of the signs of the times and the day and the
hour you are now living in that now is the sign of fulfillment, for that hour is
now, that time is now. Don’t look
for another day, don’t look for another hour, don’t look for another
generation, but look now, saith the Lord, look now and see what is happening.
Open up your ears and hear into the Spirit realm and hear what is going
on, hear what is taking place and you will know, you will know, you will know.
11-13-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, I have
placed you as stars in the darkness, says the Lord, for all to see that they
come to you, says the Lord. Therefore,
speak those things to them that I have shown you, says the Lord, that they can
understand the time that they’re living in, says the Lord and that they have a
hope and their hope is in me, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, don’t be bashful, but shine, says the Lord.
For, yes, many things are coming in the
days ahead, many things that I have warned you about and said that would take
place. So now is your time to shine
like never before, now is your time to walk closer with me than ever before, now
is the time to tell others about me. For
truly the harvest is ripe and it is time for it now to come in and people will
come, they will come, they will come, and my miracles they will flow, they will
flow, they will flow. But many
other things will also be taking place at that time, but do not fear them.
For remember that you go through this time victoriously, be excited about
what is ahead, for truly it is at hand.
11-9-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, out of
all the things I’ve created I’ve created you the most beautiful, says the
Lord. When you take a look around
and see the things around the world, I’ve created you greater than that, says
the Lord. Therefore, I say unto
you, be all that I have said and created you to be, says the Lord.
Do not fear or become or be concerned about what man says or does, but remember that my ways are far above man’s ways. Learn to trust me more than ever before and not let the circumstances around you affect you. For remember I have said I would take you through the days ahead victoriously, I knew what they had laid ahead for you even when you did not. So realize that I have already made a way through them, trust me like never before and see how I will do everything I have said that I would do, even in the days you are living in now, saith the Lord.
11-6-2022 am service
What do you need from me, says the Lord,
what do you need today, says the Lord? Do
you not know I have everything that you have need of that I never leave you
wanting, I never leave you, I never leave you, for I am always here.
As you reach out unto me I will give unto you everything that you have
need of, says the Lord. For I have
said I would be your abba Father, I am you abba Father, says the Lord. Come unto me, come unto me, come unto me, give it unto me
today, says the Lord, do not carry it any longer, but I say unto you, give it
unto me, whatever you have need of I will be there for you. If you need rest I will give you rest, if it is peace I will
give you peace, if it’s joy I will give you joy, if it is love I have all the
love you need, if you need answers I will give you answers.
For I have all the wisdom, I have all the knowledge, as you come unto me,
the Lord says, I will give unto you everything that you have need of, just come
to me, come to me.
For yes, truly, my children, I am all
that you have need of, you need not to look elsewhere, but to look to me first,
for I can move upon your behalf when man cannot, I can supply when man cannot, I
can move the mountains when man cannot, I can make a way through the wilderness
when man cannot, I can make rivers run through the valleys when man cannot, I
can move and hold the waters back and man cannot, I can do all things and man
cannot claim that, but yet I can. So
why trust in something else, why not trust in me first?
For truly you are in a day and an hour when you need to know how to trust
me more than ever before that you can walk hand in hand with me and do all that
I have called you to do. For truly
this is a great day and this is a great hour and I am pouring out My Spirit upon
those who will receive, upon those who are faithful, upon those who will do what
I called. For today is that day,
receive the fullness of what I have for you, my children, for truly you need it
for the days ahead.
For I say unto you, my children, it’s
the hour of My Spirit, therefore it puts down the sounds of the shovels of the
flesh, says the Lord. For fleshly
works cannot save you, fleshly are now not needed, says the Lord, for I’ve
poured out My Spirit, says the Lord, this is the hour of My Spirit, says the
Lord, all things must be done by My Spirit, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, drop the works of the flesh, drop that fleshly
shovel and take up My Spirit, says the Lord.
11-6-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, continue
to meditate upon me and upon my word, says the Lord, continue to walk in the
things and the ways I have given unto you, the promises I’ve given unto you,
says the Father God. Therefore, I
say unto you, don’t let go; don’t look to the left or to the right, but stay
fast on me, says the Lord.
Stand fast in my word for my word will
carry you through the days ahead. Remember
I have given you power when you speak forth my word, but you must speak forth my
word not some other word but my word. For
I have said you can call those things that be not as if they were and they shall
be, that is the power of my word. I
have given unto you that power and I have given unto you that authority, and if
you’ll use it the way I have said and not for your own benefit but to do the
work and carry out the work that I have laid before you, then it shall come to
pass at its fullest, then it shall come to pass, for it is that time and it is
that hour.
11-2-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, know
that I am God and I am here, says the Lord, and I will never depart from you,
says the Lord, for I charge my angels round about you and keep you safe, says
the Lord. Therefore, adhere to me,
cling to me, says the Lord, stand on my word, know my word and watch, says the
Lord, as you go through this time victoriously, says the Lord.
Great, great, great are the things in
store for you, great, great, great, I say.
Get ready for the things I am going to do, for if you have been walking
with me and doing what I have said then you are in the place to receive great,
saith the Lord. For truly these
days were set aside that I could pour out My Spirit upon all flesh and that my
blessings would be poured upon the faithful.
Are you one of the faithful, then be prepared to see my blessings come
like never before. For, yes, it is that time and it is that hour and my word is
being fulfilled just like I said, continue to be faithful and do what I have
said and watch as I begin to move upon your behalf, says the Lord.
Etc etc etc be in, all you have to do is reach out to me, says the Lord, for my word says I will hear, I will never leave you nor forsake you and I will be here to the very end. So reach out to me for I am here, says the Lord.
10-10-2022 am service
Arise and shine for my light has come,
for the glory has risen upon you. Do you not understand what I have done for you, do you not
see, do you not hear, for I have given unto you everything, I’ve made a
covenant with my people. But I said
unto you, I have given unto you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and
over all the power of the enemy. But
too many look at what they see instead of what the say.
For I have told you to walk by faith and not by sight, I have told you to
speak my word with confidence and boldness, but will I only manifest myself
through you and in you to the amount of confidence and faith that you have in my
word. You need not consult prophets
and priests anymore, for I’ve raised a generation of priests and prophets that
will glorify me in these last days. You
will walk and you will raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and heal the sick.
For I have told you I will speak to you, and did not my Son say that all
that the Father has made known unto me, I will make known unto you?
Children, I say unto you, the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few,
therefore go into all the world and preach the gospel, heal the sick, cleanse
the lepers and raise the dead. Stretch
forth your hands and see that I am with you, but speak with a boldness, do not
be polluted with the things of this earth, but know that I have given unto you
power and the time is great, the time is great for the harvest, for I am coming
soon children, so work quickly while there is time.
For I say unto you, my children, if I be
for you who can be against you, says the Lord, for you stand with me, says the
Lord. Therefore, I also say unto
you, when I speak those things that be not as though they are.
Therefore, I say unto you, everything that I have promised you has been
done, says the Lord, it’s up to you to stand on those promises and consider
them as done, says the Lord, believe them as being done and watch, watch, says
the Lord.
Yes truly for you shall see these things
come to pass that I have spoken and many will watch in amazement because they
did not believe. But for those who
have stood upon my word, for those who have expected to see, you shall see those
things, saith the Lord, and I will be able to use you abundantly and I will be
able to move upon your behalf abundantly and I will be able to bring in those
blessings, I will be able to fulfill those promises that I have given unto you
because you were faithful. For it
is the faithful that I look for, it is the faithful that I need, for I can work
through them when I cannot work through others, because they have set aside
their own agenda’s and said here I am Lord use me and that is what I desire
and that is what I am looking for. For
truly I desire to move upon you in a mighty and powerful way, I desire for you
to do great things for me, but you can only do those things if you get self out
of the way first and that is my desire, saith the Lord, that is my desire, that
is my desire.
10-10-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, my love
is everywhere, you can’t escape my love, says the Lord, for I am love,
everything you see is because I love you, says the Lord.
Do you love me, get into my word, says the Lord and see how much I do
love you.
For I watch over my word to perform it, that is done because I love you, therefore when I speak I watch over my word and make sure that I carry it out and bring it to pass according to my word as it was written. For truly it is a great day and a great hour that you are now walking in, far greater than you can understand or realize at this moment, but you shall surely see it come quickly. For truly remember what I told you would take place and suddenly things would begin to change, suddenly things would begin to take off, suddenly people would begin flood in and that suddenly is almost here. Be ready for the things that are ahead, for truly they are great, but I have told you about them already. So do not be caught off guard, but prepare your hearts now for what I am about to do, saith the Lord.
10-23-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, the
things in which you praise are the things that are high in your life, says the
Lord, so when you praise and worship me I am your life, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, draw from me, for my strength is yours to draw
from, says the Lord. Therefore, do
the things that I have sent you forth to do and praise me in all things, says
the Lord.
For do you not know when you speak forth
my praise, when you sing forth my praise that the enemy flees, the enemy flees,
it’s the key, my children, that you need to know and you need to run with
every single day. For when you
praise me the enemy is nowhere near you, but when you speak the words of doubt,
when you speak the words of unbelief I am not there.
For I am only there in the praises of my people, I am there when you are
lifting me up and giving me glory, for I am your Father, I am your God, for I
have given unto you my promises, I’ve given unto you my word and you must know
my word so you can truly walk, yes, that you can truly walk in the freedom that
I have given unto you. For as you
know my word and as you live in my word it will fill your whole entire being,
does not my word say that? Oh, I
say unto you, know my word and speak forth my word, for when you praise me, when
you praise me, when you praise me the enemy has no room in your life nor does he
have any space. Know my word and
know what I have said and as you come into my presence will I not fill you with
all that I have given unto you, have not I said that there is joy in my presence
and there is peace in my presence, there is healing in my presence, there is
everything you need in my presence? Oh,
I say unto you, my children, do not come into my presence just on Sundays or
Wednesdays or whenever you feel like it, but I say unto you, come into my
presence on a daily basis that I can give unto you what you need today and every
day, says the Lord.
For I desire for you to be closer now
than ever before because of the time and the hour you are now in, but realize I
have great things in store for you and I desire to pour those out upon you, but
you must be walking with me, you must be doing what I have said and not what you
want. For it is that time and it is
that hour and great things are in store for my people, great things are is store
for my church, great things are in store for those who have put all of their
trust and all their confidence in me and many are seeing these things coming to
pass. But are all seeing it, for
all should be seeing it, for it is that time now and it is that hour, but most
have not done what I have said. But,
I say unto you, draw closer, draw closer, draw closer, for truly it is that time
now and it is that hour now. Therefore,
you must walk closely with me, you must be in my house when the doors are open,
you must be in my presence on a daily basis.
For, truly, I can fill you when you’re in my presence, I can fill you
to overflowing, but when you’re not in my presence I cannot do those things.
And may need to be filled on a daily basis, for once a week in not
enough, twice a week is not enough, but you must be filled daily.
Allow me to do those things for you that you can walk through this time
victoriously, for you truly are the overcomers, I have called you to be the head
and not the tail, I have called you to be above and not beneath and yet many are
satisfied with walking the lower walk that I have said they don’t need to.
But, truly, I desire to change all that around and if you’ll come
closer to me I will do those things for you, saith the Lord.
10-23-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, let go
of those things that you trust in over me, says the Lord and watch as I move,
says the Lord, watch as I supply, says the Lord, watch as I supply all the
things that you have ever had need of, says the Lord.
You will have no cares for I shall take care of you, says the Lord, you
shall not want for I shall take care of you, says the Lord, but make me your all
in all, says the Lord.
For yes, truly, as the praises go up the
walls come down, as the praises go up circumstances change, as the praises go up
the gates of heaven are opened wide. So
allow the praises to go up, allow the praises to go up, let yourself be loosed
of those things that are holding you back, let yourself be loosed of those
things and receive the freedom that I have for you this night.
Receive the freedom, receive the abundance, receive the outpouring,
receive the fullness of what I have for you, saith the Lord.
For, truly, it is that time and it is that hour and I desire to pour My
Spirit upon you and you are there right at that point where you can receive.
So let go, let go, let go and receive the fullness, saith the Lord.
For the act of surrendering of the past,
surrendering, a surrendering of everything unto me that when you do that you
become free, you become free like you have never become free before, and when
you do that you become free like you have never become free before.
As you surrender yourself to me you take that new step, says the Lord, a
new step, a new step, for it’s all I have for you for this hour and time. Rid
yourself of the things that you don’t need, shake off the weights that hold
you down, release yourself unto me, says the Lord, release yourself unto me. For I have great and mighty things in store for you, for it
is not by chance that you’re hear, it’s not by chance that you’re here,
says the Lord, for I’ve called you for such a time as this. Do you not know that I have acquitted you, I’ve given parts
of you everything that you have need of that you can walk, that you can walk,
yes, that you can walk as I’ve called you to walk for this hour and this time.
So when you give unto me your hallelujah that’s a surrender, says the
Lord. You realize who I am, for all
I have done on your behalf and what I am expected to do.
Oh, I say unto you, give unto me your all; for I desire all of you, says
the Lord, I desire all of you. And
as you open up yourself I shall fill you, it shall not be something that man
does nor will it be something that you do, but it is something that I, Almighty
God, shall impart to you even this night. So
as you continue to take a step of obedience expect a great touch from me, expect
a newness of life, says the Lord. For
from this moment on you shall be changed, you shall notice a greater anointing;
you shall notice a change from this moment on.
For I have called you, says the Lord, and I have appointed you for this
hour and this time, great, great is the work that I have called you to. For I have said that you shall be joined together as one and
mighty are the things that I am going to do for you. For I have called each and every single one of you, so as you
surrender unto me this night, says the Lord, you will see, you will see, you
will see, as I perform what I have promised I will do for you. Etc,(transcribing
recording: can’t make out some words much background noise) etc, says the
Lord, when you have all that I have done this day from the youngest one to the
oldest one, when you surrender unto me you give me your all and I give unto you
my all, says the Lord. So be there,
be etc, surrender to me tonight, for I shall use you, even the youngest to the
oldest, I will etc etc to you, says the Lord.
For I have anointed you, I have called you for such a time as this, says
the Lord.
For you see it is as simple as entering in and how a simple hallelujah got you to the place where the chains began to fall, but remember even Paul and Silas sat in jail and began to praise me and the chains fell off and the doors swung open wide. So you see it is simply that easy, it’s not hard at all and that you can enter into that realm, even right now, just by entering in as some have already gotten into that place, but others still need to get there, but you can, you can, you can. Don’t hold back, but allow your voice to be released, allow your spirit to be released, allow the chains to fall off, allow the gates to come open that you can come out of that dungeon into the place that I have called for you to be. For you are a child of Almighty God and it is not my desire that you walk and live in bondage, but it is my desire that you are free and to be free indeed and now is the time, now is the hour. See what I am doing, see what I am doing all around you, how I am setting the captives free, how I am moving you into a new realm now, into a new hour and a new time and then you can enter into the fullness of that, that is my desire for you, saith the Lord, to enter into the fullness of the things that I have.
10-19-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, my joy
is your strength and it’s important for you to retain that joy that I have
given unto you, says the Lord, especially in the days and the hours ahead, says
the Lord. For as you smile and show
your joy you shall show strength, says the Lord and give strength to those
around you and they shall come to me for that strength, says the Lord.
Allow me to fill you with the things that
you have need of for this time and for this hour, allow yourselves to be filled
to overflowing. Remember the things
that I have already given you, for all the fruit of the Spirit are already yours
if you allow them to operate to there fullest extent in your life.
Remember I have made a way for you in this time and this hour, learn to
trust me like never before, for I will never lead you astray, I will always lead
you to victory.
10-16-2022 am service
Does not my word say all of you who are
heavy-laden come unto me and I will give you rest? Oh, I say unto you, know my
word, as you come unto me I will give unto you rest, I will give unto you
anything that you have need of. For I am, I am your Father and I am here for you and desire
that you walk in the fullness of my word that I give unto you.
My word says I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will be
with you to the very end. Oh, I say
unto you, know my word my children like never before, for I am here for you, I
am your Father, I am your God, I will not ever forsake you, for as you come unto
me find my love, find my joy, find my peace, for they are everlasting, they
never leave, they never go. But, I
say unto you, come unto me, for I am all that you have need of, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, my
presence is here and I am here to heal, says the Lord, whatever you have need
of, says the Lord, come and receive what I have for you whether it be rest,
peace, safety, I have it, says the Lord. Come and receive the things that I have for you today.
For did you come here to meet with me,
then I am here to meet with you, I have everything that you have need of.
For I know your needs even to the smallest or the least of them and yet I
desire to move upon you and take care of even those minor things, for I also
desire to do a work in you like never before to make you ready for the things
that are coming, to prepare you to be the warrior for me that I have called for
you to be. For it is not by chance
that you are here today, for truly I have called you to this place for this time
and for this hour, allow me to move upon you that I can do the things that need
to be done, saith the Lord.
10-16-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, open
your hearts and keep them open, says the Lord, for me to enter in and give you
the things that you have need of, says the Lord.
For these days ahead you’re going to need your eyes and your ears set
upon me, says the Lord, your heart set upon me open to me, says the Lord.
For great things are about to take place, says the Lord, therefore be
ready and have your heart ready, says the Lord.
For yes, truly, I am with you each and
every step of the way; regardless of the things that you go through I am there
with you. For I will never leave
you or forsake you, but at times you don’t look to me, but I am right there
and you can call out to me at any moment and I can deliver you from that turmoil
that you’re in. But realize the
things that are ahead are far worse than anything ever seen before, therefore
you need to walk closer to my side than ever before that you can hear me, that
you can call out to me, that you can be under the hedge of my protection.
For truly the days are very, very dark, but yet it has been recorded in
my word and a great shaking is coming, a great shaking that shall wake the world
up, but the church should be ready, the church should see it coming because they
have been warned long ago, they have been shown very clearly.
But where is the church, saith the Lord, but it is asleep and I have
called for it to awaken and for those that have not awakened they too shall be
shaken. For it is that time now and
it is that hour now for My Spirit to be poured out on the land, but before that
can happen a shaking must come first.
Draw into my word like never before, for
the days shall become dark, they will become dark and doctrines of demons shall
have crossed the land. But, I say, those that know my word shall be strong and do
exploits, those that know me shall walk with me and I with them, but I say, seek
me, seek me now for the hour is at hand, for soon the clock shall strike
midnight and I tell you even now prepare yourself my bride, prepare for the
bridegroom cometh.
10-12-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, remember
who I am and I am always here for you, says the Lord, no matter what you’re
going through I’m here for you, says the Lord.
Let your request be known unto me, says the Lord, talk to me, speak to me
and I’ll carry you through, says the Lord.
For yes, truly, I love you with an
everlasting love and it is my desire that you are victorious, it is my desire
that you are the overcomer and I have done everything on my part to make that
so, all you have to do is put all of your trust, all of your confidence in me.
Don’t focus on the circumstances, don’t look at things in the
natural, but realize I have things taken care of.
For, yes, I have already made a way for you, I already have a plan in
place that you can be victorious, that you can be blessed, that you can be the
overcomer. Walk in that way I have
already made for you, walk closely by my side, for I desire to speak unto you, I
desire to hear you talk to me and have that conversation.
Call upon me and let me know what things you have need of and I will move
upon your behalf, saith the Lord. For
truly I love you with an everlasting love.
10-9-2022 am service
Recharge yourself etc so full of me that
all that you can do is spill out to others, for it is that time for you to go
out and share my love with others. For
I have called you for a special time and a special purpose, for it is not time
for you to lag, it is not time for you to lag, but it is time for you to run
forward, run forward, for the things that I have for you are great.
For you may think, oh you’re done with me, for I am not done with you,
says the Lord, for I have great and mighty things in store for you yet. Oh, I say unto you, follow me like never before, recharge
yourself with my word, with My Spirit that you might go forward with might and
power. For yes, I have called you
for such a time as this, share my love with those around you, for do you not
know that it is my love that covers a multitude of sins, it is my love that will
even cause the hardest heart to turn unto me?
Oh, I say unto you, my children, know who I am, flow in My Spirit, for I
have given unto you My Spirit for this hour and this time.
Know that I am sending you forth, I am sending you forth, for it is not
time for you to just sit back and do nothing, says the Lord, but it is time for
you to continue, to continue to work with me, to continue, continue, continue,
for I am not done, says the Lord, I am not done.
For I say unto you, my children, how much
of yourselves will you offer me, says the Lord, a quarter, a half, three
quarters, all of yourself, says the Lord? I
desire all of you, says the Lord, your whole heart, because I gave you all of
mine, says the Lord. Therefore, I
say unto you, let me fill you to overflowing, says the Lord.
This just confirms what, this word
confirms what has already been prophesied that it may be establish among two or
three witnesses. Do you want it to
be on earth as it is in heaven, do you want to fulfilled that which is written
upon your scroll, do you want to complete the vision that I gave your servant,
my servant, your pastor Don Evans, then a greater sacrifice will be asked of you
both individually and in the cooperate body of Christ, even those who are
receiving from afar. For as I
called the twelve I am calling you and inviting you into a baptism of fire and
of my glory and it is costly, the halfhearted need not apply.
For to accomplish what is on your scroll I require of you an undivided
heart, for it is a bridal call, I am fulfilling what is written even now in your
midst, for it is written, I indeed baptize you with water, but there is one who
is one mightier than I whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose and he will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire, his winnowing fan is in his hand
and he will thoroughly clean out his threshing floor and gather the wheat into
his barn, the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire and only then that which
can endure the fire will remain. As
Peter and John went up into the temple in Jerusalem at the hour of prayer, so I
am calling you to an hour of prayer. Seek
me on this and I will reveal the time that you might bring to me a complete
sacrifice. For my whaling fan is in
my hand and my church I will sift, seek me and allow me to search out the hidden
things that you would come before me without spot or wrinkle.
I’m establishing my kingdom and my servants will inherit it, do not
fear those that can kill the body, but fear him who has power to cast into hell
and power to save.
For my word has gone out and it always
does what it is called forth to do. Even as I have released the judgment to now come and some
have begun to see those things and you will see it.
But remember that it is for those who are not walking with me, that is
for those who have not done what I have said, that is for the lukewarm, that is
for the unsaved, that is for those who have a form of Godliness but deny the
very power, for truly I will have nothing to do with that.
For my power will flow through my called and anointed in a mighty and
powerful way, for I have told you, you would know, you would know, you would
know, because those that I have called and I have anointed would have the power,
those who are working of themselves would not.
Even though they sounded good, they would have no works, they would be
fruitless and even my word tells you, you can tell the difference between those
that bear fruit and those that do not bear fruit.
But it is a time and an hour now to get refocused upon the call and the
vision, for is will be carried out, and yes, the choice is yours whether you
want to answer the call and come along with me or you want to do something else. For I have not called you to sit on sidelines, I have not
called you to watch from afar, I have called you to be in the midst, I have
called you to a great calling, a great calling, a great calling, one not to be
take lightly. For it was set aside
since the foundation of the earth and even though things have changed I knew all
along what would happen and what would take place and I made an appointment
before then, saith the Lord, because I already knew.
Will you answer the call that I have given, will you go as I have said
go, will you lay aside those things that are taking your attention away from
what I am trying to do? Will you
come closer to me, will you receive the fullness of the things that I have for
you, for truly that is for now that you can go forth and do all that I have
called for you to do. For it
wasn’t until the disciples received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that
they went forth and really did produce the fruit.
Yes, I sent them forth before that, but didn’t produce the fruit like
they did after, even their testimonies changed after and look at all the people
that came in because of the few that I was allowed to use.
Will you allow me to use you like that, will you put all other things
aside and give me the time now, for truly it is that hour, saith the Lord.
10-9-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, keep
your eyes on me and what I a doing, says the Lord, for I’m doing great things,
says the Lord, if you’re watching and looking, and waiting, says the Lord.
In the meantime do what I have called you to do, says the Lord, for we
shall all come together, says the Lord, at the appointed time.
10-5-2022 pm service
For my children, I say unto you, you’re
always in my safety, but when you are with me there is nothing that can touch
you, says the Lord. For, I say unto
you, the things that are coming upon this world are not for you, for I’m going
to take you out of here, says the Lord, not too long from now.
For, I say unto you, look and rejoice for you’re going to have a
victorious time, says the Lord.
Look forward to the victory that I have in store for you, for there are many great things that are in store for you. Not so for the world, but I have warned you about those things and now they are drawing much closer than ever before and you are beginning to see some of those things, but you are not seeing the fullness of them yet. But do not fear those things, but remember, remember I have great things in store for you my people, for those who are walking by my side, for those who are doing what I have said. For it is that time, saith the Lord, it is that time, be excited, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, draw
close to me so that I can draw close to you, says the Lord, for the days that
you are living in are the days you need to know who I am, says the Lord, and who
you are. Therefore, I say unto you,
let my Son direct you, says the Lord.
Don’t wait for Sunday to come into my
presence, says the Lord, for I say unto you, get quiet times that you can hear
from me that you can know that I am near by.
For you need to be in my presence on a daily basis, you need to know that
I am carrying you through these days ahead, for yes, you walk in dark times, but
does not my word say that I am with you even until the very end?
You need to know my love, you need to know my provisions, you need to
know my presence that you can receive what I have for you on a daily basis.
Get into my word like never before, do not allow your oil to run dry,
says the Lord, but I say unto you, get into my word and keep your oil flowing,
for it is not an hour to slack off, but it is an hour to press in like never
before. For I have great and mighty
things for you my children, great and mighty things. Therefore, I say unto you, look into me, I am your source, I
am all that you have need of and I will be true to my word, for I do not fail,
says the Lord.
Hold fast to the vision that I have given
to you, for yes, I will lead you, I guide you, I will direct you every step of
the way. There is nothing that you
need to fear, for I am there with you, I have already made a way where there
wasn’t a way before or there seemed to be no way.
For my way always works when you do what I have said and you follow after
me. Fear not the days you are
living in, fear not what is ahead, but remember what I have already promised you
and I look over those promises to make sure they come to complete fulfillment.
So do not forget them, but remember what I have already said, for truly,
truly, the hour is now at hand.
10-2-2022 pm service
For when you worship me the enemy has to
leave, do you not know that my children, for the enemy cannot stand in my
presence. Therefore, I say unto
you, learn to worship me even sooner than what you are already, for when the
enemy comes against you get my worship within your heart and speak forth my
words out of your mouth that he might flee from you that very moment.
For my word is sure, it’s everlasting, it does not change, do you know
this my children? Therefore, I say
unto you, get into my word like never before, for I have made you the overcomers
already, you don’t need to become them, I already made you them.
Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and walk, walk, walk as I have called
you to walk, for this is the hour, for I need you walking as my giants, knowing
my word, marching forward, for I have great things in store for you.
Do not fear, do not fear, for when the enemy throws things at you do not
walk in fear but, I say unto you, allow your faith, my faith to rise within you
for it is not your faith it is my faith. For
I am the one, I am the one that shall carry you through, my etc, says the Lord.
For you cannot do anything without me.
Therefore, I say unto you, look to me for I am your source of strength, I
am everything that you have need of. Worship
me; worship me, for as you come to worship me the enemy has to flee, says the
For I say unto you, my children, is not
my word filled with those who worship me and how the victories came, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, be
like that, says the Lord, don’t look at the enemy, don’t look at the
circumstances, but look to me and praise me for who I am, says the Lord.
For your enemy is a defeated foe, but I am the God of all Gods, says the
Lord, and I defeated him. Therefore,
I say unto you, did I not create him, therefore I am over him and I defeated
him, says the Lord.
Whether you realize it or not I have it
all under control, wait patiently for me, for I will speak to you at the moment
when it is time to move forward into the realm of all that I have called you
into. For you will see the fullness
of the things that I have said, you will see the miracles, you will see the
healings, you will see the deliverance. For all the promises that have been given must be fulfilled,
otherwise I am not God. For I spoke
those promises, I set them for an appointed time and a appointed hour and you
are in the midst of that time now, therefore you must see those things come to
pass. For very quickly you will see
things take place in the world that will be unbearable for many, but yet I have
warned you that they would come. For
they are appointed for a day and for an hour and that day is soon approaching.
Do not fear the things that shall come, but remember I have already made
a way where you could be victorious, I have made a way where you can be the
overcomer, I have already taken care of those things because I love you with an
everlasting love. All you
have to do is trust me, walk according to my word, walk according to my
promises, for truly I shall carry you through the days ahead, saith the Lord.
9-25-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, I have
fresh oil for you every day, says the Lord, every day is a new day, says the
Lord, and I have new for you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, come and receive the things I have for you,
says the Lord.
For yes, truly, it is a new time and a
new hour and the old won’t work, the old is running out, it’s time for the
new, it’s time for the fresh, it’s time for the things that I have for you,
saith the Lord. Do not reject them,
but receive them, for they are needed for this time and for this hour, for this
time and for this hour, saith the Lord.
9-25-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, I love
you, I love you with an everlasting love, says the Lord, and I desire is for you
to go through this time victoriously, says the Lord, the world will not know
what’s going on, but I’ll tell you what’s going on.
My Spirit is going to be poured out without measure, says the Lord, and
they’re going to get caught up in it, says the Lord and they’re going to
come and they’re going to come and they’re going come because it’s this
time, it’s this hour, says the Lord. Therefore,
make yourselves ready in your hearts and know that this is my greatest hour and
it shall be your greatest hour.
Remember the song that I gave you, how
the revival would start here like a whirlwind it would go around the world, but
from this place, from this altar. For
I have placed a mighty anointing upon this place, a mighty calling, a calling
like no others and it is now that time and it is that hour so expect to see
these things take place, be ready to receive when you come into my house.
For truly that is my desire to meet with you every time you come, but
sadly some come and are not ready to meet with me, they don’t have their
expectations set and I say, set your expectations high.
For truly I desire to meet with you in a mighty and powerful way, far
greater than ever before, for truly I have called this time to be far greater
than anything ever seen before. So
if you come with that expectation that you’re going to see and experience
things far greater than ever before then I can move upon your behalf like I
haven’t been able to. For truly
that is my desire, for it is now that time and it is now that hour and it is my
desire for you to walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, saith
the Lord.
9-21-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
not forgotten my promises, have you forgotten the promises that I have for you,
says the Lord? Remember those
things that I have promised you and you shall have them, says the Lord.
Doesn’t my word say forget not my benefits, are not my promises part of the benefits and yet those are only part of what you are entitled to and there is so much more you can receive and it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of those things. Do what I have said, stand upon my word, expect to see those things come to pass, expect them, expect them, expect them and you shall see them, saith the Lord.
9-18-2022 am service
For anything that you have need of, etc
etc, for I am all that you have need of, do you not know that, do you not
realize that? Do you not know the
power that I have given unto you in my name, my mighty name, that is able to
deliver, that is able to set free, that is able to break the chains of the
enemy, that is able to bring peace, that is able to give love, do you not know
my name? Oh, I say unto you, it is
an hour to draw close unto me like never before, draw close, for many of you
say, Lord, I’m drawing close, but yet are you drawing close, are you spending
the time with me that I desire, that I deserve? Therefore, I say unto you, look unto me, says the Lord, for I
truly am all that you have need of, when you realize that you will not lack nor
will you walk in need but you will have more than enough, more than enough, says
the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, my name
is power to those who believe, says the Lord, but to those that don’t believe
they don’t believe, they won’t see the things that I have given unto them,
says the Lord. But the believer
shall receive those things, for they believe.
Therefore, I say, keep believing and keep pressing into me, says the
For what has my word said, what have I
showed you and spoken unto you, yet many have their own ideas and their own
agendas and they forget that I placed my leadership over them to show them my
plan that you should follow after it. Pray that it becomes your vision, pray that it becomes your
plan that you can carry out the work that I desire for you to do.
For even though my servant has gone home I will raise up my team to go
forward and fulfill the calling that I have placed upon this ministry.
But you cannot move forward in your own agenda, you cannot move forward
with your own ideas, your own goals and you own visions.
But you can only move forward if you align yourself with me, if you align
yourself with my vision, if you align yourself with my goal.
You must do that to move forward, for I will not be able to use you if
you do not align yourself with me. For
I will give you the revelation that you have need of, I will speak unto you, I
will lead you, I will guide you, I will direct you like I always have.
For some, yes, it will seem much different than it was before, for you
always looked unto your leader, but I am your leader and you should look unto
me, for I will show you everything that you need to know, saith the Lord.
9-18-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, you are
not ignorant of the hour, says the Lord, for I have given you the hour that you
are in, says the Lord, you remember what I said to you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, get ready for the time is about to come where
you need to know who you are, says the Lord, no more dilly dallying back and
forth of who I am and who you are, you are who I said you are.
You need to know who you are, says the Lord, be ready, be ready, for the
time is at hand, says the Lord.
Do not allow the enemy to sway you to the
right or the left or get you off the track that I have placed you on, but
remember to trust my leading and guiding and direction.
For truly if the Spirit is within you, then the Spirit should be leading
you if you allow it. Seek my face like never before in this time and this hour
now, for it is time that you draw closer than ever before, that you can hear my
very whisper unto you that when I speak you hear and there is no doubt, there is
no question. For truly I desire
that close walk with you, I desire that closeness even as husband and wife
desire the closeness of each other. So
I desire a closeness with my people and it is that time and that hour that I
have told you about would come when you needed to walk closely by my side, when
you needed to be in the Spirit realm at all times and not be following after the
flesh or the things of the flesh. For
it is time now to be about the Father’s business, it is time now to see the
plan through, it is time now to come closer to me, saith the Lord.
9-14-2022 pm service
For yes, truly, I am faithful to you, but
are you always faithful to me, where is your heart, does it follow after me?
For truly that is my desire, for if you love me you will follow after me,
you’ll do what I have called you to do, but often times many other loves come
before me, but that is not my desire. For
I first loved you and, therefore, I gave my only Son for you that you could have
life and that more abundantly, that you could walk as the overcomer, that you
could walk as the victor, that you could be all that I have called you to be.
And that is my desire for you to walk in that way that I have already
prepared for you. So you see you
don’t have to do it on your own, because I have already done it for you, all
you have to do is follow after me, for that is my desire.
For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I’ve made that way
for you and I am faithful to you, will you not also be faithful to me, saith the
9-11-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, your
heart is all that I desire, says the Lord, for when your heart is in me, says
the Lord, my word is in your heart, says the Lord, and you are my desire, says
the Lord. Therefore, I say unto
you, press into me, says the Lord.
For, yes, it is truly time to draw closer
than ever before, for darkness is sweeping across the face of the earth and if
you’re not walking closely by my side will you not be caught up in some of
those things? But it is my desire
to watch over you and protect you and see to it that you fulfill everything that
I have called for you to do. So, my
children, walk closely by my side, do not be swayed to the right or swayed to
the left, but stay the course, stay the course, stay the course.
For truly the end is closely approaching, and for some, you can even see
it beyond the horizon, but yet there is work left to be done, there is work left
to be done and I have placed a great calling upon you, I have placed that
calling upon you and you can fulfill that.
But you must walk closely by my side, you must follow after my directions
and not man’s, you must do what I have said, but, yes, you can do those.
For I have given you everything that you have need of to be victorious, I
have made it so you can prosper, I have made it so you can become the overcomer,
but walk closely by my side, saith the Lord.
9-11-2022 pm service
For my word does not ever change, do not
waver in your faith, says the Lord, but I say keep going strong with me, keep
running ahead, keep going forward, do not stop, do not lag, do not go to the
right or the left. But, I say unto
you, run with me, for I have a great and mighty work for you to do, says the
Lord. Press in unto me like never before, know that I am faithful, I do not
change, I am the same yesterday today and forever, was I God yesterday, then I
am still God today and I will continue to be your God.
Do you trust me, do you, do you put your trust in me, do you know me to
the fullest extent, if you don’t, I say unto you, it is time to know me, says
the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, don’t
let the burdens of the world to weight you down, says the Lord, for you’re
children of the light. Therefore, I
say unto you, cast your burden upon me that you can be light, says the Lord, and
soar like that eagle I have called you to be, says the Lord.
Don’t be weighted down, says the Lord, remember who you are in me, says
the Lord.
For time and hour has not changed, for
remember I said your time is at hand, that time is now and it is my desire that
you move forward and fulfill the calling that I gave.
For truly there is no one that has been here in this time before,
therefore all direction must come from above.
For do not allow man to come in and tell you it needs to be done this way
or that way, for receive your directions directly from me.
For remember I should be ordering your steps, I should be directing you
and leading, guiding you. For you have My Spirit within you, allow him to lead
and guide you. And if you don’t
have that Spirit, get it, because you need it for this time and for this hour,
more than ever before you need it that you can be lead and guided by My Spirit,
for truly the hour is at hand, saith the Lord.
9-4-2022 am service
For my name is exalted above all others,
says the Lord, there is no other God but me, I am the only one, for I am the
Almighty God, I know all things. Therefore,
I say unto you my children, worship me like never before, know who I am, do not
just think that you know who I am, but I say unto you, know me, know who I am,
get into my word like never before, speak my word out of your mouth, do not let
any negativity to come out of your mouth but only my word. Allow my praises to
come to your soul, allow my praise to flood out of your mouth that the enemy has
no victory that you walk in the complete victory that I have given unto you,
says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, know me, draw close unto me, draw close unto me, for the hour is
now, the hour is now, it is not then, draw close unto like never before.
For I will take you through the days ahead, but you must know me, you
must walk in my ways.
For I say unto you, my children, the
signs are all over of my soon return, says the Lord.
Where are you at, says the Lord, you must be with me, hallelujah, says
the Lord, come to me, come to me, come to me, now is the time, says the Lord,
press in, press in, press in.
For, yes, truly the hour is at hand, the
hour is at hand, and great and mighty things are in store for my people, great
and mighty things, great things, great things, great things, great things.
And oh how I love to hear your praises, when you praise me then I can
unlock the heavens and release my blessings upon you, I can release my provision
to you, I can release my healing, my miracles, I can release those things unto
you, saith the Lord. For I love to
hear the praises of my people and it brings great joy to my heart.
So do not be down, but be lifted up, be lifted up, be lifted up, for soon
your redemption draweth nigh, saith the Lord.
9-4-2022 pm service
I say unto you, my children, I am the
rock on which you live on, says the Lord, without me you cannot stand.
Therefore, I say unto you, stand on me, live on me, breathe in me, says
the Lord, do what I have told you to do, says the Lord.
For am I not everything you have need of,
have I not done everything already for you that you can walk victoriously and be
overcomers? But, yes, all it takes
is walking the way that I have already prepared, the way that I have made for
you. For, truly, I have called you
to be overcomers, I have called you to be victors, I have called you to walk as
the head and not the tail above and not beneath, I have called you to greater
things and greater things you shall now do, saith the Lord.
So be not afraid of the things that you see taking place in the world, do
not fear those things, for remember I have told you there would be things that
would come to pass and it is now that time and it is now that hour.
But continue to move forward and do what I have said, saith the Lord.
Do not fear the hour that you are living in, but I say unto you, know that my peace passes all understanding, for as you speak forth my name fear has to leave at the name of Jesus, everything must bow at the name of Jesus, do you not know that my children? Do not dwell on the things that are taking place in the world. I say unto you, your eyes need to be on me, I am your source, am I not? Therefore, I say unto you, trust me, for I am faithful and I will always be faithful unto you. I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, do not look at the storms around you, but I say, keep your eyes upon me, be steadfast upon me, says the Lord, for I am all that you have need of. Remember that I am all that you have need of, as you call upon me I will answer you, I will give unto you everything that you have need of, does not my word say that? Therefore, I remind you of my promises that I have given unto you, for I am faithful and I always will be, says the Lord, call upon me and I will answer you.
8-31-2022 pm service
etc not just when you come to church, but
I desire that you hear and know my voice, for the days that you are living in
you need to know and listen to my voice. As
you come unto me, my children, I will fill you, I will give unto you all that
you have need of. Therefore, I
challenge you; I challenge you to press into me with everything that you have,
for I will not leave you disappointed. For
I will give what you need, I will give you what you need for this time and year,
I will equip you, I will give you boldness, I will give you strength, I will
give you peace, you will find yourself speaking to others around you my words
and you are going to look beck and you are etc.
So, I say unto you, draw close to me, draw close to me.
For yes, truly, I desire to hear your praises and as you praise me I move mightily on your behalf, mightily, mightily, mightily. So praise me, praise me, praise me and watch what I shall do in your lives, saith the Lord.
8-28-2022 am service
For it is time for my church to stand on
the power and authority that I have given unto them, for I have given unto them
the power to say to the mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea
and it must fall in front of them. For
many times my children do not speak forth my word nor do they call upon my name,
for I have given unto you the promise that if you call upon me I will answer
you. Oh, I say unto you, it is time, it is time for you to reject
the enemy, do not, for do not, do not accept the lies that he continues to tell
you. For does not my word say
reject the devil and he will flee from you, yet too many times my children allow
him to speak into their ears. I say
unto you, it is time to know my word and to stand firm in my word, for I have
given unto you peace, I have given unto you joy, I have given unto love, and if
the enemy is causing division, I say unto you, that is not walking in my word.
Therefore, I say unto you, run him off, allow him not to come in, but
only allow me to fill your life to overflowing.
It is the hour, it is the time that I have spoken to you about to draw
closer, to draw closer than you ever have before, remember the promises that I
have given unto you, do not let them go, but keep them in front of you daily,
daily, says the Lord. Do I not move
in front of them, I have not forgotten you nor will I deceive you, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, know my word, put my
promises in front of you that you can see, that you can see and know that I am
going to come out on top, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, as I
call you to assemble yourselves unto me, says the Lord, come in unity as one man
to Jerusalem my holy city, says the Lord, for where my city is my people are and
where my people are my power is, says the Lord, my light is.
Therefore, I say unto you, my gates are open continually for you to come
into, says the Lord, therefore come, come, come, says the Lord.
For it’s not by pure chance that I
called you together today, but it is my desire that my body is unified with me
leaving your own agendas, your own ideas aside, leaving them aside to follow
after me and everything that I have, to follow after my plan, to follow after my
vision, to reach the goal that I have set.
So do not follow after your own things, but follow after me, for your own
things will never lead you where I will lead you to.
For, truly, I have great things in store for you, greater things yet than
you have seen or that you know about, but you will see them, you will see the
fullness of those things as they all come to pass.
For my word always comes to pass, it never returns void, don’t ever
forget that, but yet man’s word will leave you empty, man’s word will leave
you needing help. So don’t follow
after man, but follow after me, for truly I have great things in store for you,
saith the Lord.
Etc etc. the spirit of prophecy is in the
house, the spirit of prophecy is the spirit of Jesus Christ.
I just hear the Lord say and confirm the ones that have been released
here including by the worship leader, the Lord says behold I am doing a new
thing here on earth and you and I have moved into it, we have crossed the
Jordan. You can receive it, allow
me to search your hearts, all me to examine your wine skins that if you possess
old wine skins ask for the grace to leave them even before you depart this
place. For what I am pouring out
the eye has not seen the ear heard nor has it entered into the imagination of
man, it is a measure of my glory that will cover the earth and those who know me
will walk in it. Many words I am
releasing through my true prophets in this hour are eternal works, they will not
pass away, heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
8-28-2022 pm service
For do not be discouraged, do not be
dismayed, for am I not the Lord thy God, am I not the one who brought you unto
the promised land, will I not fulfill the promises that I have given unto you?
So, I say unto you, fear not nor be dismayed, for am I not your God, is
that who I am, am I your God, and if I am your God you do not need to walk in
fear, you do not need to walk in worry, you do not have anything to be concerned
about. For I say unto you, I shall
carry you through the days that are coming ahead, for I will give unto you
everything that you have need of, I’ve already said I will breathe the
anointing upon you, I have breathed the anointing upon this place.
Have not I been faithful, so will I continue to be faithful, for I do not
change nor does my word even though sometimes people change, I never change,
says the Lord, I never change. Therefore,
I say unto you, do not be discouraged, do not be dismayed for am I not your God?
For I say unto you, my children, do you
not see the changes that I have brought forth, says the Lord, since these things
began, says the Lord. For the
things that are happening are my time, my season, says the Lord, they’re
always to be and nothing you could have done to prevent, says the Lord.
For I’ve called this time and I have sent this time and I shall fulfill
this time and great victory for you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for the victory is
Do not be moved, do not be shaken, make
sure your foundation is sure, make sure you are ready for what is ahead.
For, yes, my judgment has been released upon the earth and judgment must
first come to my house. Therefore,
I sent my servant and released it that you would hear and know and understand
the things that shall come to pass now. Do
not fear them, but remember to do what I said, pray for those whom I shall have
mercy upon that I will show mercy. For
no one should desire to see my judgment, for my judgment is righteous and true. So do not allow those things to come up, but remember that my
word has to be fulfilled and some of these things you have to see before that
time and that hour has run out. So
do not fear what is ahead, but go forth boldly, go forth boldly, continuing to
do what I have called for you to do, do not slow down, do not lag behind, do not
turn to the right, do not turn to the left, but go forward with me, go forward
with me, go forward with me, for truly there is much yet to be done and my word
shall be fulfilled, saith the Lord.
8-21-2022 am service
For truly all praises and honor are
yours, they’re available to you, to strengthen you, to uplift you, to bless
you coming in, to bless you going out, to cause you to be the head and not the
tail, above and not beneath. So, therefore, why would you treat me like you treat me, I
don’t treat you like that. It’s
time to wake up and enter into the fullness of all the worship that is going on,
for that worship is going to grow and grow and grow and it shall get bigger and
bigger and bigger and the people shall flood in from the north and they shall
come in from the south, they shall come in from the east and shall come in from
the west and they shall know the mysteries of God and they shall reveal unto you
the mysteries that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.
So be not fearful, hear me, be not fearful, but enter in, enter in with
all your fullness.
For I say unto you, my children, as your
faith continues to grow, says the Lord, it shall reach the peek, says the Lord,
for you’ve reached the full stature of Jesus Christ my Son.
Therefore, I say unto you my church, strive for that goal, says the Lord,
for surely it shall come.
For I am a God of honor, as you honor me
and lift my name above all other names, as you lift them above all other names
and as you shout the joy that I give unto you, you’ll see one miracle after
another miracle, the house shall be filled to overflowing with miracles.
You’ll see the lame walking, the blind seeing, you’ll see me in my
very best and you shall be at your very best.
So it’s time, saith your Father God, it’s time to rise up.
For those that know any name are calling
out your name to all my churches all over the world, it’s a wake up call to
them, they’re allowing them to know and entering into praise and worship along
with you that’ll manifest the revival that you’re expecting and man cannot
stop it. For I am at the point of
ready to remove those that stand in the way, I mean permanently remove them that
they’ll no longer stand and resist but they’ll yield unto me and I’ll be
able to move with all the fullness of My Spirit.
For, yes, truly it is my desire that you
enter into the fullness of the things that I have for you.
For it is now that time, it is now that hour, don’t look at the
circumstances, don’t look at what you see in the natural, but realize what I
have said and what I am doing now. For
there is not another time and not another generation for me to move, but the
time is now, the time is now, the time is now, move with me, move with me, move
with me, for truly that is my desire. For
I desire to use you, I do not desire to have to bring in others, I desire to use
you, but I cannot use you if you do not move with me.
Move with me and allow me to do everything that I have said that I would
8-21-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, I am and
none else is, says the Lord, I am all that you have need of, says the Lord, put
your faith, you hope, your confidence and trust in me, says the Lord, for it is
only by me that you’re going to see these things through victoriously, says
the Lord. Put off your bank
account, put off the things that you put your trust in, says the Lord, for I am
your trust.
For I know the things that you need and I
watch over that to make sure that I am doing everything that I have said that I
would do. Therefore, there is
nothing that you need to be concerned about if your walking closely by my side.
But sadly many are not walking where I have said they should, but it is
very easy, it just takes a small course correction to get back on track, but
truly great things are in store for those who walking with me, saith the Lord.
8-14-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, you’ve
crossed over to the other side of the bridge, says the Lord, where is everyone
else? I say unto you, they’re
coming, says the Lord, they’re coming, be ready, be ready, says the Lord.
For the things that are coming are going to be great, says the Lord.
Therefore, keep eyes awake and alert, says the Lord, and watch.
For, yes, truly it is the time and the
hour for fulfillment, so do not look at the circumstances, do not look in the
natural realm but look at the spiritual realm and see all that I have done, see
all that I am yet to do, for truly it is now that time and now that hour.
So, I say, don’t look at the circumstances but look to me, for truly I
am doing all that I have said that I would do, saith the Lord.
8-14-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, I am
only beholding your face, says the Lord, that you behold mine, says the Lord,
for my word is me, says the Lord. Do
you know what my word says, do you operate in my word, says the Lord?
For many do not, many do not know what my word says, many do not do my
word, for I say unto you, the only way is my word.
Therefore, I say unto you, know what my word says, says the Lord.
And walk in the way that I have called
you to walk in by my side every step of the way allowing me to lead and guide
and direct you. For, truly, the
world is very dark and it’s only getting darker and darker and darker and more
evil and more evil and you need my light to find your way through.
But I have made a way for you, remember that there is a way that has
already been made that you can be victorious, that you can be the overcomer that
has everything that you have need of and it is my desire that you walk in that
way and not your own. For truly I
have great plans in store for you, they’re plans to prosper, they’re plans
for you to go forward and accomplish all the things that I have called for you
to do. For, yes, it is now that
hour, yes it is that time, realize that and realize the importance of walking by
my side, for truly the hour is late.
8-7-2022 am service
For, truly, I am all that you need, for I
am right there waiting, waiting, for many times my children don’t even call
out to me, even cry out to me, and I am right there waiting, waiting for them to
call upon me, for them to call upon my name.
They shall receive that which they have need of, for I am always ready,
waiting to give them the answer and yet my people many times do not ask.
Oh, I say unto you, be not like that but, I say unto you, call upon me.
For do you not know that I care about you, do you not know that I even
have the hairs of your head numbered that is how much I care for you, says your
Father. Therefore, I say unto you,
know when you come to me as your Abba, as your daddy, for in these days ahead
you need to know me as that, says the Lord, you need to know me in a broad
personal way that you walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you.
Therefore, I say unto you, draw close like never before and know who I
am, know that I am with you to the very end and know that there is nothing,
nothing that I cannot do for you. So,
therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, draw close like never
before and walk in the fullness, walk in the fullness, do you hear that my
children, I said walk in the fullness of what I have already given unto you.
For I say unto you, my children, allow my
word to transform you, to mold you, says the Lord, to the end that I have
created you to be, says the Lord. Not in the world’s image, but in my image, says the Lord,
for that’s why I have fashioned you after me, says the Lord.
Therefore, if the world doesn’t see me, but what are they seeing a mere
reflection, says the Lord, of me, says the Lord, of me, not of the world.
Therefore, allow my word to transform you into what I’ve called you to
be, says the Lord.
For there is so much more in store for
you than what you see on the surface and those who never dig in and really go
deeper never realize the fullness of the things that I have for them.
Don’t be one of those who lives on the surface, but continue to dig
deeper, continue to dig deeper, continue to dig deeper.
For, yes, I have much more in store for you than you realize and it is my
desire for you to receive the fullness of all those things, not just part, but
the fullness, the complete package. So
realize that it’s time to dig in deeper, it’s time to dig in deeper and
receive everything that I have, saith the Lord.
8-7-2022 pm service
For even though the world is changing, I
do not change nor does my word change. Therefore,
I say unto you, you can rest assured that I am the same yesterday today and
forever, it does not matter what is taking place in the world I am still your
God, I am still your Father and I will see you through.
Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the faith that I have given unto you,
do not waver, do not turn to the right or to the left but, I say, keep your eyes
upon me, know, be steadfast, be unmoveable and you will see my hand move
mightily upon you and those who know my name I shall answer.
Therefore, I say unto you, do not be shaken by the things you are going
to see in the world but, I say unto you, rest assured that I am here and that I
change not and I will carry you through, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, I send
my rain on the just and the unjust, yet for you, says the Lord, I send my
spiritual rain that you can grow, grow and grow, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, receive that rain that I give every morning,
says the Lord, throughout the day, says the Lord, receive it and grow, says the
Lord, for grow you must do, says the Lord.
For, yes, truly great are the things that
I have in store for you, for it is far from over, for there is much yet to be
done, there is yet much to be fulfilled and it is that time now, it is that hour
now. Don’t look at the
circumstances, don’t look in the natural realm, but look in the spiritual
realm, realize where you are, realize who you are in me and what I have called
for you to do and I’ve called for you to fulfill it.
I haven’t called for you to leave it short; I haven’t called for you
to leave it uncompleted, for I have called for you to fulfill it.
Therefore, do what I have said, go along with me, for I have given you
the keys to be successful and if you have gotten those keys you’re able to
walk where I have called you to walk. Get
into my word like never before, for yes, it is that time when you need to spend
more time in my word, more time in the spirit realm like I have told you over
and over and over. For you are the
overcomers, you are the victors, and great are the things that are yet in store
for you.
8-3-2022 pm service
The more you enter into the Spirit realm
the more you shall enjoy my presence and I shall enjoy yours, for truly this is
the time of the open hand and I shall open my hand to you with blessing after
blessing after blessing that you can walk even as giants, the Christian giants.
And as the world looks upon you they’ll draw nigh unto you to find out
how, how, how are you doing this and you shall tell them, for truly you are
For I say unto you, my children, my open
hand comes with your open heart, says the Lord, when you open your heart to me,
says the Lord, my hand opens for you. Open
my word unto me that I can reveal it to you, says the Lord, for my word is what
you have need of today.
For, yes, it is my desire that you enter
into that place where you can receive everything that I have for you.
For I desire to give it unto you, I’m ready to do it, but are you ready
to receive it, are you in the place where you can receive it, have you done
everything that I have said for you to do, are you walking with me.
For if you can say yes to all of those things then you are in that place,
if not, get yourself into that place because it is that time, it is that hour
and I desire to move, saith the Lord.
For truly the promises are laid out unto
the church and if you do not look at them religiously you will see promises that
you have never seen before in all of your life.
For I don’t speak the religious words that people do, I speak in the
Spirit realm and as you look in the Sprit realm you begin to see, yes, truly,
truly, truly the miracles are mine.
7-31-2022 am service
For, truly, you can rest in my
faithfulness, for I will do those things that my word declares that I have said
that I would do. Man does not
understand me nor does man walk with me, it’s your Spirit, you walk with me in
the Spirit realm and the Spirit realm opens your understanding and leads you day
by day, it guides you, it protects you, it talks to you.
If you don’t hear my voice and know my voice come into that Spirit
realm, come into that place where I can take care of you and make you everything
that I’ve promised you. Just because you’ve received some of my promises, do not
stop, but press in farther. For
you’re in the time right now, a new time, never been in before and in that new
time shall come forth promises you’ve never known.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
jump into my word and discover those things I have for you, says the Lord, for
many things you have never sought out nor found, says the Lord, but they’re
there, they’re there, but you look other where, says the Lord.
Have faith in me, says the Lord, have faith in my word, for faith that I
have given unto you shall call all things into being that you have need of, says
the Lord, and what others have need of. Get
up, get up and jump in my word, says the Lord.
For you’re in a new time and a new era
and it’s never been here before, man has never seen it, so if they come and
begin to tell you things that are not written in my word, that they cannot show
you in my word, then it’s not of me. But the new things shall take you into
the greater things and the greater things shall lead you into perfect peace and
you shall live in my peace. For
greater is he that’s in you than he that’s in the world.
For, I say unto you, you are the greatest
team of all that I have, there is no other team as great as yours, and if
you’ll function as I tell you to function, if you’ll do the things that I
lay out before you and show you my word, regardless of who tells you it’s
right or wrong, remember we’ve never been in this time before, and because
you’ve never been in this time before, how do they know except I reveal it to
them as I have already revealed it to you in one way, whatever they say to you
another way is not of me.
For you will witness my power in full
operation, others will not be able to say that, for they will think they have
power but when it comes right down to it they will be able to do nothing,
nothing, nothing. For they can do
nothing without me, and if they’re not walking with me, if they’re not
following me, if they’re not mine then they do not have my power, they do not
have my authority, they do not have my ability. Remember I said you would be able to tell the true from the
false, because those who are true will have power, those who are false will not.
Beware of the things that are coming, but remember I have already given
you victory; I have already made a way for you when there was no way before.
Walk closely by my side; be in the Spirit realm where you can hear me and
I can direct you. For many are not
in that place even though they think they are, but they are not being directed
by me, so remember to walk closely by my side, walk closely by my side.
7-31-2022 pm service
Did you come here to worship me, was your
mind even upon me before you came, do you know what day of the week it is, and
yet my people at times say I love you, I serve you, I’m faithful to you and I
wonder where my people are? For in this last hour in order to receive the things that I
have said and the things that I desire to do that faithfulness has to be there,
it has to be there, it’s not an option. And
if you can’t do that then you need to step back, saith your Father God, for I
need those that will do my will.
For I say unto you, my children, when I
pull up my net will you be in it, says the Lord, will you be in my net, says the
Lord? That’s the question you
need to ask yourself, says the Lord, if you’re not in my net you’re going to
be left behind, says the Lord, with no promise left to you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, get in my net if you’re not in it already,
says the Lord.
For my word is very clear if you read it
and if you pray in the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in you and be
faithful to you if you’re not faithful to me. That
is why you don’t bring forth utterances and you don’t have interpretations
and you do not move in the other gifts of the Spirit.
But I’m ready to pour out My Spirit upon all, all, all, and any that
are not flowing in that do not walk after or follow, but follow those that are
filled with My Spirit.
If you’ll notice very, very carefully
all these messages followed the same course, all of them, therefore you can see
and know and understand it is definitely me speaking to you and not man.
Not one of them varied from what the first said, that’s how you tell
what the moving of the Spirit is, it doesn’t divide itself, it moves in unity.
For the Spirit is life like water is to
your natural body, so is the Spirit to your Spiritual body, it brings life.
Therefore, understand how important it is and how important it is that
you need to operate in the Spirit realm in this time and in this hour, for it is
very, very important and I have told you again and again and again.
Therefore, receive it when I pour it out, saith the Lord.
7-27-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, for if
you were colorblind you would argue what color a school bus was, says the Lord,
yet I know the color because I’m the one that is not blind, says the Lord, yet
you would argue. But I say unto you
my, children, know my word that it is truth and line your vision with mine, says
the Lord.
For many Christians fail for they know
not the truth nor are they mine, for they walk their own way and not mine and
yet many people are caught up in their lies because they do not follow the
leading of the Spirit. And yet I
have said test the Spirits and see if they are truth, for even Elijah did that
to the people on Mt. Carmel, remember that?
He asked them one question and I showed up and proved who I was, have I
not proved myself to you over and over and over again?
There should be no doubt, there should be no fear, there should be no
unbelief, for all I need you to do is trust in me, for I will lead you where you
need to go, man will not but I will, follow me, saith the Lord.
7-24-2022 am service
etc. for truly as a fact I will always be
that shadow hidden in your love, there to carry you and strengthen you, there to
make you the overcomers, there to heal the whole man, just not the spiritual,
but the whole man that you can be everything that I designed and called you to
be. For our life and the things
that come into our life have affected us, changed us, made us beings that we
don’t even want to be. But deep
inside we know, we know your love and we’ve tasted your love and we’ve
accepted your love and for one moment, one moment, I can touch your hearts, I
can change the whole man, that’s my desire to change the whole man.
Not just the outer, but the inner that you can be all to all men.
For I say unto you, my children, did I
not create everything, says the Lord, and that creation is still going forth
today, it never stopped, says the Lord, from the day I spoke it it’s still
expanding, says the Lord. Yet I,
your Father God, keep everything in its proper place and I know everything that
is going on at every time and I control it all, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, what is your life that I cannot take your
life, says the Lord, and do with it what I will do with it, says the Lord?
As you give me yourself watch what I can do with you, says the Lord, keep
it and you will lose it, says the Lord, but I say allow me to do what I plan for
you from the day that I have created you, says the Lord.
Oh the beauty, the beauty that I have for
you if you allow me, me, not man, me, me the master that I can create and form
in you the spiritual things that you don’t even know.
For the songs you sang this morning, if you would have listened, every
one of them should have spoken loud and clear to your hearts.
Do you get any of those songs or are they far above your head and you
know the more doubts you have the greater the ambition killer you have within
you and it kills your ambition to reach those greater things.
For in this last hour I have the greatest of all things for you, it is an
hour that no man has seen so how can you plan? How can you in your great wisdom and knowledge ever see or
understand clearly all that I desire to do, but I will do it if you’ll allow
me. Because I love you so much I
created everything for you, it’s all yours and I’ll give it all to you just
walk with me, let me tell you, let me lead you, let me do the leading.
Oh the beauty, the beauty that I have for you, for up to this hour very
few have ever seen what I have for the remainder of the short time that you
have, the really the short time that you have is only introduction to the long
time of eternity that you’ll always live, you’ll always walk in, you’ll
always be there and you’ll know how it should have been in this life.
But you had other cares, you had other dreams, you had other desires and
the more of them that’s piled up in your life the farther they drove you from
me. But now, but now you’re beginning to see, you’re
beginning to understand, now, now is that hour.
And you shall see the fullness of those
things, for all things are possible even when man says it’s impossible, I have
said all things are possible to those that believe, to those who stand upon my
word, to those who trust me with their heart, to those who put all of their
confidence in me. For, yes, I have
given unto you my word and my promise and I shall see it through.
Therefore be assured knowing that you are going to see the fullness of
what I have for you yet, saith the Lord.
7-24-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, all of
the signs are pointing to the signs of my soon return, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, Noah prepared an ark, says the Lord, when I told him I was going
to flood the earth he was diligent and he built that ark, he prepared that ark,
says the Lord. Are you preparing
for my return, says the Lord, for in so doing you will be ready, says the Lord,
and not only that but the things between now and then, are you preparing for the
things I have in store for you, says the Lord?
For if you haven’t been preparing you’re going to be lost, says the
Lord, you’re not going to be able to be used, says the Lord, for you’re not
going to be ready.
Let go of all of the things that are
weighing you down, of all the things that are bogging your mind down and give
them unto me this night, says the Lord. For if you give them to me do not take them back, for I have
brought freedom unto you that you can walk in the abundance of what I have given
unto you. I desire that you walk in
my peace, I desire that you walk in my provision, I desire that you walk in my
joy, I desire that you walk in my love, a love that never changes, it’s
everlasting. Therefore, I say unto
you, let go, let go of the things that you do not need, says the Lord, fill
yourself with only my things and do you not know that I am here, I’m here to
meet your needs and as you reach out unto me even this night you will not be the
same way you came.
For yes, truly, I desire to do many great
things on your behalf, are you ready, have you prepared yourself for this time
and for this hour, are you ready to do all that I have called you to do, are you
ready to receive all the things that I have for you?
For you should be ready, you should be ready for those things, for you
should have prepared for this time, for this hour, for I’ve told you it was
coming and now it is here and you shall see the fullness of those things come to
pass now, saith the Lord, so be ready, be ready, be ready.
7-17-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, I am
your all in all, says the Lord, put your trust and faith and hope in me, says
the Lord, and I’ll see you through as a ship in the midst of a storm, says the
Lord. I am your guide give it to
me, says the Lord, give it to me.
For it is my word that is the anchor that
will take you through in the days ahead. Therefore,
I say unto you, have my word not only within your heart but have my word within
your mouth on a daily basis speaking forth the things that you desire.
It is that hour; it is that time that I told you to rise up like never
before. For I have given unto you
all the armor that you have need of to walk victorious in these days.
Oh, I say unto you, learn how to rest in me, learn how to give unto me
your burden that you do not get turned around, but that you walk in the freedom
that I have already given unto you through my Son when he died upon that cross,
to walk in the freedom that I’ve given unto you.
For I have, I have given to you all that you need, my children, that you
could walk in the more abundant life. Therefore,
I say unto you, follow me and walk in the abundance.
For I say unto you, don’t let anything
stop you from receiving everything that I have for you.
Don’t let anything stop you from achieving the goals that I have given
you. For truly it is my desire that
you run the race and fulfill the course that I have set out, do not be strayed
to the right or to the left but stay focused upon me, stay focused upon what I
am doing, stay focused upon what my word has said.
For truly it is that hour and it is that time and it is time for you to
fulfill everything that I have called you to fulfill, saith the Lord.
7-17-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, let my
word come forth out of your mouth, says the Lord, not the word of doubt but my
word, says the Lord. For where my
word is there are results, there is life in my word, says the Lord.
Therefore, know my word, speak my word and do my word, says the Lord.
For, yes, truly the time is now and the
hour is now and, yes, many great things are in store for my church, many great
and wonderful things. For I have
many promises that are yet to be fulfilled, even though there will be turmoil in
the world, even though there will be disaster in the world, I’ve called for a
great outpouring of My Spirit for my church.
So get ready, get ready, get ready, for truly that hour is upon you and
you shall see those things as they begin to come to pass just like I have
already told you. Do not look for what is going on, on the right, do not look
for what is going on, on the left, but stay focused straight ahead.
Keep your focus upon me and upon what I am doing, for, yes, I desire to
pour My Spirit upon you in a mighty and powerful way, I desire to draw all men
unto you like I have said and I desire to fill you to overflowing, saith the
Lord, not just personally but even this church I desire to fill to overflowing.
For it is that time now and it is that hour watch as it begins to unfold,
saith the Lord.
7-10-2022 am service
For yes, truly, it’s not time to slack
off, but it’s time to continue to press forward, to press forward, to press
forward, for yet there is much work to be done and yet the laborers are few, but
my word says the harvest is ripe. So
be ready when I need you, be ready when I call upon you, be ready to do what I
have called for you to do, not what you want, not what somebody else wants, but
what I want, be ready to be used by me. For
truly I desire to use you in a mighty and powerful way, for it is truly that
time now, it is that hour now and I desire to use you, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, the hour
is dark, but yet I have given you my light, says the Lord.
Therefore, show that light and those in the darkness can see it, says the
Lord and come to the light. I’ve
given you my miracle power, says the Lord, therefore know and use it, says the
Lord, as I have instructed you to, for it is yours, says the Lord, for to profit
with, says the Lord.
For my word is always faithful, for I am
always faithful, I do not change, I’m the same today yesterday and forever,
but man sometimes fails, he is the one that gives up, he is the one that does
not stand upon my word. For I say
unto you, my word never fails, I am always faithful and as you have my word
within your mouth and in your heart as you speak it out it goes forth and does
that which you sent it forth to do, for does not my word say that?
Know my word like never before, know who I am, know that I am your
provider, I am your all in all and even in these dark times, these wicked times
will I not see you through, will I not make a way where there is no way, will I
not place a hedge of protection round about you?
Oh, I say unto you, I am faithful and I will always remain faithful, oh I
say unto you, my children, be faithful unto me, be faithful, get into my word
like never before, you need my word within your heart, you need my word flowing
out of you.
Faith brings results, that’s why I have
repeated and repeated, I have poured out to you, I have repeated to know my
word, be in my word, to get my word within your heart, to build your faith
because faith brings results.
7-10-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, I have
mighty and great things in store for you, says the Lord, for these hours and
days that you are living in are for me, says the Lord, for you my church, says
the Lord, for you to show forth my glory, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, be ready; be ready to be used, says the Lord.
Oh how true it is that I adore the
praises of my people, for it brings great joy to my heart when you worship and
praise me and I desire to pour my blessings out upon you like never before.
For yes, it is that time, yes it is that hour and I will do those things
for you that I have promised. So do
not look to the left, do not look to the right, do not focus upon the
circumstances, do not look with man’s eyes, but remember what I have told you,
remember what I, your Father God, have said.
For truly I will fulfill that word, I will fulfill my promises unto you,
rest upon those things, know that they will be carried out and stand upon it,
saith the Lord. Yes it is that time
and yes it is that hour.
7-4-2022 Monday Evening Campmeeting
It’s true, worthy is my name, when you
honor my name I honor you, I lift you up high that you may walk in the fullness
of the things that I have for you. For
my word is true, so follow not after man nor the promises of man, but draw nigh
to my word, keep my word, press into my word, know my word, don’t be deceived,
don’t be fooled.
For I say unto you, my children, come to
me in my word and in my name, says the Lord, and when you get the two together,
oh what miracles, what miracles, what miracles there are, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word, know my word, speak my word
and know the power you have in my name, says the Lord.
Where there is no Spirit there is no
moving of the Spirit, flee that place and run, saith your Father God, find
yourself a home where they flow in the gifts of My Spirit and My Spirit speaks
to you.
For I desire to move upon you, if
you’re not in a place where My Spirit is allowed to move, then how can I do
the things that need to be done in your life, how can I give you what you have
need of, saith the Lord, but realize how important it is.
For truly I desire to move upon you and it is my desire that revival
spreads around the world, therefore get in a place where that can happen, saith
the Lord. For truly you’re going
to need it for what is coming, you’re going to need it for the days ahead,
saith the Lord.
Be not fooled by great promises that are
not me, that are not confirmed by My Spirit, that you do not hear my voice
clearly in your heart. For if you
can’t hear my voice you can’t move by the Spirit, be not deceived, but walk,
walk, walk.
Do you realize my name is bigger, the
Lord God says, my name is bigger than anything going on in your life today.
The Lord God says, whatever you need come to me My Spirit is up here,
come to me in My name, I shall set you free, nothing is bigger than me.
7-4-2022 Monday Afternoon Campmeeting
For I have called you to rise up, says
God, I have called you to rise up and be the giants that I have said before for
these end times. It is time to walk
with my word coming from your mouth, you’re not only to speak it but to have
it in your heart and believe that truly I am the God there is nothing impossible
for me to do. Do you not know the
anointing that I have given unto you, says the Lord, for they are yes and amen
they do not change my word does not change?
Therefore, I say unto you, arise, arise, arise like never before allow My
Spirit, allow, allow My Spirit to overtake you that you be what I’ve called
you to be for this end time. I’ve
called you to be the conqueror, I’ve called you to be the overcomer, I’ve
called you to be the mighty one with my word in your mouth speaking forth my
word that others might come to know me and the power, the power that I have
given unto you as children as heirs to the throne of Almighty God.
It is time to arise, says the Lord, it is time arise, I’ve given you
the anointing for this time, I have given you My Spirit, it is time for you to
receive what I have for you and to go forth in the power and might and the
anointing that I have given unto you. For
I have called you, I have called you, and yes, I desire that you walk before me,
I desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have for you, but you need to
be filled, you need to be filled with My Spirit, you need to be filled with my
anointing, a very special anointing for this end time, there is a special
anointing that I have given out to you even this day, says the Lord.
I’ve given it all to you, I am preparing you for such a time as this as
you open your hearts to me, as you surrender to me, as you raise yourself up and
become the Joshua and Caleb’s that I have said that I need for this time, you
will be walking with me, you will be that overcomer, you will walk with my word
in your mouth as you will see my right hand upon you head. Etc, etc.
For I did not call you to back down
against a fight, but you always stepped up even when the going was tough, the
tough get going. Remember the devil
said what, ha, ha, ha, devil you have no victory, you’re defeated already,
we’re the winners, we’re the victors, remember what I have told you,
remember the promise I have given unto you.
For I am always there with you, you have all of my might, you have all of
my power, you have all of my authority at your disposal, there is more power in
your pinkie finger than all the rest combined, because I gave unto you my
servant to fulfill the last call and you shall do it.
Don’t look in the natural, don’t look with man’s eyes, don’t
listen to man’s words, remember what I, your Father, has said.
For I am your Father, I am your God and I will never leave you nor
forsake you, even though your loved ones have left you at times, even though
your loved ones have forsaken you at times, I am there and I have given you my
angels, my angels, my angels at your disposal, but be careful how you use them,
for I have warned you about that and you have been very careful.
But remember you are mine, remember you are chosen and you chose to
follow, you chose to answer the call and therefore do it with all the power and
authority that I have given unto you, saith the Lord.
The Lord said, how thirsty are you today,
the Lord God says. The Lord God
says, how thirsty are you, because if you’re thirsty come and receive what I
have for you.
7-4-2022 Monday Morning Campmeeting
Yes, my presence has filled this place
and I’m asking what do you desire, for I am able this very moment to give unto
you things that you desire. You ask me to come and I’m here, what do you want?
For I say unto you, my children, I am the
tree of life and I have fruit for you, says the Lord, if you come and pick it.
Come and get it, says the Lord, whatever you have need of it’s on me,
says the Lord.
Don’t say to me later, Lord, you
didn’t give me what I have need of and yet I gave you an open invitation for
anything that you needed. For I
know the needs that you have, but I said ask of me, ask of me, ask of me and I
will do those things for you. For
there is nothing too small and there is nothing too big that I will not do this
day, saith the Lord.
It’s strange that when I ask you, you
sit and do nothing and yet out of your very mouth you make complaints that I
don’t hear you, that I don’t answer. I’m
talking to everyone sitting in this tent, everyone, what would you desire of me,
for I’m here, saith your Father God, My Spirit is moving up and down the
aisles, if you can have a comfortable chair you’d see the indentation as the
Holy Spirit sits and waits upon you. For
I am calling upon you this very hour, this very hour, this very hour, right now,
what do you need?
Scribe note:
Many things were called out.
7-3-2022 Sunday Evening Campmeeting
For, as I have told you, I am more than
willing to fill you up even to overflowing like you’ve never flowed before,
even to walk in the fullness of my glory, to be my spokesman, to be my healer,
to be my deliverer. I’m more than willing if you’ll give yourself up to me,
if I become number one and you become obedient you’ll find that there is
absolutely nothing I will not do for you. For
I desire to bless, I desire to comfort and deliver you from all that you need
deliverance from that when you lay your hands on those that you minister to my
words will come flowing out of your mouth touching, molding, shaping and making
those into the image that I want, that you’re not a carbon copy out of some
book or your words are not the words of somebody else’s, but you’re flowing
in the Spirit realm. For in the
days of old they flowed in the Spirit realm, there are very few today that know
how to flow in the Spirit realm. Oh
they’ve got gibberish that comes out of their mouth, it’s not even of me,
their prophesy and it’s not even of me, but I’m talking to someone who will
give themselves to me.
Therefore, I say unto you, says the Lord,
empty yourself out and allow me to consume you, says the Lord.
Let me burn up those things that are not of me, says the Lord, that you
can be pure and holy, says the Lord. You’ll
be like those of old, says the Lord, even greater, says the Lord, for I desire
to do a work in you, says the Lord. You
need to open up and allow me to consume you, says the Lord.
For remember when you flow in My Spirit
most of the time you are flowing in my love and therefore you’ve got to be in
Spirit with me, you’ve got to be in contact with me, so learn how to walk in
the Spirit realm. Smith
Wigglesworth was one of the greatest, but don’t read books about him because
they are ninety nine percent lie, cause he never wrote a book himself, he never
read one except the Bible. So most
just wrote storybooks, we don’t need storybook religion; we need true men and
women of God.
For when you’re walking in the Spirit
realm you’ll see what others standing right next to you, walking with you,
they can’t even see it, for they are nowhere near you, they can’t touch you
because you’re in a Spirit realm. They can fake sermons, they can fake anything that they want
to fake, people could become excited about them, but when the lady needs to get
out of the wheelchair they want to run out of the back of the church and hide
because they know there is no way they can do that. But you will be able to, the blind shall be healed, the deaf
shall hear, the lame shall walk, this is very, very, limited, but it’s for
you. I mean you did what I asked,
saith your Father, and now, now I shall open the windows of heaven and release
upon you what I promised.
Few really know the sacrifice it takes to
get where I desire for you to be, but it is very easy to do if you apply
yourself, putting worldly desires aside and following after me a hundred
percent. For you should desire to
receive the fullness of the things that I have, know and understand what that
word fullness means, for it doesn’t mean part, it doesn’t mean half, it
doesn’t mean three quarters but it means all complete, everything that I have
and it’s yours if you’ll follow after me and do what I have said, it’s
yours saith the Lord, it’s yours. So
don’t worry about what man says, don’t worry about man’s desires but
follow after me, follow after the goals that I have given unto you, follow after
the plans I have laid in place, for those shall be fulfilled, saith the Lord.
7-3-2022 Sunday Afternoon Campmeeting
For truly this very day they shall come
unto you, for you were faithful, you struggled, but you were faithful.
I saw the struggle, I saw the memories, but you came, you did what I told
you to do and therefore I’ll meet with you.
For from this hour forth, from this hour forth when you lay hands on
somebody they will be instantly healed and not only that but you shall be given
words that you shall speak. It
shall bring new life, new life, new life, new life for that, that I give to you.
Smith Wiggleworth in his prime was so
anointed that when people came into his presence they fell on the ground and
repented and called out to me, that also expect.
For, yes truly, it’s the time for the
hour of power, praise the Lord, it’s time for my power to be released upon the
earth. It’s time for my power to
flow like never before and it will flow through those who I have anointed, it
will flow through those I have called. For it is a time like no other and I have set it aside for
this time and this hour now. So
realize the importance of the things that you have gone through, realize the
importance of the hour that you are now living in, realize the importance of the
things that lie ahead for you. For
great shall they be, great shall they be, great shall they be, saith the Lord.
For you would think it was all for you,
and it was that important, for all of heaven stood still to wait and watch for
your answer, it was that important and you may not understand, for many would
never understand. But night vision,
night dreams you shall see and know in the Spirit realm, you shall be able to
walk in control and health, oh it shall be glorious and the rhema, the rhema
word, the rhema word, the rhema word shall flow from your mouth.
Regardless of who you are talking to it shall flow and the ears that hear
will have clear understanding and they shall fall down and weep and call upon my
name. They shall know, they shall
know and they shall come, they shall come, they shall come, watch for now watch.
7-3-2022 Sunday Morning Campmeeting
Truly all power resides in My Name, in my
word, therefore you should listen very carefully to what I say, don’t think
you know more than me, for I know things that you never knew and will never know
yet and yet I’m able to do all that I said.
Cancel everything that doesn’t belong inside of this tent today, be
here, don’t do something else, for the word you get today comes straight from
the throne of God. Listen, for if
you reject it I shall reject you, it’s that simple, saith your Father, it’s
that simple and again, again on Monday you’ll get two more messages straight
from the throne of God. Hear them,
hear them, listen, go home and meditate upon my word, for the greatest revival
the world has ever seen is here.
For I say unto you, my children, I
don’t wait on you, you wait on me, says the Lord.
Therefore, when my train leaves the station it’s gone, says the Lord,
and all the things that are on it are no longer able to be received, says the
Lord. Therefore, get on my train
and receive the things that are on that train, says the Lord, you can’t find
them elsewhere, says the Lord.
For, yes truly, I desire to move upon
your behalf, but will you allow me to do it, will you allow me to move upon you
or have you already made your own agendas, have you already so set yourself upon
the fact of what you’re going to do that you won’t allow me to do what I
desire to do, and yet it is Campmeeting, a time to come and receive the fullness
of the things that I have for you. Really each and every time you come to, into
my house, it’s a time to come, but usually you’re more open to me to move
upon you during Campmeeting, but yet many have closed their hearts to me and
will not allow me to move upon them. Allow me to move upon you this day, allow me to touch you
like never before, for it is my desire for you to receive the fullness of the
things I have. Not just a little
bit a little dab here and a little dab there, not just part, for it is my desire
that you are overflowing, overflowing, overflowing and many are not.
Many are not, even though they think they are, they think that they’re
ok, but they’re not, for they have not allowed themselves to be filled with My
Spirit to overflowing and you’re running on empty. Don’t
run out, but allow me to fill you this day, allow me to do the things that need
to be done, allow me to remove the blocks and the hindrances.
For some did not allowed me to do that yesterday, even though that is how
I wanted to do it, but I will do it today because it is my desire to use you, it
is my desire to move upon you, it is my desire that revival spreads throughout
the world from this place. But it
needs to start here, it needs to start with you, receive the fullness I have for
you, did you hear what I said, I said receive it as a command, receive the
fullness that I have for you this day, saith the Lord.
Remember when I cursed the fig tree it
died from its roots up, its roots up? There
are things that I shall cancel out because people will not do what they’ve
heard in their ears, they’ve heard my servants say and they refuse to obey,
they think they are cocky, wise and I can do anything, we had many in the Bible
that thought that way. That’s why
today, today you see Moses when he comes, he has been here, you’ve seen him,
but he didn’t go to heave but he will this time, he’ll be here to finish his
work. And you’ll see some that have come and will come to finish
their work because they got cut off before their work was finished.
Don’t be one of those, please don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, this
work that is just minutes away, just minutes away is so great, so great that you
could empty Cortland out into this tent, if you could get them into this tent,
if they only believed.
7-2-2022 Saturday Evening Campmeeting
For truly I shall cast My Spirit upon all
flesh and it shall be an hour, an hour so glorious, so wonderful that all the
world shall look upon and know and it shall be the greatest of the outpourings
that you’ve ever seen. But it shall come; for my word is declared unto you that it
will come. So be ready, be
prepared, get your hearts in order and be not like those that received it before
and never used it, for I can’t use them either.
But be those that I can use that I can pour My Spirit out and move upon
you and demonstrate my glory to the whole world.
For I say unto you, my children, I have
given you much, says the Lord, but few have received.
Receive what I have for you, says the Lord, because what I have for you
is greater than anything you can ever ask or think, says the Lord.
For what I have for you is what you have need of, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, get ready, get ready, get ready.
For My Spirit is ready right now to move
upon you and touch you and heal you, to perform miracles, to strengthen you, to
give you that extra zip that you need. So
if you need something, I say unto you, call out to me, be unnatural, call out to
me and I shall fulfill my word.
Yes, for truly, it is recorded in my word
that I will do as I have said, have you not seen it before, but not as great as
it shall be now, for are you ready for the now, saith the Lord, are you ready
for the now? For many think they
are ready, but they are not ready, for they are playing church yet and yet it is
so late and the time is here when you cannot play church, when you cannot dabble
in the world, but you must be holy before me, you must be holy before me, saith
the Father. For truly many things are coming to pass that will shock the
world and most of the church, because they are not ready to see those things
take place, they have left their watch posts and they are not prepared.
But be prepared, be prepared, be prepared, for many things are coming and
many great things are is store for those who are following me, saith the Lord.
For many only have canned food that they
try to feed to my people, but I want the Spirit in you to feed my people.
Therefore, it’s important to you that the Spirit has the freedom that
it needs to move, not in the false, but with all power, with all might, with all
ability and I am here and able right now, saith your Father God, to meet that
7-2-2022 Saturday Afternoon Campmeeting
For truly there is not another time like
this, that’s what you must receive in your Spiritman, there is not another
time. Therefore, the things that
you need to do you must make your decision now, because you won’t get another
opportunity to make a decision. This is not something that goes around twice, it goes around
once and you must make your decision that you either walk with God in the light
that he wants you to walk with him or just go your merry way.
I know that sounds hard, but that’s the hour that you’re in now,
it’s a spiritual hour and those that aren’t spiritual they just won’t go,
they won’t go, they’re like a wasted tomato plant or potato plant or
whatever you want to call those things in the garden, might win first place in
the fair, but it won’t go anywhere. So,
therefore, I tell you because this is the week of your final choice, you decide
which way you want to go. And think
carefully when you do, for there is a way that seemeth right to man but the end
thereof is destruction and you don’t want to go the way of destruction.
There is going to be a great hour, far greater than anything that you
have ever visualized and it shall be available for all those that want to walk
that way. Some have decided not to
change their way, some have changed their ways, but they’ll not get a second
chance, hear me carefully, saith your Father, there will not, there will not,
there will not be a second chance. Therefore
walk according to my word, for the time is running out.
For I say unto you, my children, now is
the time, now is the hour, says the Lord, make sure, make sure that you’re
ready, says the Lord, for this is a word hour, says the Lord, a walking on the
water hour, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, keep your eyes on me and keep your mouth on my word, says the
Be not a loner and play games and flirt
and do the things that you shouldn’t and think you’re the wise one, for the
wise one always loses. The only
wisdom that wins is the wisdom that I give.
See, I have made it very plain and very
clear, for truly there is only but one way even though man says there are many
and it is not the broad way where you can go here and there, but it is the
narrow. Realize how important this
time is right now, for you don’t know what is coming tomorrow, you don’t
know what is coming next week, you can’t even tell me what’s going to happen
five minutes from now, but I can tell you.
Learn to trust me with all of your heart, put all of your trust and all
of your confidence in me, make your decision, set your course and do not, do not
stray from it, saith the Lord.
Saturday morning Campmeeting service
For truly when you give me all the glory
I return it unto you, but don’t look at the mirror and say that you’re the
one that receives the glory, you’ve got to earn that.
You earn it by doing the things that I tell you to do, and as you walk
and become worthy, then I make you worthy and we walk, yes, we walk as giants
because of that. But you cannot be,
you cannot be what I say you are unless you come through me.
For I say unto you, my children, I am
your all in all, says the Lord, therefore anything you have need of I’m your
source, says the Lord. No one else
can be your source, says the Lord, but me, if you want to be successful and
victorious, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, if you want to be what I said, you can be, get it from me, says
the Lord.
For man’s way will never work, but my
way will always work, my way always prevails.
So when you follow after the way that I have already made for you and you
walk in the way that I have made for you, listen to that again, when you walk in
the way that I have already made for you, that’s not falling off to the right
or falling off to the left it is the straight and narrow way, but it’s
cleared, it’s wide open for you to walk through.
It’s wide open for you to go through, there is nothing that can stop
you, there is nothing that can hinder you, there is nothing that can slow you
down. But there is to the right,
there is to the left, and when your focus and attention is upon those things and
it’s not upon the way that I have already created that’s when problems come,
for remember I have given you a way to make it back to that path.
But, I say unto you, walk you in it, but the time is short, there is not
time to play church, there is not time to dillydally here and dillydally there,
but your focus and attention must be on the road ahead, it must be on the
straight and narrow, it must be on the way that I have already made for you,
saith the Lord. Walk ye in it, for in it lies the blessing, in it lies the
victory, in it lies everything that you have need of, saith the Lord.
So, again I say, again I say, walk you in the way that I have already
made for you, saith the Lord.
7-1-2022 Friday Evening Campmeeting
For I say unto you, my children, etc, so
I give unto you My Spirit, I have given unto you my word to hold your arms up,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, rise up and be where I placed you, says the Lord, for I have called
you and I have set you here, says the Lord and rely on me, says the Lord.
For the enemy tries to stop you, he tries
to hinder you, he tries to slow you down, but he has no power over you, only
what you give him, only the things that you allow him to do.
Remember what I have said, remember who you are in me, remember who I
have called you to be, run the race with me, do what I have called you to do,
not fulfilling your own wants and your own desires, your own agenda.
But I have called you to come along side with me and do the things that I
desire, to see my plans through, for your plans will never go through, but my
plans will always go through. For
my word is truth and therefore I look over it, I watch over my word to perform
it to see it all the way through. Therefore,
my word will never stop short, but it will always carry all the way through,
saith the Lord.
For the Spirit moves very softly, wake
up, why do you allow things to be dead within you, are you not my children,
don’t you belong to me, why don’t you show it?
Wake up and wake up and wake up, the time is short, the time is short,
look at the things that are going on around you, you can’t tell by the things
that are happening today that the time is very short?
You don’t have time to play games, come unto me and know me and worship
me, says the Lord.
You are not a tower unto yourself,
you’re not a light that shines so bright that everybody else dims their eyes
when they see you, for only my true servants, only my true servants can shine
that bright. For then the light can
flow from them, and when that light flows from them others hear it, they see,
they understand. They don’t etc,
they don’t demand, for nobody walks in my kingdom that demands what their
going to do, that’s not my kingdom. For
I am the Lord of my kingdom, I am the head, I am the boss and I am the one that
says, therefore follow me.
6-26-2022 am service
For truly as you wait upon me and not
rush and do it in the flesh, which you normally do, if you wait upon me I’ll
give you the strength and the power and the authority and do the things that are
taking place now. For you’re in a
new hour and many were deceived and turned away and went back to a weaker time
and done it in a weaker way and now, now I’ve called out to my people to wait,
wait, wait upon me, wait upon me. For if you wait upon me my strength, my strength comes, my
power comes, my anointing comes, my ability comes and you’ll not show yourself
stupid, you’ll not show yourself wrong, but you shall blossom and show
yourself in all my riches, in all my glory and you shall rejoice for you’ll
remember the former hours when it was the greatest.
For the nine three was operating and you’ll know and you’ll know and
you’ll know.
For the devil’s ways are the ways of
the flesh, they’re always in a hurry, they think they’re so good they can do
it, well they cannot, they cannot, never shall they be able to reach the glories
of this hour unless they wait upon me.
For I say unto you, my children, just as
the rain comes when I send it, says the Lord, in its due time, you cannot rush
it, says the Lord, for I know the perfect time, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, receive that rain, says the Lord, for now is
the time, says the Lord.
For this hour that you’re now living in
is a spiritual walk, it doesn’t come by the flesh, it doesn’t come by your
own thinking or your own wisdom or your own knowledge.
You’re not capable of doing what I can do, neither are your pleasures
or your joys capable of doing it by other ways.
But when you do it by my way, when you do it by my way, when you do it by
my way, then and only then it is joy unspeakable.
For yes, truly, man in his wisdom has
tried to rush and fabricate a move that was not my move and you saw how those
other false moves sprang up and they quickly died out.
But in my timing with those who I’ve called and waited upon me for the
right time and the right hour then, then, then it shall come in full force.
It will not be stopped and it will be the real and all will see and know
and understand it. That’s why
it’s important that you do not run ahead of me, but you’re right on track,
right on time. But you also cannot
lag behind, but remember this has been an hour of preparation, but now we move
into a new time and a new hour, that time of the glory hour.
For truly it is that time now, it is that hour now and my revival shall
be released upon the earth, the final outpouring of My Spirit and those who
shall receive it, my oh my, oh my, what a joy it shall bring. But not for those who try to do it in their own power, in
their own might, in their own wisdom and their own strength.
For it cannot be done by your power, it cannot be done by your wisdom, it
cannot be done by your strength or authority, but it is done by me, saith your
6-26-2022 pm service
For the more you worship the more I shall
exalt you, the more I shall lift you to a higher place, not the low, low, low
place, not the place many are walk in and think you are walking by me.
But as you worship me you shall regain everything you’ve ever had and
it shall be far greater, far greater, far greater than anything you’ve ever
had. Therefore, I say worship me,
worship me, worship me and watch and see what I shall do.
For you don’t know one third of the
power that I have, you don’t know that yet, but you’re going to gain it day
by day and those that aren’t pressing in and walking in the spirit realm
they’ll become dust and blown away, for they’ll have nothing.
But if you walk with me, if you fulfill my word and do what I ask you to
do, you’ve seen the results before, but the results now shall be far greater.
For I say unto you, my children, your
strength can only come from me, says the Lord, you can’t put your trust in
anything but me, says the Lord, for I’m the one that holds it together, says
the Lord. Therefore, I say unto
you, without me and my word you’re nothing, says the Lord, you’re vapor,
says the Lord, but with me you are all things, says the Lord.
Forget the past, but press into the
future, for it’s the future that’s going to be the thing that you desire,
the thing that you want, the thing that you long for, the thing that only those
that press in can have and shall be. For I have given unto you things that others have not
received yet and many of them will perish and never receive those things.
But you, but you, but you, press in, for I’ve got so much for you
you’ll never see it like that again.
For, yes, truly that is a great promise
that I have given unto those who will do what I have said, unto those who will
follow after me, following the calling that I have placed upon them.
Not for those who desire to do their own things or go their own ways.
For I cannot do those things for them, but for those who chose to follow
after me great shall thou be, great will the things be that you will see,
greater things will you do, for I can use those who are available to me.
For even though some think they are spiritual they are not available and,
therefore, I can’t use them. So
be available for me, allow me to move upon you in a mighty and powerful way,
allow me to do the things that I desire, for truly they shall be great.
6-22-2022 pm service
etc it shall always be truth, therefore
if you base everything upon my word then you shall speak the truth.
Don’t think that there are many interpretations of my word cause that
is not so, saith your Father God. We
can understand my word, it’s the Spirit that shows you my word and it’ll
cause you to become all that I’ve said that you could become.
It doesn’t matter how young you are, how old you are walk in my truth.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
is like a mirror, says the Lord, it changes not, my word is always the same.
Therefore, I say unto you, you may change but my word does not change,
the times may change but my word does not change.
Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and stay in my word and don’t
change from my word, says the Lord.
For many try to twist and change my word
into saying what they want it to instead of saying what I want it to. Therefore,
you must never follow man’s wisdom, but you must follow my wisdom.
For truly there are many lies that are going around at the moment that
you need to be aware so you are not caught off guard.
But you should be very awake to the things that are going on, you should
know and realize and understand the time and the hour you are now living in.
Remember I said if it doesn’t line up with my word it is not truth, for
my word is truth and those who are mine are speaking the truth, but they are not
and they are deceiving many, but woe unto them for their end is coming soon.
Be not fearful of the things that are ahead, continue to walk with me
like I have said, for realize that I have already made a way for you to walk
victoriously regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what the world is
facing. But only for those who are
following after me one hundred percent, not those who are dillydallying, have
one foot in sin and one foot in the church.
For I cannot help those, they must first come out of the sin and walk
with me one hundred percent, for that is the time and the hour you are now
living in, beware, beware, beware, saith the Lord.
For if you were here when I poured out My
Spirit the first time then you should have been filled with the Spirit, flowing
in it, speaking it every single day and now you are ready for the second filling
and if you didn’t do that there is no way you can get the second filling.
You must get the first filling and be faithful and walk according to my
6-19-2022 am service
For I am the same today and forever, I do
not change, says the Lord, sometimes my people change but I do not change, for I
remain faithful even as I have ever been, my word does not change it does not go
out and return void but it does the things that I have sent forth to do.
Oh, I say unto you, arise like never before, arise like never before, get
into my word like never before, for now is the hour and now is the time.
Do you not know that I have called you by name; do you not know that you
are mine? I am your faithful
Father, I do not change and I will continue to carry you through these days that
are ahead. Oh, yes, they are etc
days and you need to be following me, you need to be following close by my side.
Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, it does not change, I do not
change, says the Lord, even though circumstances around you may be different,
things of the world around you changes, I am the same God, I am the same God, I
do not change. Do you not know I
delivered my people out of darkness, so shall I do here in this time and I shall
continue to deliver you and bring you everything that you have need of.
Put your trust in me like never before, know your Father and know who
your God is and rely upon me, says the Lord, rely upon me, for I do not change
and neither does my word change, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, if
you’re not seeing the things that you desire you’re not standing upon me,
says the Lord. For my word says
that ask and you shall receive, says the Lord, you need to stand on that
promise, you need to stand on every word that I have spoken to you, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you,
don’t drop the things that I have given unto you but stand on them, says the
Lord, and they shall come to pass.
For yes, truly, this is your glory hour,
for I have called for a time of wonder, a time of plenty for my church, for
those who will follow after me, for those who will set themselves apart and come
after me, those who will put me first. For
truly I have called a great and glorious hour for my church, for those who are
mine, not for those who belong to somebody else, but those who are mine and
truly it shall be. But yet my
people are not living the abundant life like I have said they could, but why
don’t you put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, why not
stand upon my word, for I have always been faithful, I have always stood by my
word and saw that it was upheld. So,
therefore, you could always put your trust and confidence in me, you could
always stand upon it, for truly it is unmoveable and it shall always, always,
always come to pass, saith the Lord.
6-19-2022 pm service
For truly it is an hour when my praise
shall come before me, when my people shall be exalted and lifted higher than
others, not the unsaved, not the ungodly, for their days are all black with no
light whatsoever, and if you remember, light was given in the very beginning
that everybody could become spiritual and walk in that light.
But for these days, for those that are not mine, they’re not included
in those promises any longer, because time has run out and we’re in a new time
right now, a new time, a greater time, a glorious time without spot or wrinkle.
So that means the ones with the spot and wrinkle are removed, it’s very
simple, for my word declares the glory that shall be seen that man shall walk
in, that churches shall flow in and it shall be an hour so great, so wonderful,
so great, so wonderful you’ll not believe all that I shall do.
For I say unto you, my children, eye has
not seen and ear has not heard the things that I have for you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, start expecting these things I have to come to
pass in your life, says the Lord. If
you’re not expecting these things how will you ever receive them, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, expect the expecting, says the
For at times I shall carry you into the
spiritual realm and your eyes will behold many things, and oh the glory that you
shall see, the glory that shall fill you to overflowing.
For it is that hour and it is that time that the church becomes the
mightiest thing on earth, not the devil, laugh at him, he is a big joke, he has
no power, he has no authority, I’ve given all power and all authority unto the
church, and if you’re the church you have all of that power, all of that
authority, all of that ability and you can walk in it, you can talk in it, you
can live in it, you can be blessed in it over and over you shall be blessed in
For all, all who believe and reach out
unto me right now I shall touch those that need deliverance, I shall heal those
that need healing, I shall remove the chains that have chained some who desire
to be free. For the shackles shall
not stay upon them, diabetics be healed, be healed, be free, be free, heart
problems be healed, be free, receive what I desire to give to you, walk in the
fullness of what I have.
For truly this is the time of the great
outpouring of My Spirit, for remember I said it would start here and spread
throughout the world that you would see it here first.
Realize it’s that time now, it’s that hour now for My Spirit to be
poured out, so then it is time for you to start receiving it, it’s time for
you to start seeing it, it’s time for you to start believing it.
For may don’t believe like they once used to, but they will, for truly
my word shall be fulfilled like I have spoken it unto you, over and over and
over I have spoken it and you will see those things.
So say, well Lord, we will see, you shall see the things as they begin to
unfold, for truly it is now that time and it is now that hour, believe it, saith
the Lord.
6-15-22 pm service
For all are words with etc sounds, let
not the negative ones come in, but don’t let them out of your mouth, those
negative thoughts, those negative words they’re not of me.
For you are the victors, you are the overcomers, you are the ones that
triumph and those that etc in this hour even in your Campmeeting it shall be the
greatest, the greatest, the greatest. Open
your eyes to the natural things that I have said to you not what the world has
said. There is a lot of time to
look at what the world is saying and yet many places are speaking the things
that the world has said, don’t speak those things, speak what I am saying, for
in me there is life and that more abundantly.
For I say unto you, my children, Florida
is not where I am going to move, says the Lord, I repeat Florida is not where I
have my eye upon, says the Lord. Look
to the northland, says the Lord, for that’s where I shall pour My Spirit out
first. Therefore, I say unto you,
get your eyes off the south and on to my land, says the Lord.
For yes, truly, I will pour out My Spirit
without measure and it will not be from whom most think, but it will come from
those who have done little, who will suddenly come on the scene like wildfire
and yet I called them at a very young age to do just this very task, and even
though man says he cannot do it, I am not man, I am God and I say can.
For I have given them my power, all authority, all ability to carry forth
the task that I have gave them to do and for those who are walking with him one
hundred percent, not fifty percent, not seventy five percent, but those who are
walking with him a hundred percent shall reap of the blessings and rewards that
I have in store for you. For truly
it is a great and glorious hour, it is not an hour to fear, it is not an hour to
run and hide, it is an hour to run into the battle victoriously, thee overcomer.
For truly it is that hour of the glorious church, it is that hour of
glorious church without spot, without wrinkle that shall go forth a blaze of
glory all the way till the end. For
truly it shall be, saith the Lord, and oh what a joyous hour, what a joyous
hour, what a joyous hour and that more abundantly, don’t forget, and that more
abundantly. For it is that time for abundance now, saith the Lord.
For yes, truly, man has tried to stop it
with his words and his negativity, but I said that man would not stop what I was
doing, man could not stop what I was doing and therefore it shall go forth if
full force, saith the Lord.
6-12-2022 am service
For many things we cannot understand
because the Spirit realm is so much deeper, so much greater and yet then it is
the realm you’re moving into. But those that aren’t spiritual will not listen to those
that are spiritual, for their ears are closed, they’ve been closed by me,
Almighty God. I have given them
opportunity after opportunity, but they’ve closed their ears, they won’t
look to me. I look as my servant is
broken, I’ve never seen him broken and that’s not for him, for he shall rise
up, for I’ve called him and he has always stood strong and faithful. Maybe you don’t understand it all yet, but the one that he
put his most trust in broke him, broke him, broke him. You’re not there when he calls out to me, but I’m there,
but most of you don’t know that I am there, but I’m there. I want you to know this day, mark this day down, mark this
day down, and listen, for I’m not fooling, saith Almighty God, many, many
shall fall when the gays are destroyed and those that walk with them, that help
them, that strengthen them just like Sodom and Gomorrah and the fires shall burn
bright and you shall see that fire burn bright. You can make all the promises to them that you want that
they’re coming back, they’re not coming back, they’re not coming back.
My word does not go out and return void it will do the very things that
it is sent forth to do. You don’t remember when the full gospel men died, but the
ladies fell with them, they turned to another gospel that was not the full
gospel, it was not when one started, but it’s a fake move that most don’t
even see or realize. But they sure
had the shaking of the flags and all the things exciting, where is it in my
word, where in my word is it, where, where?
For everything we base on my word, the power shall never decrease, it
shall only increase, the supernatural shall never stop, never stop, it will only
increase and you’re not ever half way, do you hear me, half way to where I
want you and some of you haven’t even started yet, because they never really
got faith, you followed the wild wicked Mitchell and gone astray. Oh I remember, saith your Father God, the things I’ve
warned people of, I remember, I remember the short glory hour of how it really
was and how much greater it shall be. For
my glory shall fill all the earth, all the earth, but when you go out of here
you will be the greatest, the strongest, the most powerful, the most glorious
church in all the world.
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
given my word, but without faith my word is powerless, says the Lord, you’ve
bound me with your unbelief, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word and know my word and believe
it, says the Lord. For my word is what you have need of in this day, this time,
says the Lord, not tomorrow, you need it now, says the Lord.
Without faith you cannot please me, without faith you can’t get healed,
says the Lord, without faith you can’t receive anything from me.
Therefore, I say unto you, don’t think you know my word but know my
word and believe my word, says the Lord.
I heard the words of My Father as he
called out the words of God, as he prayed for this servant where everybody
should have been and everyone backing, but they don’t look, they don’t see
what they are losing, without it there is no revival.
For the glory hour is here, the glory
hour is here, many are going to tell it is not, you’re going to hear many
false that say that Jesus never raised from the dead, he died in the tomb,
that’s a lie, that is a lie and you shall hear many other lies.
If we look at the Bible, the Old Testament is finished, if we know not
the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior we go to hell, hell.
May rabbis need to wake up to that word, for many think, well they’re
still under the calling, no, they lied, they cheated, they stole, you forget the
Old Testament and then you look to the New and oh the glory, the glory, the
For truly my glory will be on display for
all to see and there will be no denying it, but will you be one of those that
can walk in the midst of it? Will you be pure, unadulterated, the ones that I have called
and made you right to be? Will you
be part of the church without spot or wrinkle or have you made your own plans
that do not line up with my plan? But
what are the plans that I have given unto you, for those are what shall be
fulfilled and not some others, for truly I have given my servant the promise
that he shall carry it forth as I have called for him to do.
Only those standing with him will receive the fullness of the things that
I have for them, the others shall fall away, be not one of those.
For truly it is that time and it is that hour and a great separation is
coming as I separate the true from the false and the false will be put on
showcase that all will know who they are. For
they will not have any power, they will not have any authority, they will not
have any ability. Paul tells you
about this in 1st Corinthians, he tells you to be careful about the
stones that you lay that you lay them correctly that you not lay them falsely. For truly the false will be destroyed, but the true will
always prevail, saith the Lord.
6-12-2022 pm service
For let your hearts just rest within my
words, within the moving of My Spirit, within the things that I need to say,
take them not as hard words, but realize that you’re at the end and when
you’re at the end only the things that are left to do must be done.
For the good shall go forth and shall not be stopped, shall not be slowed
down, shall not and cannot be turned back, but evil, when you continually do
evil, even though I’ve spoken to you, it’ll get worse and worse until all
openly see the disobedience, they see the evil.
They don’t see some pretty little thing, for when I say don’t do
that, when I say I want this that’s what I want.
I don’t want what you want and it’s not your world, it’s not your
plan, it’s not your kingdom it’s mine, saith God and it will be run the way
I want it run and no other way. I
believe that most desire that, for that’s going to be the greatest place, the
greatest place to walk in at all times, for the supernatural shall be so
powerful, so great the joy will flow from your heart and peace, peace, not
warfare, peace shall fill the house.
For I say unto you, my children, you
shall go forth as lightning, says the Lord, doing my work, for you shall be the
light that I have sent you forth to be, says the Lord, and a thunder for the
devil to know who you are in me, says the Lord.
For my word shall go forth out of my mouth and they shall crumble and
fall, says the Lord, and you shall be built up in me till I come to get you,
says the Lord.
For the first thing I established on the
face of earth the spiritual life, spiritual life, because the Spirit, the gifts
of the Spirit, the moving of the Spirit is the most important thing.
But evil people do not want the Spirit, they do not use the Spirit, they
disobeyed me when I tell them what to do, they do not walk in the freedom and
they take many others with them because of the things that they do.
At times in my great love I’ve spoken
to you, I’ve pleaded with you, I also beg you because I love you and yet you
don’t listen unto me yet. For
maybe it’s my age, the one thing you forget, I am a prophet.
For the Spirit is going to take over
those who will allow him to and fill them with supernatural power, supernatural
ability, supernatural strength, supernatural power and all shall see it, it’ll
be so open. But those that are
disobeying, their wickedness, even others see it not at the moment shall stand
out like somebody turned a spotlight on them and all spotlights of heaven are
upon them.
Rest assured my word will be fulfilled,
it will be carried out even as it was spoken, for there is not another time or
another generation for this to take place, but the time is now, the hour is now
and, yes, even now is very, very late, later than most think or realize.
And yet many are not being serious with me like they should be and yet
great disaster is soon coming upon the face of world and for those who are not
walking with me they can easily be caught up in that.
Remember I have called forth destruction on those who live like Sodom and
Gomorrah, for that is coming and cannot be turned back, it cannot be held back,
it cannot be prayed back, it will come to pass, there is nothing that you can do
to stop it. The only thing you can
do is make sure you are walking according to my word and according to my
promises, for, yes, many things have yet to come and be fulfilled and they will
come to pass very quickly now because of the day and the hour. So you can rest assured that it will all take place just in
time, for truly the days are very short.
6-8-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, as the
days are getting shorter my light is getting brighter, says the Lord. Therefore
let your light shine in you, says the Lord, that the world around you can see
that light that they may come to me, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, let that light shine bright.
For it’s that light that shows in the
darkness, it’s that light that draws, when your showing forth my light your
doing what I have called and commanded you to do.
So be not afraid, but show forth my light to others and show forth my
love and watch, watch, watch as the people come in.
6-5-2022 am service
For truly worthy is My name and yet there
are those that act like they worship me, act like they praise me and yet
they’re sold out one hundred percent to my enemy the devil.
They make comments to others as to what they’ll do when they’re in
charge, well the only charge they’ll have is the grave along with the other
ones, for they shall not live to see the glory of God totally fulfilled upon the
earth. But it is the hour of glory,
it is the hour of glory now and you’ve entered into that week, I’ve told you
when you entered in that special offering that this would be the week when you
could get to see the fulfillment of obeying those things that you have jotted
down. Not those that were late and decided well I’m going to jump
into this and get rich, they’ll not get one penny.
But throughout history man has done this, they’ve drove out the good
things and kept track and bring in the bad, but now it is the last few hours,
the last few hours. But I have my
true faithful servants all over the world, they shall be blessed, they shall be
honored, they shall be exalted and their names shall be known all over.
But as for the false it shall be destroyed starting with the Sodom and
Gomorrah, just like it was in the Bible, read it, it is there.
Abraham interceded but he couldn’t intercede far enough for the
wickedness was far too great and it’s still that way today, saith your Father
God. But the hour, the hour of the
glory of Almighty God is here, the hour, the hour, did you hear that word, that
word says what, one hour, you’ve got three but one hour and for those that do
not know me and do not walk with me and are not faithful to me, do not keep my
word, do not keep my promises, to them it shall not be like that.
For it shall be the most terrible time they’ve ever spent on earth,
it’ll be that hour, for I’ve begged of them, I’ve pleaded of them, I’ve
talked to them, I’ve fulfilled my word, I’ve kept their promise and yet many
of them turned their back on me, why? Did
I ever once turned my back on them no, no, and have they not robbed of the
faithful ones that used to come? Oh,
I say unto you, wake up, wake up, for the hour you’re in now is the greatest
hour you shall ever see, 1st Corinthians, 11 Corinthians, Titus, it
shall all be fulfilled now and not like man is telling you, not like man is
telling you, read the word. For the
things that many of them did was not right, was it right for Eve to do what she
did, absolutely not, absolutely not, and you see it is their family life and you
can look it up in history and you shall find other families and if you know
their life you’ll see it all through their life, all through their life, even
though they shout praises and they act holier than thou, they are not, they are
corrupt. But, I say to you, wake up now, turn now, make that choice
now, for this is the hour to be blessed.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
does it not say test the Spirit, but yet my people will run with those that are
not of me, says the Lord. I say unto you, I shall reveal those that are in the church
that are not of me, for my glory shall show it, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, be not a part of them, says the Lord, but be
separate, be mine, says the Lord.
For out of my mouth shall come words
straight from heaven to you, for it is that hour now, for I shall bring you
words that you’ll know have to be from God, cause no man could bring those
words to you. Listen, listen, wake
up, wake up, for we’re in that time, saith your Father God, wake up.
That should be a word that you hang on
your refrigerator that you look at every day and ask yourself, what does that
word mean, holy, for it contains no corruption whatsoever, no filth whatsoever,
nothing but glory. Do you know what the word glory means, for you haven’t seen
the fullness of glory yet but you’re ready to see it and if you’re not
walking with God there is no way that you can see it.
For I’ve promised you what I would do and there is not one that I have
promised I have not fulfilled for them, but I’ve told them what I would do,
I’ve kept my word to them, are they keeping their word to me or have they just
suddenly considered that’s over? And
why do they call you a cult, and why do they name certain things that go on, are
you not ashamed of the lies that you post, are you not ashamed of what you say
goes on, if you’re not then you’re not holy, but if you’re holy there is
no unholiness in you.
Truly my people are called to be set
apart, my people are called to follow after me, not after the world, not after
the flesh, not after their own wants and own desires but after me, after the
Father. For truly I’ve already
told you of the time and the hour and the fullness of those things that I’ve
spoken unto you must come to pass. For,
yes, there are some good things for those who are walking with me, but
destruction lies in wait for those who are not walking like they should be, for
those who are not holding true to my covenant, my holiness.
Yes, there is a way of escape, but many will not choose that option, for
the desires of their flesh are far more to them than the desires to follow me
and love me. But, I say unto you,
for those who are following me this is the greatest hour that you shall see, for
I have spoken it, it’s recorded in my word and you will see it now come to
pass, saith the Lord.
6-5-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, my
thoughts I have for you are for success, says the Lord.
Therefore don’t think down, don’t be in the dumps, says the Lord,
because I have only good things for you. Therefore,
I say unto you, press into me and I’ll press into you, says the Lord, and
watch the things I do for you, says the Lord.
For truly the things I have in store for
you now are far greater than anything you can think or imagine.
Continue to press forward, do not lag behind but run right with me
fulfilling the calling that I gave you to fulfill.
But it was not for another, but it was for you, for many would not be
able to handle the call that I gave you, for remember that I will fulfill my
promise, I will fulfill my word unto you and you shall see it now, saith the
Lord, you shall see it now, you shall see it now.
6-1-2022 Pm service
For I say unto you, my children, put your
faith, trust in me, says the Lord, and watch the things that I do, says the
Lord. For without faith you can’t
please me and I can’t do for you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, hope and trust and faith in me, says the Lord.
For, yes, truly there is no mountain that
is too big that I cannot move it out of your way, but if you have the faith of a
mustard seed, the smallest seed known unto man, if you have that amount of faith
I can do that for you. So you see it doesn’t take much, big or small, all you have
to do is have a little faith, believe what I have said and speak my word and
watch as it comes to pass over your life. For
truly I have given unto you great power and great authority, great ability, all
you have to do is use it, but it is yours for you to use, saith the Lord.
5-29-2022 am service
For I have spoken unto you, said surely
unto you that this is a new hour, it’s not an old hour, you can’t go back
and take the old things that once worked and make them work in this new hour.
This is a new hour, the false is going to be put away one hundred percent
and only, only the truth shall shine like a light and that light shall grow
brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter.
And as you look into that light you’ll see the errors of your way,
you’ll see the promise that I gave unto you, and how you fulfilled those
promises, and the moment you thought the promises were fulfilled, then you
stepped away from fulfilling the promises and left them alone.
You cannot do that, for once you begin the work that I given to you
it’s an everlasting work, it does not end, it does cease, it does not stop, it
only grows brighter and brighter and brighter and the days ahead shall be
brighter and brighter and brighter and the victories ahead shall be greater and
greater and greater and multitudes, multitudes, multitudes shall flood in.
They shall come from the north, they shall come from the east, they shall
come from the west, they shall come from all over and they shall flood unto you
to follow you. Not, not man, but to follow what I, your Father God, have set
before you, for I set the course of your life, no one else, I am the one that
sets the course of your life, and once you recognize that and realize that, you
cannot walk in accordance with me. Many
today are plotting a plan to go their own way, but I can tell you right now it
won’t work, it’s a laugh, it’s a laugh, it’s hilarious.
For they don’t have the wisdom, they don’t have the knowledge, they
don’t have the ability, they don’t have the anointing, it’s the anointing
and that you shall see again. For today, today, today I shall show you and tell you and you
shall hear and you shall know and your heart shall rejoice, for truth, truth
shall come alive today.
Etc. cause your worshipping to which is
contending for it’s contending against powers of darkness even in the
sanctuary, so that would be contending. I
saw angels, several of them, come into the sanctuary and one of them carried a
plumb line and he was measuring. He
was measuring the corners, measuring height, measuring the length and by
revelation as he looked at me I knew he was measuring this building to see if it
would hold the capacity of which the Lord was going to send.
And that two other angels came in carrying the ark, the ark of the
covenant and they brought it forward and they set it over by the exit door and
it’s there, it is covered for the moment in a blue cloth, but the Lord said
that the day is coming when I will uncover it and you would see my glory as in
the days of old.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
it’s very important that you stay in my word, says the Lord, and not walk out
of my word, says the Lord, that I can place you where you need to be, says the
Lord, and you will do the work that I have sent forth for you to do, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you,
abide in me that I can abide in you, says the Lord, and carry forth the things
that I have given unto you, says the Lord.
For the word of the Lord came unto me and
I spoke unto you the word that he gave to remind you it is he that has called
you, not Jesus, it is he, your Father, your heavenly Father, he has called you,
your anointing is from him, your ministry is from him and it’s all to him and
not to any other. And even though
others may boost your name up there and shout praises, it’s like a dog that
doesn’t even sound clear, for there is only one true worship and that’s
worship to the Father. So let your
voices be raised, let your voices be raised, let worship come unto me, for as
you give worship unto me I shall take all the scrambles and all the little
pieces and take them like a puzzle and throw them in the air and they shall fall
into place and it shall be.
If you would mark down this date, saith
your Father, if you would mark down this date, mark it down, don’t sit there
and just do nothing, I said mark this date down, keep your eyes on this date and
before the New Year comes, before the New Year comes, not only shall the
building out there be complete, but the new one shall be on its way, well on its
way. And many other things shall be
well on its way and many shall have to redirect their path and get back on the
route that leads to Almighty God, that leads to the Father or miss out on the
For yes, truly, I can only pour My Spirit
upon those that are holy, for even the priest had to consecrate themselves
before coming into my presence and yet because of the blood that Jesus shed you
can come into my presence anytime. But
at times people come with sin and other baggage and they should not and they are
not pure before me and I cannot move upon them because of that.
But for those who are pure undefiled, for those I will move upon, I will
open the windows of heaven and pour out upon them my blessings, I will pour out
upon them My Spirit without measure. For
truly it is that time and it is that hour and you shall see it, you shall see
it, you shall see it, for from this day forward you shall see it.
But not for those, not for those who are not pure, but only for those who
have done what I have said, only for those who have put me first, only for those
who have chose to follow me and not follow other things, only for those, saith
the Lord.
5-29-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, if you
draw closer to me you shall see my manifestation within you, says the Lord. For
people shall come unto you, says the Lord, that will need prayer and will need
deliverance, says the Lord, you will be there for them, for I will be with you,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, draw close to me that I can use you, says the Lord.
For, yes, truly great things are in store
for you for this time and for this hour, not for another time but for this time
now, great things. Greater things than you have seen, greater things than you
have heard about, great, great, great, great shall be the things that shall take
place from here on until I return for the church. Remember I said you will do greater things and those greater
things have not been done yet, so you have that to look forward to with great
expectation and realize that I have called you to a very important work and be
ready, be willing, be available for me to use you when I need you, that’s the
big key, being available when I need you not when you need me, but when I need
you, saith your Father, be available for me.
Etc unto you, says the Lord, it is an
hour to draw close, to draw nigh unto me. Spend
time, spend time in my word, spend time just basking in my presence allowing me
to speak to your heart and give unto you the things that you need for this hour
and this time. For many of my
people need to set their priorities straight, for many of my people need to take
into account the hours and the minutes that they give to other things and the
hour and the minutes that they give to me.
For it is an hour to draw nigh and it is an hour to spend time in my
presence. But how can you give out
to others if you are not spending time in my presence?
Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me than ever before, for truly
it is the hour where I desire to give to you in a mighty and powerful way that
you can be my mouthpiece to those around you, that you can share my love, that
you can give them the light of my word. For
there are many people walking around you and they should know the light of my
word, for it is that hour and that time for the harvest to come in.
So be not afraid to share my word but, I say unto you, be bold, for I
have given you the boldness that you have need of to share with those around
you. Therefore, I say unto you, as
you open your mouth watch what I will give unto you.
5-25-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, the love
that I have for you is greater than any love you could ever know, says the Lord,
for my love is greater, says the Lord, than your problem, my love is greater,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, cast upon me all the cares that you have, all your problems, says the
Lord, and watch how I shall deliver you from them all, says the Lord.
For I am always there for you regardless
of what is taking place in your lives or in the world.
For I have already made a way for you to walk, a way of victory, a way of
overcoming, a way of being the head and not the tail, above and not beneath
regardless of the things that are taking place in the world.
For remember you’re not of this world, but you’re just pilgrims
passing through and truly I have made a glorious way for you to walk in, all you
have to do is follow my leading, follow the directions that I have given unto
you. Put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, do
not rely on man, for he does not have the answers, but I have the answers and I
can do all things and through me you can do all things, for truly it is a great
time and it is a great hour. Do not
be deceived by the things that are going on in the world, do not be deceived by
what man says, but realize and know and understand the day and the hour you are
now in and how I have created you to be the victors, the overcomers and walk in
the victory that I have already made for you, saith the Lord.
5-22-2022 am service
For yes truly I, your Father God, desire
to do a new thing for you this day, this day, this day, to set you on fire and
charge you forward for the final hour, the final hour, the hour I have called
you for, the hour I have been preparing you for.
And, yes, truly it is that time now and it is that hour, receive the
fullness of the things I have for you, receive it, receive it, receive it, for
truly I am pouring it out on those who will receive it this day, saith the Lord.
For what do you have that is holding you
back, says the Lord, what is holding you back, says the Lord, what is holding
you back? I say unto you, give it
unto me this day and you’ll never be held back again, for you’ll run with
me, you’ll run with me like you need to run for this end time.
For this end time I need you to be totally free that there is nothing to
be bound, but they need to be free to walk in the freedom that I have given unto
you. For I say unto you, where, where are you in need today, you
need to come to me and let freedom take place in your life, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, my fire,
I am fire, says the Lord, therefore you cannot be bound when you are filled with
My Spirit, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, allow my fire to burn you loose
today, says the Lord. For you are
free, says the Lord, for I’ve set you free, be free, says the Lord.
For I have even sent you My servant this
day, I have sent him with my word for you, receive it, receive it, receive it
and allow me to do the things that I desire to do.
For I do not want the enemy holding you back any longer, but I want you
running forward doing everything that I have called for you to do for this time
and for this hour. For I have given
you a great calling, this place, you that are here, I have given you a great
calling and I need you to fulfill the things that I have given unto you to do.
Receive the things that I have, for they are for you for this time now,
saith the Lord.
5-22-2022 pm service
For I have everything you will ever need,
says the Lord, lean on me. Does not
my word say to lean on me and not to have your own understanding, give all your
burdens unto me, for do I not care for you? Yes, my children, you need to learn
how to lean on me and the promises, the things I have said that I would do, yes,
I would do. But many times my
children give up, they give up and they don’t holdfast or steadfast upon my
word. It is not an hour to just
give up, but it is an hour to holdfast to the promises that I have given unto
you, to be steadfast and to see everything that I have told you I would do.
Therefore, I say unto you, hold steadfast to the promises that I have
given unto you, know that my word is sure is everlasting it does not change.
Oh, I say unto you, my children, have your eyes fixed upon me and my word
for therein shall you walk in peace, therein shall you have the joy like you
have never had before, therein shall you find contentment, therein shall you
find everything that you have need of, for I am everything you need and
everything you will ever need, says the Lord.
Therefore I say unto you, my children,
agree with what my word says and you will agree with me, says the Lord, for I
and my word are one as we are one, says the Lord.
Do you believe what my word says unto you, says the Lord, believe and you
shall receive and have the things that I have promised unto you, says the Lord.
For my word is always true, my word
always goes forth to produce what it was meant to produce, it never fails, it
never will let you down. Therefore
when you speak forth my word it will come to pass, it has to come to pass
because that is what I have said that my word shall bring those things that be
not as if they were and they shall be. Therefore, I said, speak forth my word and don’t speak the
negative things, for those shall come to pass also and you do not want that.
But speak forth my words, speak those things and call those things into
being like I have said. For truly I
have called you to be the overcomers, I have called you to be the victors, I
have called you to be the head, I have called you to win, saith the Lord and you
shall win. For truly I have great
things in store for you, great things in store.
So do not be down, do not fret about what you see going on, but realize
the time and the hour you are now in, but know that I have a much greater plan
for you, I have far greater things in store for you and realize that they shall
too also now come to pass, saith the Lord.
5-18-2022 pm service
Oh what a gorgeous hour you have now
entered into, for truly you are in the final hour like I have said and I have
such great things in store for you my people, in store for those who are walking
by my side doing the things that I have said, for those that have chosen not to
go their own way but have chosen to follow me, great things are in store in the
coming days ahead. So let your
heart be filled with great joy and excitement knowing for sure that I am doing
all that I have said that I would do and you shall see it in the days ahead,
saith the Lord and it shall not be years off, but it is coming to pass even now,
saith the Lord. So receive the
fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly they are great for this
hour, for this hour, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
says this is the way walk in it, says the Lord, don’t walk out of it but walk
in it, says the Lord. Where I am
you are, therefore, I say unto you, behold for I am with you, saith the Lord.
5-15-2022 am service
For I remain faithful unto you forever,
saith the Lord, my word does not change it does not go out from me and return
unto me void. Therefore, I say unto
you, remind me of my promises, remind me of the word that I have given unto you,
for it is my word that is everlasting it does not change, oh it changes the
situation. So, I say unto you, know
my word and speak forth my word, speak forth the promises that I have given unto
you and watch change; watch as the change takes place, says the Lord.
For my word needs to flood out of your mouth, my word needs to flow like
a mighty rushing river. Oh, but I
say unto you, allow victory to come unto you, so that you can walk in the
fullness of what I have called you for this hour and this time.
Allow not the enemy to enter in but, I say unto you, rise up like never
before, realize that I am the way maker, realize that I am the miracle working
God, is there anything too hard for me, says the Lord?
Oh, I say, rise up in the faith that I have given unto you, rise up and
become all that I have called you for this hour and this time.
For I have called you to be the overcomers, etc etc, says the Lord, it
doesn’t matter what is taking place in this world, it doesn’t matter what
kind of part that you have, it doesn’t matter what the President is doing, it
doesn’t matter what your parents are doing, it matters what you are doing, are
you speaking forth my word on a daily basis, are you walking in the faith that I
have given unto you, are you walking, are you walking as the enemy is defeated
underneath your feet? For it is an
hour for my children to rise up, it is not an hour for them to pine away, but it
is an hour for them to rise up and become all that I have said that they can
become to become those vessels of honor, those vessels of honor that I desire to
use for this time. Oh, I say unto
you, rise up, rise up, rise up, do not allow the enemy to be bringing you
discouragement, do not allow him to bring fear, but I tell you rise up in the
faith that I have given unto you, for I am the same and will ever, ever be
faithful to you.
For I say unto you, my children, it is my
word coming out of your mouth that is a weapon, saith the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, raise it up, saith the Lord, let the devil,
the enemy, know that you have my word and not his word, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, let my praise come out of your mouth, let my
worship come out of your mouth, says the Lord and knock down the enemies word,
says the Lord, by My Spirit by my word, says the Lord.
For you have been given all power, you
have been given all authority; you have been given all ability, for it has been
through my word that I have spoken to you that you already have all of those
things. But you must put them to
use, you must allow my word to come out of your mouth and go forth and do the
things that I have called for it to do. But
do not allow the negative words to come forth, for woe unto you if you allow the
wrong things to come forth out of your mouth, for you will see destruction
happen, it will come to your doorstep. So
be careful, be careful, for you are living in different times now, it is a
different hour now and I have warned you about those things.
But speak forth my word that life may come and that more abundantly, for
truly that is what I came to do, that is what my Son came to do, to give life
and that more abundantly and yet why are my people not living that more abundant
life, but you have the ability to, it is within your mouth, it is within my
voice, saith the Lord. Speak forth
my word and watch as it comes to pass.
5-15-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, for
remember, know that my name is great, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, what comes out of your mouth is what you get,
says the Lord, whether it be my name or something of the devils name, says the
Lord. My name is greater, therefore
speak my word, speak my truth, says the Lord and watch, watch as you have the
victory every day, says the Lord.
The people that know how to praise me
will be the victors, they will be the overcomers.
For truly you see it all throughout my word that the praise went before
the victory, even now so shall the praises go forth and the victories will flood
in. For truly my people need to
know how to praise me, know how to praise me, know how to praise me, for truly
it’s important for these days and these hours.
For remember, I say, that the glory of
the Lord shall be the strength that you have need of.
As you worship me and as you praise me doesn’t it change your Spirit
when you’re in a down mood, says the Lord.
Do you not realize your lack of praise that had when you lift up my name,
it has to go, do you not know that? Do
you not know that it cannot stay around in an atmosphere of praise?
Therefore, I say unto you, know the truth that I have given unto you my
word, let my joy, let my joy well up within your heart every single day and, I
say unto you, when you do not have that joy within your heart then you need to
get into the form of praise and worship that when you start praising me your
heart starts changing, your attitude starts changing and energy is quickened.
Therefore, I say unto you, know the importance of that, my children, of
living and walking in my word, not just saying my word but also living it and
doing it. Oh, I say, as you do that you shall receive the fullness of
what I have said is yours for this hour.
For yes, truly, true worship and praise
changes the atmosphere and brings you into my presence and that’s why it is so
important that when you’re in my presence then I can move upon your behalf, I
can speak to you, I can do the things that need to be done, so realize how
important this is in the coming days ahead.
For truly I have called you to be the victors, I have called you to be
the overcomer and I have called you a people to praise me, saith the Lord.
5-8-2022 am service
Let the joy of the Lord be your strength,
allow the abundant life that I have given unto you to rise up within your heart
like never before, for that contains peace, that contains joy, that contains
everything that you have need of my children to walk in these days ahead.
Do not listen to the lies of the enemy but, I say unto you, rise up and
walk as the children that I have called you, know the power that I have given to
you, know the authority that I have given to you, know that power and might in
the mighty name of Jesus and at my name everything must bow.
So when doubt puts into your mind speak the name of Jesus and the doubt
must leave, oh when fear comes into your heart, speak the name of Jesus and fear
must leave. Oh, I say unto you,
speak my name when the enemy comes in, because when he rises up against you like
a flood I raise up myself against him. So,
I say unto you, stand, stand, stand, know the power that I have given unto you,
rise up my children for I have called you for this hour, for I have not called
you to be defeated but I have called you as the overcomers as the victorious
ones. Rise up and speak forth my
word, allow my words to flow out of your mouth on a daily basis, do not walk in
fear and unbelief but, I say unto you, walk in the faith that I have already
provided unto you. For it only
takes the faith of a small mustard seed to move the mountain, do you not have
that much faith, says the Lord? So,
I say unto you, look at yourself the way I see you and rise up and become all
that I have called you to be for this hour and this time.
For it is time, it is time, it is time for you to march across the land
affecting everything that is in front of you, but you must speak my word, you
must walk in faith, and you must have the joy of the Lord within your heart,
because that joy will give you everything that you have need of to walk in these
days ahead. Therefore, I call you
to rise up, I call you to rise up, I call you to rise up for this hour, says the
I say unto you, my children, my worship
shall open the doors of heaven for you, says the Lord, when you worship me with
all your heart, says the Lord, I move on your behalf, my angels move on your
behalf. Therefore, I say unto you,
what good is a voice if it is not used, says the Lord, for I have given each and
every one of you a voice to speak my word in song, in praise and worship, says
the Lord. Therefore, I say unto
you, where is my voice, says the Lord, praise me and worship me, says the Lord,
and watch as I move, says the Lord.
For when my word goes forth out of your
mouth it comes to pass, for my word always comes to pass, it never goes out and
returns void but it always comes to pass. Rejoice
with great rejoicing this day, for the walls are coming down and my move, my
word is going forth, saith the Lord.
What are the areas in your life that you
need me to move upon, rejoice over that thing, rejoice over that thing and watch
as my word comes to pass in your life. For
truly as I have spoke it this day so shall my word come to pass, for my word
does not go out and return void and when my word comes out of your mouth it does
what I commanded it to do and that was to come to pass.
So when you speak forth my word watch it come to pass, believe it to come
to pass, see it come to pass, saith the Lord.
For have you not seen changes taking
place when I have spoken unto you and said to you do this and you heeded unto my
word and done what I have said and yet for those who have not moved when I have
said to move they have faced hardship because of that.
So know and understand the importance of doing what I have said, for I
know how it will work, I know which way you need to go and what you need to do.
So do what I have said and watch how it all comes into place, every piece
into being. For you don’t need to
know how it is going to happen, all you have to do is believe it, saith the
5-8-2022 pm service
For truly your time and your hour is now,
for I have said you’ve entered into that season, you’ve entered into a new
time you haven’t been in before. Yet I have given you everything you have need of to be
successful, I’ve said walk according to my word and walk according to my
promises. For truly this is the
time and the hour that you have prepared for, this is the time and the hour that
you have been waiting for, this is the time and the hour that you should be
ready for and expecting to see great things and a great move of My Spirit, for
it is that time now, saith the Lord. Realize
who you are in me, realize what I have called for you to do and know that my
word goes forth and does not return void that it must carry out the things that
I have sent it to do. Therefore,
know without a shadow of a doubt that my word will be fulfilled, saith the Lord,
for truly this is your victory hour, this is the hour where you walk as the
overcomer, this is the hour, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, your
worship should be stuffed full of my word, says the Lord, my worship should
always be coming out of your mouth, says the Lord.
For it’s my word by which I work through, says the Lord, for without my
word nothing can be done, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, what is filling you tonight, says the Lord,
for my word, my praises should be filling you, says the Lord.
For do you not know I dwell in the
praises of my people, I say my praises, let my praises flow out of your mouth,
oh the greatness of the things that take place.
For when my word flows out of my heart to the people miracles, signs,
wonders take place, for my word brings life and that more abundantly.
Learn how to flow in my word every single day, every single moment of
every single day. Walk as I desire
you to walk, fill yourself with my word, fill yourself with my worship, take my
word within your heart, know my word like never before that it flows out of you
just like a mighty rushing river that the enemy has no place, but my word has
full place within your life, says the Lord.
5-4-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, when
you’re alone with me it doesn’t matter who else is around, says the Lord,
for I am there with you and I am there with you all the time, says the Lord.
So remember that no matter what you see or what you feel I am there to
take care of you, says the Lord.
And I am always for you, but are you
always for me, are you always thinking about what you should do for me?
For that’s what I desire, for I desire you to follow after the things
that I have said, to go where I have said go, do what I have said do, become all
that I have said to become. For
truly I have much greater things in store for you than you even know yet. But truly I desire to use you, and because I have chosen you,
you must choose me and follow after me and do what I have said and then you
shall see what I have in store for you, saith the Lord.
5-1-2022 am service
What a glorious time now you have entered
into, for remember I have told you that now is the time and now is a new hour.
For many things shall now take place that couldn’t take place before
because it was not time yet and oh the joy that I have for you for the things
that are in store for the days ahead. But
yet in the world there will be much darkness, much disaster, much destruction,
but for those who keep their eyes and keep their focus upon me they will not
experience the pain that the world goes through.
For remember I have already made a way, a much better way, and for those
who choose to walk in that way they do not have to experience the other side of
that. For remember death no longer
has power over you as you are walking with me.
So realize that there is a much easier way, the way that I have prepared
for you, walk according to it, walk in the midst of my promises, for truly I
desire to pour my promises out upon you, I desire to shower you with my
blessings. For truly it is that
time and it is my hour, but you must be walking in the way that I have for you,
saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, look at
the fields that are white and ready for harvest, says the Lord, that’s the
time that we’re in now, say the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, get off the things of the world and get on my path, says the
Lord, for I have a work for you and it’s coming very soon, says the Lord.
Where is your focus, is your focus upon
me and my word, for when your focus is upon my word fear leaves, doubt leaves,
unbelief leaves, where is your focus, says the Lord?
Are you focused upon me and my word and what I have said unto you, things
I have spoken unto you, for when you dwell in my word everything comes alive, do
you understand my children? Therefore,
I say unto you, know my word like never before and focus yourself upon me, focus
yourself upon me that you can be all that I have called you to be for this hour
and this time. For my word needs to
be flowing from your lips, it needs to be in your heart, it needs to be coming
out of you on a daily basis. So, I
say unto you, where is your focus, says the Lord, where is your focus, for when
your focus is upon me all other things will fade away and you will walk in the
victories that I have called for this hour and this time, says the Lord.
5-1-2022 pm service
For, yes, truly nothing is greater than
the name of Jesus, nothing is greater than my name, for there is nothing greater
in heaven or in earth that is greater than my name and I have given unto you
that name and all the power and authority that comes with that name that even
the very demons have to flee at that name.
Problems have to turn around at that name, cancer has to leave at that
name and yet at times my people don’t speak my name when they need to.
Yet my word is the most powerful tool I have ever given, but it is to be
spoken and it is the spoken word that does what it was sent forth to do. For the written word, what does that do, but when it is
spoken, oh how great the things are accomplished.
For when you speak forth my name, when you speak forth my word I can move
the mountains, I can cleanse the lepers, I can bring sight to the blind when you
speak forth my name. So realize the
importance of it, realize the power and authority that you have that I have
given unto you and use it as I have said for you to do, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, your
hope is in me, says the Lord, for if your hope is in me you’ll have hope, says
the Lord, for my hope is your victory, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, everything you need, anything you are going
through you get through me, says the Lord, victory comes through me and my word,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, look unto me and receive victory.
For it is in my name that brings the
victory, it is my name that sets the captives free, it is my name that ends
fear, it is my name that brings the love, it is my name that gives you
everything that you have need of. Oh it is an hour for my people to realize how important it is
to be living and walking with me, not just to say they are doing it, but to
actually do it, that allows my word to pour out of their mouth.
For it is my words that sets the captives free, it’s my name, it’s my
name that is above all other names that they must bow to me, do you not know
that my church, do you not realize that the power and authority that I’ve
given unto you through my name? As
you speak forth my name, as you speak forth my word it breaks the shackles, it
sets you free, it brings the victory that you are longing for and looking for.
I say unto you, rise up like never before and become the overcomers that
I have called you to be, for I have called you the overcomers for this time and
for this hour, to be more than a conqueror.
I don’t want you to be just getting along, I want you to have life more
abundantly, that’s why I say unto you, go with me, speak forth my words and
walk, walk, walk, walk with me like you’ve never walked before.
For I’ve called you to a higher realm, says the Lord, a higher place
where you do not allow the enemy to come in, but if you only allow my words to
flow out of your mouth and as you do that you will see a great change, you shall
see victory, upon victory, upon victory. Therefore,
I say unto you, change, focus upon me and my word, allow only my word to come
out of your mouth and watch, watch, watch your life make a whole entire turn
around, because of you changing the way you are speaking and thinking and
walking and doing. For when you
line yourself up with my word you allow greatness to come, says the Lord.
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For I say unto you, my children, my word
has always been a sweet sound, says the Lord, for my word has created everything
you see here today and therefore I say unto you, my word is sweet, says the
For, yes, truly when you are lifting your
praises up from your heart it is a sweet sound to my ears and I desire to move
upon your behalf and bless you. For you enter into a realm that you were in before, it’s
not the natural realm, but the Spirit realm, the realm of worship and praise and
oh how I love the praises of my people, for it is a sweet sounding to my ears.
But it must be from your heart, for if it’s not from your heart it is
not real true worship, but those who worship from their heart, oh how sweet it
is. For truly it’s my desire that
you’re walking more in the Spirit realm, that you’re doing the things that I
have said and called for you to do for this time and for this hour.
For I love you with an everlasting love and it’s my desire that you
receive the fullness of the things that I have for you.
Walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, for it is that
time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
Etc for this time, this hour the only
place to walk is in the Spirit realm, cause if you’re not walking in the
Spirit realm then you don’t have the new birth and if you don’t have the new
birth that disqualifies you for heaven. So we need to wake up and listen and hear what I am saying to
my people. This is a brand new
hour, you’ve never been here before, you don’t have the wisdom, you don’t
have the knowledge, you don’t have the understanding to explain it to people.
There are some here that do, so listen to the ones that do and don’t
listen to the ones that don’t, for the ones that don’t will lead you astray.
4-24-2022 am service
For truly you are joint heirs with me and
because you are joint heirs with me you’re also worthy, you receive the glory,
you receive the honor, you receive the blessings because you’ve been faithful.
If you’re faithful that is exceedingly important, because only the
faithful will get to see God, it’s in my word if you’ve really read my word,
it’s the faithful, the faithful, those willing to obey, those willing to walk
with me. For others normally do not walk that way and think that I do
not see them, but I see all, and I say unto you, you are worthy, you are worthy.
For I say unto you, my children, when you
do my word you’re walking in my word, says the Lord, you’re walking in my
footsteps that I have for you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, have you been doing my word, for my word is
power and might for you, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, the more you know my word the more you do it and the more you
can walk in the victories that I have for you, says the Lord.
For I have been faithful to all those
that have been faithful to me, and when you walk in that faithfulness my heart
rejoices, you make me proud that you’re mine and I favor you and I not only
favor you but I fill you with all the blessings daily, I load you down with
blessings. But many of you never
receive them, you don’t look for them, you don’t call them into being and
you walk as if you are not mine. Walk
according to my word, walk according to my promises and do the things that I
You’re in a new time now; therefore it
is vitally, vitally, important that you learn to develop your Spirit realm.
For those that walk in the Spirit shall be the overcomers, those that
walk not in the Spirit shall be defeated on every side; they shall walk in pain,
discouragement and hurt. For they
walk not, they cannot not hear what the Spirit has to say, they cannot receive
the protection that is there for them cause they cannot relate to the Spirit.
They don’t hear his voice and, therefore, they are not his, be his be
his by becoming aware of the Spirit realm.
So also when you are in the Spirit
you’re not fulfilling the lust of the flesh, for remember your flesh and your
Spirit are always warring and more than not people get into the flesh more than
in the Spirit. But, I say, walk in
the Spirit, be in the Spirit realm at all times, for this is a key for you from
here on out, saith the Lord, to be in the Spirit realm then you can hear from me
directly, you know exactly what is taking place and I move upon your behalf in a
mighty and powerful way, saith the Lord.
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He is worthy, he’s worthy, he has done
everything for us that you could imagine, even when we were wrong he did
everything he possibly could to bless us, to keep us, to show us his love and
his mercy and all he expects us to do is do the same for him.
For it is of a truth that I speak unto
you all from the heart this night. For, yes, I have called you to do many great things and yet
your focus at times is elsewhere and how can I move upon your behalf and do the
things that I want if your focus is not upon me and the things that I desire to
do through you? For, yes, the call
is great and I desire to do great things, but I also desire obedience and I
cannot move upon your behalf without obedience because that opens the door to
the enemy and he stops what I am trying to do.
But yet I have told you no man will stop it and I give you opportunity
after opportunity to do what I have said. Will
you hear me from my heart this night and realize how important the hour is now
that you are living in and be focused on me and be focused on what I want to do.
Put aside those other things that are keeping you from doing what I have
called you to do that are keeping you from having your full focus and attention
upon me and upon the calling I have placed upon you.
For truly it is great and I desire to fulfill it with you, not somebody
else and there is still plenty of time to do all that I have said.
For it is now that time and it is now that hour, it wasn’t that hour
before but it is now. So realize it’s time to run with me, it’s time to stay
focused, it’s time to do all that I have called you to do for this time now
for this hour now, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, when you
know there is a guest coming to your household do you do the things that you
want to do or do you make sure your house is clean and in order, says the Lord?
I say unto you, I am coming and I am coming for a church that is ready,
says the Lord, not a church that is straggling around and running around, says
the Lord, doing their thing, but my thing, says the Lord.
My church, my church is what it is called, says the Lord.
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etc. I give for you, I love you, I watch
over you, I protect you, I give unto you wisdom, I give unto you knowledge if
you’ll listen, that you can be the greatest, that you can be the overcomer,
that can be the victor, that you can be all, all that I said that you are and
truly you are already. So you know
the days are coming to a quick end, you can still reach your goal, you can reach
the plans that I have for you and you can be what I said that you could be and
there is nothing, nothing that can stop you.
For I say unto you, my children, to focus
on the things that I’ve promised unto you, says the Lord, don’t let the
things of the world drag you down, don’t allow the things of the world to
distract you, says the Lord. The
things that I have for you are so much greater than those things, says the Lord.
Therefore when the news says destruction know that I have peace for you,
says the Lord.
Remember you have an enemy and he tries
to stop you, but also remember that he’s a wimp.
He has been defeated, he hasn’t ever got any peace, he can’t stop
you, you’re far greater than he is, you’re more mighty than he is.
Therefore fear not but walk in the anointing that I have placed upon you.
For you have entered into a new time zone
now, for the fifty years is over and you’re well into the way into your next,
you’ll never reach another fifty, but you’re well into the way.
So fear not anything that the enemy tries to do, but you have to make the
choice, for if you don’t make the choice, the days that are ahead for those
that don’t know me and don’t walk with me are the worse days that the earth
has ever seen.
For my way always works and you follow
the way that I have made you walk as the victor, you walk as the overcomer, you
are the head and not the tail above and not beneath.
For, remember, I have prepared the way for you, walk ye in it, isn’t
that what my word tells you and it seems so simple, but few really find that
way. But those who dig in and do
what I have said they find that way and they’re victorious and that is what I
desire for all of my people. Walk according to my word and enter into the fullness of the
things that I have for you now, saith the Lord, for it wasn’t time before but,
remember, now is that time for you, saith the Lord.
4-16-2022 am service
For truly you shall sing my praises, my
kingdom and I shall look upon you and recall all the things of glory that you
sing my praises, that you exalted my name, that you lift my name higher and
higher and higher, you are blessed, you are favored.
Therefore, I say to all, press in, for the end is here, changes today
will take place, they have to take place today, if they miss taking place today
they’ll never make that change and that change is extremely necessary and you
must know that and see that. It
can’t be a fake change, because I know the difference, your heart must cry out
and as you heart cries out I will meet you.
For I say unto you, my children, it’s
like it’s when the dinner bell rings, everyone comes to the table, says the
Lord. Now is the time for everyone
to come to my table, says the Lord, for it’s time to dine with me, says the
Lord, on My Spirit.
For if you’ve been singing the song of
Paul over and over and over you are ready for a great, great spiritual exchange,
a great one, because of your obedience. The
greatest gift that you can give unto me, your Father God, is obedience, it
overrules everything else, there is no gift to me greater than obedience and
what I have declared unto you is my word regardless of what others say.
For I have spoken to you the rhema word, not the logos, I have given you
my promises, not somebody else’s promises and I have told you the truth where
they have not told you the truth. So
believe my words, believe me, saith your Father God.
For this shall be the year of great
wisdom, my wisdom, my wisdom, I shall give out to those that cry out to me and I
shall take them from spiritual darkness that they’re walking in, I shall take
them from the fleshly realm and I shall change them that they know the
mysteries, that they know the secret things of God that when they speak people
listen, because they know that they’ve got key things that only their Father
God can give to them, they don’t come from anyplace else.
So get ready, get ready, get ready and those of you that need the
miracles receive the miracles right now, for I’m listening carefully to all
those that desire miracles, open up and receive the miracles now, receive them.
For before the foundation of the earth
this was all planned out, I knew everything that would take place, I knew when
you would accept me and I knew when you would deny me.
I knew when you would come back again into the safety of the fold and I
planned it all out that it would all work accordingly.
And today, today, today, what is today but a great day for my kingdom, a
day that long has been awaited, a day that will not be seen again here on earth
or in this time. For it cannot be
another time, for it was appointed for this time and for this season.
Regardless if you understand it or not know that you are at God’s
divine appointment and it has been appointed unto you for this day.
So realize that today is a special day, but it is your time now, saith
the Father, it is your time now. For
I have filled you with everything that you have need of up until this point and
now I shall bring you what you have need of from here on until the end.
For even your workers shall come now, for they could not come before, but
they can come now, the money cannot come before, but it can come now.
Realize the importance of my timetable and my timeframe and watch as it
all comes to pass from this time forth, saith your Father.
4-16-2022 pm service
etc, for truly far better is it one day
in my courts than a thousand other where. If
everybody believed the word as written, I wouldn’t have had to send my Son to
die, but they didn’t believe, not even Adam, he chose to believe Eve and when
you read my word you see this. And
yet at times you think doctrine is not important, my doctrine is important,
it’s the only word that will get you to heaven, the only word that’ll give
you a miracle, the only word that’ll make you an overcomer, the only word that
sets you free. Others do not have that and yet people read my book and do
not understand what I say and yet I say other things and they don’t believe,
because they don’t do it, that’s disobedience, it’s disobedience. Are you God or am I God, that’s what it boils down to, am I
your creator or are you the creator? Who
knows my word better than me, not you that’s for sure, for I can tell you
things that you don’t even know, but yet they’re written in my book.
So we’re in that time of change and I shall be teaching you many
things, things that you need to know and there is a reason that I say what I
say, so when I say I need this that’s what I need.
So don’t be disobedient but realize it is far greater in my courts.
For I say unto you, my children, I sent
my Son, Jesus Christ, for you, says the Lord, to put him on, says the Lord,
it’s your choice to put him on or not put him on, says the Lord, but he has
made unto you righteousness, says the Lord, therefore without him you cannot
enter in, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, put on my Son, Christ, every day.
No greater is my love expressed to you
than through my word, not the words of others, the Romans made them prisoners,
cut their heads off, fed them to the lions, I don’t do that.
Many things that you read and study about I tell you that, I don’t do
that. Therefore, my word, my word
is the path to freedom, my word is the path to righteousness, only through me
can you become righteous. For that
was my gift to man, my gift, without righteousness you can’t even be saved, do
they tell you that, I do?
Let your ears be open to the Spirit move,
for in the spirit realm you shall learn to walk more, listen more, be set more
free, get more wisdom and more knowledge than at anytime else.
You’ll learn the speakers, you’ll learn the mysteries, you’ll learn
the things that I desire for you. There
are things that I have not told you to do and yet you make plans to do them. There are things that I have said unto you to walk therein
and you don’t walk that way, how can I get you ready to go if you will not do
what I tell you to do? First you
need to come to the decision whether I’m God or I’m not God, who is God do
you know?
For remember it’s your choice, it’s
always been your choice and I’ve told you the promises that I’ve told you to
choose to follow and I have also showed you the destruction if you chose not and
the end for those that chose not. But it is my desire that you choose to walk according to my
promises, according to my commandments, according to the directions that I have
given unto you. For I give them so
you can prosper, I give them so you can walk in the way that I have prepared for
you, the easy way, but most of the time you choose the other way, the school of
hard knocks even though I warn you, you go not that way and you go your own way
and you run into problems because of that.
And yet I always bring you back to where I have called you to be, but it
is your choice if you choose to walk in that way, not to stray from it, not to
go to the left or the right but straight ahead. Do all that I have called for you to do, for truly it’s a
great time and a great hour, there has not been a greater time or a greater hour
than now, realize that and realize how important you are to me.
For I have called you, I have chosen you and I desire to use you, but you
must choose me, saith your Father.
Etc etc, greater day that I said all, all
your past bills are set free, all your indebtedness is set free, all your
healing is set free, all your promises are set free, have you chosen any of
them, because you just don’t get them because I said you’ve got them.
You’ve got to do that just like you have some faith, you believe, then
you speak them into being and you walk in faith.
For without faith, without faith it’s impossible to please me.
4-14-2022 pm service
etc etc the’re always a sweet sounding
voice in my ears, it causes my heart to bubble and rejoice and bless you.
For I look for these times when you exalt me and lift me up into the
place where I belong that you walk very closely by my side.
For I have so many things for this place here and I need to keep you
altogether in one place that you can make it possible, for that unity will
produce everything that you have need of.
For I say unto you, my children, it is
like a game of football, everyone on that field focuses on that one ball, says
the Lord. My people need to focus
on the things that I have for them here, says the Lord, not on other things, but
here. Focus and become one, says
the Lord.
When the body becomes one there is no
force that the devil has that can hinder you, slow you down or stop you.
He has no power, fleshly people have no power, there is nothing,
absolutely nothing, for I am far greater than any other god.
Oh, the joy, the joy, the joys that is
coming because of where you are right now, oh that my church would understand
where they are right now, there would be great rejoicing.
For the time is growing shorter and shorter and shorter, and yet you make
plans, they can never be fulfilled because they’re not according to my will
nor according to my time, for the time will be run out unless you’re planning
on staying behind.
For I say unto you again, get yourself
aligned with one goal and one plan, my plan, saith your Father.
For what did I tell you to do, what did I send you here for, what did you
follow the call that I gave for? For
remember you made the decision yourselves to come and everyone who is here made
their decision to come even though they could have done other things, but yet
that was my plan and my purpose and you chose to follow that.
Realize now how important that is and align yourself as one that the
enemy cannot hinder, slow down or stop, then you can receive the fullness of the
things that I have for you. For
remember I have already told you it is now that time, it is now that hour, be
aligned as one, saith the Father.
4-10-2022 am service
For truly now is also the time that etc
the etc etc natural powers flowing freely in your midst, they shall see
miracles, they shall see signs and they shall see wonders, for I have brought
that prophecy to you for years and years, but it was not time yet.
But now is the time and, therefore, because it is the time you shall see
far more now than you have seen in times past.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
are your eyes open your spiritual eyes, I say are your eyes open, says the Lord,
are your ears open for the things I am doing before you, says the Lord, you must
see and know and believe and understand the things that I’m doing in the
Spirit realm before you can see them physically, says the Lord, for you must
believe in order to see. Therefore,
I say unto you, do you believe the things I’ve said unto you that I am going
to do, says the Lord?
Therefore, before the foundations of the
earth I set everything in place, all my plans were made then; I did not make
those plans afterwards because I saw something missing.
I knew the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning,
therefore I set it in place and you have been set in place from before the
foundation of the earth. I called
my prophet and then I called my second prophet and they worked as one, people
got confused and thought John the Baptist was my prophet, but he didn’t have
his other prophet working with him and, therefore, could not have been that
under any circumstances my true prophet. But
people do not read my word nor understand my word so they get confused, but now
it’s the last hour and, therefore, in the last hour it shall be the greatest
For there are always three forces working
in every generation. You have those
that are walking in My Spirit realm, you have those that are unbelievers and you
have the devils crowd. Now in every
church the devil has two angels assigned to every single person, they report to
him what you’re doing and many of you serve him and know it not.
But you also have your angels that are there to protect you and keep you
safe, there is no confusion between the two, there is war, yes, there is war,
but the war is also contained to the point that they never overcome and you
always overcome. So, therefore,
when you understand this you stay in your own swap, work in the office I have
given you not the one you desire, not what you want to do, but the office that I
gave to you. For out of that you
function in the fullness of your power, ability and strength, but many desire to
be higher or run on their own and then they work against me and war with me and
fight with me. But, I say unto you,
submit yourself wholly to me and I shall do it.
For truly my way is far better than any
other way, for all other roads lead to destruction, but mine leads to life
eternal with me, but remember you must humble yourself before me.
For truly if you love me with all of your heart you will do what I need
of you and I will bless you for that. For,
yes, there are many great promises that are laid aside for you if you’ll walk
with me and do what I have said leaving all else behind to follow after me and
do what I have called you to do. For
it’s not your own walk and your own desires, but it should be, it should be my
wants and my desires, for when you align yourself with me then my perfect will
can be done. For truly that is the
way that I have made, walk in it, saith the Lord.
So, therefore, I say unto you, your
miracle is here this instant, receive it now, receive it now and you shall rise
up and you shall fulfill the ministry that I have given unto you and your voice
shall return unto the voice of an angel and people shall hear it and rejoice and
be thankful.
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If that is your hearts request, then I
say unto you, speak the song of Paul Ephesians six times a day for thirty days
without stopping and I shall give that unto you.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
contains all the glorious nuggets of virtue and knowledge and power, says the
Lord. Therefore, find the things
that are in my word, says the Lord and those are the greatest things you can
ever say or speak or believe, says the Lord.
Don’t believe in the things that you hear outside of my word, but only
believe those things in what you hear in my word, says the Lord.
For when you look for the key you become
more spiritual, remember the keys come in all sizes and you need to get the
right key though to open the door. And
every time you see the word in the New Testament, rhema, that’s the personal
word from God to you, look that verse, study that verse, claim that verse and
you’ll be walking in that Spirit realm.
For this is the hour right now, saith
your Father, that walking in the Spirit realm will get you a thousand times more
than putzing around in the fleshly realm. So
when you want to grow and your serious get into my word like I tell you.
Don’t fake it because it won’t work, but if you’re honest I shall
fill you so full of the Holy Ghost that you’ll think your him cause you’ll
talk like him, you’ll walk like him, you’ll see into the Spirit realm like
him and you shall be the overcomers.
For it’s time for you to be activated
more in the Spirit realm than before, for it’s time to dig in now more than
before, it’s time for me to take you to a new level.
But I can only do that for those who will really dig in, those who really
want what I have in store for them, those who really want to do what I’ve
called for them to do, those who will lay aside their own wants and desires and
do what I have said. For truly that is the cost, remember when I called the
disciples I said, leave everything behind and follow me and yet there were some
that would not because they could not let go of their earthly possessions.
But truly if you want to become all that I have said you could be, lay
aside those things that are holding you back and follow after me one hundred
percent. Don’t give fifty
percent, don’t give seventy five percent, for I require one hundred percent,
then I can mold and shape you into who I have created you to be, for truly that
is my desire, saith the Lord.
Don’t be a Judas, for Jesus knew who
exactly who he was from the very beginning, from the very beginning and he never
changed even though he had opportunity after opportunity, after opportunity to
change and for a little silver he sold his Lord out, went to hell, never made it
to heaven. Be not like that, for
the time is very short now, I know that you need silver and gold, I’m aware of
that, do you think I do not know the economy and what’s going on?
I could have told you what the devil was going to do, but most of you
wouldn’t have believed me, you wouldn’t have listened, you wouldn’t have
followed my instructions. Oh, I say
wake up, wake up, wake up, for the time is short.
But there are many of you out there that need miracles and I shall give
you any miracle that you ask for right now, saith your Father God.
4-7-2022 pm service
etc. for a time I am never against you,
says the Lord, for I am always fighting for you, for you’re my children, says
the Lord. Therefore, I say unto
you, know that I am your Father and I’m always here for you, says the Lord.
For yes, truly, I desire to bless you; I
desire to move upon your behalf in great and mighty ways.
For truly it is that time and it is that hour that I have set aside to
pour out my blessings upon you, but for only those who are doing what I have
said and remember it’s very easy. For
I have laid it all out in my word that all you have to do is follow my
direction, be obedient and you shall see those things that you desire to see,
saith the Lord. For truly I love
you with an everlasting love and I desire to pour my love out upon you and I can
only do it if you are walking with me. Walk
closely by my side saith the Lord, for truly I have great things in store for
you, saith the Lord.
4-3-2022 am service
For as a truth, I am faithful, I am
always faithful, are you faithful, are you trusting in me with all your hearts,
are you confident that I’ll do the things that I say that I’ll do?
For truly I shall do them, and many of them you’ve already walked in
the fullness of them, and yet there are many more to come.
But I’ll always be faithful, yes I will, you can put all of your trust
in that and you will find me faithful. And
I say unto you, Mary Lou, I heard your cries in the night and that cancer is
gone now, no more pain, no more suffering, you will not die, you will not die.
Get yourself into a good church, obey my word and you’ll find I am
always faithful.
For I say unto you, my children, you’ve
had issues in trusting in me, it is because you haven’t trusted me, says the
Lord. Let loose of the things that
you are trying to hold on to and watch as I perform my work, says the Lord.
For when you let go I am able to move for you, says the Lord, as long as
you’re holding on to what you’re holding on to I can’t do it, says the
Lord. Therefore, let go and let me be your God, says the Lord.
For truly as you walk with me you’ll
find that I keep my word, I fulfill my word, your confidence can always rest
assured upon me. For when you let
go of what you’re holding in your hand, first you let go of what you’re
holding on to and then I’ll open my hands and pour you out a blessing that you
have no room to contain it. For
that blessing is yours, for I have promised it unto you and it shall be yours
and remember vengeance is always mine, vengeance is my mine, it is not yours, it
is not in your ability to bring forth judgment or vengeance.
For that is my area, saith your Father God and with what vengeance you
venge, they shall be returned to you.
For my word is going out more powerful
now than at anytime before. I’ve
called you, this church, to a calling that no other church in the world has,
you’re the only one, that’s because it all started here first.
And when you realize that you’ll buckle down, I can’t do it without
those that I have called. Do not allow others to lead you astray or cause you to become
bitter, but walk in my love at all times. For
when you walk in my love then you’re anointed with a higher anointing than
ever because faith worketh by love.
For you see it was because I first loved
you that I gave my Son to die in your place, to take on all of the sin and death
that there was so you could live a life of freedom and victory.
And yet most don’t walk in the fullness of that, but they could, for it
is there for them, all you must do is do what my word has said, follow after me.
For did not I warn you that they would come in my name, for even in my
word I tell you not to run here or there or listen to what they have to say.
For does it line up with my word, oh it might sound close, but there are
bits and pieces that don’t line up, beware of those.
For many are telling fables drawing people unto themselves and yet there
is no power, there are no miracles, there are no healings.
But truly signs and wonders will follow the believers. So if you want to know if they’re a believer, are the signs
there, are there miracles, are there healings, is there deliverance, for that
shall be big now, saith the Lord.
4-3-2022 pm service
For your praises fill my throne room with
joy and I listen as you sing love songs unto me, as you lift my name up higher
and higher and higher and the enemy flees from your presence and there is peace
there, do you notice the peace, do you notice how peaceful it is right now, that
is because of your worship unto me.
For I say unto you, my children, the holy
is found in the peace, says the Lord, in its quiet peace, says the Lord.
Therefore, do you hear me, says the Lord, for I am speaking, says the
Lord, whether you’re not in a quiet place, I am and you can be there with me,
says the Lord. Therefore, know how
to be in my peace at all times.
For I have so much for you, you don’t
even see, know or understand yet, for the glories of all that I have for you
supersede anything that you’ve ever had before.
For it’s a glorious hour, a glorious hour and I watch over you and
protect you and keep you safe that you don’t even have to fear what the enemy
is doing. But there will come a
time, saith your Father God, when it’ll become so real to you, if you don’t
know me and walk in the Spirit realm with me, you won’t be able to move out of
your house for weeks at a time. So make sure you’re in my perfect will.
But yet at peaceful times like this when
you feel me the closest, for I love you with an everlasting love, I’ve never
given up on you, I wish I could say that about you on me.
But don’t give up, don’t listen to those that are negative, don’t
listen to those that don’t know the word, don’t listen to those that try to
bring division, for division is not of me.
But walk in my peace, walk in my comfort and let your heart know, know
where you’re at, for if you need me call out and I’ll be there.
For you see my children, I love you with
an everlasting love and I desire for you to walk in the fullness of everything
that I have. I desire for you to
walk according to my perfect will that way I can move upon your behalf and I can
open the windows of heaven and pour out my blessings upon you that I can do the
things that I desire to do. For
truly it is now that time and it is now that hour and I have said align yourself
with me, align yourself with my word; align yourself with my vision that I have
given unto this body. For truly if
you are not in line with that, then you are not in line with me and cannot walk
in any of the blessings that I have, for you cannot walk in the protection that
I have and yet dark days are ahead and if you’re not walking in my protection
it’s not good. For truly it is my
desire for you to always walk in my protection, it is my desire that you are in
the shadow of my wing, but only you can put yourself there and you do that by
walking closely by my side, doing what my word has said, following after my
command, putting your own agendas aside and following me only.
For truly that’s what I’ve asked of you and for those who will do
that, great things are in store for you. For
truly I will place my hedge of protection upon you and it will come to your
property line and go around like I have said before and even some have seen and
experienced this firsthand. But not
for those who are not trusting me, not for those who are not walking with me,
for truly disaster will come to them, saith the Lord.
3-30-2022 pm service
Be not fearful in any way, for fear is
not of me nor has it ever been of me, but walk in my strength, walk in my power,
walk in the ability that I give you. Too
many try to walk in the fleshly realm and the fleshly realm gets you into
trouble, you’re not of the flesh, you have the new birth, you’re a spiritual
being, therefore walk in the spirit realm and not the flesh.
For I say unto you, my children, the
things that you’re going through you don’t need to go through, for if you
walk in My Spirit, says the Lord, I’ve got My Spirit pouring out on you at all
times, says the Lord. For those
that are weary, those that are faint, says the Lord, look to me and let me
supply you with the rain, says the Lord.
Be not fearful to inquire of me, for my
sheep know my voice, if you’ve never heard my voice you’re not saved,
you’re not my sheep, my sheep know my voice. But if you know my voice then you can hear it and hear what I
have to say. For I had to say to
one of you that asked of me, he said it is far more beautiful up here than you
would believe, but I have not seen mother nor father.
For truly I do care about the deepest details, for I love you with an everlasting love and so when you call out to me I desire to answer you. But are you walking in the path that I have aligned for you or are you following after your own lust and your own desires? What day and hour are you living in, do you know the day and the hour that you are living in, do you not realize from the signs everywhere that the season has changed? Therefore, I have also given you much clearer directions now than before, but yet did I not tell you that as time went on that I would do that? So do not scoff and wonder, well Lord, why are things now suddenly getting harder, for if you knew the disaster that is about to come you would understand why I desire for you to be in my hedge of protection, but remember I have placed a calling upon you that I have not given to others and so my requirements are far greater. For remember Paul tells you that, count the cost, have you really weighed out the cost for doing all that I have called you to do, for, yes, the cost is great, but the blessings and the rewards are far greater? For I did not call those that I knew would not make it, but I called those who I knew would give it their all, but yet the decision has come yet again for you to make that choice. Will you choose me or will I have to bring in others to do the work that I have called you to do? Remember the goal that I gave you, remember the vision, remember the reason you’ve made the decision that you made. For truly I have it all planned out and all you need to do is go according to my plan, according to my purpose, for I have said lay aside those other things, for now is the time and the hour that I have called you to. Now is the time that you’ve waited your whole life for and prepared your whole lives for, do not forget that, saith the Lord.
3-27-2022 am service
For truly this is the house of miracles,
for I’ve called it for this very thing, saith your Father God.
I don’t need your hands, I don’t need your voice, but I do need your
horns, where are your horns, saith your Father God? I
don’t hear the horns, they’re not sounding the warning, where are they,
where are they? But let them not
overpower the worship leader, walk according to my word, don’t plot, don’t
plan, I’ll do the plotting, I’ll do the planning and you’ll walk in my
victory. For I say unto you, get in first and second Thessalonians and read it
every day, read it every day, set aside your agendas and make mine yours. For every time the doors are open I want you here, I don’t
want you here late, you don’t come to the King’s house late.
Come on time, be on time, be ready to worship me, be ready to praise me,
for the hour of departure is far closer than you know.
Empty out your mind and your thoughts about what hour it takes place,
read first and second Thessalonians and you may have a better understanding, for
you’ll see the Thessalonians, the writer says, I don’t know if I’m right
or not, only I know, saith your Father God, I’m the only one that knows.
I’ve told you that before, but at times others begin to set their own
timing, they make their own plans and they’re not mine.
This morning I shall tell you what’s ahead and you shall hear, for
truly the transfers already begun, the transfer has already begun, have you
forgiven, have you set your house in order, have you asked for forgiveness where
you need forgiveness? For truly how
can you come to my house if you haven’t set your house in order first, you
must set your house in order, set it in order, get in my word, get in my word
and then think about those that you want to see with you and make sure you bring
them with you, for it is that time, it is that hour, get ready, get ready, get
For I say unto you, my children, does not
my word say that my word is in your mouth with what we preach, says the Lord, my
Son Christ Jesus? Therefore, I say
unto you, if my word is not in your mouth what word is in your mouth, says the
Lord? For I should be in your mouth
at all times, says the Lord, that the things that you speak are what I want to
come to pass and not the things that you want, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, what is in your mouth?
For it’s time, saith your Father, yes,
it’s time to see the college kids come, for this year here shall be the
greatest teaching year that you’ll have, because the time is that short and it
shall bring forth the best, the very best gatherers of sheep that’ll you’ll
ever have. It’s that time,
prepare for it, believe for it, call it into being.
Get into my word and let that word be
studied afresh and anew. Don’t
listen to others that try to tell you what it means, look up the translations
yourself, find out for yourself that you speak my word and not your words.
I don’t need any of your words, I don’t need any of your plans, I
don’t need the things that you are planning on doing, for I have my plans and
it shall be my plans, my plans that’ll fulfill.
For I’ll see that those that are walking with me have the finances that
they need, that when you think about finances don’t think about your
pocketbook, think about my kingdom and the things that you think about is what
my kingdom needs, not what you need. For
you’re not going to be here long enough to enjoy if you buy for yourself and
I’ll give you no more, for it will not be yours, for it’s for my kingdom.
For, yes, truly the promises are great,
but there are many conditions to walking in the fullness of the blessings that I
have and if you are not walking with me the way I have said then you cannot
receive the promises that I have. For
many are already receiving them because it is already that time, if you have not
been receiving them, why not? Are
you not doing what I have said, are you not walking with me, are you making your
own plans, are you making your own goals, have you forgotten about me and yet I
should be the most important thing in your life.
I should be the most important person in your life and yet usually I am
not first like I am suppose to be, but remember what my word says, seek me first
then all these things shall be added unto you.
But I can only move upon the behalf of those who seek me first, for truly
it is that time, it is that hour and I am pouring out my blessings upon my
people, upon those who have put me first, upon those who are following after me
and doing the things that I have said. Oh,
what a glorious time that is ahead yet, for truly I desire to do even greater
than what you have seen up until now and the things from this point forward
shall be greater, but only for those who are walking with me like I’ve said.
All through the Old Testament you’ve
seen wicked kings, evil people make their own plans of what they were going to
do and as you go on and read you’ll see my plans were much, much different.
And all of them, all of them were destroyed and only my plans came forth. Be not one of those that gets destroyed, but be one that sees
the promises fulfilled.
3-27-2022 pm service
All shall be overcomers as long as you
walk with me and I have given unto you the promise and I have given unto you the
power, I have given unto you the authority if you walk with me.
But I expect obedience, I expect you to do as I say, not as you think,
but as I think, for it is my words not your words that shall make you that
overcomer. For many things you do that I do not say, but what I say at
times are things you do not do. I
heard no horns, think, think and walk according to my word.
Do not be distraught or discouraged, for
remember I am leading you into the victorious realm; I am not leading you into
defeat. So the directions and
orders I give are to lead you into victory, they’re to make you the overcomer;
they’re to get you where you need to go.
So do not be dismayed, but realize that I have given you everything that
you have need of to be victorious and all you need to do is walk in the way that
I have already made for you. For
truly I desire for you to prosper, I desire for you to be blessed coming in and
blessed going out, all you have to do is do what I have said, for truly that is
it. Walk according to my word and according to my promise, for
truly great things lie in store for you, saith the Lord.
Also being that you have moved into the
fullness of all that I have for you, this church, the miracles now shall be a
hundredfold. So you need a miracle
then ask for it and you shall receive.
3-23-2022 pm service
etc created everything for you and as you
walk with me and walk by my side and listen and learn of me then I can bless you
over and over and over and over. But
be not one that thinks that they know all and they can speak the word, but
it’s never got into their heart, it’s all head knowledge.
For head knowledge will not even get you into heaven, you need heart
knowledge and therefore I tell you the things that you need to know that you can
listen and you can mature and I can use you.
For I say unto you, says the Lord, a
plate of food you can name what’s on that plate when it’s inside you, says
the Lord, until it gets inside you it does you no good, says the Lord.
Therefore, like my word, get it in you that it can provide the nutrition
that you have need of, says the Lord.
I say you are more mightier than you
think, so put away the childish teaching and get into the word of God.
For you can understand the word of God and you can know the word of God
even as a young child and you can become a giant for me.
I thank you, saith your Father, for
hearing my words, for making those changes that need to be made and you’ll
find a lot more as we go along, but everyone you make shall cause you to be more
blessed and shall cause you to grow into one of the greatest giants the church
has ever seen.
For, yes, remember the time like you’ve
never seen before, and yet it has been like at times when all you’ve seemed to
face is opposition, but that will soon change and the light will be green,
green, green and it will be go, go, go and you will wonder how you are going to
get it all done and then it’s done and you wonder, wow Lord, how were you able
to do that. But remember that’s
what I told you and remember it’s a different time now, a different hour now.
So don’t be surprised by the things that take place, but remember what
I have told you, remember what I have said and get my word in your heart, saith
the Lord.
3-20-2022 am service
Truly worthy is my name; for I am your
Father and I have called you, I am also your God.
At times people do not act like I am their God nor do they act like I am
their Father nor do they act like I am the one that has brought them this far
safely. They forget the promises
that I have fulfilled for them, they forget the signs and the wonders that
they’ve seen, the beautiful taste of the moving of the Spirit and suddenly
they want to make war with me. Why,
why would you want to make war with me, you cannot defeat me, for I walk in love
and I expect you to walk in love, and if there is anything you’re doing and
you can’t honestly look in the mirror and say that’s walking in love
according to first Corinthians the thirteenth chapter then it shouldn’t be
coming out of your mouth. For
we’re at that hour right now, the checks on the table ready to be mailed.
Unity is what we need, for I can do nothing without unity, I’m unable
to move because of bitterness. I’ve
dispatched two angels into your midst, the others are still there, these are
different types of angels, you may get to see them, you may get to even talk
with them, but they’re a warring angel, they showed up for Elijah many times,
they showed up for Elijah now. Therefore
think about me, walk in love, walk.
For I say unto you, my children, my love
is the moat important thing that you have need of in these last days, says the
Lord, for in love you have unity, says the Lord.
Where does disunity come from, from the hardness of your heart, says the
Lord, the hardness of your heart against my word, says the Lord, for what my
word says you do not want to believe it or do it, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, be one with me, be one with each other in my body,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, live peaceably one with another and do as I have said, says the Lord.
For really it’s the flesh that tries to
rise up and yet according to my word you’re supposed to crucify the flesh
continually putting it to death, not allowing it to rise up, but out of your own
wants and your own desires you open the door when you should not.
So realize this, that I have made a way for you when there was no way
before, but you must choose to walk in that, for that is the choice you must
make, that’s the way all other things that so easily beset you behind, to lay
your own thoughts, to lay your own ideas, to lay them down and leave them behind
and only pick up mine and follow after me and do the things that I have said. For truly I have placed a great calling upon this place and
yet I don’t need anyone, for I am God and I can do all things, but I choose to
use you, but if you do not choose me then I must remove you if you will not do
what I have said. For that is not
my desire, for I love you with an everlasting love, but it is time to realign
yourself with me. Realign yourself
with my word, realign yourself with My Spirit, for truly it is that time and it
is hour and great things are coming to pass in the days ahead, but you must make
the choice to realign with me, saith the Lord.
For from the time Jesus departed and went
to heaven the devil has sowed seeds, plan plans, made plans right up to this
generation, I know them all, if I didn’t know them I wouldn’t be God.
You remember I know the beginning from the end, I know the end, you’re
in the end right now, I know the end from the beginning, I know your plans, I
don’t care if you live in a closet that was so covered with cloth that you
couldn’t mess up a film being developed, I know those plans, I know that plan. Therefore, I say, know my plan, for I want you to fulfill my
plan, I’ll take care of your plan, haven’t I taken care of your plans,
haven’t I given you everything that I said I would do up till now, everything,
but others have said, well who are the others?
My heart is heavy today, saith your Father.
For even my servant that I have placed
here is broken, for he cannot even speak to you the words that I say for his
spirit has been torn. But I your
Father God, have come to set the record straight, for I called my servant to
this place, others chose to follow, but they were not called with the same
calling that he was called with. So you see it won’t work for anybody else because nobody
else has that calling, but I have given unto you it to warn you, to warn while
you would carry it out against anything else that would come and be thrown in
his path. And yet he has stayed
strong, for it is time now to make a choice to align yourself with the one that
I called here or not, to align yourself with me or not.
Because if you wish to receive the fullness of the things that I have for
you, you must do that, you must mend the broken fences, you must restore the
unity that was once there, for it has departed, but it can return, but it must
be your choice, saith the Lord.
3-20-2022 pm service
Your praises are a sweet smelling
fragrance that comes before my throne, it fills my heart with joy and I look
ahead at the great things I desire to do for you.
I want to bless you, I want to bless every area in your life, and
therefore I call unto you, come unto me, come unto me, don’t hold back, I see
where you are, I understand, but truly you can come unto me that I may walk with
you and that you may walk with me. For
the days ahead for the world and those that don’t know and those that are
unsaved, it’s not going to be a place where you want to live, but for those
that walk with me it’ll be the greatest blessing that they’ve ever had.
For I say unto you, my children, don’t
walk on the broken road, but my road that I gave for you, says the Lord.
For I’ve made a road for each and every one of you, says the Lord,
I’ve made it and prepared it myself for you, just for you, says the Lord, and
only you can walk upon that road, that road, says the Lord, is my will for you.
Therefore, do you know my will for you, says the Lord, walk in the way
that I have prepared for you, says the Lord.
For truly there is great joy, great joy
in serving me and as you serve me and walk with me I can bless you even more so
than you’ve ever known. I’ve
always fulfilled every promise to you and kept all my promises to you, I’ve
made sure not one, not one, not one was missed.
Therefore, remember this is the day, this is the day for a great
decision, don’t let today pass without you making that decision, for today is
a day a day of a decision.
For no man knows exactly what tomorrow
holds, they think they do, but remember I’m the only one that knows what
tomorrow holds. You can’t plot
it, you can’t plan it, no matter what you do in yourself you cannot make it.
It is only made if you walk in the Spirit with me and I’m the one that
makes the plans or sets the courses that your joy, your joy shall be fulfilled.
For, yes, truly it is your time and your
hour now, for truly I have set aside this time, I have called you for such a
time as this. Will you answer the
call, will you do what I have said, will you make the right choice, time will
tell? But woe unto those who choose
to go another way, for destruction is laying at the gate, says the Lord.
3-16-2022 pm service
etc greatest etc for you than you realize
because my love is far greater towards you, I correct you more because if I
didn’t love you I wouldn’t correct you.
I don’t correct those that don’t have the new birth, they’re not
mine, they don’t belong to me, they don’t love me, therefore I don’t
correct them. If their desire is to
go to hell then I let them go where they desire to go, that they think that
they’re going to be happy. But
for those that I love and who love me I do everything under the sun to bless
them, to keep them, to prosper them, to make them the very best, whether it is
on their job, the reasons they get promotions is me, it’s not their skill, I
bless them, I bless them and they walk in the fullness of my blessings.
For I say unto you, my children, the
weather that you see in your life depends on whether or not you’re doing my
word, says the Lord. Therefore, I
say unto you, if you want my weather bring forth my word into your life and
you’ll see my sun all the time, saith the Lord.
Have you ever read, studied carefully the
love chapter to make sure you knew what each and every word meant, looking it up
and finding the first translations? And
then before you said I love somebody or am showing love go to the list and look
at the list and see if it is love.
For as we walk in love our action will
line up with our words as concerning love, either that or we do not really have
that in our heart and are not walking in love.
Because if we’ve got it in our heart it’s truly coming out of our
mouth, it’ll be etc.
For the greatest love in that sense is
that of one willing to lay down their life for another and yet seldom do you
find very few who have that type, but yet that is the God type of love, for my
Son laid down his for you, he didn’t have to do that, that was a choice he
made. For at any moment he could
have called out and stopped it all, but he knew what he needed to do and yet he
did that for you. Would you allow
that love to work in your life that you can show that to others?
For love is what conquers all, love covers a multitude of sin, for I said
you would do it by your love and yet that’s one of the greatest needs in my
church today is that my people are walking and operating in my love.
Think about that, ponder on that and get my word inside of you that you
can flow in the fullness of my love, that it can flow through you to others.
3-13-2022 am service
Truly, not only do I reign above it all,
so do you if you’re walking in my word, if you’re not walking in my word
you’re not mine. But if you’re
walking in my word you reign just as I reign, for you speak forth my word and my
word only. You do not go by what
others tell you or what others say is truth, I’ve given you my book, that’s
my book, I’m the author of that book. You
don’t use your own interpretation, but you use mine, and if you dwell in my
interpretations and the things that I have said, you reign with me and we will
be the victors, we will be the overcomers, evil will not win, evil will be
destroyed and we shall conquer and win and you shall see and know it.
The enemy is trying as hard as he can, but he is already a defeated foe,
I’ve told you that from the very beginning, my Son, Jesus, defeated him in
every combat, in every area. Therefore,
don’t listen to the lies, there are many lies going out today, but know my
word, know my word, for my word is your answer.
When you hear somebody say, well we don’t know how to pray that’s a
lie, that’s a lie from the pit of hell. I’ve
told you, you didn’t know how to pray, therefore pray in tongues, then you
pray my perfect will. The reason
you don’t want to pray in tongues is you can’t pray, you don’t understand
it, therefore you stay away from it, that’s cause you’re not saved.
Many are walking thinking that they are saved but they’re not saved
cause they don’t walk according to the word, if you don’t walk according to
the word then you’re not mine, you haven’t even heard my voice once in your
life. Therefore, listen to those
that I have placed in authority, walk according to my word, walk according to my
For I say unto you, my children, know
that my word is the only truth that there is, says the Lord, when you hear
something from a man or a woman that you do not know, if it’s not my word
it’s not truth, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, know my word, for if you don’t know my word how do you know
what my word says, says the Lord? Therefore, I say unto you, if your name is a name and you
don’t know your name, how do you know when someone calls your name, says the
Lord, do you answer, I answer because I know who I am, do you know who you are,
says the Lord?
For my word was given unto you, but until
you become mine, until you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior you
cannot understand that word, because you have not been born again, you need that
second birth, just as you need that second infilling of the Holy Ghost, you need
that for the hour that we’re living in now.
For the enemy has plotted and planned and sent forth many things that you
are unaware of unless you have been told by me or my servant has told you or a
true prophet has told you. And not
every man is a prophet just because they decided they wanted to be a prophet or
just because somebody told them they were a prophet.
Did I appoint you as a prophet, did I appoint you to the fivefold
ministry, and if I did, are you flowing in it and acting in it or have you
departed it? Because if you
departed it chances are good you couldn’t come back, my word is clear on that,
it’s clear. Be careful, be
beware, know what is going on and walk according to my word.
There are many deceivers sent out by the
devil and are working for the devil, there is much black witchcraft going on and
those that love the good genie, so they said on television, are usually affected
by the black demon that was set up perfectly to get you to accept that, because
supposedly she did only good, that was just a movie folks, wake up, wake up.
Many things that you see in movies are not true, the ten commandments
were a bunch of lies because they were not my word, they were not my word and
things were not done like they were showed in that movie either, because that
was not my word either and yet everybody raved over it and said oh, oh, we saw
God, no you didn’t see me, no man has seen me.
Therefore, know my word, know my word.
For yes, truly, it is a day and an hour
that you have never been in before, for things have changed, remember I told you
that things would change, because the time and the hour that you are now in that
you were not in before. Remember when I told you it started, for I called it a new
day, but many have forgotten about that as they continue to go about and do
their own things and yet there is much deception out there and if you’re not
into my word how do you know if you’re getting the truth or not?
For many are being deceived and they know it not, for remember there is a
system of deception that I’ve warned you about that would come in this time
and this hour that even the devil himself would perform miracles that would
trick many, but the true would see right through them.
That is why it’s so important that you’re walking by my side, that
you’re into my word, that you are hearing my voice, for my sheep hear my voice
and the voice of another they will not follow.
Do you know my voice so well that the voice of another you will not
follow? For truly it is time and it is that hour, so be very careful
and walk according to the word that I have given unto you.
For truly I have great things in store for my people, I have great things
in store for my true church and you will see my fire fall in a mighty and
powerful way and you will see the revival that I have promised, but beware of
the deception, saith the Lord.
3-13-2022 pm service
For the louder you let your voices be
heard the greater the rejoicing and the greater the victories that I’ve sent
to you. For when I am worshiped and
honored all of heaven rejoices and we move mightily on your behalf to bless you,
to strengthen you, to lift you up, to make sure you have finances to do the
things that our word says that you walk in.
For we are always here to bless you, to comfort you, to strengthen you,
so walk very closely to us and let your praises be loud and clear.
Therefore I say unto you, my children,
walk in my love, says the Lord, for there is no other way that you can be
victorious in this lifetime, says the Lord, but in my love.
Therefore, let my love pour out of you, says the Lord, let my love pour
out to those around you, says the Lord, that they’ll see the love that I have
for them, says the Lord.
Remember, put a guard at your mouth, for
the things that come out of it come quickly upon you and many times you don’t
watch what you are saying and because you don’t watch what you’re saying,
you’re calling in disaster on your self, on you household, on your house, on
everything you own. So, therefore,
let my word be spoken, for when you speak my word it only brings good things.
Remember my word is always truth and it
shall always come to pass. So
remember to put all the clauses in, for the problem today that is being taught
is all the clauses are removed. For
if you don’t keep my word there is great destruction that comes upon you, you
need to know that, you need to realize that, therefore you need to walk
according to my word.
3-6-2022 am service
Yes, truly, your king is alive, he never
died in that sense he made a sacrifice that you could have life, but he rose
from the dead and was seated at the right hand of the Father and I have been
there since, but soon to return. Cause
if you paid attention, and you don’t, to the news, Russia declared war on
Israel because Israel sent people to help its people that are there, loud and
clear he declared that, that means Armageddon is started, think of that.
For many are daydreaming and waiting around and wondering when the end is
coming, well it definitely is coming, but I’ll have you prepared and ready to
do the things that I want you to do that I can do for you the things that I yet
need to do. So listen carefully,
put away your stubbornness and follow me, for there is only one God, there are
not many, there is only one and when I make a command there is none that can say
don’t do it and make it to heaven. Do
what I say, walk with me, walk with me.
For I say unto you, my children, I am
with you and you’re with me, says the Lord, when you do my word, says the
Lord, you’re doing my will. Therefore, I say unto you, be like my Son, Jesus
only did those things that he knew I sent him to do, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, be wise, says the Lord.
For the air shall be filled with planes,
much disaster shall take place, but because some have responded and now they
have planes too the battle will go a different direction and it’ll go all the
way to Israel. So wake up, wake up,
wake up.
Study my word even more so, listen
carefully to what I tell to you to read, to study, that you will know everything
that you need to know in this hour. For
there are many things that you don’t know, there are many things that you have
taken care of and that you’re walking in perfect safety, but you’re not.
For just because you speak my word does not mean that you know my word,
my Bible says know, KNOW, that means a complete understanding, a complete
understanding of my word, not just a passing viewpoint, know what I’ve said.
For my word is always true and my word
always works and if it isn’t working for you then what are you not doing that
you should be doing, for if you are walking according to my word it should be
working for you. So realize that if
things are not working you’re not walking like you should, but it’s time my
children, it’s time, it’s time to walk according to my word.
For truly this is the last hour, for the signs that you are seeing cannot
be turned back, but they shall go all the way through till the end and you’re
seeing them now and things will only continue to get worse.
Do not wait, do not delay, but begin to walk according to my word now,
saith the Lord. For truly it is
very important for the days ahead for you to know my word like never before and
walk according to it, saith the Lord. For
truly that is how you will have your victory, that is how you will be the
3-6-2022 pm service
Yes, truly, it is time to praise and to
exalt my name above all others, it’s time to wake up to who you are, to walk
according to who you are, to be who I say you are.
For at times you say words that cripple you, you say words that stun you,
you say words that stop you, don’t say these words, the word I can’t do it
should not be in your vocabulary anyplace.
For the word says I can do all things through Christ Jesus that
strengthens me that lifts me up above all others, for truly I am who God says I
am and I shall walk as God says I can walk and I will be all that he says.
For I say unto you, my children, I am the
God of multiplication, says the Lord, I never give back what is given to me,
says the Lord, but I give back multiple times the amount, says the Lord.
Therefore, whatsoever you sow into me, says the Lord, I multiply that
back far greater than you could ever imagine, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, what time do you have for me, says the Lord,
that I can multiply whatever it is you have need of, says the Lord.
For there is absolutely nothing, nothing
I cannot do in Jesus name, neither can you, you can do all the things that I can
do. For Jesus has given unto you
all power, all ability, you are a Son of God; you’re not just an average
person. Don’t lean on your
earthly mother and father, for you have grown into an area far, far, far above
that, for you have a God that you are a son of and he has equipped you to be a
son and walk as a son and to fulfill that life of a son.
It’s time to start doing that, be not fearful of what I ask you to do,
cause if you were to give that fifty eight this week you’d have so much more
next week you’d shake your head in amazement at what I, your Father God, has
done. Why, because you’re my
Be not one that lives by the limitations
of the worldly system, cause you are not of this world, then that should be the
last thought you ever have in your mind. You’re
not of the world, you’re of my kingdom, my kingdom is far higher, far greater,
far better, you haven’t even begin to imagine.
Can you imagine gold that’s supposed to be so high you just walk on it
when you get up in heaven. Wake up,
wake up, it’s time to wake up.
Realize what I have already done for you
and I do not give you my word that it goes forth unto void, but I give you my
word that it goes forth unto fulfillment. So
realize these things that I have told you, you can bank upon, for truly they
will be fulfilled and you will not have any worries or cares if you have done
what I have said. So do not fear
and don’t let the enemy bring in doubt, don’t let the enemy bring it on
unbelief, remember what my word has said, remember what my promise is unto you,
for truly I am going to fulfill it, saith the Lord.
3-2-2022 pm service
etc and I listen to you and you hear my
voice, those that don’t hear my voice need to learn how to, because they
cannot become one of my sheep until they hear my voice and know my voice.
Therefore, I said, just press in, pray more in the Spirit, spend more
time talking with me and listening, follow and do those things that I tell you,
for truly I’m with you all the way, saith your Father.
For I say unto you, my children, it all
begins with my word, says the Lord, to know my word is to know me, says the Lord
and to not know my word is to not know me, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, to get to know someone you spend time with
them, says the Lord, therefore get to know me, spend time with me that you will
know who I am, says the Lord.
For truly there is a new outpouring such
as never been seen, never had before, but it is available to those that desire
it and those that receive it shall be far greater, they shall be far more
powerful, they shall be used more than anybody has before.
Therefore, press in for it.
Oh the joy, the joy, the joy of walking
in my favor and having me pour my favor out on you that you may know what my
favor is. Not all shall receive
that, for you must be holy and walk in holiness and your heart must be right
and, therefore, then I shall pour my favor upon you.
Therefore, do what I have said and watch
as the windows of heaven are opened unto you.
For truly there are great things that I have stored up for this time and
for this hour for my people, for the righteous, for those who are doing what I
have said. For it is that time now,
it is that hour, but you must press in to receive it, saith the Lord.
am service
truly I love you too, and because of that love and because of you walking
faithfully with me, I said faithfully, for there are different conditions
throughout the Bible, but quite often man does not read them all.
He reads what tickles his ears and what is pleasant to his blessings,
desires and you’ll notice and see in this time and this age that there are
many lies being taught today that were never taught before.
And the gospel has been watered down like its never has been watered down
before, because it is the time that you’re living in, that’s why you’re
seeing war going on right now and it shall grow worse.
Do not listen to those that are telling you that it will get better, it
will not, it will not. Don’t
listen to the ones that are talking to you on the normal news channels as
they’re only news people and news people do not know what is going on, they
only report what they’re told to report, but I shall be teaching you very soon
on the law of favor. There is a
law, there are many laws that you don’t know, but there is the law of favor
and that can be far greater for you than faith because you have to work at your
faith to get it to the level that’ll even come close to favor.
But if you’re serving God with all your heart, with all your soul, with
all mind, and you’re reading his word everyday and you’re praying in the
Spirit everyday and you’re living a holy life then you’re walking in his
favor, and if you’re walking in his favor he’ll give you his favor, for it
is only for those that are holy, but it will do for you what you want it to do.
So look carefully, look carefully and you’ll see other laws too that
they are not teaching you and they’re telling you, you can do this and you can
do that. We’ve got one right now
that many think that he’s the worlds greatest and he has the most of
everything it seems like, but if you follow everything he tells you, you’d end
up in hell, you will go to hell. So
know my word, know my word, don’t listen to what people tell you or what
sounds good or what looks good, let the Spirit of God guide you, let the Spirit
of God teach you, let the Spirit of God lead you and direct you.
For if you’re not being lead by the Spirit then you’re being lead by
the flesh and no flesh shall see heaven.
I say unto you, my children, don’t be down about the things that you see, what
are the things that you see in my word, says the Lord, what are the things that
you are listening to in My Spirit, says the Lord?
For, I say unto you, I’ll show you the things that are coming, the
things that you need to prepare for, says the Lord, that’s only good things
for you, says the Lord. Don’t
doubt my word but doubt those things that aren’t from me, says the Lord, for
my word is truth and others are a lie, says the Lord.
of brainwashing, there is much brainwashing going on today and quite often some
of those that are walking in that
you look upon and should not be looking upon because all they’re doing is
turning you to their way of thinking. There
are just as many Republicans that would like to take over the whole world as
there are Democrats as there are non-believers, there is not just one group, do
not be fooled. And know my word,
for there are books out there that you can buy that you can learn all one
hundred thirty one translations out of one book.
That’s why my word says study, study, don’t listen to, oh Joe told
me, never mind Joe, who is Joe, is he God, if it’s not God’s word then
it’s not God, that’s the only thing that is going to keep you in the boat. For some of you would jump out of the boat very quickly if
somebody would assure you that you can and you wouldn’t fall and they’d give
you the power to walk on it you would follow them, no where in my word does it
say to follow those that walk on water, think about that.
For my word now shall become more serious, more real to you than anything
else there is, know my word.
you not understand the parable about Jesus walking on water and sleeping in the
ship, or do you know what most Sunday school teachers teach you and they don’t
know the word because they don’t go to college to learn the word.
They go to college and learn Sunday school lessons that are outdated by
forty fifty years already.
know what my word has said, for in my word there is truth, there is guidance,
there is wisdom, there is knowledge, but yet you just don’t get it by the
surface, you get it by digging in deeper and deeper and deeper.
For then I can open your understanding and I can give you that wisdom and
knowledge, that’s why I said to study my word and yet most never really break
past the surface. But I say to you,
get in and study like never before, for then these things you seem to not
understand will be much clearer to you. For
truly that is my promise that I would give you wisdom, that I would give you
knowledge, that I would give you understanding, but you can’t get it by doing
nothing, so study, saith the Lord.
pm service
more you walk with me the more you begin to find out there is no one like me.
But I’ve created you to be like me, that I can bless you, that I can
strengthen you, that I can make you just like I am that you can move and flow in
all the ability that I have, even my wisdom and knowledge, that all would look
upon you and see the anointing and you would lead many souls to me and,
therefore, you’d have favor in my sight.
Then you’d be blessed even far greater all because you’re faithful to
me and I am faithful to you. You’ve
heard my word and you’ve tried your best to do my word and walk according to
my word and not violate my word, not break my word, therefore all my strength
and ability is there for you to use. So
be not fearful, when you have need call out, you need finances call out, you
need strength and healing call out and I’ll always be there.
But you be there for those that do call to you too, for that is part of
your job, part of your ministry, part of a life so great and so wonderful it can
be had no other way but by serving me.
I say unto you, my children, as I give to you, you give to others, says the
Lord, for that circle shall continue as long as you remain steadfast and
faithful to me, says the Lord. Don’t
hoard up the things I give unto you, says the Lord, but give them forth as I
tell you to, says the Lord, for then you will see the treasures you have in
heaven, says the Lord.
for the good things that I have for you that are coming now, prepare for them,
make yourself ready for them, call your contractor see how busy he is that you
can get him in quicker because you are going to need him very soon now, very
soon. Try not to be ahead of my
schedule, but stay on my schedule, not your schedule.
The plans are already submitted and I don’t need any new ones, neither
do you, you may think that you do but you don’t.
But oh the blessings, the blessings, the blessings, the blessings, they
shall be here right on time.
to speak forth my words, my words that I have given to you, my words that have
been expressed to you, the things that are going to take place.
Be not afraid to speak them forth now, for the sooner you begin to speak
them forth the sooner I can move on your behalf.
For I need not to help a man to do what I want, but I have chosen to use
your help and because I have chosen to use your help I shall bless you
I say unto you, be not moved by the circumstances in the natural.
For truly if you look in the Spirit realm you will see and understand far
more clearer, you will understand the time and how it will all come together.
For truly I have always had a plan from the very beginning, that’s why
I said it is very important to stay on track with me, not to run ahead not to
lag behind. Seek me for wisdom and
guidance as you need it and I will give it to you, for that is what my word has
said, but yet many do not seek me when they really need to. But oh the great things that are in store for my people, be
not moved by the things that you hear on the news for remember I’ve said it
will not get better, but it will only grow worse, but my word also tells you
that. So you should be ready, you
should be prepared, for remember there is a great time of revival, revival that
I have called for my church, a great time of blessings, a great time of
outpouring. Look forward to those
things, for truly they are coming to pass, saith the Lord.
2-20-2022 am service
For I say unto you, my children, in the
midst of the things that are going on, where are you, says the Lord, are you
centered in me, says the Lord? For if you’re not centered in me you will not see your
victory, says the Lord, for it requires to be centered in me. Therefore, I say unto you, know who I am and know where I
have placed you, says the Lord.
For it’s not time to sit back, but it
is time to go forward, it is time to rise up, it is time to do the things that I
have said, for it is now that time and it is now that hour.
For truly there should be great rejoicing knowing what is ahead, for
truly I have promised great things for you, but yet at the moment you’re
concentrating on other things that are not me.
So allow that concentration to shift fully upon me that you are doing the
things that I have called for you to do, for, yes, it is that time and it is
that hour. Do not let the cares of the world keep you away from doing
the things that I have called for you to do.
For it is that time and it is that hour and my word is being fulfilled,
saith the Lord.
2-20-2022 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, you are
free, says the Lord, for I sent my Son for you that you could be free.
Therefore, I say unto you, if you’re in bondage come to me, says the
Lord, for I will set you free this night, I’ll deliver you, says the Lord,
from the things that beset you that weigh you down.
Get free, says the Lord, for I’ve come to set you free, says the Lord.
For truly I am in this place and I am
always here to meet every single one of your needs.
For it is not my desire that you are in bondage, it is not my desire that
you are sick, it is not my desire for you to walk defeated, but it is my desire
that you are overcoming in every single area of your life.
For truly this is a great time and a great hour for my church, a time
when they should be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, when they
should be successful in everything that they are doing, if they’re doing it
for me, if they’re walking according to my word, according to my promise.
You see it’s very easy to be the overcomer, for I have already made a
way where there wasn’t a way before and all you have to do is walk in it, all
you have to do is receive the things that I have freely given to you and realize
who you are in me and who I have called you to be.
For I have not left you without the things that you have need of, but I
have given you everything that you have need of.
That means there should be no problems anywhere, for you should be able
to overcome them all. Realize who
you are, realize what I have already done for you and receive and walk in the
fullness of everything that I have for you, saith the Lord.
2-13-2022 am service
For it is important to know me and to
know my presence, so when I speak to you, you know that it is me, that there is
no shadow of doubt in your mind, but you know it is I.
Draw close to me like you have never drawn close to me before, for it is
the hour to draw near unto me, for as you draw near unto me I will draw near
unto you. For do you not know that
it is the hour where I have opened up to you the scriptures like you have never
known them before. It is an hour to draw close to me, to get into my word, to
know me like never before, that you may rise up and become all that I’ve said
you can be in this hour and this time. For
I’ve made you the overcomer, I’ve made you the victorious ones; I have made
you all that I have said you need to be for this hour. But you must draw close to me, you must know who I am, you
must know, know me as your Father, know me as your God, know me as your one that
is all. Oh, I say unto you, draw
close to me, draw close to me, draw close to me, for it is that hour and it is
that time and I’ve called you, I’ve called you for such a time as this, my
children, but I’ve only called you to rise up, to rise up, to rise up and to
run with me, says the Lord, do not lag behind, but run with me, run with me.
But get into my word like never before so that my word flows out of you
on a continual basis, it is that time, it is that hour, run with me, says the
For I say unto you, my children, my mercy
endureth forever, says the Lord. Therefore,
don’t be afraid of the things that I would have you do, says the Lord, for you
will do them, and you will do them and be successful, says the Lord.
Do not worry about failure, says the Lord, for I’ve not placed failure
in you, says the Lord, but success, it’s success, says the Lord, that is what
I have given unto you. Therefore,
if you don’t do it then you fail, says the Lord, therefore do it and you shall
be successful.
For I have already given you the things
that you have need of, and yet if you would only realize that you already have
it, then you can go and do the things that I have said, but many do not know
because they have not gotten to that place yet.
But realize just who you are, realize who I have created and called you
to be and know that I would never put you out there without having the things
that you need and yet they were already given to you long before you even knew
it. For it was already done and
accomplished when Jesus died on the cross, it was all settled then, then you
could have my nature, you could have my everlasting life.
For when I created that new covenant I set it up so that there would be
no way possible for you to fail so that you would walk in victory at all times,
if you’d walk according to my word, if you’d would walk according to my
promises. For truly it is that time and it is that hour that I have
talked to you about, the greatest hour that shall ever be or ever has been in
church age and you are the called and the chosen and you shall go forth and do
the things that I have said. So do
not fear the things that shall come in the days ahead, but remember that I’ve
already given you everything that you have need of already, saith the Lord.
2-13-2022 pm service
For truly great are the things that I
desire to do upon your behalf, for it is now that time and it is now that hour,
for truly great and mighty things are about to take place.
Are you believing to see the fullness of the things that I have said, are
you expecting to see it, for do you not know the day and the hour that you are
now living in as Russia is about to make her move and China is backing her one
hundred percent and that is the move that you will see very soon now.
For truly Russia will make her move and rend the United States helpless,
remember I’ve warned you that, I’ve told you about this.
For truly it’s now that time and that hour that judgment must come to
America to wake up those who are fast asleep, for they do not know the time nor
the hour that they are living in. But
remember it is a great hour for my church, it is a great outpouring of My Spirit
for this time and for this hour, yes, that is for this time and for this hour.
So be prepared for the things that shall come, for truly I desire to move
upon your behalf in a great and mighty way, saith the Lord, expect to see it,
for you surely will.
For I say unto you, my children, remain
under the shelter of my love, saith the Lord, for my love endures forever, says
the Lord and my love for you will keep you safe from all harm, says the Lord.
As a matter of fact, I say unto you, look for that day, for then you know
that you know that I am coming, says the Lord.
Be sensitive to My Spirit, says the Lord,
for my people need to be sensitive to me that when I call upon them to go to
prayer that they go to prayer. It
is the hour and the day that you’re living in that my word declares the
greatest hour, the greatest revival that is ahead.
Oh, I say unto you, it is important that you hear and know my voice that
when I speak to you that you can call upon me and I will answer you.
It is that hour, it is that time to draw close to me, draw near unto me,
to be very close that you know my very heart beat, says the Lord. For I desire that you walk in my perfect peace, my perfect
love, my perfect joy, for I have given unto you all things, all things my
children, I don’t leave anything out. Therefore,
I say unto you, know my word, know what I have said, know the promises that I
have given unto you, look forward with great expectation for what I have in
store for you.
2-9-22 pm service
etc etc. without holiness, says the Lord,
without holiness not wavering, says the Lord.
So when you turn away from me it’s not good says the Lord, remember me
in all the things that you do and you shall be established, says the Lord.
There are many things that I desire to do
for you, but you must walk according to my word, you must walk according to my
promises, then you can receive the fullness of the things that I have for you.
For truly, great, great things are in store for those who follow after
me, so fear not the things that shall come to the world, but follow after me and
receive the goodness that I have for you in the days ahead, saith the Lord.
2-6-2022 am service
For I say unto you to seek me, it is an
hour to draw closer to me, it is an hour to truly know who my Son is children,
to know my heart, to know what it is that I desire of you to do, to know what I
desire you to do to reach out to others. It
is important that you know my heart and you know what I desire for this hour and
this time, it is an hour where souls shall draw close and come into my kingdom
and it is time for my people to pray and to seek my face like never before, to
draw close to me like never before. It
is an hour to know my word and to be in my word and to run in my word on a daily
basis, it is an hour when my word should be coming out of your mouth and nothing
else should be coming out of your mouth other than my word.
For do you not know that the enemy takes those words and uses them
against you and he cannot use the word of God against you.
So, therefore, I say unto you to only speak forth my word and my word
only, allow my word to dwell within your heart, allow My Spirit to come upon you
like never before and to overwhelm you, overwhelm you.
For even though that the enemy comes in like a flood, I raise up a
standard against him, do you not know that, do you not know that I raise up a
standard against him my children? Oh,
I say unto you, know my word, know my word, for it is my word that brings life,
it is my word that brings victory, it is my word that brings peace, it is my
word that brings life, it is my word that gives you strength that you have need
of. So therefore, I say unto you my
people, walk daily in my word, speak forth my word, know who I am, know what I
desire for the things that I have for you, says the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, you are
my whistleblowers shouting the alarm, says the Lord, letting the world know what
is coming, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, tell them about me, says the Lord,
tell them about the love that I have for them, says the Lord.
Don’t magnify the devil, says the Lord, but magnify me, says the Lord,
for I am coming, says the Lord.
For truly this is a great hour and a
great time for my church, for they should be walking as overcomers, they should
be walking as victors, they should be successful in every area.
But in order to do that you must be walking very closely with me, you
must be speaking forth my word and not your own, you must not be giving in to
the enemy, for my word says give no place to the enemy.
For I have given you power and authority over him, I have made you to
triumph, I have made you to win, I have made you to be the victors and the
overcomers and yet all you have to do is walk according to my word, speak forth
my word, call those things that be not as if they shall be.
For truly I have given you all the power and all the authority that you
have need of and it comes with the spoken word.
But it has to be my word that is spoken, for even the things that you
speak that you don’t want to come to pass, will if you are not careful.
So do not speak them, I’ve told you that before, I’ve warned you
about that. So you should not be
speaking forth negative things but only those things that line up with my word,
only my word should be spoken so when you speak my word the situation changes,
when you speak my word victory comes, when you speak my word the walls fall down
and the chains are broken. So learn to only speak my word and watch as your life is
changed. For truly this is a great
and glorious hour that I have called for my people, but not so for the world,
for only great distress, disaster lies at the doorstep and many do not know,
many do not believe, many do not understand.
But in a twenty four hour period it shall fall, saith the Lord, and
beware of that, for it is coming upon you quicker than you think, for it is that
time and it is that hour now, saith the Lord.
2-6-2022 pm service
Oh the power of my name, oh the power in
my name, for I break every yoke of bondage, it breaks all the chains that hold
the captive as my people begin to realize the power of my name and the authority
that has been given to them through my name, for what I did on the cross I
overcame so that you might be the overcomers.
It is time for my church to rise up and become the overcomers as I have
called them to be for this hour this time, to recognize to realize the
importance of my name, the name above all other names, everything must bow to
it, doesn’t matter what it is, every name under the name of Jesus must bow to
that name of Jesus. It is time, it
is time, it is time for my church to rise up and be like the power and authority
that I have given unto them as heirs, as heirs to the throne of Almighty God.
There is no other name, there is no other name that can save but the
mighty name of Jesus, as you call upon my name I answer and I bring what you
have need of. Therefore, I say unto
you, walk closely with me, know my word, know what I have called you to, to be
for this hour and this time. I
called you to rise up, to rise up, to rise up, to rise up and it is an hour to
press in, it is an hour to become all that called you to be in this hour and
this time my children. Do not lag
behind but, I say unto you, run with all your might, run with all your strength. Oh, I say unto you, for you will not be disappointed, but you
will receive the prize that is in front of you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
labor earnestly in my word, my word is what you have need of, says the Lord, for
I have things in my word that you don’t even know about yet, says the Lord.
When you get into my word and study my word, says the Lord, I will reveal
the things that you thought you knew, but you didn’t know, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, open it up and read it, says the
Lord, study it, says the Lord.
For it is my word that I have given you,
it has everything that is needed to make it through victoriously, everything
that you need to know is contained in there.
But few really get in and study to find all the details that really are
there, but they are and I’ve been revealing them unto you more so now than
ever. Do you believe that I am
going to do all that I have said I will do, do you believe that with just but a
few I can make this many? For did
not I do that throughout my word time and time again, did not I make the
impossible possible because that is what my word said?
So do not worry about what seems impossible, but realize that I am the
God that makes all things possible. Stand
upon my word, stand upon my promises, do not doubt but know for a fact that the
things I have told you shall come to pass and be in the place where I have
called you to that you can receive the blessings that I have.
For truly it is that hour that I have talked about where the blessings
shall come in like never before. What
are the promises that I have given unto you that have not yet been fulfilled, do
you desire for those to be fulfilled, for it is my desire to fulfill them. But some have let go of them thinking, well Lord, there
isn’t enough time now for that to be fulfill.
Pick them back up, stand upon my word and expect to see them come to
pass, for those who expect will receive, saith the Lord.
2-2-2022 pm service
Let your spiritual eyes be open, let
there be clear, let there be paying attention, for many things are going on in
the world you’re not even aware of and you’re not paying attention to, many
places are dangerous places that you’re going to be going to.
Therefore, are your eyes open, there are those out there that don’t
like you that’s because they don’t like me and because they don’t like me
they don’t like you. So let your spiritual eyes always be open that you’re
walking in the reality of the Spirit and not darkness for darkness can get you
hurt. Therefore, I warn you ahead
of time, saith your Father God, keep your eyes open.
For I say unto you, my children, the
devil would like to disguise himself as an angel of light making you think
you’re doing the things that I want you to do, says the Lord, but it is not I,
your Father God, it’s the enemy, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, do you know my voice, learn it, know it, says
the Lord, then you will not be deceived or tricked, says the Lord.
What did Eve do, Eve questioned what I said and believed what the serpent
said. Therefore, I say unto you, know what I’ve said.
Beware of the troubles of the world,
there is war going on right now, are you even aware of that, most are not, they
walk as if peace is going on and yet the enemy is rising up in many areas,
deceiving many and leading many astray. And
they’re preparing for war without brains, for they have nobody to lead them
anymore, so be in prayer, be in prayer.
For even though you win, not everyone,
not everyone will win, not everyone will be a winner, for those that don’t
believe they’ll loose every battle. There’ll be no victory, they’ll not be an overcomer and
the enemy will keep gaining ground until they have no power, no authority, no
ability. Be not like them, but be
alert, be an overcomer.
For the days ahead will not be easier in
that sense, for remember that great troubles will come upon the world, great
darkness, but yet there will be a bright light shining through my people as my
revival spreads across the land. But
on the other side great disaster, great turmoil, great destruction and for those
who are not walking under my hedge of protection and are not walking with me are
in that darkness. But you can walk
in the light, all you have to do is come unto me, receive me as your Savior,
come into the safety of the fold and do what I have said, for then there will be
great peace, great blessings, many great things to look forward to, but not so
for the world. So beware of the
things that shall take place from now until the time the church is taken out,
saith the Lord.
1-30-2022 am service
For truly my name is worthy, far more
worthy than you realize, for if you could only understand the worth of my name
you would speak it more often and see far more victories than you do.
You’d be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, you’d be
walking in the fullness of my power and my authority and my ability, regardless
how old you are that name is the name above every name, every name, every name,
every authority, nothing can defeat that name.
But my church has let that name go down, but now it’s the hour, it’s
the time, my word has been telling you week after week after week it’s time to
exalt that name, to lift it above all others, to make it your name that when you
open your mouth my words shall come out and as my words come out the victories
shall come to pass. I told you
there would be a falling away and you saw the falling away, don’t expect to
see those that left come back, but expect those that come that know my name, oh
they’ll know my name, they’ll speak my name, they’ll stand on my name,
they’ll not be moved, there is nothing that shall move them, for they know the
name of Jesus and that is my name.
For I say unto you, my children, though
the currencies of the world devalue and they go up and down, my word is
established forever, says the Lord. It does not go up and down but it stays at the top, for
I’ve given it all authority, says the Lord, even over all of my name, says the
Lord, my word stands, says the Lord.
For as you whisper my name all the angels
in heaven take notice and move at your command and do the things that you are
speaking about, you don’t even know them.
The only name you know is the swear word that you don’t like others to
say, and yet it should be a word coming out of your mouth at all times, you
should be speaking my name. For
I’ve given all power and all authority and all ability to that name that is
the name that’s above every name.
Therefore, if you speak my name then you
all become one, I’ve made you all one, you all have a ministry and your
ministry is needed just as much as the next persons ministry.
Therefore, you need to respond; even the little kids need to respond,
that when they feel like praying for somebody they should pray, they can speak
my name over them. And as they
begin to do this, watch for you shall see a change such as you’ve never seen
before and it shall grow and your mouth shall become free and my name shall come
pouring out.
For there should be no reason to be down
and dishearten or backed into a corner, for remember I have called you to fight
on the frontline and that you would prevail over the enemy, for he has no power
and authority over you. But remember I have given you a key this morning; you must
only speak my name, not some other name, not your own words, but my name.
For it is my name that is high above all other names and there is nothing
higher in heaven or on earth than my name, but when you use that name it brings
great power and authority. But
remember it’s in my name that the lame can walk, the deaf can hear, the blind
can see, it’s in my name that the demon’s are cast out, there is no other
name but my name. So remember these things and do not allow the enemy to put
you down, but you should always be on top and he should be under your feet, but
you’re the ones who allows him to bring you down and don’t allow it any
longer. For you are the overcomers,
you are the victors and you are the winner, saith the Lord.
1-30-2022 pm service
For truly it is the hour of the spoken
word, and as you speak my word my anointing shall be upon you, great power,
great authority, great miracles, great signs, great wonders.
It shall even shock you and you’ll never think that I could’ve moved
like this and suddenly you find out that I can.
Therefore, I say, walk in My Spirit realm, for as you walk in My Spirit
realm the greater the miracles will be, the greater the multitudes, the greater
the blessings. And as you walk in
those blessings you’ll find out why they’re preached in so many services on
the wealth that belongs to you, the wealth that shall come in, not to the
heathen, but shall come into the saints and the saints shall be blessed.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
unto you is not hard to understand, but it’s written that you can understand
it, says the Lord, with my anointing of my Holy Spirit upon you, says the Lord,
that teaches all things that I’ve already shown you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, follow the plans that I have for you and walk
in the victories that I have for you, says the Lord, it’s simple, follow what
I’ve already spoken unto you, says the Lord.
For when you make me the Lord of your
life then I came that you can receive all the inheritance that belongs to me,
the inheritance that I’ve won for you and you can walk in the midst of that
inheritance. If you don’t receive
me as your Lord and Savior you can’t receive that inheritance, if you live in
sin you cannot receive that inheritance, but those that walk in the new birth
thee inheritance belongs to them.
To the natural mind it sounds impossible,
it sounds like foolishness, that’s because they have not the new birth.
But to those that receive the new birth it makes sense to you that I,
God, would save up that inheritance just for you, for you’re my children,
you’re rich because of the inheritance, the inheritance has come your way and
you’ve been taught slightly on that, but there is much more teaching to the
inheritance that belongs to you. But
the only way you get it is call it in, therefore, I say, call it in, call it in,
call it in.
For, yes, truly there is great power in
my word and when you speak forth my word then it can come to pass.
You can call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be,
that’s what my word has told you and yet people still do not realize the power
that they possess. But did not I
teach you that the tongue is but a little member, but how great a fire it can
kindle and you have seen how those have been defeated because of their mouth. You can win just by speaking my word, you can be victorious
by just speaking my word, the Father spoke the word and the heavens and the
earth were created were they not, everything was spoken into existence.
Therefore, I say unto you, speak into existence the things that you
desire to see, the things that I have told you were for this time now, call it
into being. For truly you have
great power and authority when you speak my word, but don’t call it in on your
own behalf, call it in according to my word, saith the Lord.
pm service
greater than anything you could ever possibly imagine, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, press into me that you can love me, says the
Lord, for my love grows greater in you as you press in, says the Lord, love me,
says the Lord.
shall find me, don’t etc up with me, says the Lord, for seek me with all of
your heart, lean not on your own understanding, put all of your ways and
knowledge in me and I shall direct your path.
Do you not know that I will give you the wisdom and knowledge you need
for the days ahead? Seek me and I
will show you the way and I will give you what you have need of that I can walk
before you in the days ahead. Follow
me with your whole heart, do not put it off, but make a decision, follow me
wholly and fully, says the Lord.
yes, there is truly nothing greater than my love for you and it is my desire
that you walk according to my word and walk in the way that I have made for you,
a way that is filled with peace, a way that is filled with blessings, a way that
is filled with overflowing. For
truly I love you so much that I made that way and if you only but walk in it, oh
the joy that it will bring. So you
see when you walk in my ways I move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful
way, so walk in my way, saith the Lord.
1-23-2022 am service
Truly, the word shall go out with truth,
with power and authority now even more so than it has ever gone on before.
Yea, you look small in numbers, but the ones that are small in numbers
didn’t know a from b and they couldn’t tell you what c was or a d.
Many things they know and yet they don’t know, were they here in the
fifties, no, the sixties, no, the seventies, no, the eighties, no, therefore
they did not grow up in those days and they don’t know what it was like in
those days. So you need to listen
to the Holy Spirit, follow the Holy Spirit and learn how to dance a new dance
that was never danced before. For
the way of the Holy Spirit is much different, much different than what most know
what most understand and yet it is the Holy Spirit that gives you the power, the
authority, the ability to be all that you want. You don’t have to make yourself that, no, no, no, that’s
all done for you by the Holy Spirit, there’s no work, no effort on your part,
just walk in obedience, do your part, do what God tells you to do and follow, be
faithful, follow.
For I say unto you, my children, my fire
that’s pouring out here will spread around the world, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, let it burn in you, says the Lord, for the
furnace in you will burn on those around you, says the Lord.
Let my word be established this day, says the Lord, and let my fire burn,
says the Lord.
This is my house, saith your Father God,
yes, this is mine, this is the place that I’ve called you to and this is the
place that shall experience this covenant with me and it shall bring forth that
revival that I’ve sent in here to start.
Nobody else will do it, they can’t do it, they weren’t born early
enough. The time has changed, but
yet other times have not changed, for you have your books of Hebrews the
eleventh chapter and you read your ark of the hero’s.
Do you know who the last one was that told him you wouldn’t see no more
healing until the last days, I didn’t say it, says your Father God, because I
told him and there’s two of them that are moving and flowing in the gifts of
the Spirit and you shall see them when they take off and you’ll know, you will
For many things have changed over the
years, but not everything and it’s the things that haven’t changed that are
so extremely important. The things
that have changed they were lost and they need to come back and the only way
that the revival will go on that the world wants to see is they come back,
because so many went the wrong way. That’s why I said it’ll take a whole new group coming
unto you that shall walk with God, that shall be friends with those that they
should be friends with and they should not etc their friendship.
We should know the word of God and we don’t know the word of God,
something has gone wrong, can we see that and understand that?
Beware of the false, for if you’re not
walking in discerning of Spirits you don’t know or understand or even realize
the false is moving. It can sit
right beside you and think that you have the best and you’d rub up against it
and say, oh that felt good that is the best.
It’s time we wake up, good and evil aren’t suppose to be together,
evil separates evil, evil destroys evil and all that is good brings forth good.
Therefore, know what my word has said and
realize that it’s time and an hour like you haven’t been in before.
Remember I told you it was a new time and a new hour and I confirmed it
with the word of my prophet when I spoke that unto you also.
For you’ve entered into that last hour that time when I have called for
a great outpouring for my church, but that’s also a time when many other
things must come. So realize you
don’t know what you are doing unless you’re walking with me, unless you’re
hearing from My Spirit. But yet I
speak unto you and most don’t always listen, but realize you need to do the
things that I have said, for they are all recorded in my word and you can find
them if you get in my word and study. For
it is that time now and it is that hour and yet I have great things in store for
you, but it is time to walk according to my word, saith the Lord.
1-23-2022 pm service
For truly the years that are ahead will
seem much longer than they are, because of the joy that they’re filled with,
the joy will be far greater than anything you’ve experienced and you shall see
why it’s worth it all to serve your Father, to serve your God, to allow the
Holy Spirit total freedom to move. It’s
not just coming to his house, but it’s serving me with all your heart.
For I say unto you, my children, when you
realize and come to the fact that I dwell in you, says the Lord, I’m with you
all the time you’ll soon see how that song is true, says the Lord, for I am
with you and you’re with me all the time, says the Lord, all the time, says
the Lord. Therefore, I say unto
you, do the things that I would have you do all the time, says the Lord, not
just some of the time but all the time, for I am with you, says the Lord.
For there are areas in the Spirit realm
that you haven’t even walked in yet, you haven’t even really begun to know
yet. So when the Spirit begins to
flow without any measure the joy, the joy of what it shall reveal to you shall
be so intimate that your rejoicing will be continuous.
So don’t limit yourself because you did
not press in earlier, but press in now, for there is no reason for you to miss
it all. You might better enjoy what
you’ve got left and add it to what you are going to have and really, really
enjoy the things that are going to go on.
For, yes, truly it’s far over, but yet
it’s just beginning and you haven’t even begun to see the glimpse of
everything that I will do, for truly it is now that time and it is now that
hour. Walk according to my word,
realize who you are and that the promises are for you, but you must walk
according to my word and do the things I have said. But press in like never before, for truly it is that hour and
I do not want you to miss out on anything that I have, saith the Lord.
1-16-2022 am service
For truly this is the hour when my name
shall be exalted above all others, the whole world shall tremble as they hear
that name. For it is that name
that’s above every name, every name, victory lies in that name, the anointing
lies in that name, deliverance is in that name.
Oh the power, the power, the power that the church shall see this hour,
the true church, the false churches will close right and left as fast as
possible and nobody will even want to be in the buildings anymore.
The buildings will be practically given away because the false was
allowed in there and stayed so long. But
for the church, for the real church, it shall grow, it shall prosper, it shall
be in health, it shall be good and you shall enjoy it and you shall enjoy
walking in the fullness of the strength of its power.
Prepare yourself and make yourself ready, for now is the day.
For I say unto you, my children, if you
enjoy the things that you already do with me, says the Lord, you will enjoy the
things even more greatly, says the Lord. For
if you don’t enjoy the things that I have you do now how much are you going to
enjoy them then. For I’m here for
you, says the Lord, I’m here for you, therefore, I say unto you, press into me
and your joy can be full, says the Lord.
Now you should be able to know even
clearer and understand clearer that’s those that are filled with the Spirit
and are walking all day long in the Spirit.
For the gift of discernment shall be working far better where it didn’t
work at all before, you just faked it pretending, but it shall be real and you
shall know it’s real and many things shall be shown unto you that you can
defeat them, that you’re excited about, that you jumped and ran and clapped,
all flesh, all flesh.
Ephesians, the message, Ephesians three
twenty that is being preached by Dave is the most fake message that you will
ever hear; all he wants is the three hundred and twenty dollars, so don’t be
deceived on that. There are many
things out there, Campmeeting is fake, week after week after week Campmeeting
comes on and they tell you how much money to send in gift and none of it comes
to me, sad to say. But most people
aren’t awake, but now you shall know the difference, you shall understand and
be able to place your money in your own storehouse where your storehouse can
Now it’s time, the Lord said, take a
careful look at exactly where you are, why are you almost empty today, unwise
decisions, really unwise. You need
to get things reestablished especially your Internet, your Internet is almost
shut down and you don’t even know it, it’s time to wake up, wake up, wake
up. And this ride is going to be a
fast ride, so don’t get on while the train is not moving full speed because
you won’t get there when its moving.
Know what my word has said and know who
you are in me, for I have made you the overcomers, I have made you the victors;
I have made you the conquerors. For at times you don’t walk according to my word, you
don’t always do like I have said. But
remember I have told you, for those who do what I have said they shall be the
ones that are the victors; they shall be the ones that are the overcomers.
The false cannot do that and, therefore, I am exposing them now and you
will see that more and more and more. But
do not fear those things, for it is that time like I have said, it is that hour
now and it is time for my church, my true church to arise like never before,
saith the Lord.
1-16-2022 pm service
It’s a powerful thing to think upon,
all the reason why; it’s because of me. You
don’t have one single reason in your favor, it’s all because of me, and yet
sometimes when we’re so careless with our salvation we don’t seem to
appreciate it and we’ll never know, never know what heaven looks like or even
what streets of gold look like. I’ll
tell you I’m getting ready to show you the glory of God like you’ve never
seen it and you’ll be glad for the changes that you’ve made and you’ll
make some more changes between now and the time you go.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
shall be a part of your life like no other time before, says the Lord.
For you’ll know that it’s without my word you can’t do anything,
says the Lord, for my word is that important that vitally important to you, says
the Lord. Therefore, know what my
word says and know when I speak to you, says the Lord, it’s with my word, says
the Lord.
For when we begin to live in the fullness
of glory oh what an hour that will be. You
can’t fake it, you can’t because the glory won’t shine from you, in the
first place, it won’t shine into you, but when the glory begins to be seen
even the lost will see it and come running and there’ll be a great, great
hour. For in one way you could say
now God is making everything so plain, so complete, so powerful, so wonderful we
can wonder why we haven’t seen all this before, but we will know it’s that
time and we will praise God for that.
Rest assured it will all come to pass,
for it is that time now like I have told you, it is that hour now.
Begin to expect to see it, for big changes are coming both for the world
and for the church. Remember the
things that are coming, for the world will not be good in that sense, but oh the
things coming for the church will be glorious, great things. So
look forward to those things and realize who you are in me that you can be
victorious, that you can be the overcomer that you can receive the fullness of
the things that I have for you. For
not all can receive it, only those who are walking according to my word, be one
of those and receive the fullness of what I have for you, saith the Lord.
1-12-22 pm service
For yes, truly I love you with an
everlasting love and it’s my desire that you fulfill everything that I have
called for you to fulfill. For I have given you everything that you have need of and I
have great blessings in store for you. So
do not let off but continue to press onward doing the things that I have called
for you to do, for it is now that time and it is now that hour, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you my children, I am with you and if I am with you, who can be against you, says the Lord. Therefore don’t be afraid of the things that you see, for the things that you see, says the Lord, are not of me. I’m the greater one, says the Lord, look to me and those will be nothing but victory for you, says the Lord.
1-9-2022 am service
For truly the power in the name of Jesus
shall now be seen, for as you open your mouth and speak the name of my Son, his
power shall be manifested throughout the earth and as you say the things they
shall come to pass unless you’re faking it, and if you’re faking it,
you’ll be judged on the spot. But as you speak forth the words in the name of my Son all of
heaven will move on your behalf. Angels
will manifest themselves unto you and Gabriel shall even come and bring messages
unto you and you shall see these things and know these things.
For you shall have more power than all put together, because I’ve
called you for a very special reason and you shall fulfill that reason even
though at times it may have seemed like it wouldn’t.
But many quit praying in the Spirit years ago, years ago, years ago,
blasphemy, yes it was, for that was given unto you years ago to speak forth the
mysteries, the miracles, the signs, the wonders of God and it shall be so now.
For if you thought you had power before wait till you see the power you
have now, even the little kids, oh yes, they shall have that power, they shall
have that authority and there’ll be nothing, nothing that I tell you to do
that you cannot do, you’ll be able to do it.
Therefore, don’t speak words of doubt, don’t do things that are
unscriptural, find out what the word of God says so that you have that power,
that you have that authority, that you can go forth and do the things that I
call you to do. And I’ve called
you and make sure you’re doing what I’ve called you to do, not what you have
decided all of a sudden you wanted to do. For
I don’t play games like that, if I’ve called you, I called you and I don’t
take calls back, they were given to you because I saw the beginning, I saw the
end and I saw things you thought I didn’t see that have caused you to be like
you are today. So if you’ll
listen I’ll help you though all those struggles that you be the victors, the
victor, the victor. But fear not,
for you have the greatest workers that I have given unto this ministry that they
don’t yet know who they are and they should know.
And not all are walking, in a sense, as a family, you’re one family,
you’re not a divided family, you’re one family united together in the power
of the Holy Ghost. Don’t bad
mouth one another, speak my word, speak my word, speak my word, don’t be
fearful to shout the praises and don’t clap your hands unless I tell you to,
for you don’t clap to the King of kings you worship him, you praise him, you
exalt his name and you lift it higher. You
clap at sporting events and this is not a sporting event.
Therefore, you’ll realize as I begin to share with you and show you
things, for you’ve got the powerful, powerful, powerful laborers right now and
their power has just increased even more so.
For I can spend the whole day speaking to just those who are here and
telling you who you are and what I expect of you and I expect to see it, so
don’t be fearful because I love you and I cannot hurt what I love, but I can
destroy what I hate. So don’t be
one that I hate, I hate anything that is evil, I hate anything that is of the
devil and you’re shy one of them today so you don’t have to be worried about
that. So, I say unto you, listen to the things that I shall say
today, don’t let man get in the way, for I’ve got a lot, a lot to tell you
from the little kids on up, oh what a joy it shall be and you shall go home
feeling like you’ve really been in church, that I’ve met with you, I’ve
ministered unto you, I’ve talked unto you and I didn’t waste my neighbor
today, listen, listen, listen, listen.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
is a wellspring of life and power, says the Lord, it’s a powerhouse, says the
Lord, therefore when you refuse to tap into my word you lack the power, says the
Lord. For my word is the power you
have need of, says the Lord, yes, you say I have the Spirit of God, but if you
don’t have my word, says the Lord, my power, My Spirit is not residing within
you as it should be, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, tap into my word and tap into my
power source, says the Lord.
Yes, I’ve given unto you the ministry,
study your ministry, know what you are supposed to do, don’t just guess or
watch and see what others are doing, others are not you, you’re an individual,
unique, very unique and you have a very powerful gifting, learn about it.
If you’re an armor bearer read all five books on armor bearers and
you’ll know what an armor bearer truly is, but we sure don’t have one here,
saith your Father, and yet we should have one.
For every true church has armor bearers, every true church has those that
are standing behind and if I have given people to you that you’ll work
together as one, you always have that person regardless how other things in your
life change, because you’re one for a very specific reason.
Learn all about the reasoning behind your calling and learn, learn, for
there are many things to learn, oh there are so many things to learn. Don’t let Satan keep you upset and cause you to do things
that you wish you hadn’t done you can’t repent of and change.
You can repent of them, but it takes a while to change, remember change
doesn’t take place overnight. The
things that I’m about to do to this small church it’ll suddenly become a
giant church, doesn’t happen overnight. You’ve
had a lot of years now building forth with constant battles, constant battles,
the tares were sowed amongst you and they did their work and when a tare gets
ahold of you, even though you’re a root of a good fruit, you’ve got to break
that root, you’ve got to break the root, you’ve got to get them all,
you’ve got to get it all. And
sometimes we make a wrong choice, don’t do that and repent of it and do it
with a weeping heart. Don’t think
that, well, I can do this again, no, no, no, it’s going forth with the new and
the new will become so strong everybody will see it and know it and it’ll make
is so much easier. Realize that
everything is perfectly planned and chosen for this ministry, everything, and I
am the one that chose it, the Holy Spirit is the one that is orchestrating it
and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are empowering you.
It took Kenneth Copland ministries many years to get where they are
recognized like they are now and many of you don’t agree with all of them,
that’s good I’m glad you don’t. For
that needs a more careful eye than it has had, it needs that.
Keep a careful eye out, watch, don’t let evil in, don’t bring evil in
thinking it will change, for it would like to get you, you don’t need evil.
I didn’t say to you, hey, bring them, no, no, no, that was not me, that
was not me and sometimes those that come have made covenants with the devil and
they’re here to destroy you, not work with you.
So don’t be afraid to shy away from them and don’t let any man lay
hands on you or woman lay hands on you without you praying about it.
My word says let nobody lay hands on you suddenly and you’re not
supposed to lay hands on people suddenly, there’s a reason why I told you
that, if you don’t know it find it out, study it out, my word says study to be
a workman those that are approved and those that are unapproved, don’t be an
unapproved one. And don’t just
read the word that you want to read, read what the Holy Spirit is telling you to
read, and if he marks you and tells you and you’re reading a word no matter
how much you like the person, drop it, go to another one.
Because there are a lot of them out there now trying to destroy the
church of Jesus Christ, they’re trying very hard.
They’re giving words to them that are fake, false, off the wall, when
they pray in tongues you know it, cause their language doesn’t even sound like
a language, it would sound something like ( ex: screeching scrambled words),
that’s not me and you should recognize that instantly and think that’s not
God, that’s not the Holy Spirit. And
when they stand and bend over and try to put curses on you, you should be able
to recognize that too, it’s not time for them to stand, it’s not time for
them to bend over, it’s not time for them to scratch their head to hear what
the devil is telling them, because it doesn’t make sense in saying it.
The reason you’re so small today was
the storm the devil puts in on you that any one of you could have stopped at
anytime during the night and nobody did, everybody just plugged on through until
they get up and find it’s so icy that you can’t go up and down the road and
of course you have people that’ll definitely stay home and then it gets
slippery. Be careful on the ones
you drive out to because of the things that you deliberately do, think about
those, think about some things, it’s hard to look in the mirror sometimes and
realize the one you’re looking at is the one that needs to do some changing.
But we all need to change at times, so let those changes come through,
let them come through, let them come through.
For truly I’ve called you to be vessels
fit for the Master’s use, I’ve called you for a specific time that is now
and for a specific purpose, remember that calling.
Some maybe don’t know it yet, get into my word, draw closer to me and I
will reveal that unto you. For it
is that time now, it is that hour now for me to use you, to be able to move you
into that position that I have called you to, but you must be prepared and ready
for that. For I cannot use you if you’re not ready, I cannot use you
if you are not walking with me like you should be.
I cannot use you if you’re off doing your own thing, I can only use
those that are doing all that I have called for them to do, who have been
waiting and ready for my call, for the time for the appointed hour to be at hand
and that appointed hour is now. For
you’ve already seen a change in just a few short days since the beginning of
the year, for even the Spirit is moving like you haven’t seen it before and it
will grow and grow and grow and the power and authority that you shall now
possess will be far greater than ever before.
And remember I have given you control over this two hundred area
including the weather, but yet nobody speaks against that because they say,
well, it’ll be what it will be, it’ll be what you tell it to be, saith the
Lord, it will be what you tell it to be, but even greater power than before, for
you won’t have to fight the battles as long as before, you’ll speak to them
and they will go. For truly it is
that time now and it is that hour so do not fear the things that shall come, but
remember I have given you the key and whatever you bind on earth has already
been bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth has already been loosed in
heaven. Use the power and authority
that I have already given you, but remember do it for the things that I have
called you to do, because if you try to use it in the wrong way it will not end
Etc. you’ve had a lot sent to you at
this moment, a half a million dollars, but that’s not what you need and they
say there are no strings to it, but it has so many strings to it you’d never
get untangled out of it. But listen
carefully because many are going to get excited, oh grab it, grab it, it clearly
says here we’ll never ask for a penny beck, no it doesn’t read it, that’s
a problem you don’t read, you don’t let the Spirit read it to you, you
don’t listen. It’s available
and it could be in your bank Monday, no problem and building could be started
that very day and that’s not the one that I’m sending to you.
I hope you heard that, I hope you understand that, it lays there and you
can look at it if you want.
1-9-2022 pm service
For truly, worthy is my name, the three
greatest powers in all the earth, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and
you’re mine, saith the Lord, two thousand twenty two is yours, two thousand
and twenty two is the churches, two thousand and twenty two is America and you
shall see the blessings and they shall overflow you if you listen and walk
according to the directions that I give unto you.
It’ll be worth it all and the blessings and the rewards, the prosperity
and the multitudes, the multitudes, the multitudes.
Oh what a joy, what a joy two thousand and twenty two shall be.
For truly two thousand and twenty two
shall teach you how to walk by faith, to live by faith, enjoy how faith operates
and works. So when your mouth
speaks things shall come to pass, multitudes shall see it and they shall follow
you and you’ll see supernatural growth like you’ve never seen before.
For two thousand twenty two will make it all come true.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
remember the promises that I have said that you will see, says the Lord, that I
will give unto you. Don’t let
them slip, says the Lord; I’ll do every single thing in Jesus name, says the
For you shall see quickly, very quickly,
it takes no work by you but believing, for when you allow me to do the work I do
it quickly and in a lifetime you couldn’t do the work that I can do in one
For truly I will do everything that I
have said that I would do, for my word shall be fulfilled, all you have to do is
put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me the things that I have
said and walk as I have called you to walk.
For truly I have given you everything you have need of and my word shall
be fulfilled.
1-6-2022 pm service
For let your hearts be open to the things
that we’re going to see, the things that are going to take place, the things
that you shall be doing. For there is no reason for you to ever, ever run from me,
I’m not the one to run from, the Bible never tells you to run from me, but
what it does tell you to run from is not me, for I’m the one you’re to run
to. So don’t be persuaded by
everything that you hear, make sure you know my word, for it’s my word
that’s so important, it’s my word that’ll give you the strength, it’s my
word that’ll give you the power. It’s
my word that’ll cause you rise into a spiritual giant that you can bring forth
miracles, signs and wonders that others will flock to you and follow you because
of your spiritual ability, not because of your physical strength. But look unto me and I’ll give you wisdom and I’ll give
you knowledge and you shall walk in the victory.
For I say unto you, my children, does it
not seem as though the storms come when you slide away from me, says the Lord,
when you slide away from me, says the Lord.
For it is just me trying to bring you back, says the Lord, for I love
you, says the Lord.
For my word is always truth that’s why
people can know and recognize the difference because the devil always lies, he
is always lying and so he speaks forth lies and you know it’s not the truth.
He does not do what I tell him to do, he does what he desires to do and
he wants to cause himself to look big and strong and powerful and he is not, he
is a wimp that can be blown over with your smallest breath.
So fear not him, for fear is not of me.
For you are in a brand new hour right now
and everything is changing all around you.
Therefore, don’t be afraid of changes, for no longer will the false
seem like it’s ahead of the truth, for the truth shall rise up and push the
false out totally, completely. Read the word especially on the end times and what shall take
place and you shall see what I’m saying, for you shall be the victors and you
shall always be the winners.
For those who are not walking with me
great destruction is ahead, but for those who are walking with me great victory
is ahead, great blessings, many great things in store for my people those who
are doing what I have said, those who are following after me and not going their
own way. For everything else will
come to an end, but not for them, for it’ll be just the beginning for them,
but that time has come now. So do not fear the things that you shall see, for you will
begin to see them now faster than before and oh the disaster that there shall
be, but yet on the other hand, oh what a great time of rejoicing there will be
for my people, saith the Lord.
1-2-2022 am service
For truly as I pour out of My Spirit
without measure upon all flesh, and my Bible does say all, ALL, all flesh,
saved, unsaved, the unsaved will go to total destruction, but those that are
saved shall be filled with the power, with the anointing that the others in the
world can see what the difference is. Right
now they couldn’t tell the difference between the Spirit filled Christian and
one that was of the world, it’s sad, it’s sad, but that’s just before the
turning point, that’s before things are going to change that’s before the
book of Jude, then everything shall change, oh shall it change.
And then the world shall come in, they’ll be changed, they’ll walk
like saved people, they’ll act like saved people, they’ll talk like saved
people. Their speakers will be on twenty four hours of the day, for
they’ll be looking for those that are open, those that they can speak to, that
they can come into the safety of the fold, for they shall see and know.
For they can look out and they can see Russia on her move, they can see
New York City as it’s destroyed and there is nothing left, dump truck after
dump truck after dump truck being hauled out and nothing, nothing, nothing
there, oh it is that time coming up and it’s coming up fast. And you’re in
the house who has the servant that knows what’s going to take place and he
keeps you well informed. Therefore,
I say listen, listen, pay attention, press into the fullness, for it’s not
going to be long and you’ll walk on those streets paved of pure gold.
For does not my word say my children to
come out and separate yourself from those that are not of me, says the Lord, my
word says who you are, Jesus said who you are.
Therefore, I say unto you, that you know who you are, know who you are
and walk as I said you are to walk, says the Lord.
If you think it’s an exciting time now
to live in just wait thirty days, that’s right, I said thirty days.
For even the building is going to look more like a building then and
money shall be plentiful then and you’ll be able to do the things that you
need to get done and everything shall fall into place so smoothly and so
quickly, there will be no more struggles getting the equipment that you
desperately need. You don’t think
that you need them now, but you need it, for even your sound and even your
internet all is way, way, way behind what you need and it will be of the best
quality and it shall continue to reach throughout the world.
For people overseas know you far better than people in the United States
at the moment, but not long you shall see the difference and as you see the
difference make sure that you’re keeping up cause you’re the one that needs
to keep up, cause there is a whole group that are not keeping up all over the
world and they shall go all at the same time, but it’ll not be an upward trip.
For wisdom is going to be poured out
without measure, then you’ll know how dumb you really are, for when I give you
my wisdom and show you the things that I desire that you know and learn there
shall be nothing that shall be complicated, for when you look at it instantly
you’ll know. Not only will you
know, but you’ll have clear understanding, you need that understanding, you
need that wisdom, you need what I have for you.
For did not I tell you that yesterday was
a new day and that suddenly a change has taken place and you would begin to see
those things, and yet even there is a little doubt yet because you are
wondering, Lord, how can it all be filled so quickly?
But remember I told you it would be that way, all you have to do is run
with me, believe me, realize that it is now that time and it is now that hour
and my word must be fulfilled. For
even Moses sent a word unto you and you will soon hear that also about Isaiah
sixty-five being fulfilled now. Read
it and know it and understand it, for it is of great importance for you, saith
the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, is an
onion still an onion when it’s an onion ring, says the Lord?
You can’t see the onion, it’s like many of my children, says the
Lord, you can’t see who they really are.
But if they allow me to peel back the crust that they’ve allowed around
them, they’ll see who they are and the world will know who they are, says the
Lord. Therefore, allow me to move
the crust in Jesus name, says the Lord.
For many things will change very quickly
and you need to be on track with me like you’ve never been on track before.
For it’ll be very easy to get left behind what I desire you to be.
Remember it is now time to run with me, not walk, not sit by the sideline
but run with me. For I will give
you even clearer directions as they are needed, but it is my desire that you do
all that I have called for you to do, so be ready to run with me, saith the
1-2-2022 pm service
For I love you with an everlasting also
and I’ll be able to show you my love even more so now, but I’ll require more
of you also that you walk in love towards me, that you walk in love one towards
another, that you would walk like I would want you to walk.
For great disaster shall come upon those that live a false life, for if
you read the prophecy that was sent unto you and you read other prophecies
dealing with the last times you’ll see that everything that is not right is
dealt with before the church goes out. And
then after everything is dealt with it’ll be easy sliding till the church does
go out. But I’ll be able to bless you finically, health wise,
strength wise, joy wise, peace wise and I’ll cause you to take a careful look
at yourself, I mean a real deep look at yourself that you can deal with the
areas that need dealing with. For
at times we don’t deal with them when we need to deal with them. And many round about you see the things that are coming and
knowing about the things that are coming, but not everybody, and yet you shall
find out very quickly that the time for the rapture is much, much closer than
you think, we’re seeing the closeness of it now. No matter where you look where the truth is they’re telling
you the truth. So prepare yourself
for the truth and get ready, for the smallness of this building will be packed
out no matter which day of the week it is and the new building will be packed
out no matter which day of the week it is and the new building shall be packed
out. For it will be a great
ministry before you all go, so prepare, get ready, it’s going to be good.
For I say unto you, my children, make
room for me now, says the Lord, because when the time comes it’s going to be
too late, I need to have room in you now, says the Lord.
Throw out those things that are not of me, says the Lord, for I want all
of you, says the Lord, to follow me.
For the Christian life shall be more open
that it has those that are spiritual look upon people, they shall know them like
a book. For not everything will be
hid anymore, but everything shall be open, you’ll not be able to hide the
things that you can hide now, for those that are living those things shall live
them more openly. But you can
always change and become what I want you to be and then you can live the real
joy, the real life, your whole life will be changed.
So don’t be afraid of what’s coming, but it should excite you, for
now you don’t have to fake it, you can live it and everybody can see and enjoy
and everybody can be happy. For we
don’t know their life until we walk in their shoes and see what they’re
going through. You don’t know how sad they might be, how down they might
be, you don’t know how the world is treating them unless I show you.
So are you adding to their problems or are you the one that helps them,
for you will find many need help.
For as you look at my word and read the
books that you don’t read, there are many that you don’t read, you’ll see
things in there that you should have read.
For you can see the things that I say, I’ll offer you the wisdom and
knowledge to understand why I say them that you can walk in the fullness of the
knowledge that I have concerning those things and you shall understand them.
It’s amazing how people do not read their Bible like they say that they
do, for if they did there are many things that they would learn, there is much
wisdom that they would gain and their house where they live would be a greater
place to live than it is and everything would be so much better. But because people do not do what they should do the world
has become what it is and the world shall get worse before it gets better, for
there is a lot of judgment that has got to go on and it’ll be like starting
all over brand new. You look back
and you see Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed, you shall see that same group of
people that are living today totally destroyed, they’ll no longer be on earth,
they’ll no longer be, period. There
are others that live the same way and do the same things; Africa just went
through a big change and other places are going through changes. So don’t let the changes worry you or trouble your heart,
if your living like my Bible says to live, everything will work out perfect.
For I reveal these things unto you now because it is time that they come to pass, even though many things you did not realize before, even though they are recorded in my word and you can find as you really get in and study. But do not fear the days that are ahead, for remember the promise that I have given unto you, if you’re walking according to my word and according to my promises there is nothing that you need to worry about, there is nothing that you need to fear, for I am carrying you through the days ahead victoriously. But if I do not remove the problems then how can my church be victorious, for the enemy is coming against my church far greater than ever before, for I must deal with some of those things that my church can be victorious. So do not fear the days ahead, but remember the promise that I have already given you, saith the Lord.
12-31-21/1-1-22 New Years Eve Service
From this night forth, saith your Father
God, you shall truly see the greatness of the moving of My Spirit of the
miracles of the signs of the wonders of the things that I shall do.
For I shall move in a way that you’ve never, never seen before, I shall
move in a way like it was in times of old that those that are demon possessed
shall flee out the door and run and not come back.
Oh what an hour, what an hour it shall be, for I’m going to move in all
my power, all my ability and I’m going to bring forth the things that need to
be brought forth and nothing can stop it or hinder it.
For when it’s tried to be stopped those trying to stop it shall fall,
but under the wrong power and they shall lay there for hours and hours and hours
after you leave, for I’ll make them an open spectacle, for it is that time to
move forward now with My Spirit. It’s
time now to see the greatness of the hour, it’s time now to see all the
miracles, all the signs, all the wonders, it’s time now for the people to come
flooding in, for the land to be purchased, for the buildings to develop, it’s
time now. And my anointing shall be
there in such a way you’ll know the difference, you’ll see the difference,
you’ll sense the difference. It
won’t just be a brief moving of the Spirit like it is so far yet tonight, but
you shall sing with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and
you shall worship me with all that you have and you shall see the difference and
know the difference and it’ll be a joyest time, an hour filled with my
presence and you’ll know it, you’ll know it and you’ll recognize what
I’m doing, for it’s that hour. So
let yourself be turned loose, not with fakeness, but with trueness, for
there’s songs out there now that you can sing, that you can know, that’ll
bring you to that spot and the joy of the Lord shall fill that place.
For truly it’s that time, it’s that hour, it is and is and you should
recognize and know, you should be the part that leads everybody into the
fullness of all the worship and all the praise and all the joy.
And you shouldn’t sit there looking like you’ve falling asleep, for
truly that joy should be upon you also and if it’s not something is wrong.
Oh there is a joy, there is a joy, there is a joy that far exceeds
anything that you’ve ever had in your life and now it’s time, saith the
Lord, it’s time. You’ve forgot
the joy that you had, you’ve forgot the joy that brought you to the place to
fulfill all your desires and you’ve turned your back on that.
But, I say unto you, wake up, it’s that time again, saith your Father
God, in order to fulfill the remainder of the things that the Lord has.
He wants that joy, he wants that joy, oh listen, listen, listen, for if
you’re listening you shall hear even in this room tonight the joy bells of
heaven ringing, do you hear them, they’re very loud, they’re very clear,
they’re very plain and they’re ringing to let you know, yes, it’s time,
it’s time. Therefore, open up,
open up and see, open up and let your heart be filled with joy, open and let
your mouth be filled, for if you love God like you say you do that shall be the
easiest thing that you do.
For this is not just another night, this
is not just another New Year’s Eve service, for things are different from this
moment on. So let my joy fill you,
let it fill your voice, for I have not heard your voice and I desire to hear
your voice, so let me hear your voice, let your praises ring throughout the
heavens and let your spirit be filled with joy to overflowing, saith the Lord.
For it’s time for My Spirit to move
freely and let no man stop the moving of My Spirit, but let it be allowed to
move freely. For man has come up
with their own thoughts and ideas of how my service should be, how My Spirit
should operate, how the things should be done and yet they’re the ones that
are out of order. For they’re not
following the order that I have placed and they should follow me and allow me to
lead and guide them, for they have totally cut off the Holy Spirit from among
them and woe unto you, woe unto you, for you do not allow the Spirit to move
like I have meant for it to move. But
for those who allow me to move upon them, oh the miracles, oh the joy, oh the
singing, oh the praises that shall be, but do not be one of the dead, do not be
one of the lukewarm, for remember I spew them out of my mouth.
And it is coming to that time and that hour where the false is cut off,
where the lukewarm are cut off, for it is the very last hour, it is the very
last time, it’s time for my revival fires to spread throughout the world, and
remember I said they flow from this altar, they flow from this place.
Therefore, you should be entering into that time now with all of its
fullness and it should spread from here throughout the world, saith the Lord.
For it is that time now and it is that hour, so your hearts should be
full of joy, your spirit should be overflowing with happiness, for it is now
come and that time, it is now come and that hour for My Spirit to move like
never before. So don’t come and think how the service is going to be, but
come as an open vessel, come to allow the Spirit to move upon you, come and be
ready to receive the things that I have. For
when you walk in these doors I can slay you right then and there and do every
miracle needed without even moving in the service before that time, but I can
move upon you when you come into my presence open and ready to receive.
So if you’re open, if you’re ready I can move upon you, so come and
be my open vessel ready for the Master’s use when I speak to you, you can do
the things that I desire for that hour and that time has finally come, saith the
For let your being show the excitement
that you are hearing from me that I’m relating to you, that I’m telling you,
your faith should show that joy, if it’s not, find out why not.
For truly you’re in that time now that you’ve been waiting for and
it’s growing and it’s growing and it’s going and it’s growing and it’s
growing, you shouldn’t look like your dying, you should look like joy is here,
that joy is bubbling over, for truly it is.
For it’s the hardest thing to get you to open your mouth that your
speaker is turned on and I’ve told you this many times, saith your Father God.
Therefore, I set that into motion, I spoke it all into being, but the
problem hasn’t been others, its been you and you’ve put a damper on it,
I’ve said open up your mouth, let your praises rise, let your voice be heard
in heaven, let those up there hear the praises and the manifestation and the
things that are taking place. For
it’s going to be the most exciting move ever seen or ever witness, it started
here and it shall once again come back here.
Right now they’re worried about the war that could take place in New
York City and that’s when Babylon is destroyed, your face looks like you’re
going to be in it and yet your face should be showing that joy because you
won’t be in it, it’s not for you, it’s for the world. Oh that the joy of God reflects from your face, let this
night be a night to remember, for I have so much more for you yet and it shall
come forth and you shall hear it, but don’t sit and look like you’re dying.
This is not a burial service; this is a resurrection service, for truly
the joy of God is here.
For I say unto you, my children, is not
My Spirit of fire, says the Lord, and if you’ve been truly baptized in My
Spirit you should see a glow, says the Lord, that shouldn’t be dark, but a
glow that those around you shall see the glow and the spark in your eyes, says
the Lord, for you are of me, says the Lord, darkness cannot be around my light.
Therefore, I say unto you, shine my light and let the darkness flee, says
the Lord, let all of those that are before you come unto me, says the Lord, for
if you show my light they shall come, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, lift up my name, lift up my fire, says the
Lord, that they truly come to me, says the Lord.
I can even cause this building to glow
that those that are coming up and down the road can see a glowing and know that
something is going on in there. It’s time to wake up, it’s time for you to glow, it’s
time for the joy of the Lord to descend, the light of the Lord to descend,
it’s that time, saith your Father God. So
open up if that’s what you desire, let my glory be seen by all near and far,
for they shall know that truly, truly I turned on the light tonight for you.
Let your voices echo the praises of
Almighty God, let them shake the building that they’re so loud, for if you
love me and you’re worshiping me, you’re honoring me and you’re exalting
my name, not somebody else’s, and if you can’t exalt my name then you
don’t know me and I say come to the altar and call upon my name and repent.
For truly I’m trying to move you forward into the fullness of the
worship, into the fullness of the praise, into the fullness of the joy.
It’s not a dead service, it’s a joy service, so let your voices be
raised in joy.
For I say unto you, my children, it’s a
fire fight, says the Lord, for you’ve got My Spirit within you and just as
Gideon shouted of the sword of the Lord and of Gideon they broke those lances
and the fire shown forth and that the enemy ran in the diversion and killed
themselves, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, My Spirit in you shall derisive,
says the Lord, they don’t know what to do, says the Lord. For the time my, Son, Jesus rose from the dead and temple was
rent in two, says the Lord, that veil in the temple was rent, that light was
available to all, says the Lord, the enemy has not known what to do.
Therefore, I say unto you, you know what to do, charge, says the Lord.
That’s a small sample of what I shall
do for you today in the service that you come together your mouths will be freed
up that they can open, your speakers will be so turned on full blast and those
round about you will think that it’s a warm summer night, for they shall hear
you even in their houses. And the
light that shall shine upon you shall be seen for miles and miles and miles and
miles and you’ll know, you’ll know I told you to know this night, that no
longer does death look on your face, but now light, light, light is showing.
So let that light, let that light grow even brighter, brighter, brighter,
make it the brightest service you’ve ever had, that you’ve ever seen.
And if you’ll do that look at your bank when you go to your bank,
you’re going to be amazed what you find in there and then you’ll realize
that it was you that was holding back. For
if you would open up and if you would worship and praise me I would already have
flooded your bank. Oh it’s time,
my children, it’s time to get excited, it’s time, it’s time to see the
joy, it’s time, it’s time, it’s time, it’s not another Christmas but
it’s time.
For the gates to the storehouse have
flown wide open and they will be at your use to carry out the work that I have
called you to do. For it is that
time and it is that hour, but remember you must use your voice, for Jesus did
everything by speaking the word only, only and you can do the same.
But remember greater things are yet for you to do, are yet for you to do
and those greater things have not come to pass yet.
So realize that you’re in store for greater, greater, greater, but do
not hold back, do not keep me bound up, but allow me to move freely.
Allow your spirit to be freed up like never before, put the past behind
you, leave it for good and move forward with the things that I have for you.
For tomorrow is a new day, yesterday is in the past and will not return,
but tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day and oh the things that I have in store for
you now, saith the Lord, for the gates for the storehouse are wide open.
12-26-2021 am service
For it is a great hour, far greater than
most do understand or know, but it is that time, it’s that time for everything
to jump into high gear, no more snail gear, no more creeping, but moving ahead
full force. But that also means
that anything that has not been dealt with before up till now suddenly comes due
too. So man has been taken care of
and he thought I forgot, you forget that I do not forget, I know the beginning,
I know the end, I know everything in between, there’s nothing that takes me by
chance, you get away with nothing, nothing, nothing.
And now you begin to see the supernatural in ways that you’ve never
seen it before in your life, if you haven’t seen it like that before you
wouldn’t be here today, but you didn’t and now it’s that day, saith your
Father God. So prepare yourself,
make yourself ready.
For I say unto you, my children, my
supernatural hedge of protection is around you, for those that do the things
that I’ve said, says the Lord. Therefore,
do the things that I’ve said and let that protection stay round about you,
says the Lord.
Fear not the things that are ahead, but
realize the day and the time and the hour that you are living in, that it is
time to walk closer with me than ever before.
For things will be moving so quickly, if you’re not moving with me you
will not be doing what I need you to be doing.
So it is very important that you are walking closely by my side that
you’ve left those other things behind that are drawing your attention away
from me and you have your full focus and attention upon me.
For it is the time now, it is the hour now for my word to be fulfilled,
for the prophet has spoken and the words cannot be held back, but things must
now begin to move forward. So
prepare yourself for that time as things now begin to move like never before.
Miracles, miracles, miracles, every week,
every week, because the sin problem will be gone, it’ll be a great victory
every week. You’ll see the
finances flowing in and it’ll be almost like it will never stop, for the time,
the time has finally become right and, therefore, we’ve waited for the time.
Therefore, all the good things you can possibly think of shall begin to
take place and you shall see your land grow and grow and grow and your
congregation grow and grow and grow until there is not room on this side to
build the biggest church, it’ll go over the fields because you’ll have all
the room there with all the parking there and more ways to get into it and you
shall see it. But the trouble is that not all will see it unless they make
a big change this day, saith your Father God, it’s your choice today.
For I say unto you, my children, my roots
have already spread forth across all the land that I have already planned for
you, says the Lord. Though you
couldn’t see it you will soon, says the Lord, for it’s going to sprout,
it’s going to grow and you’re going to see all that I have promised, says
the Lord. But right now my roots
have taken hold, says the Lord, and watch as it all comes up, says the Lord.
For I did not forget you as you thought I
forgot you, but I had compassion upon you because you were the one that had to
bring the word and I knew that would be hard.
So, therefore, I blocked out the ears of my servant, he didn’t hear
you, but today the words have come forth because I know that, I bypassed it for
now if you’ll remember. And they smirked and laughed and thought it was funny, but I
also told them that it would yet come to pass.
They need to repent and repent today, if they don’t repent it would end
today. Beware of the two angels
that’ll suddenly appear and stand on your platform and judgment shall fall.
For yes, truly the hour has come, there
is no waiting, there is no holding back, there is no putting off, but realize
that it is now time to move forward, move with me or don’t that’s your
choice, says the Lord.
12-26-2021 pm service
Yes, for truly, many great things are
ahead, for it is that time now for my word to be fulfilled as I have told you
already. But are you looking
forward with great anticipation for the things that I am about to do for you
right now? For do you not realize
that all of my word must be fulfilled that I have spoken, do you not know that
the time is now and the hour is now, for it cannot be held back any longer, it
cannot be for another time, but it has to be for this time now.
So understand just where you’re at, know that I am fulfilling my word,
for my word is always fulfilled, my word never goes forth and comes back void
but it always goes out and is fulfilled when the time is appointed and now is
that appointed time for that to be fulfilled.
So do not worry about any more delays, but realize that it is time to run
with me like never before, it’s time to have your houses in order to go for me
one hundred percent, for it is now that time and it is now that hour, saith the
For I say unto you, my children, my word
is like the key that you have need of to unlock the keys that you have need of
in your life, says the Lord. What do you have need of, says the Lord, I have a word for
it, just use my word, says the Lord, speak my word and believe my word and
unlock the things that you have need of, says the Lord.
12-19-2021 am service
For I am faithful to you even though at
times you are not faithful to me, for my love extends beyond anything that you
can phantom my children. For, I say
unto you, it is an hour to rest not only in my peace but to allow my joy to
overflow out of you, to allow my love, my love to shine through you, for it is
an hour when those around you need to see me shining through you.
But, I ask you, do they see it? Know that this is an hour and time for
the harvest to come in like never before, it is that time now, right here, it is
here, right here, My Spirit is moving without measure.
The anointing is here my children, do you not feel it, do you not
experience it, for it is here, it is flowing like a mighty rushing river, do not
resist it, but I say unto you, receive it.
For those who receive it they are the ones that shall be filled, does not
my word say that you should hunger and thirst after righteousness and as you do
you shall be filled? I’ve given unto you my promises, but how many of you are
holding on and holding on to my promises. For
my promises are yes and amen, that is that they are already done, they are
already fulfilled and yet are you really holding onto them, are you running with
them like I’ve told you to run with them, are you speaking forth my word on a
daily basis? For it is my word that
sets the captive free, it is my word that brings liberty to the bound, to those
who are depressed, to those who need to be set free, it is my word that brings
forth the anointing. Oh, I say unto you my children, it is an hour for you to
have been set free, for your house to be set free, for it needs to be set free,
for your hands to be set free that everything that you do shows what this place
means to you, because it is me who is going to reach the lost, it is not you,
you can nothing, but through me you can do all things, saith the Lord.
So, I say unto you, draw unto me like never before, know my words that I
have given unto you, do not lose hope, do not let go, but I say unto you, do not
slack off, for I am always will be your anchor, but are you allowing me to be
your anchor? Therefore, I say unto
you, draw close to me, draw close to me, draw close to me, know me as your
Father, the Father who loves you, the Father who loves you without measure and
the Father who is here to provide and to see you through the days ahead, saith
the Lord.
Get ready to receive for I shall give
unto you some things that you’ll know that you got and you shall treasure it.
If you don’t get it you don’t know me.
For I say unto you, my children, I always
have a plan for you in my house, says the Lord.
Pull up to the table and dine with me, says the Lord, for I desire for
you to dine with me, I desire to sup with you and I desire to talk to you, says
the Lord. How do I know what you
need if you don’t tell me, says the Lord, how do I know where you are at if
you don’t know where you are at? I
do know where you are at, says the Lord, but do you know where you are at, pull
up a chair, says the Lord, and tell me.
For yes, truly, it is My Spirit that
shall be poured out without measure; receive the things that you have need of
right now. For if you are open to
me and if you are mine I’m pouring it out upon you, so receive it even right
now, for you have need of it, saith the Lord.
For truly I have said I would give you everything that you have need of,
so receive it right now, saith the Lord.
For yes, truly, I desire to fill you with
everything that you have need of, it is not my desire that you go without, but
it is my desire that you are overflowing. For
it is that time and it is that hour I’ve spoken to you about where you have to
be filled up if you are to be an overcomer, if you are to be the victor.
You must be walking according to my word, following the things that I
have said to do, for then you can enter into the fullness of the promises that I
have for you. For truly I have
great things in store for you for this time and for this hour and I have not
forgotten about you, but I will perform everything that I said that I would do
and you will see it just as I have said. And
even though things I haven’t showed you yet, they’re still coming to pass
and I will reveal them when the time is that they need to be revealed.
But continue to press forward, do not back off, do not give in to the
enemy, but be strong, be strong, be strong, for you have my power, you have my
authority and you have my ability. Speak
those things that be not as if they were and they shall be, for it is that time
and it is that hour and your speaker should be turned on at all times, but few,
only few have realized that. For
many, many, many still have their mouths glued shut and you cannot be successful
if you cannot speak forth my word, so learn how to turn your speakers on, for it
is important for this day and for this hour, saith the Lord.
12-19-2021 pm service
So let your hearts just love me, for the
more you love me the more I am able to do on your behalf.
For those that don’t love me they don’t obey me and they have nothing
to do with me, I don’t work on their behalf, they need to get saved, they need
to come unto me. But, I say to you,
love me and let me love you.
For I say unto you, my children, the only
debt that you have is the love, says the Lord, for love is the greatest gift,
says the Lord, that I have sent, that’s the greatest gift you can give back,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, love one another.
Watch for the angels, for many shall see
angels now and they shall love you and they shall give you strength, they shall
give you courage and they shall show you many things to come.
But know they speak nothing but the truth.
For I say unto you, my children, in the
desert there’s not much rain, says the Lord, but when you’re with me there
is rain, there is prosperity, says the Lord.
Therefore, draw near to me and let me rain on you, says the Lord.
For it is my desire for you to be all
that I have called you to be. Therefore, be an open vessel that I can fill you to
overflowing, that my love and my joy and my peace resonates out from you to
those around you. For truly the
greatest gift of all is love and that should be far more than anything else, for
you should desire to show others my love, for that is what I desire for you to
do. So walk according to my word
and see the things that I have for you, for truly they are great for I love you
with an everlasting love and show my love to others, saith the Lord.
12-15-2021 pm service
For I love you with an everlasting love
and I always will, for you are mine, my Son, Jesus, bought you, paid for you
with a price. So we watch over you
and protect you and keep you safe and the closer you draw to us the more love we
give to you. So look not upon those
that do not know us, but look upon those that know us, that have the new birth,
for they shall walk with you, they shall help you, they shall strengthen you and
they shall go before you and you shall know and you shall understand, for my
word is always truth.
For I say unto you, my children, many
think they do know what’s going on but they don’t know anything, says the
Lord. They’re like a bat trying
to find something in the wilderness that have no eyes to see with, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, be wise and learn of me, says the Lord.
Do not let fear enter in, for fear has no
control over you and fear is not of you, fear has no power whatsoever only what
you give to it and only those that are dumb give to it because they don’t know
they don’t need to have it, that I haven’t given it to them.
So be not fearful, there are many things going on and we hear many
things, but don’t be fearful, for I shall watch over you and I shall protect
you and I shall keep you safe.
Remember to pray to me, talk to me, allow
me to talk to you, for I desire you hear my voice and know my voice, that you
can hear what I’m saying and do what I say and not follow those that hear this
false stuff and some things they are hearing in their ears I’ve never said.
But watch out for the devil, they’re trying to deceive many, but not
many are deceived. For those that
really know me know the false, so therefore they recognize it and it does not
fool them.
For know that I have great things in
store for you if you are walking with me, if you are doing what I have said.
Not so for the world, not so for the false, for they will quickly come to
their destruction. So walk
according to my word, do the things that I have said, for you can bank upon
that, for my promise is true and it will stand when the other promises don’t
stand, my promise will stand and will be filled, so you can bank on that and
know without a shadow of a doubt that I am doing all that I have said that I
would do, saith the Lord.
12-12-2021 am service
For truly it is a time of great honor, a
time of great joy, a time of fulfillment, many do not understand, many do not
know, many do not even see what’s going on.
But I do, saith your Father God, and I shall lead you and I shall guide
you and I shall direct you and I shall keep you on the right path.
Do you understand that, do you know how many paths there are, don’t say
one or two cause that’s not how many. But
I shall lead you in the right paths that you’ll always be in the right place
that all the blessings, all the miracles shall always be coming and you shall
fulfill the call that I’ve placed on your life.
So be not discouraged, don’t be down, that’s the enemy and if
you’re feeling discouraged and if you’re down you’ve already surrendered
to him. Be a fighter and rise up,
for those that overcome shall win.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
my word is very important, says the Lord, submerse yourself in my word that only
my words come to your mind and your heart when things come against you, says the
Lord. But what did my Son do when
the devil came to him, he spoke my word, he didn’t think and meditate on the
things the devil was saying, he knew my word, he spoke my word, he had the
victory, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, submerse yourself in my word that
you don’t hear the lies of the devil, but only my truth, says the Lord, comes
For my word is truth, it is always truth
and my word is always positive, it is never, never, negative, for the negative
word will block the way into your heart and the way out of your heart and
you’ll not even know it, but it will cause you to be bound up in doubt and
unbelief. Therefore, I said, allow
nothing to come into your heart that is not from me.
So be not fearful and watch the judgment that shall come on those that
are telling you to believe that stuff when I am telling you not to.
For as you read my word there should be a
warmness in your heart, a joy in your heart, an expectation in your heart, for
it lights a fuse that only my word can light that it’ll burn brighter than
ever and be stronger than ever, for the overcomers are the ones that win.
Trust me with all your hearts, with all
your souls, with all your mind, for I have planned and purposed in my heart to
take you through this victoriously, to be the overcomers.
For it’s an important role that you play, far more important than you
realize, therefore the enemy is madder at you than he is at me.
But fear not him, for he has no power, he has no authority, he has no
ability whatsoever, none, none, zero, zero and very soon now his and his host of
demon’s shall be destroyed and you’ll be free, free, free.
Therefore, don’t allow him victory in
your life, remember speak unto him as I spoke unto him even as he came to me and
said do this and I said get behind me Satan.
For you have that power also, for you have been given all power and
authority over him, for you are my heirs and joint heirs and therefore
everything that you have is mine. So there should never be a time when you are being defeated,
for that’s not what I have created you to be, for you have been created to be
the overcomers, to be the victors in every area of your life.
Therefore, do not allow him to come in and do those things, for may have
been and yet they don’t realize that they don’t have to do that, but you can
walk victoriously. For you are the overcomer, you are the victor, therefore do
the things that I have said and remember that you win, for the enemy has already
been defeated and he only has the power that you give him.
So don’t give him any and walk as the overcomer that I have created you
to be.
12-12-2021 pm service
Know this one thing, that my love shall
always be there for you, for I love you with an everlasting love and there’ll
come that day when you’ll join with me and we’ll be in heaven and you’ll
have your home there. And
there’ll be no more sickness, no more pain; it’ll be all joy, oh what a
wonderful time, what a wonderful time. For
I’ve made plans that you do not understand at this moment, but all the plans
shall come to pass, they shall be glorious and it shall be forever and ever and
ever and ever.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
do not let go or back off the things that I’ve had for you since you came
here, says the Lord. For I have not
finished, says the Lord, I haven’t even barely begun, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, weeding out is not easy, but I’m here to
tell you that everything is going to be what I said it is going to be, says the
For even now some of you can think back
think back fifty, sixty, seventy years and the joy and the great times and those
are very small. For the ones that
are ahead are far greater, far greater, far more glorious and you shall see more
miracles, signs and wonders and you shall have money and you’ll not be broke
and you’ll be able to do those things that I’ve promised you and you shall
see multitudes as they come and they join with you and you’ll make new
friends. Oh what a glorious hour
you’re in.
For my dreams and my plans that I have
for you are real, you may think that some have been forgotten, but they
haven’t been forgotten. For they
shall come to pass even as I have said they shall come to pass and you shall
walk in it, it shall be the greatest time of your life.
It shall be a time when it never ends and it only gets better and better
and better and better. So look ahead, listen to the things that I say, prepare your
heart; make yourself ready, for it shall be a glorious hour.
For the times of refreshing are here, the
time to be renewed, the time to be restored, the time to receive the fullness of
the things that I have for you are here now.
For it is that time, it is that hour, I’ve told you that again and
again and again and I have not forgotten the promises that I have given unto you
and I will fulfill every single one of them.
So realize that it is now that time, it is now that hour and believe to
see them come to pass. For truly they are coming to pass now, so believe it, believe
it, believe it and receive the fullness of the things I have for you, saith the
12-8-2021 pm service
etc. church, it’s time for the church
to rise up, no longer can the church stand down, it’s time for you to rise up,
we’re in the last days. Do you
want to go up or do you want to go down, do you want to go to heaven or do you
want to burn, you make the choice, I’ve wrote the book I’ve showed you the
way and you’re the one that makes the choice.
So think about that, don’t always look at those that are the head or
the leaders or whatever, look at my word, what does my word say, for it’s my
word that shall take you to heaven.
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
created you to stand upright, says the Lord, walk on two feet, says the Lord, it
was the serpent that I caused to slither and eat the dust not you, says the
Lord. Don’t allow him to lie, but
take your position that I’ve have given unto you and put him under your feet,
says the Lord.
For it’s not a time for you to sit
back, but it is a time for you to move forward, it’s the time for you to
fulfill the things that I have called for you to do.
For if you sit on the bench the game is not played, the game cannot be
won and yet I have called you to be the winners.
Therefore, you must do what I have said, you must get into the game, you
must be all that I have called you to be, my warriors fighting against the enemy
not sitting back and letting him trample all over you, but an overcomer,
that’s what I’ve called you to be and it is the last hour, saith the Lord.
Remember my word never goes out and
returns void; many believe that it does, but it always has the day.
I mark it on my calendar, I write it right down, it may be a year, it may
be thirty years, but it will come to pass and judgment will fall upon it.
Therefore, it is always important to listen to my word, not what man
But there shall be a great outpouring of
my gifts upon those that are walking with me and that should help you to know
who is with me and who is not with me. For
you can look and see there very clearly, they can brag all they want, but if
they’re not receiving the gifts and the things that are coming, that should
tell you something. If you don’t
know how to distinguish between the truth and the false learn.
Etc etc the fake ones from the real ones,
go out and look you’ll see if they’re real or not by the way their fruit
hangs off the branches, says the Lord, they’re fake or real, says the Lord.
12-5-2021 am service
For many things are about to take place,
exciting things, things that’ll wake you up out of a sound sleep, to cause you
to go to prayer, to seek my face, to call upon my name, to receive answers to
calm the troubled hearts, to bring about a change and you’ll know the
seriousness of the hour. Before you
didn’t, because there was ample time, but now as the time gets smaller, then
there is a bigger hurry to receive the answers, to have the understanding, to
walk in the wisdom, to walk in the knowledge and I have it all for you, it’s
all there, it’s all laid out. The trouble is you don’t look for it, you don’t seek it,
you don’t go after it to find it. Call
upon me, I shall answer you, don’t wait till you’re down in the doldrums and
don’t know what to do and where to go and how to do it. Don’t wait until they’re knocking on your door to take it
away from you and they are taking houses away all over America, all over America
and people can’t get them back. So
don’t just sit there and pretend it’s not going to happen to me, it won’t
come nigh my dwelling, these people thought that too and suddenly somebody else
comes along with proof that they own it, it’s mine and you can’t seem to
find a lawyer or judge that can help you. You’ve
forgot I’m still here, I haven’t left, I know more about law than most
people have forgotten and I’ve never forgotten anything that I know.
I’m not human, I’m not man, I’m God, only man forgets I never
forget, my word is always truth. Therefore, you need to seek out these things, you need to
call out to me, you need to find the answers, don’t think you know the answer,
make sure, find out the answer because things are happening today in this hour
that have never, never happened before and they’re still taking place.
So wake up, wake up, that way you can walk in the victory that I have
chosen for you.
For I say unto you, my children, don’t
go about trying to do things yourself, trying to do things yourself, for I, your
Father God, can show you where to go fishing in my word, says the Lord.
For did not my Son, Jesus, tell them where to drop the net, says the
Lord, and they brought up fishes so many that their boat began to sink.
Therefore, I say unto you, I know what truth you need to hear and when
you need to hear it, discover it, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, ask me and I’ll show you where
to go fishing, says the Lord.
You’re at the place where many things
are ready to take place because we are at the end, there’s only a few end time
things that really need to be fulfilled. So
don’t look at it that I’ve got time, you might not have time for breakfast
tomorrow morning for all you know. You’re
not in tune with me, I haven’t heard your voice call out to me, I haven’t
heard you desire an answer from me and I don’t give answers unless I’m
asked. My word says you have not
because you ask not and you go on asking not and you could even miss the rapture
and have somebody tell you, hey it took place two weeks ago, where have you
been? Wake up, wake up, wake up,
they used to say wake up and smell the coffee, but some couldn’t smell the
coffee if you had fifty coffee pots burning in your house, because your mind is
not stayed upon any one topic, it’s stayed upon nothing, you just allow to
hang around in there and do nothing. Wake
up, for many things are going to take place and you need to know the answers,
you’ll need the answers and when they call you will you have an answer for
them? Wake up, I say, wake up.
Remember my word says the little children
will lead them; do you have an answer for them that need an answer?
Don’t look at them like you’re dumb, for you’re not dumb, you have
wisdom, you have knowledge, you have many things stored up inside of you that
you understand that they may not understand.
For if I asked you how is the weather going in New York State what would
you say, you should be praying for snow because you’re going to be in very,
very bad shape, worse shape than those that have no rain out West, if you get no
snow. You know many of these things run right by you and you
don’t seem to know it until they are already half by, many new wells will be
dry because they weren’t the kind of well to get when you got very little
water then the kind that you get when you’ve got plenty of water and one day
could dry them out. Wake up, wake
up, I desire you to walk in the path of prosperity, the path of blessings, and
be careful, know what you are doing, don’t listen to others, be careful what
you repeat and check it out and above all things set a guard at your heart.
Do you check your checking account every
day, you should before drawing money out all the while and people are waking up
broke, the bank is not going to call you and tell you, they’re going to get
rid of the work let somebody else do it. It’s
time for us to wake up, are you watching any religious programs that know
what’s going on in the world right now, do you know where we are spiritually,
it’s that time, wake up.
Yes, sometimes warnings are hard to hear
to get the attention, so are you really trusting in me with everything or are
you only trusting part here and there going on like nothing has changed and
everything is still the same, but realize that the times have changed, the hour
is very late, the enemy is fighting harder than ever.
Therefore, you need to be on guard at all times, you need to be armed
with my word at all times, for I will give you all wisdom and knowledge if you
ask, but yet most don’t ask of me and yet I tell them things to watch out for,
be careful of and they shrug it off like it doesn’t matter that won’t ever
happen. But yet these things are
going on all over the world and it is my desire to watch over and protect you
and to keep you safe and yet I have given you all the tools to do that.
But you must heed the words that I have said; you must do what I have
commanded you to do so that I can move upon your behalf.
Put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, for you are
living in the very last hour, saith the Lord.
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For truly I am the only one that can meet
all of your needs, I am the only one that can take you to the areas that you
desire to go to, the areas where you can meet with me and grow that all of your
needs can be filled and satisfied, that there are no pleasures on earth left
un-tasted and sampled by you. For you have been to all of them and had your fill and you
look forward as you go to be with me. For
truly this is the last hour, it is the last opportunity for everything and
therefore we need to be awake and moving forward at all times, we cannot
dilly-dally around and do nothing, we must go forward.
For if we’re not going forward we’re dieing, we’re perishing and
therefore we’ve got to move forward. For
everything that has life moves forward and everything reaches its final goals
and makes its journey to heaven and it can be there for all of eternity.
Be ready, be ready, be ready, for the time is drawing very close.
For the hour of the harvest is here, says
the Lord, therefore I need my workers laboring in the field and begin to start
taking part of the harvest, says the Lord.
For the harvest is coming, are you prepared, are you ready, have you been
speaking my word, says the Lord, for now is the time, now is the hour, says the
Lord, for the harvest to come, says the Lord.
For it’s a great joy to think all those
thoughts, but even greater is to do them, accomplish them.
Don’t just look and sit there and look as a spectator, for spectators
never get the glory, they never get the victory, they never really get to own
what they claim they desire to see. But
be one that receives the things that you go after, for in that alone is the true
victory. Nothing else will receive the rewards in heaven, but the
things that you went after and received for yourself that truly shall be
What shall be the final glory that
everybody should desire and look forward to, well done thou good and faithful
servant, welcome home. To miss that
would be to miss everything, but to receive that would be to receive everything.
To do so would be to receive the final
and greatest promise, life eternally with me.
You’ll have no needs, you’ll need nothing, for you will have it all
provided at all times, yet I have promised to do that for you even here, if you
would trust in me, if you would speak my word, if you would just but ask.
For I desire for you to be far greater than even you are right now, I
desire for you to be more prosperous, I desire for you to be the overcomer in
every single area of your life. For
you are my children and I desire the best for you, but you have to do what I
have said, you have to follow my guidelines.
But truly great things are in store for those who do what I have said,
who learn to trust me one hundred percent and put all their confidence in me.
For I will do what I have said I would do if you follow and do the things
that I have said, saith the Lord.
12-1-2021 pm service
For yes, truly I love you with an
everlasting love and I am always looking for what I can do for you, I am always
reaching out ready to grab hold of you when you need it.
For I am always here for you even though at times my people are not
always there for me like I ask them to be, for I am your Father and I love you
with an everlasting love. Do not fear the things that are ahead, but continue to press
in, for truly I am there, for I have called you under the shelter of my wings
for this time and for this hour that I can comfort you, that I can keep you
safe. For truly I desire to wrap my
arms around you with my love, for I love you with an everlasting love.
Remember to walk closely by my side, for where you are there I am there
also if your walking with me and remember that even through the hard times do I
not carry you through this safely, for I am with you every step of the way.
So do not fear the things that shall come, but remember I have already
made a way for you for I love you with an everlasting love, rest assured of that
love my children.
For I am there with you always even
though at times you do not feel that I am there, yet I am there.
So, I say unto you, know what I have given unto you and know that I
surround you always and when the enemy comes in am I not there to meet your
need? You need to know that I am always there my children, no matter what you
are facing I am always there for you, you just need to call out to me and when
you call to me I answer and I meet your need.
I see the tears, I see the joy, I see it all, says the Lord, and I’ve
called you, I’ve called you my own, you are my special children, I want you to
know that. For, I say unto you,
know my word, know the love that I have given unto you, for my love is powerful.
Share my love to those around you so they know who I am, be my legs and
be my feet, be the ones that I have called you to be, to share my love with
others. Oh, I say unto you, my
children, you need to know the power that you are walking in, but draw close to
me and know that I am truly your God and I will see you through.
But you must walk with me, you must know who I am, you must know the
relationship with me, just coming to church isn’t good enough, you should know
who I am, you should know that I am your Lord, that I am your Savior, that I am
everything that I said I would be and the promises that I have given in my word
that they are true, that they are yes and amen. Oh, I say unto you, draw close to me, draw close to me and
know my love and know what I have given unto you, know what I have done for you
that truly you can walk in the abundance of everything that is yours.
11-28-2021 am service
For I love you, also my blessings are
being poured out upon you in abundance and you should be reaping them, and if
you’re not reaping them call out to me, speak up, say Father you’ve missed
me and let me shower my blessings upon you also.
For if you do not open your mouth I know not what you want, for my word
declares unto you, you have not because you ask not.
Therefore, I say, ask that your joy may be full.
For I say unto you, my children, I have
given you the mightiest tools, says the Lord, my word.
My word given to you to produce whatever it is you have need of in your
life, says the Lord, your wants, your desires, says the Lord, are covered in
your word. Do you know my word, if
you knew my word you would be speaking my word, says the Lord.
For if you had money you would spend it, where is my word at, says the
Lord, is it in your heart, speak it forth spend it, says the Lord, for it will
bring the things that you have need of and desire, says the Lord.
Many are sick today and are dieing
because they speak not out, for they ask not for what they need, they think that
speaking out my word is wrong or something.
And yet many are dieing, the doctors don’t know why, but they’ve
allowed their heart to get filled with negative, nonpositive words and they
store them up there and when they open their mouth, because their mouth is
filled with negative, it comes out. They
have not set a guard at their heart, they are not watching over the things that
they say, for some reason the devil has them mute and yet that muteness is
killing them day to day and they know not why.
Therefore, I say unto you, open your mouth, open your mouth, let me hear
what you desire.
Because the time is so short and you know
it not you’ll go about day after day, after day, after day with a lock on your
mouth, you haven’t locked your heart, you’ve locked your mouth, my word says
put a guard, a lock in your heart above all things, above all things, Proverbs
4:23. Read it carefully, for many
are dieing today and the doctors say we don’t know what this virus is.
Therefore, I am telling you what it is, I am warning you that you can
guard your heart, that you won’t allow others to speak those negative things
to you that’ll get into your heart. But
you’ll lock in the word of God and fill with the word of God and then when
your mouth opens the word of God will come out and you’ll walk in victory,
walk in victory.
So let your mouth be filled with my word,
for my word brings you victory, my word sets the captives free, my word sets the
enemy on the run, so let it be filled with my word and speak it forth, speak it
forth. Call those things I said
that be not as if they were, that’s speaking it into being and I have given
you that power, that authority to do that, but it is through my word, it is not
your word, it is through my word, saith the Lord.
11-28-2021 pm service
For I love you also and I go before you
and I make a way where there is no way, I teach you my word, I show you my word,
I live up to my word, I stand by my word, you can trust my word, for my word
never lies, but it goes before you to do the things that I said that it shall
do. So that is the part that you
never have to be concerned about or worried about, you just need to walk with me
and follow me and do the things that I tell you and everything shall come to
pass. There will be many that’ll
lie to you, even ones that are very close and dear, but I do not lie, my word is
truth. The word of the Holy Spirit
is true, that does not lie to you either, you can always bank on them, it’s
like having money in the bank you can draw upon them anytime you want, you shall
receive all that you have need of. For
I have never put a limit on it, too much, to little, no, I said ask and you
shall receive, therefore your hearts should be bubbling over.
Let not the enemy discourage you or get you down but realize those that
lie to you and those that put you down and get you down they shall die the worse
of all deaths, do they not read it in my word, for my word declares that unto
For I say unto you, my children, when I
say come, you come, says the Lord and keep your eyes on me and my word, says the
Lord. Not on those things that
would try to distract you, not on the things that the enemy would put in your
path, for I have already cleared your path, says the Lord.
Therefore, know what my word says and come, says the Lord.
For when I say I watch over my word to
perform it that means I see exactly where you are at and what my word is doing
on your behalf. I see when it is
twisted by others and I mark that down and I have a reward for them too that
twist it and cause you to get down and discouraged and I don’t know why they
don’t see that when they read my word, all I can think of is that they don’t
really read my word. They claim
they do, but don’t, for if they did they would see the other things and then
they wouldn’t dare, they wouldn’t even attempt to do things that they do
because they will pay for it and it shall be very costly.
So fear not, fear not what the devil can do, fear not what Satan can do,
for he is already defeated. Jesus
defeated him on your behalf and you’re to walk in victory, walk in my victory,
walk in Jesus victory, walk in the victory that I have given unto you.
Oh, but the blessings, the blessings that
are out there for you, and many will never receive their blessings, because they
are there and yet they are not taking advantage of them and then when this life
is over you’ll not need those types of blessings any longer because you’ll
be in a different realm and you’ll need different things altogether and I will
also supply them for you. But
don’t miss the things that you have now, for you’ll automatically get a new
arm if you need a new arm when you go to heaven or an eye or even a head.
The things that you need here you need for the earth not for heaven,
therefore receive the things that belong to you, for I desire to bless you with
For my word has been given unto you,
therefore it must come to pass. So, I say unto you, look for those that I have promised you,
for it is that time now, it is that hour now, for you to receive the fullness of
the things that I have for you. Don’t
miss out on them because you are not walking with me the way you’re suppose to
be. But realize it is the hour to
draw closer than ever before, it’s the hour to stop playing games and put
aside those things that so easily beset you and follow me one hundred percent
totally, fully dedicated to me and the things I have called for you to do.
For it is that time now, saith your Father, it is that hour now.
11-24-2021 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with great joy,
great thanksgiving for all that I’ve done for you, for all that I’ll yet do
for you. Put stoppers in your ears
that you don’t hear the negativeness of those that speak to you, set a guard
at your heart, don’t let those words in, for they’ll destroy you.
Mark them that speak that way that you know they are enemies of yours,
they’re enemies of God. So let
your voice be raised, let there be thanksgiving and great joy, for truly I’ll
bless you coming in, I’ll bless you coming out, you’re the head you’re not
the tail, you’re above and not beneath and my blessings are upon you and
everywhere you go you’re blessed in the store, you’re blessed in the home,
you’re blessed everyplace that you go. So,
therefore, there is no way evil can be spoken that I bring, for I bring no evil,
I drive the evil away, I deal in blessings and they all come down from heaven
that’s what my word says. So,
remember that, don’t allow the enemy to trap you in his traps, be free, be
free, be free.
For I say unto you, my children, I am
your God, I am not everybody’s God, for they don’t see me as their God, but
I’m your God, if I’m your God you have my blessings, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, continue to do my word, continue to stand on
my word and watch the blessings come, says the Lord.
It’s time to lift our voice in praise
and thanksgiving for all that he has done for us.
For we’re the only nation in the world that gives thanks to God for his
blessings, for they don’t know the God of America and America is the greatest
country in the world for giving blessings to others.
For the blessings from this day forward
shall grow greater and greater and greater and you shall be blessed more, for
the time is short and I will pour out blessings on the blessings in heaven and
you shall receive them before you go.
For yes, great things are in store for this time and for this hour, for truly it is time for you to reap the harvest of the things that you have sown and the things that have been stored up, it’s time for them to now come in. And you’ll begin to see them far more than you have, for you have only begun to see what you shall see from here on out, so rejoice, rejoice for truly the blessings shall pour in like never before.
11-21-2021 am service
For truly there is no other name under
heaven and every knee shall bow in that name, there is no human that would think
that he is so strong, so big that can defeat him, not even Satan who is already
defeated. Therefore, I say unto
you, walk according to the power and authority I have given unto you, for you
cannot be defeated either, you are the overcomer, you’re not going to be, you
are the overcomer, you are the victor, you are mine, therefore walk according to
my word.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
has been given to you, I gave it to you before the foundations of the world,
says the Lord, for you to prosper with, says the Lord, not for the enemy but for
you to prosper with, says the Lord. It’s
direction, it’s guidance, it’s understanding of who I am and who you are,
says the Lord, therefore use it and prosper, says the Lord.
There are many things that I am
explaining to you now that I didn’t emphasized before, because it was not
time, but now the time has come, saith your Father God, for you to know the
plans and the purposes of this end time, time.
For truly it is drawing to a close and the enemy is working harder to
deceive you, to cause your heart to become hard, are you guarding your heart?
Above all things my word says, guard your heart, guard your heart,
that’s the area the enemy is working on the most now, therefore, I say to you,
guard your heart.
For already there is taking place a
shifting, a shifting in the finances of the world and it’s coming in, yes,
it’s coming in, the wealth of the heathen is coming into the church.
Not every one in the church, for most would covet it to themselves and
I’d not have any to use for my work, but this is for my work and it shall come
in and you shall be blessed. You
shall have more than enough to do all that I ask you to do, all those that walk
with you shall have more than enough to do all that I ask them to do.
For it is that time, it is that hour, and many are lying to you and
telling you it’s not that time, but even in Genesis I tell you the lease on
earth runs out when the time of the gentiles is over, the time of the gentiles
is over, it’s over. Be not
afraid, be not worried, none of those things are of me, for my children do not
walk in fear, they do not worry, they place all their care upon me and I take
care of them. They’re not sick,
they’re not afraid of sickness, for my Son, Jesus, paid the total price for
sickness and by his stripes they were healed, that’s past tense, not going to
be, were, were, were, walk according to my word.
Is your speaker turned on, for this is
the hour when it needs to be turned on at all times and it is, that’s the sad
part, because if you’re not saying the things that I’m saying then you’re
saying the things that the devil is saying and deceiving your own heart and your
heart hasn’t got a guard on it because you’re letting things come in that
shouldn’t be coming in. Therefore,
listen, listen, hear what I’m saying, for I’m trying very hard to make sure
that every one makes it in.
Therefore, realize that I have made a way
for you where there wasn’t a way and all you have to do is walk in that way.
But sadly few choose to go that way because they desire to go the broad
way, not the narrow way, and yet it’s the narrow way that leads to salvation,
it’s the narrow way that leads into the blessings and all the things that I
have for you. But you can’t
always see the end result, but you should know the end result, for I have given
unto you my word and my promise. Therefore,
the other ways at times is more appetizing, but the end of that is destruction.
So realize that you have a choice that you need to make, you can go your
own way or you can go the way that I’ve prepared for you already.
For I have great things in store for you, if you’re following after me
doing the things that I have said, for it is that time now, it is that hour now
and my people will receive the fullness of the things that I have for them,
saith the Lord.
11-21-2021 pm service
For truly there shall be times when my
presence shall be so strong that you’ll lay on your face before me and
you’ll feel my presence and know my presence and that longing in you for that
presence shall grow even greater and even stronger.
For it has been so at times when Smith Wigglesworth would get on a bus or
a train that the people would fall on their face and cry out for mercy, it shall
be so with you before the time I take you out of here.
So let your hearts be ready, let your lives be ready, for you shall know
the difference between the real and the false.
For I say unto you, my children, my word
divides the truth from the false, says the Lord and if it’s not in my word
it’s not the truth, says the Lord. The
twisting spirit today is going forth and twisting my word, says the Lord and you
must know the false from the truth, says the Lord, or you’ll become entangled
in the web of the devil’s lies, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, know my truth, my word, says the Lord.
For the hour is here and shall come very
quickly, for this shall be so true that my presence shall cause the demons to
flee screaming, killing themselves as they go and even the false shall know the
difference, shall fear it. But those that love me shall run with it and spread it
throughout the world and you shall see the wonderful things that are done
because of that.
And woe unto those who cause my young
ones to stumble and fall, for I shall see it and I shall know it and oh, oh, oh,
the sorrow that shall come upon those that would do those things.
Therefore, I say, walk in holiness, do not walk outside of holiness, keep
thou self holy for thou art holy, my word declares to you that you are holy,
that you are righteous, that you are truth, therefore, walk, walk, walk in it.
For those who are not spiritual cannot
hear from me, they do not know my voice, so why do some follow them when
they’re preaching fables. You see
it is that time and hour to know my word like never before, you should be able
to tell the difference so you are not caught off guard.
Study to show yourself approved that is what my word says and that is
what you should be doing. For you should know my word, you should know my voice, for I
will speak to you, I will show you what is truth and what is not.
Follow after me; draw closer to me, for the days ahead will be very, very
dark, but my light will be in you, saith the Lord.
11-17-2021 pm service
etc etc in fear, for you are the champs
and etc., you are the overcomers and I love you with an everlasting love and
I’m on your side. And when I am
on your side there are no failures, there is no defeat, there is nothing but
Therefore, I say unto you, my children, don’t fear the things that are coming upon the world but be glad, says the Lord, rejoice for the things that I am doing in heaven and bringing down to earth, says the Lord. For the things that I have for you are heavenly, says the Lord, therefore rejoice.
11-14-2021 am service
For truly praises are rising like never
before from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth, for they know
that the hour draws close and before long they shall be in their paradise and
the wicked shall all be gone, none, none ever to see again.
Oh, what an hour, what an hour of rejoicing, rejoice along with the
others, lift up your voices, shout forth my praises, for truly the blessings are
For I say unto you, my children, what do
you do when you know that something is coming, says the Lord, you prepare for
it, you make yourself ready for it, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, be ready and make yourself ready, receive the
things I have coming for you, says the Lord.
For the King is preparing to come and you
shall see him and you shall know him and he shall know you and you shall forever
be with him and the joy, the joy unspeakable shall be far beyond anything you
shall comprehend or understand as of yet. For
it shall be the greatest and you shall see why it was all worthwhile and why
you’d have never gave up like others gave up, why you’d never went the wrong
way like others went the wrong way. And
you won’t even have to experience hell in order to understand that, for the
joy shall be unspeakable.
So again, I say, prepare for the things
that I have in store for you, for yet it will seem like such a short time, but
many things will be accomplished. For
there are many things that must come to pass, take place before my church is
removed from here. So remember
everything that I have already told you, for none of those things that come to
the world shall come nigh your dwelling if you’re walking with me.
For remember they are not for you, but they are for those who are asleep,
those who do not know me the way that they should and if the shaking didn’t
come they would never come awake, they would never realize the lateness of the
hour. So do not fear those things,
but remember the great things I have in store for you in the coming days ahead,
for they are great and they are already coming, they are already headed your
direction, expect to see them, saith the Lord, for they are coming.
For I say unto you, my children, remember
I spoke unto you about the great shaking, the great shifting, says the Lord, and
the great awaking, says the Lord. It’s
here, says the Lord and you’ll see the fullness of it, says the Lord, be ready
for when they come, says the Lord.
So, I say, you no longer need to walk in
any type of fear if you’ve come forth and got your deliverance and you can
walk now in the fullness of your faith knowing that all shall come to pass.
For there is no sin in your life either because you’ve dealt with that,
but only those that have not dealt with it shall now deal with it, not only
before they go but forever after they go. But
it shall be a great time for you, for now you’ll even have the finances to do
the work that your heart has always desired and it shall be done and you shall
joy in that joy also.
And listen very carefully to the things
that are said this morning, count the numbers, count the numbers and realize
what the prophetic word is saying to you, not to every one of you, but prepare
yourselves and you’ll see why you not only need this building but the next
building and even the next building and it shall be so.
11-14-2021 pm service
For truly My Spirit shall be poured out
without measure upon all flesh and they shall speak forth my word and it shall
come to pass, all that they say and others shall see and know and understand
quickly join with them. It’ll be
a great hour, a great hour and the more it’s poured out the more you’ll
understand, the more wisdom you’ll have, the more knowledge you’ll have, the
more supernatural power you’ll have, for you shall be filled to overflowing.
For I say unto you, my children, do not
hold back, but let loose the things that I have placed within you, says the
Lord, that the world can see the things that you are doing through me, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, be
ready for when the time comes you will know what to do, says the Lord.
For my word never goes out and returns
void it always completes everything that I have sent it forth to do.
Man will mock it, man will make fun, but my word shall come to pass even
though it seems like it’s not coming it will, it will.
So, I say unto you, listen carefully, do what it tells you to do and
great, great victory shall be won.
Do what I have said and walk according to
my word, come under my protection that I have prepared for you.
For in that place that I have spoken to you about over the last few weeks
there is nothing that can stop you, there is nothing that the enemy can do to
you, for he cannot reach you when you are in that place of protection, under my
wing in that secret place of my presence. Oh
and that’s where I desire you to be for this time and for this hour.
For it is that time for work to go forth, and even though the enemy has
put forth his orders he cannot stop you, he cannot hinder you or slow you down
unless you allow him to. But for
those who are walking with me like I have said, they are untouchable and he will
not be able to get to you. So do
not fear the things he tries to bring against you, but remember what my word and
my promise to you was already. For
I have placed a great calling upon you, one that is not like any other nor has
anyone before had that calling upon them, but it was for this time and for this
hour and I have elected my children to carry it forth and, therefore, it shall
be done, saith the Lord.
Don’t ever be afraid to speak forth the
words that I give unto you, I gave them to you because they were needed and if
you don’t give them then my people do not hear.
Fear not giving wrong words, for you can’t do it if you’re filled
with the Spirit, you can’t do it and those that are filled will know instantly
if they bring forth something that is not of me.
So fear not, but be obedient and let me bless you.
11-10-2021 pm service
etc I love you, I love you with an
everlasting love and I am there to supply every single need that you have.
Therefore, I say, fear not, for fear is not of me and there shall
nothing, nothing harm you, for I shall watch over you and protect you and I will
keep you safe.
For I say unto you, my children, I’m
your comforter and I’m your protector, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, whatever you do look to me, don’t look to
anyone else, look to me, I am your God, I am your Savior, says the Lord.
For the days ahead shall be great for
you, many blessings shall come upon you, much wisdom shall be given unto you and
I shall be there to guide you, to walk with you, to go with you all the way.
Therefore, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.
For I have great things in store for you,
great things that you know not of yet, but great, great things, great things.
So look forward to the things that I desire to do for you, walk according
to my word and do what I have said and then you can receive the fullness of
everything that I have for you, for truly it is great.
For my love for you measures far greater
than any measurement that you can give unto it.
Therefore, realize that I am always, always there for you, always watch
over you, always, always protecting you.
11-7-2021 am service
For let your hearts rejoice, let there be
great joy in your heart, for the camels are coming and you should be bubbling
over with joy, for the camels are coming. So
if you keep your eyes upon the things that I tell you, the joy shall flow from
you and it shall abound and the anointing that shall do all the work that needs
to be done roundabout you. Fear
not, fear not, fear not, some shall fear, for they did not come and take care of
the fear when they had their opportunity. But,
I say unto you, that did, oh the joy, the joy; the joy that shall flow from you
now, for your strength has been renewed and it will continue to be renewed, for
the joy of the Lord is your what?
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
given unto you my word and my word does not go out and return void but it does
the things that I’ve sent if forth to do.
Are you speaking forth my word, says the Lord, for my word is what’s
going to get you through, says the Lord, for my word is what you have to walk
on, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, do my word and speak
my word.
Great and mighty and wonderful things are
beginning to take place and more are seeing them now and more understand them
now. Some do not see them, but then
they need to repent, for if you haven’t seen what I’m doing then you are not
where you should be. For I caused
you to rise up with a newness of faith such as you did not have and now you have
that faith, faith for whatsoever and as long as your mouth is working and your
speaker is turned on you shall receive.
For you have been given my word, you have
been given my promise, there is no greater thing that I can do then that for you
and have all power and all authority that I have given unto you as well.
So, therefore, you should be walking in victory, you should be thee
overcomer, but sadly some have not done what I have said and they are not
following after me like they should and yet all should see the lateness of the
hour and know exactly what is going on. For
it is not my desire that you miss out, but it is my desire that you all are
partakers of the things that I have for you.
But truly the hour is late and I cannot wait, I cannot wait, for the
clock has already started and things are moving ahead.
So, therefore, if you’re not moving with me then you are behind and you
need to hurry and catch up. For
very quickly, very quickly, very quickly you will begin to see the things that I
have said, for some are already seeing them, many have seen it in the Spirit
realm and are looking for those things to come to pass, for truly they are
coming, they are coming, they coming, saith the Lord.
11-7-2021 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, My
Spirit is here, I haven’t left, are you here, says the lord, for My Spirit is
ready for you, says the lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, be ready because I am here for you, says the Lord.
For it is my desire to meet with you, but
are you here in my house to meet with me, do you come in with expectation of the
things that I desire to do upon your behalf or do you come as just another
service, just another service, just another service?
But there should be great expectation in your heart, there should be
great joy, for you should know what is ahead, for I have laid it out before you
and as you see the things coming to pass in the world that should even bring you
even more joy in knowing that very soon now I shall come for my church that is
ready, my church that is spotless, without wrinkle.
But for those who do not do what my word has said I cannot move upon
their behalf, I cannot do for them the things that I desire.
But it is my desire that they would too enter into the safety of the fold
while there is still yet time. Do
not be moved by the things that shall take place in the world, for remember a
great shaking has to come, but it shall not shake those who have set themselves
upon a firm foundation. And if you
have found yourself shaken, realize that you have some work to do, that you are
not where you thought you were. But
for those who are set upon the foundation, they will be immoveable, they will
see, they will know, they will understand and yet it is my desire for all to be
in that place. So be ready, be
ready, for truly great things are upon you.
11-3-2021 pm service
etc and know exactly what I, your Father
God, am saying unto you, for it is that time and it is that hour that things
come to an end. The lease on this
earth is running out, for the time of the gentiles has already come to the place
of stopping. So, therefore, make
yourself ready, prepare your hearts and your lives that you can be in heaven for
all of eternity.
For truly I am your Father and I love you with an everlasting love, my love is much more pure and more true and more faithful than earthly fathers. So look unto me and call upon me in your time of need and I shall meet that need and I shall move mightily on your behalf showing you the favor and the love that I have for you.
10-31-2021 am service
For truly it is a brand new hour, the old
has passed and the new has come. For
it’s time like I’ve told you and told you, yes truly, it’s time and now is
the time. So do not allow the devil
to get you to the place that you have no time for me, for he has been working on
many of you that you’re at that spot already and if I needed you I couldn’t
even get ahold of you myself. You’re
in a warfare and when we’re in a warfare every member is needed, everyone has
a post, everyone has a place, everyone has an anointing and all of those work
together to bring forth victory and when any of them are not working the whole
body hurts. Therefore, we need
those that work one hundred percent together and we’re going to have them, for
I will bring in those that are needed if needed and it will function in the way
I want it to function, it will go the way that I want it to go, but I love all
of you and I’ve called you. So do
not back off, listen, follow orders, do what you’re told to do, for I lay them
out myself, saith your Father. Man
does not make them up, man tries to, but if you’re walking in the spirit realm
you should know the difference and you need to have the gift of discerning of
spirits operating in your life. So
that would be a good gift to begin to seek after and call upon that you can walk
in the fullness of everything that I had for you.
Listen careful this day, for I shall tell you many things.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
open up your hearts to me this day, says the Lord and I can fill you to
overflowing. Allow my salvation to
fill you to overflowing, says the Lord, that you know without a doubt that
you’re mine, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, press into me and know that I am your Father God, says the Lord.
For truly the enemy is waging warfare
even this very day, but I know his plan and he will not prevail, for I have
called this time and this hour for my move and it will come to pass like I have
spoken. But yet where are my
warriors who I have called upon to speak forth my word, are you hearing me speak
unto you, oh but a few are, but where are the rest?
For it is that time and it is that hour where I have called my army to go
to battle, not to be doing other things that are not of me, but they should be
doing the things that I have called for them to do.
For it is that time now, it is that hour now, I have spoken that unto you
before, I have asked you to lay aside those things that so easily beset you and
to follow me one hundred percent. For
I have given some until today to make that choice, but that day is now upon us
and if they have not made that choice already it is too late.
But, I say unto you, do as I have spoken unto you to do, follow the
orders that I have given, for I have said that you would be the victors and
overcomers if you do what I have said. And
yet you rely on you own power and your own might and forget what I have already
done for you, and if you would lay those things aside and allow me to do them
for you, will I not meet every single one of your needs? For that is my promise that I have given unto you, for I am
your Father and I love with an everlasting love and I desire to make you the
overcomers, I desire to make you the victors, but you must do what I have said
in order to walk in the fullness of those thing, saith the Lord.
For my word is always truth and I have
placed those in the spots that I desire for them to be.
You have but one shepherd, you have many workers that work with the one
shepherd, but there is only one that is in control under me, not many.
And the devil would have many because many brings confusions, because
then you desire to do your own things and not the things that I want. Therefore, I speak unto and command you to walk in my ways
and not the ways of others, I shall even move upon the children and they shall
function even far greater spiritually now than they have before, so be ready, be
I have not forgotten what day this is,
for I knew this day many years ago and I knew when it would come.
I’m aware of what’s going on even today and closing the gates, which
they cannot close. I understand these things, but you don’t.
There has been much intercession on behalf of this day for this place,
you should be thankful that somebody prayed for you or the disaster that would
take place nobody would want. But,
I say unto you, I am not fooling, playing games anymore, for the last hour is
here and my work needs to be finished and my work needs to be done.
So begin to fill in and do the things that I, your Father God, speaks
unto you to do.
10-31-2021 pm service
For as you stand on my word and stand on
my promise I shall go before you and I shall strengthen you, I shall make your
way strong and even though those that do not understand, even though they rail
upon you, fear not, for you are mine and I have called you, yea, even at a young
age I’ve called you and I’ve stood with you and I never, never, never backed
down from you, for you’re mine, saith your Father God.
Let not the little things trouble your heart, for at a time they will
have to face the little things themselves.
Then they shall call upon you for there shall be no other help than you
and you shall be able to help and then they shall realize.
For it is that hour, they laugh at you now and they say the boats, the
ships are all backed up, there is nobody on the docks to unload them, there are
no trucks to deliver them, but I want you to know the camels are coming, the
camels are coming, yes, the camels are coming.
For I say unto you, my children, with all
that seems to be dark you carry my light, says the Lord and when that light
becomes light you shine that light in the darkness, says the Lord and light
comes. Those that see that light
shall come running, says the Lord, therefore be ready for my light is shining,
says the Lord.
So let not the enemy disturb you or be ye
down, for truly the camels are coming and if you look into my word you’ll see
that I said the camels are coming. The gold comes with them, the silver comes with them, the
diamonds and the rubies come with them, the angels come with them, all the help
that you have need of comes with them. So
anytime you feel this way, again I say unto you, say to yourself the camels are
For I say unto you, my children, did not
I not send the camels with the wise men when my Son was born and before the
greatest move the world ever saw when my Son was born, says the Lord?
Therefore, I say unto you, before the greatest move the world has ever
seen shall the camels come again, says the Lord and the wealth they will bring
with them, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, rejoice for they are coming, says the Lord.
For it is a great hour even when life is
at its weakest hardest time the camels came, they came, they came, they came,
they came, they came. Man should
know just by opening my book exactly where you are, they should know what’s
going on, but that’s why they need a pastor to tell them because they don’t
know, but they think they know themselves.
The one time you thought that way too and the warlock came, but you found
out you were not ready for him. Now
you’re ten times stronger, far more equipped and far more ready and there is
nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing, that can stop the camels from coming.
For even as I had opened the eyes of the
servant to see that there was more for them than against them.
Realize that there is more for you than against you and these troubles
that may seem large are really small and you shall triumph over them all.
Remember what I have called you for and realize that it is that time now
to come to the fullness of that calling. It
wasn’t time before, and its been quiet for many years now, but now it’s
time, now it’s time, now it’s time, so rest assured knowing that it’s now
time, saith the Lord.
10-24-2021 am service
For truly you can hear in the spirit
realm my wind blowing, you should receive it upon you if you are truly mine, for
you should hear that voice right now. It’s
not a mystic voice that can’t be heard only by those that are unsaved, but
those that are saved, those that are mine they can hear it and they can know
that wind is blowing. Truly their
revival is here, it’s not coming, it’s hear and yet many know it not, they
cannot even open their mouths and say what I tell them to say, they walk around
like mummies. Oh, I say unto you,
wake up the hour is here, the hour is here, it’s not coming it’s here, wake
up, wake up, wake up, walk in that spirit realm, know that spirit realm, let it
come alive within you. For it’s
the spirit realm that shall make it all go, it’s the spirit realm that shall
cause it to come into being and if your not in that spirit realm, if you
haven’t repented, if you haven’t turned to me you can’t hear it, you
can’t hear it. You’ve got to
get all the sin out of your life before you can be heard of me and if I can’t
hear you, you can’t hear me.
For I say unto you, my children, I have
set your course and I have filled your sails, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, don’t resist but flow with me, says the
Lord, move on that steady charter course that I have set for you, says the Lord,
for it’s a plan and a course of victory, says the Lord.
Therefore, don’t change it, says the Lord.
For surely even the little children like
me can hear in the spirit realm, I heard it, where are you, can you not hear it,
can you not feel it, then therefore you cannot be moved upon by the Spirit and
it will not come to you, but if you can it will.
For truly, truly my heart, my heart is
crying out to you, can you not even hear that, can you not sense that, can you
not feel that? My heart is crying
out to you, it’s crying out because I’ve seen you perishing, I see you going
to hell, I see you being destroyed in fire, but I cry out and you ignore it, you
think your too big, you think you’re too strong, you think you’re too proud.
Hear my voice, hear my voice, hear my voice, for your day is numbered and
your day is marked and your day is coming.
For truly revival is here and my church
has had their time and they should have repented, they have shut their mouth,
they will not speak as I commanded them to speak, they will not say the things
that I tell them to say that will give them the victories, that will make them
the overcomers. But they lag behind
going their own way not realizing seven days, seven days, seven days.
For do you not see even in my word how I
left the ninety-nine to find the one that was gone astray and yet I loved you so
dearly that I’ve reach out to you again and again and again.
But I cannot cause you to turn back, that is a decision that you must
make yourself, but I cannot protect you if you’re not in the safety of the
fold. I cannot watch over you, I
cannot bless you, I cannot move upon your behalf and yet great destruction lies
ahead for those who are not mine, who are not mine.
Therefore, I have laid out the timetable for you, so understand and
realize that I love you with an everlasting love, but for what is coming, for
what is ahead you need to be walking in the safety of the fold where I can move
upon your behalf. For this will be
a great and glorious hour for my church, but not for the world, not for those
who do not know me, not for those who do not choose me, for I cannot move upon
their behalf. But they must be
shaken and that shaking will be the greatest thing you have ever seen yet, but
yet it is recorded in my word and it must take place at this time and at this
hour. So, I say unto you, walk
according to my word, walk according to my promise and come unto me as I have
called you, saith the Lord.
10-24-2021 pm service
For surely there is only one of me and I
am your Father and I love you with everlasting love, I watch over you and
protect you and keep you safe, I give you my word, I do not violate my word,
those that violate my word are not of me. For
if they knew me they would not violate my word, for my word is truth.
For I love you and I am always here for you, so do not forget that, but
remember to walk in my word, to keep my word and I shall bless you.
For my word unto you is food, says the
Lord and keeps you healthy and keeps you strong and keeps you where you need to
be, says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, let it light your path and guide your feet, says the Lord.
You need not fear those that are not of
mine, for I watch over you and I protect you, I shall keep you safe and no harm,
no harm, no harm shall become of you. For
I have you under my wings and I keep you safe there and I go before you, and
when you call I answer, I send my angels to defend you.
So, therefore, walk in peace, walk in peace.
Fear not but put all of your trust all of
your confidence in me. For there is
big trouble coming, big things are going to take place, but those that belong to
me they shall go through this time victoriously.
For remember I have already made a way
for you, for those who are mine, those who are walking by my side, not those who
are off on the broad way, but those on the narrow way, the straight way, those
are the ones who will walk in victory, those are the ones who will overcome.
For truly it is a great day and it is a great hour and many things will
now take place. Do not fear those
things, but remember you are the victors, you are the overcomers and you win.
10-20-2021 pm service
For let my word empower you like it has
never empowered you before causing you to walk in the spirit realm, let them be
your natural walk, for it is that time to walk that way that you can hear
clearly the Holy Spirit as he talks to you, as he leads you, as he guides you,
as he directs you. Let your mind be
renewed so my word fills your heart, that you speak my word, that you become the
overcomers. For it is that hour now
that you can walk in that overcoming spirit all the time and be fruitful and see
results of your fruit. For I love
you, I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to bless you.
Come up higher, says the Lord, come up,
come up, come up, says the Lord, be where I am, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, press in and be all that you can be, says the
For my love shall surround you, protect
you, I shall watch over you, I shall keep you safe, no harm, no harm shall come
to you if you belong to me. For those that belong to me my angels are watching over and
protecting like never before. Therefore
you can feel comforted knowing they’re always on the job.
Be not discouraged in any way, for I see
all the problems, I know all the answers and I can keep you safe from those
problems and keep you in the place of victory and I can keep them from growing
from where they are now to any larger. For
I’ll not allow it, saith your Father God, but I will be there for you, I’ll
be there to strengthen you, to comfort you and to give you everything that you
have need of.
So receive the things that I have for you, receive the fullness of what I have for this time, for this hour. Don’t continue to go your own way and do your own thing, but realize that I have great things in store for those who are following me, those who are doing what I have said, those that are walking in holiness and righteousness that I have given unto them. Not for those who are walking in sin and doing their own things, for I cannot move upon their behalf, I cannot protect them, but when they turn unto me I can move upon their behalf and I desire to do that. So walk in the safety of my fold under the shelter of my wings, for truly I desire for you to be right there that I can watch over you and protect you every moment of every day, for I love you with an everlasting love, saith the Lord.
10-17-2021 am service
For it is a great hour, an hour that many
do not seem to see or understand, but it is the last hour, if you don’t know,
there is not another hour after this, but the millennial reign, that’s very
clear in the Bible. But this is the last hour and many great and wonderful things
shall take place during this time, during this time, but during that time also
you lose the first light that I have ever placed on earth before I formed
everything and made everything and that light will no longer be here, for there
is no longer any need for that light, for that’s when our lights are candled,
when they receive me as their Lord and their Savior. But, I say rejoice, rejoice, for if your name is written down
I have many, many, many great blessings for you and it shall be a great hour, it
shall be the best hour of your life before you get into heaven, it shall be a
great time. So, I say unto you,
lift up your voices and let my praises ring through the courts of heaven that I
can move mightily on your behalf.
For I say unto you, my children, it is
all in the way that you view things, says the Lord.
If you view them through my word you see crystal clear the things that
are going on, if you view things through your fleshly mind it looks terrible,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, view the things in my word and you will not be perplexed, says the
Lord, but you will be stable in all your ways and victorious says the Lord.
For my word is crystal clear, it’s not
confusing, man makes it confusing. I
said be ye holy even as I am holy, if you’re holy as I am holy you’re living
as I desire for you to live and I desire that man walks in my ways, knows my
ways and loves me with all their heart.
Man has a confusion, for they think the
color of the skin or the nationality of the people is who they are, that’s not
so. If they’re holy, if their
heart is right they are mine, they are my children, they don’t belong to
anyone else. If they belong to
someone else they cannot be walking holy and they are not mine, but as for mine
I’ll watch over them to protect them and to keep them safe.
I bring them in safely to the fold, I heal them, I deliver them, I feed
them, I clothe them, I make sure they prosper, for no matter what nationality
you can go to, you could find those that prosper and those that don’t.
Therefore, I say unto you, the world is easy to tell if you don’t know,
look for my holiness, for where you find my holiness you shall find me, Abba
Father, Abba Father.
For those who are mine know who they are,
for they know and realize and understand that they are heirs and joint heirs of
me. My true followers, not those
who say they are of me and do not the things that I tell them to do, but only
those who really know who they are in me, for they have all of my power, they
have all my authority, they have all of my ability and yet all should have that.
For you should know who you are in me, know who you are, know who your
Father is, for if I am your Father you should be walking in the fullness of
everything that I have for you. Sin
should not be a part of your life, but if you are not walking after me those
other things take ahold of you and you need to be delivered of them.
For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you to
walk in the fullness of everything that I have. So realize just who you are and be one of mine, says the
Until the prodigal found real love and
recognized who his true Father was, not the one he was serving, because he was
living with the pigs and eating the husks of the pigs and yet his father’s
table was set beautifully every time. He
came home and the father met him on the run and from then on he knew his father
and never left him again.
10-17-2021 pm service
For truly there should be a great
hallelujah shout, because you know that I’m the only God that there is, that
you’re my children just as my Son, Jesus, is and that you walk with me in my
love, in my comfort, in my care and my protection and I watch over you.
These things you all know and should know and therefore you can rejoice
in the fact that your name is written down in the Lamb’s book of life, there
is no one else that can write that in. But
I can take it out, but I am the only one that can write it in and I’m also the
only one that can take it out. And
therefore you can rejoice in the fact knowing these things that I am always with
you, that I watch over you, that I protect you, that I keep you safe.
And even when times get hard I’ll supply every single need that you
have and I would not lie to you, the times are going to be very hard, but not
for you because you belong to me. Many
think that they can just smile and everything will change, no, no, no, no, for
the very things that are written in my word shall take place during these last
days, they shall take place. Therefore,
just walk according to my word and you’re always in the safety of my arms and
I’ll always watch over you and I’ll protect you.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children, I
am the author and finisher of your faith and there is nothing that shall come
upon you that I haven’t already provided for, says the Lord, if you’re
walking with me. Therefore, I say
unto you, I know you, I knew you before the heavens were created, says the Lord,
therefore, I say unto you, I will provide, says the Lord.
For we have our own language that only
you can talk, that I can talk, that we can talk with each other and receive
instructions and receive the things that we have need of, that we can check and
make sure it lines up with the word. For
the written word is our word and I’ll tell you as we walk together it’s a
joyest time, it’s not a burdensome time.
Those that are having problems aren’t always walking with me, they’ve
gone their own way and doing their own thing and therefore these things bring
forth trouble. But those that are walking with me do not walk in that
trouble because I’ve told them what not to do, why not to do it and they walk
according to my word. So realize
that I’ll be here for you during this time and you shall be victors.
For there is a heavenly language and as
you speak my heavenly language you grow and you grow and you grow, those that do
not speak that language do no growing. So
if you feel like you’re not growing begin to speak my language even more so
and we can have those times we spend together, when we can talk together that I
can convey to you the things that you do need to know and how to walk in a
higher way than you’re walking. So
be not fearful because I am your heavenly Father and I love you.
Know what my word as said, realize the
importance of the day and the hour that you are living in, do not be deceived by
the enemy or his devices, for his main role at the moment is to try and deceive
as many as possible, for he knows that he has a short time left.
But do not follow him, but follow me, allow me to lead and guide you,
allow me to bring you to a higher place than you have ever been before, allow me
to move upon your behalf and bless you like never before.
For it is that hour of great blessings, it is the hour of great and
mighty things for my church, for my people, for those who are following after me
and doing the things that I have said. Not
for those who are following after the world or running after the false or the
fake, for they will not find what they are looking for, they will only find that
in one of my true houses where the Spirit of Almighty God is moving. If the Spirit of Almighty God is not moving and speaking in
your church it is dead, it is not alive and I cannot move upon them.
But I am moving, saith the Lord, I am moving in my houses, I am moving
upon my people, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord, and I
desire to move upon your behalf.
For if there was not a heavenly language
you would never hear me, and if there was not a book you would not know what
I’ve written in that book or why or what for, but being I have, you have all
these that you can check with my book and see if it agrees with what I have
written unto you. For man doesn’t
just speak out and say I’m god and expect you to believe them, I expect you to
look at my word and understand my word and know my word.
And if you don’t you need to get into my word and study my word, you
need to teach your children, your children’s children, your grandchildren, you
need to teach all that we all speak the same thing, that we don’t go different
directions. Those that are over you
should be teaching you the things that you have need of, for if you don’t know
the things that they teach, why are you following them?
10-13-2021 pm service
etc drawing you closer and we’re
winning, we’re not losing, we’re not losing, it may look that way to some,
but we’ve already won, we’re already the victors, our names are already
written down in the Lamb’s book of life and God’s not about to blot them out
at this moment. Therefore, rejoice,
rejoice, for truly I love you.
You need to chew on my word, meditate on
my word day and night, says the Lord, and you’ll grow thereby, says the Lord.
Therefore, keep pressing in and stay hungry, says the Lord.
So fear not, but press in, for if there
is any war it will always be good against evil and good always wins.
Therefore, you can always rejoice because you’ll always be the victors,
you will always be the overcomer and you shall win.
For my love not only cares for you but it
heals you and delivers you and sets you free, it makes you the overcomer, it
makes you the victor, it gives you the wealth of the heathen and none of that
goes to those that are evil, but only to those that are good.
Therefore, you need to always remember what I shall do for you and what I
will do for you and rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.
For my word always comes to pass, it does
not go out and return void but it always goes forth and fulfills everything I
said it would. Therefore, look
forward with great anticipation to the things that I have in store for you, for
they are yours, they are for this time, they are for this hour, they are for you
my children, those who are walking with me, those who are faithful, those who
are doing what I have told them to. Those
things are for you for this time and for this hour and oh what a glorious hour
this is, for you haven’t even seen the fullness of that yet, but you will very
quickly now, for that hour is here and that hour is now, saith the Lord.
10-10-2021 am service
Let your hearts be open to receive all
that I, your Father God, have for you this day.
Do not fear what the devil has said to you nor what he is trying to take
away from you, for he has no power whatsoever over you, for you belong to me.
You don’t belong to him, he’s a defeated foe, those that are not
saved now, they belong to him, but you’re not one of them.
Therefore, I say unto you, let your heart be filled with joy, for I shall
restore and I shall restore far greater than that what he tried to take away.
Two things take place, two things that place, greater joy comes, greater
miracles, greater signs, greater wonders, but not for the lost, not for those
that mock. For it is true the
whirlwind has been seen and judgment shall come and you shall hear and you shall
learn and you shall know, for it is that hour and it is that time.
So let your heart rejoice, let there be rejoicing, for truly you’re the
For I say unto you, my children, press
into the fullness of the joy that I have for you, for the things that I have for
you will bring you joy, says the Lord, not distress, not sorrow but joy, says
the Lord. For my joy gives you the
strength that you have need of to go through these days, says the Lord,
therefore press in, press in, press in, press in.
For it is a great hour, a great hour, far
greater than you even are aware of, but it is that hour when things shall change
drastically, for the prophets have seen the whirlwind and the whirlwind brings
two things great speed to those that are saved moving them into a higher
position and calling all things into them.
But for those that are not, for those that are mocking me, for those that
are in a place that they should not be, great judgment, judgment like they’ve
never experienced, disaster like they’ve never felt, it shall be a terrible
time and they shall wake up suddenly and be faced with a choice instantly, and
if they don’t receive the choice, they’ll be no more, saith your Father God,
no more, it’ll be no more. For
it’s time for my church to display the power that they have to bring forth
things that they have that the world wakes up, that the world comes in, comes
in, for it’s time for the world to come in, it’s time for the money to flow
in, it’s time, it’s time and it is time.
Even from the littlest one to the
youngest one there is a knowing, a knowing, a knowing, a knowing, they know,
they know, they know, they’re experiencing, they’re sensing, they’re
feeling what I, your Father God, am doing.
And it shall be great, yes, it shall be great, for they are mine and I
warn those that come against them that try to hinder them and try to stop them,
I warn them great disaster is ahead, but there is joy for them, there is joy,
joy, joy, unspeakable and therefore they shall rejoice, they shall lift up my
name and they shall even out speak those that love me.
For it is not my will that any are lost,
but yet it is a choice that all must make whether they follow me or whether they
go their own way, but that time and that hour is upon you now.
For I have said choose who you will follow, for great blessings lie ahead
for those who are following me, but great disaster lies ahead for those who
choose to go their own way, those who want to go do their own thing.
For it is not the hour to play church any longer, it is not that hour,
that hour is long past, but it is the hour to be here, it is the hour to be
holy, it is the hour to be on fire and where my fire is I can’t have the
other. Therefore, I have to remove
the other, for it cannot be allowed in my presence, therefore if my power is
going to fall in all of it’s might and my glory is going to descend upon you
there cannot be any, any un-holiness among you.
So deal with those problems, deal with those things, then move forward
into all the great blessings that I have for you.
For truly they are great and they are for this time and for this hour,
saith the Lord.
Let your ears be open in the spirit realm
this morning, listen very carefully, very carefully to what is being said.
For even I have a message from Moses and realize what he is saying, for
disaster shall come to some, but great, great, great blessings shall come to
others. Listen, listen know to what
the Spirit is saying.
10-10-2021 pm service
Let your hearts open up to worship me
with all, all that you have, for I desire your love, I desire your worship, and
the return, I shall grant unto you the desires of your heart.
I shall meet every single need, there’ll not be one, not one, no not
one that I will not meet. I cannot
do that to those who do not know me and love me, but for you I can do that.
So let your heart be open, let your heart be open, talk to me, tell me
what you desire and what you want and watch and see for I shall do it for you.
For I say unto you, my children, those
that love me follow me, they do the things that I have for them to do, says the
Lord. Therefore, they worship me,
they sing to me, they praise me, says the Lord, they don’t praise the world,
they don’t do the things of the world, they would rather be with me, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you,
come with me and be with me, says the Lord.
For I’ll keep you in my perfect love,
for the days ahead you’ll see and hear and know many different things that
shall take place. But I shall keep
you in a place that you’ll be sheltered and they’ll only know my love and
the things that are bad that have to be dealt with will not affect you, for I
will deal with them, oh yes, I will. For I’ve spoken my word and my word has gone out and it
will not return void, it will do those things that I have sent it forth to do.
But remember that I love you and my love shall guide you and protect you
and keep you safe.
So receive the things that I have for you
this night, for I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to pour my love
out upon you. So open up to me and
receive the things that you desire, receive the things that you have need of,
for truly I desire to move upon your behalf, I desire to meet every single one
of your needs. Just open up to me
and allow me to do it, saith the Lord.
For I know every hair on your head, every
one is counted, that’s how much I love you and care for you and watch over you
and keep you safe. The enemy shall
never touch you, for you’re under my protection and you came under my
protection and you’ll remain under my protection until I take you home to be
with me. So no matter how bad it
seems to get in the world it will not come nigh you.
10-3-2021 am service
For truly My Spirit does move, it’s
moving in those that hear it, do what it says or they’re not mine, if they do
not obey my word they are not mine. But you’re mine so walk in truth, obey my word, follow my
word, keep my word and you shall prosper and be in good health, for I have
declared this on those that believe.
For I say unto you, my children, does not
my word say that obedience is better than sacrifice, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, don’t sacrifice but be obedient, says the
Lord, for obedience your love will sacrifice for me, says the Lord, therefore
live for me, says the Lord.
Remember the warnings that I have given
you and the dates that I have set, for those dates shall come to pass if there
is no repentance. Therefore, I say,
if you need to repent do it now, for your time is running out.
For truly repentance is one of the
greatest gifts that I have ever given unto you, for it gives you the opportunity
to turn away, to change and not turn back.
For if you turn back you haven’t repented, you’ve made mockery of my
word and woe unto those that make mockery to my word.
For is not that true love that I have
made a way of escape from the world of sin and death and darkness, that I have
made a way that you can walk in the light and free from those things?
And yet it’s very simple and easy, but most what to continue going
their own way doing their own things, but I have poured out my love unto them
and yet they do not show that in return. Therefore,
the door must shut and when that time comes it cannot be reopened, for even as
it was in the day of Noah, he told them what I had said and they refused to turn
away from what they wanted to do, from their loves, their desires and when the
rain started they realized that they had missed it and that Noah was right.
And yet by that time it was too late, for the door had already been
closed. Do you not realize that it
is your time and your hour once that time and the hour has passed, but realize
that now is that time and the hour. The
door is open that I have extended unto those who need to turn unto me, who need
to leave the cares of the world behind and follow me with their whole heart.
For truly that time is coming to a close very quickly now and once that
time has come to a close there will not be time left, extended any longer. So
hear the things that I am saying, do not say, well Lord, I have more time yet,
for you have time now, but you choose not to turn now, so what is going to make
you turn later? So choose now in
this moment while the door is open and time is now.
10-3-2021 pm service
For we truly believe what the Lord says,
the word that he speaks unto us is life, we rejoice in the fullness of his word
and we walk according to his word and he tells us the things that we need to
know. And, therefore, he blesses us
as we walk with him, as we’re obedient and we follow the things that he says
unto us, we rejoice and we rejoice and we rejoice again and again and again, for
his word is therefore true.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
know and live after me, says the Lord, for my word is truth and it shall not
lie. Therefore, I say unto you, if
you press into me and believe my word you will truly be free, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, do my word.
Believe not what man says nor follow him,
but realize the day and the hour that you are living in and follow and do the
things that I have called you for. Follow
after the things of me, be about the Father’s business, for it is a time and
an hour to lay those other things aside and be about the Father’s business.
For this is the very last day, this is the very last hour and very soon I
shall return for my church, but there is yet a work that needs to be done and
the harvest is great, but laborers are few.
Where are you, where are you, where are you, for now is the time, now is
the hour and you should be about the Father’s business.
For my word is loud and clear and I share
unto you the things that are written in my word, for I desire that you walk
according to that word. For as you
walk according to my word I bless you abundantly above and beyond all that you
think. But those that walk not
according to my word I do not bless them, my word clearly says that and yet many
make many excuses and walk not according to my word and they think that I’m
safe, but they are not safe. Reread
my word, read what is says, understand what is says; know what it says, for
truly the end is upon you.
For as you read my word you should be
able to hear it clearly and you should be able to understand it, for if you
can’t understand it you’re not saved, have you not read that in my word and
it’s so clear. For when you
become saved you become a new creature and you walk in all the fullness of my
wisdom and my knowledge and the Holy Spirit continues to be your teacher and
guide, that you can walk in the abundance of all wisdom and all knowledge that
the enemy cannot deceive you nor should you go astray.
For if you walk not in the way that I say, my word speaks to you
concerning that, that you may turn and come back to me and be my children, that
one day very quickly now you shall be there in heaven with me.
Not all, for many don’t do what I tell them to do and they think that
I’ll mark that out of my book and forget it and I don’t mark it out and I
don’t forget it. For I’ve told
you these things and I’ve said unto you, walk according to my word.
9-26-2021 am service
For those that will walk in the light and
know the light, for those that are saved, they understand the words that you
talk; their hearts fill with joy. For truly even though there’s only ashes, up from those
ashes can arise the victory call, you don’t know the victory call if you’re
not walking very close to the Lord nor do you know how to walk in the Spirit
realm. Oh you can shout, you can
sing, you can dance, but you haven’t learned anything yet, it’s the Spirit
realm that counts. And as you enter
into that Spirit realm you find that your speaker is always turned on, it’s
never shut off, you’re always waiting to give praise and thanksgiving to God.
For you’re alive, you’re not dead, and it is that hour and it is that
time and it is that day, saith your Father God, that my children are walking in
the Spirit realm. Do you remember
what I called you for to get filled the second time, I hope you all did, for it
was time then, not now or later, it can be, but until it is you’ll never know
the joy, you’ll never know the power, you’ll never know the strength,
you’ll never know, you’ll never know, you’ll only think and sing and shout
and wonder what we’re shouting about, what we’re thinking about and what we
know that you don’t know. Oh come
unto me, draw closer, draw closer, for you shall see and know and understand the
things that I have for you, for they’re far, far, far greater than anything
you’ve know yet, far greater and it’s growing and it’s growing and it
shall grow until I take my church out and then the real explosion, for then you
shall really know.
For I say unto you, my children, let go
of the lies, let go of the things that you’re trying to hold on to, says the
Lord, that do not profit you, that are not in my word, the things that hinder
you, the things that beset you, says the Lord, let them go.
For, I say unto you, I’ve set you free, but you refuse to be free
because you want to hold onto those things that you hold on to, says the Lord.
Refuse to hold onto them any longer, says the Lord and be free, says the
For when you’re not walking in the
fullness of the Spirit it’s like walking in a fog and the fog gets thicker and
thicker the longer you walk in it, until you can’t see, you can’t move.
If you’ve ever driven a car in deep fog you understand what I’m
saying, for there is no life, there is no life, there is no life whatsoever that
shall help you. At times you feel
like getting outside and walking beside the car because you don’t know where
you’re going and your mind gets duller and duller and it moves towards the
fullness of that reprobate mind until you can’t seem to understand or see
anything. Let that not be you, but be the one that needs no light other
than the light that I give them to see through that fog. For you’re not walking in a mystery or you’re not walking
in the unknown, for I give you wisdom, I give you knowledge that you can know,
that you do know, that you see, that the joy that fills you fills you fills you
to overflowing and the power that I give to you is more than enough to conquer
any battle that the enemy might want to send your way. Matter of fact, you’re like a fighter, you’re looking for
it, you want it to come because you know you can fight, you know that you can
win; you know that you can be the overcomer.
So allow that light to fill you this day, saith your Father God, or
repent and turn back before it’s too late.
For even the little children out see you,
they can see deeper in the spiritual realm than you can, their mind functions
better, they don’t say and do the stupid things that you’re now saying and
doing, that no one would do, no one would do.
Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me, come now, come, come, come.
For my word is always truth and always
real, I keep my promises and as you walk with me you’ll see, oh I keep them.
I watch over every single word to fulfill it and those promises come and
if you’re walking on the highest road they shall even come more so.
For you trust in me, and the more that you trust me and walk with me the
greater, the greater the reward.
So allow me to take you to new heights
and new levels, allow me to do the work in you that needs to be done.
For if you set those things aside and say, alright Lord, I am ready have
your will and have your way in my life. For
then you allow me to take over and have total control and then I can do the
things that need to be done. For
many there is not much time left remaining, for I have warned and I have warned
and I have warned, so take heed to the things that I’m saying now.
For truly I love you with an everlasting love, it is my desire that you
are the victors, that you are the overcomers, that you walk in the abundant life
that I have for you. For most are
not walking in that abundant life, they are defeated, they are the tail when
they should be the head, when they should be victorious in every area, that is
what I can do for you if you allow me to do it.
9-26-2021 pm service
For all the angels in heaven sing
halleluiah, they sing the praises unto me day and night, it’s a joyful sound,
so when you sing it, it becomes a joyful sound unto me also.
For my love for you as my children is my whole desire for creating all of
this and what I have created I desire it to be.
And even though many do not walk in the way we do, many honor it even
more so than some that claim they walk this way, but don’t, for to claim you
walk this way and don’t is far greater than a dishonor, but those that do not
know do not understand for they know not my word nor what my word says.
Therefore, I say, just continue to draw closer to me, much closer, for I
desire that you get so close that you give me all your heart, that you walk with
me and that you put down the things that are not of me and become the saved
walking with me that you can make it to that home that I’ve prepared for you
and made for you that you can see those that have gone before you. So if you’re out there and don’t know me yet, don’t
delay any longer, for the time is running out far faster than you realize.
For the foolishness of man thinketh that
there is more than one way to make it to heaven, but there is only one way and
no matter how hard one may try there’ll only be one way and if you do not walk
according to that way you’ll never make it.
So even though there is only one way all could make it, so include
yourself in that all and make it.
For I say unto you, my children, you must
abide in my light that my light leads and guides you, says the Lord.
Without my light you will not see the things that the devil has set in
your way, says the Lord. But I’ve
prepared your way and know your way and therefore walk in that way, says the
Lord, for I’ve put the path before you, says the Lord.
For the saddest moment that anyone will
ever have to face is when the church goes and they’re still here and suddenly
they realize no more chances, no more opportunities.
For he gave unto me every chance that he could and yet I refused them, oh
what a sad hour that shall be.
For remember in my word it tells you that
there will be those that come and say, well Lord, I did this in your name and I
did that in your name and I’ll have to say, depart from me for I never knew
you and that will be hard. But if
they don’t follow the way that I have made, how can I extend that unto them?
But I have made the way very clear and it’s very easy, but the problem
is, is that most don’t want to lay the things aside that are keeping them and
stopping them from entering into the things that I have for them.
And yet the hour is very late and yet they’re going doing their own
thing, but remember when the door is shut, it is shut for good and cannot be
reopened. So don’t wait for that
time, for you will not know when that time comes, but suddenly will realize that
it’s already passed and then it’s too late.
9-19-2021 am service
For my love for you is far greater than
you could even imagine or understand, but that love is there, that mercy is
there, that joy is there, unless you refuse it, unless you turn your back upon
it, it’s always there for you. But there comes a time, a time, saith your Father God, when
it’s no longer available to some, none, none, it’s too late.
Don’t allow that time to come upon you; but press in with all that you
have, for the time is short. I see
everything, I know everything and I watch over you and protect you and keep you
safe, for I’m your Father, when I’m not your Father I cannot do that, but
when I am your Father all the angels in heaven rejoice with me for you and
we’re there for you.
For I am the loving Father that over
watches everything, I see your heart when it breaks, I see the pain and the
suffering, I’m always there, I’m there for you.
I am there to fulfill your promises and all those sins that you cast into
the bottomless pit have been washed away, never again to be remembered, so
don’t you remember them, for that’s what Satan desires that you do.
But don’t do what he tells you because that leads you to lost eternity,
hellfire, a place that is so pitiful you would never, never, never want to stay.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
come unto me while the door is still open, says the Lord.
Don’t be like the foolish that waited till the door is shut, says the
Lord, but come now while it is open. For
I love you and I will receive you with everlasting arms, says the Lord.
For if you break the heart of your
children then what am I, your Father, to think, for they are my children and you
have done this unto one of my children, my children.
And no matter how much love, how much mercy I reached out to you with,
you came against them, when you came against them you came against me.
Oh the love and mercy that I am pouring
out without measure, the financial blessings without measure, the miracles, the
healings, the deliverances without measure.
For it is that hour and that hour is already started and you’ve seen
part of it already and every day it grows greater and greater and greater.
It shall grow to where you can’t even contain a third of it, for it
shall be so great. But pray for
those that are lost, for they shall not see none of this, only through you they
shall see you’re blessed, they shall try, they shall try, they shall try and
they shall not receive. For I will
not hear and I will not answer and pain and sickness and suffering shall come
and then my church shall go and it shall get even worse, then they’ll cry out
that the very rocks would fall on them and they can’t.
Oh what an hour we are headed for, oh the three and a half years that my
church is gone, the pain, the suffering, the lack has never been seen before on
earth, but shall be seen. Pray,
pray that you will be found worthy.
For I have already completed a great work
for you, but whether or not you enter into that is a choice that you have to
make. For many times man chooses to
go their own way and do their own things and yet I have made a way that was
perfect for them to walk in, but it is up to you whether you go that way or not.
But the very end is now here when time will not be extended any longer,
you’ll not see another generation, for it is that close, even far closer than
most believe or realize, but yet all the signs are there.
But suddenly, suddenly in the twinkling of an eye my church will be taken
away and then what is left for the world is nothing but turmoil and destruction.
But yet that is not my will for you to enter into that time, but it is my
will for you to enter into the time of rejoicing that I have prepared for my
church during that hour. But it is
up to you whether you choose to walk in the way that I have prepared for you.
So make that choice, because the hour is very late and the door is
closing very quickly and remember once the door was shut it could not be
reopened and you will see that, saith the Lord. But remember that I have already made the way for you, walk
in it.
9-19-2021 pm service
For truly you are more than enough,
therefore I love you with an everlasting love, I love you with all my heart,
I’ve created you special for a special job, for a special work, for an hour
such as this, an hour that many will never see, but I have chosen you, I have
picked my choice. Therefore, I say
unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for your hearts should be bubbling over,
for I don’t need many to do it, but I will do it.
For I say unto you, my children, it’s
an hour of great outpouring, of great blessings if you just press in and get it,
says the Lord, for it’s here for you, says the Lord.
It’s as if you went to your faucet and turned it on and grabbed a
drink, says the Lord, it’s here for you.
Set your heart, set your heart upon the
goal, upon the target, don’t take your eyes off it, don’t move a fraction of
an inch away from it. Let your
whole hearts desire be to fulfill it, for that, that is the target.
With that joy in your minds and that
thought in your hearts press towards the goal with all that you have.
Allow no flesh, allow no desires that are not of me, but with that set
your course tonight, don’t alter it, don’t change it.
For does not a runner run with patience
until the finish line is in sight when he uses all of his energy that he has
saved up for that time and for that moment to charge forward.
Have not I called my people to walk with patience until the time was
appointed for them to sprint to the finish line?
For this is the time and the hour now when everything comes together,
this is not the hour to be dillydallying here and there, but it is now the time
to be focused on the goal that you came here to achieve.
For the course has been set, the pace has now been set for the final
sprint. It’s not like it was
before, it is now one mindset to reach the finish line and accomplish that thing
that you set out to do, it is to finish my race, the course that I have set for
you, not your own. For many have
gone off on their own wants and their own desires and they are living in sin and
that does them no good. Readjust
your course back on line with me and finish strong, saith the Lord, for surely
the finish line is in sight.
9-15-2021 pm service
For I say unto you, my children, if you
follow me my blessings follow you, says the Lord.
Therefore, do not depart from me, do not depart from my word, stand
strong, be strong, says the Lord.
For truly I am always there watching over
you, and when you’re walking with me then I can move upon your behalf when you
need me to, for I am always ready to move upon your behalf, all you have to do
is call upon me. For I am your
help, I am your source, I am your supply and I will meet every single one of
your needs. For that’s who I am
and I love you, therefore I have given it all for you that you could walk in the
victory, that you could walk in the freedom that I have for you.
So do not be stuck in the mud, but be loosed by My Spirit and walk
according to my word and according to my promises, for truly I have great things
in store for you, saith the Lord.
9-12-2021 am service
For I am pouring out My Spirit without
measure, but not everybody receives it because not everybody is ready for it.
But for those that are ready no matter how young or how old I will refill
you to overflowing with all of my power, with all of my strength, with all of my
ability that you can walk in the fullness of that strength, in the fullness of
that ability with the assurance that when you speak, when your speaker is on and
your speaking, my angels will move suddenly on your behalf.
And they shall fulfill the promise that all can see and those that are
phony will be seen because nothing, nothing will happen when they speak.
Therefore, I say unto you, be ready; receive, for it’s yours.
For I say unto you, my children, you’re
hungering and you’re thirsting after me is what indicates whether you’re
ready or not, says the Lord. But if
you’re hungry you’re ready, the Lord says, come and get it, says the Lord.
Let your mouth be open and speak, for I
shall call forth miracle after miracle after miracle, signs, after signs, after
signs and I shall show you where the false is and who the false is, for
they’ll not be able to speak as you speak and you shall know the difference,
saith your Father God. So fear not,
but realize you’re on the way to the greatest victory you’ve ever seen and
you shall know it, you shall know it.
For as you believe your mouth shall open
and you shall speak forth my words in a heavenly language and the angels shall
hustle around to perform the miracles, the healings, the deliverances, the
things that you need. For I shall
take them into my hands, because some things you would not do because of your
love or your fear. But my angels
are not afraid of anything and, therefore, they will carry out my word and they
will do the things that I send them forth to do.
And you shall see them, for the world shall see them and the world shall
come because of this.
Even your children shall speak in their
heavenly language and miracles shall take place.
You shall see things you’ve never seen, but the world needs to see them
and when the world sees them they’ll flock in and other believers will flock
in and you’ll be so full that you’ll cry out to me to hurry on the new
buildings coming in and you shall see them as they spring into being, for the
time is short, but the work shall be fast.
For this is my work and I will perform it
my way, not man’s way. So don’t
look to man but look to me, for I am the one that will do it all and I will do
it my way, so get in line with me and come along and see just how great it will
be. For the world will miss out and
much destruction will come their way, but for mine, for those who are mine they
shall have great victory, they shall have great joy, for revival, revival,
revival is flowing in and that revival is for this time now, saith the Lord.
For you shall be the first to see the
Ananias and Sapphiras as they drop dead, then others will see it all around the
world, for the false will be removed from the church by force, saith your Father
God, for it’s my hour, it’s my time and I’ll do the work.
So fear not the things that are done, but rejoice, rejoice, for the
holier you get the greater the power is displayed.
9-12-2021 pm service
For truly I know who you are and I know
who you’re not, therefore my word declares unto you if you’re a believer who
you are and if you’re walking according to my word.
For I watch over you to protect and keep you safe, to bring you into the
abundant life, the overcoming life, the life that prospers you in every area
that you can be like a giant that you can do the things that I’ve called upon
you to do, that you’re mine all the way.
Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer even now, much closer now, because
now, now is the hour, now is the time, now, now, now.
For you shall see the rewards so quickly that you shall be blessed above
and beyond all that you can, all that you can say.
For it is the time now for the blessings
to flow in like never before, but for only those who are fully aligned with me
and doing what I have said. For those who are not walking with me like I have said to, I
cannot move upon their behalf, but they will watch as others are blessed and
will quickly follow after me so they can enter into that also.
But, oh, what a great awesome joyest time it shall be for my church.
For remember this is the greatest time and the greatest hour that I have
set aside for you and you have not seen the fullness of it yet, but you are
getting ready to enter into that time now, saith the Lord.
For many are already seeing the blessings as they have been pouring in
for the last several weeks and they will continue to see those, and if you’re
not seeing them, examine yourself and find out why not, for you should all be in
that place where you are receiving from me, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, as my
light shines in your hearts and reveals to you the things I have in store for
you, you shall be amazed and greatly rejoice, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, continue to press into me, continue to receive
those things that I have for you, says the Lord.
For I’ve written about and I’ve
clearly explained to you who you are in the Spirit realm, who you are in my
family that you may know and understand the blessings that I have prepared for
those that walk according to my will, that you may be comforted by the thoughts
that when the world is in the worse mess that they have ever been in, you shall
be blessed. But forget not to help
those who need help, for truly a wise man giveth to the poor, a foolish man
saves up only for himself.
Be not unwise yourself and think that
there is more than one way to get to heaven, for there is only one way, only one
way and no one else can make it to heaven any other way.
Therefore, walk according to the path that I’ve set out before you,
walk according to that way, for all along that way are blessings and I will
bless you and I will bless you and I will bless you.
9-8-2021 pm service
Let your hearts be settled and comforted,
know for sure that I love you, not only do I love you, I watch over you to
protect you and keep you safe. And as you walk with me I’ll always be there for you, all
you need to do is call out. Call out, for you have angels that have been
assigned to you to watch over you, to protect you and keep you safe, you’ll
not have to fear the things that are coming or the things you hear that are
coming. For truly they are coming,
they are coming and man foolishly thinks they are not coming, he understands not
where we are nor what is taking place.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
don’t be dismayed, don’t be afraid, for I am with you, says the Lord, every
time you look to me, says the Lord, you have victory, says the Lord.
Don’t look to the right or to the left but straight ahead, says the
You’re not to small to know my love,
neither are you too small to show my love to others, for as you tell them about
me they’ll come and join you.
Be prepared, seek my face every night
before you go to bed, seek my face when you rise up in the morning.
Call upon me, talk to me that you’ll know that I’m there, that I’m
watching over you, that I’m protecting you.
For you’re going to see much evil, be covered, for I am there for you.
For great are the days ahead, for yes,
there shall be great destruction in some places, but that has to come, but
don’t fear those things, but yet great victory for those who are my children,
those who are walking according to my word, those who are doing what I have
said. So rest in me and realize
that I have already made a way for you where these things will not come nigh
your dwelling. So do not fear the
things that you hear, do not fear the things that you see, for even as bad as
they are I have greater things yet in store for you, saith the Lord.
9-5-2021 am service
For truly I do love you and I’ve heard
your prayers as you have called out to me and I’ve answered those prayers for
you that you’ll not be troubled that way anymore.
For it’s a day of holiness, a day of righteousness, the day of walking
in the fullness of My Spirit, the day of walking according to my word, not your
word, but my word. For my word is
truth and when you call upon me I hear you and I’ve heard, yes I’ve heard,
I’ve heard and your answer has come, today is the day.
Yes, today is the day you shall hear even more so, saith your Father God,
for it’s now, it’s now, it’s now. Do
not say it’s tomorrow or the next day, but it’s now and it shall begin to
happen now and you shall see it and it shall be awesome and you shall rejoice. For Isaiah said, this is my mine, it shall be fulfilled;
saith the Lord, yet it’s mine, it’s mine, it’s mine and it shall be.
For I say unto you, my children, for your
acts shall increase, says the Lord, for My Spirit dwells within you and the
things that must be done have to be done, says the Lord.
Therefore, get ready to run, get ready to run, says the Lord.
For even the little children that are
saved shall have more power than Christians used to have, they’ll have more
holiness and they shall walk in my love and they shall outdo many that aren’t
doing anything at all except faking it. But you’ll see the truth, you’ll see
the real, you’ll know the real, for it shall get greater and greater and
For truly it is that time now and it is
that hour now, therefore things must change, what was allowed before cannot be
allowed any longer. Remember
judgment must first come to the house of the Lord and that time has come and
passed. So, therefore, I cannot
allow those who will not turn from their sin and do what I have called them to
do, for they will have to be removed that my work can go forth.
So realize this, that you’re going to see this now in the days ahead,
but also know that all my word now shall come to pass very quickly.
For those things that I have spoken, those things that I have promised
both to you as a body and to the world and to you personally shall quickly come
to pass. For it is time now that
those things are fulfilled, for they cannot be held back any longer, for very
soon now my Son shall return for the church that is ready.
But first I will fulfill my promises that I have made unto you and you
will see those very quickly starting from this very day until I take the church
out, saith the Lord.
For many have been gifted with gifts, for
you’re not using them, from this moment on you shall use them, you shall walk
in love in them, and if you don’t use them, I’ll take them away from you and
never, never return them again, saith your Father God.
For you asked and you received now walk ye in the gifts that I’ve given
unto you and be in my house when the doors are open, for that’s a commandment
unto all. Unless they are working
they will be in my house when the doors are open.
Mark it down on your calendar, for your blessings and your rewards here
on earth and in heaven shall depend upon that.
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
sealed those that are mine and you’ll know them because their light will be
on, says the Lord. They’ll be
shining bright, says the Lord, therefore you will know those who are mine, says
the Lord.
The eyes, the eyes are the gate of the
spirit realm, therefore when you look in their eyes you shall know whether
they’re of me or not of me, for you shall see it clearly and when they cannot
produce a miracle you’ll know they’re not of me.
For my children shall produce the miracles and the miracles shall be
here, for it is that time.
9-5-2021 pm service
For just one touch by the Master’s
hands it’ll change you, it’ll change you for life if you really love him, if
you’re open to him, if you understand his word and his promises, for there is
nothing, absolutely nothing that he cannot do for you.
And with that same love there should be nothing that you cannot do for
him if you love him. You can’t out give him, so no matter how much you give
he’ll out give and you’ll come out far more blessed.
So walk with me, walk with me, learn of my love, for there is nothing
that can compare to me and there is nothing that can bless you as I can bless
you that I can reward you far greater than any, any and nothing, nothing is
worth selling your love and giving it to that and not to me, for there is
nothing, nothing that can equal it.
For I say unto you, my children, how deep
are my treasures, says the Lord, for my treasure is so vast you do not have the
comprehend to explore it all because it is so vast.
Therefore, I say unto you, my word is that treasure, whatever you have
need of, says the Lord, dig in that treasure and you shall find it, says the
For now that I’ve taken off all the
limits and for now that I have told you there’ll not be a lack, if you’re
walking with me, if you’re mine and I’m responsible for you.
Your love shall grow with leaps and bounds and your treasures shall be
heaped up so high that you’ll not know what to do, for you will be blessed so.
And that’s not so with everyone, for many shall not serve me and walk
with me and therefore they receive nothing, absolutely nothing and you’ll be
able to see the difference and they’ll be able to see the difference.
And it should not take a very wise man to realize that walking with me is
far greater than not walking with me.
For your greatest moments in life are
ahead, they’re not behind, for behind you do not see your greatest hours, you
do not see your greatest time. But I have promised unto you a time like you’ve never seen,
joy like you’ve never seen, blessings like you’ve never seen.
It shouldn’t take you long to figure out my way is the only way and as
you walk that way, truly not only do you receive a reward here but your rewards
in heaven shall be far greater yet.
Realize that I have great things in store
for those who are serving me one hundred percent, those who are following after
my ways and hearing the things that I have said.
But everyone can be one of those, it is just a choice that you make, for
I have given you opportunity to put away sin, to put away the things that so
easily beset you, to put away the things that aren’t me and to come and do
everything I have said to do. For the promises are true and the rewards are far greater,
for that is my desire for this day and this hour to bless you my people.
But you must be walking with me, you must be doing what I have said and
realize if you’re not, there is still time and you can do all that I have
called you to do. For it is that
time and it is that hour and I am pouring out my blessings upon those who are
following after me, says the Lord.
9-1-2021 pm service
etc carefully, harken unto the voice of
your Father God that you may know and understand and continue to walk in
knowledge and the righteousness that I give unto you that you can be protected
in all things and know that you can walk in my charge and my safety and my
protection. For I watch over you, I
protect you, I go before you, I make a way where there is no way.
Be not fearful, do not fear the war that’s here, do not fear the things
that are going on, for I’ve got you, saith your Father.
I say unto you, my children, if you’re
my sheep and you stay within my fold you shall be safe, says the Lord, but if
you wander off from my word you shall not be safe.
Therefore, I say unto you, stay close, says the Lord.
8-29-2021 am service
So let your hearts be open unto me this
day, saith your Father God, let no unholy offerings be offered today, for I’ll
not put up with it this day, saith your Father God.
For it’s come, that time now when My Spirit will be poured out upon
those that are open without measure, without measure and when you call upon my
name I shall hear you and I shall answer, when the devil tries to move I’ll
destroy him. Therefore, I say unto
you, walk very close to me, do not be double-minded where you started out one
way, remove it and don’t put it back again, for are you with me, are you for
me or are you against me this day, saith your Father God.
For it’s that time and yet you cannot understand it, did I not visit
New Orleans again today, today, right now, sixteen years ago I told you I’d
visit again. Watch and see
disaster, disaster and you’re next if you follow in that line.
For now I’m moving, I’m moving against those that are not mine, that
will not turn, that will not change, they’ve been given over to a reprobate
mind and they’re not coming back. They
fake it but from now on they’ll have to come in truth, for you’ll worship My
Spirit in Spirit and truth, not false, truth, truth.
For I desire to do a work and I’ll not allow anything to stop my work,
my work shall go forth and they shall be talking about my work all over the
world. Therefore, I say unto you,
wake up, those that aren’t here I say where are you, what is your excuse this
time? It’s time to come, it’s
time for those that I’ve spoken to, to come, it’s time to fill the house to
overflowing, it’s time to finish this next phase of the plan that you can move
on to the last phase of the plan. It’s
time, it’s time, it’s time, yes, it’s time and those that are walking with
me can speak forth my word and it shall instantly come to pass.
Those that are not of me if they try to fake and speak my word it shall
come upon them and they shall know it, for my word declares this.
Know my word, walk according to my word, for I desire to do what I have
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
prepare your hearts, make them ready, make room for me, says the Lord.
For if you do not have room for me you do not have room for my blessings,
says the Lord. Therefore, I say
unto you, press in, for this is the hour you shall see all the prophecies spoken
to you be fulfilled, says the Lord. Therefore,
don’t doubt in your heart but know that I am God and I will do what I have
said I will do, says the Lord.
For I promised to pour out My Spirit upon
all flesh in the last days, many of you have not appreciated it the first time
you had it and I’ll not give it to you a second time if you haven’t
appreciated the first. And,
therefore, I shall pour out My Spirit without measure and your sons and your
daughters you’ll watch them as they prophesy and move on and you stand still,
for you didn’t appreciate it. But
to all those that do, I’ll open abundantly over and above and beyond all they
expect and there will be time to think about me and my kingdom and about
preparing your house to get ready to go. Not
worldly things, not vacations after vacations after vacations, but doing my work
making sure my work is finished. When
the harvest is ready does the farmer go in the house and lock the tractor in the
barn and go on vacation? No, he’s
not that stupid, he knows the harvest, the harvest, the harvest it has to come
in and it’s time now, I am bringing in my harvest and no man can stop it,
nobody can stop it. For it shall
come, it will come, make ready, make ready, make ready.
For this started in a powerful way
yesterday with a talk with the prophet and the boldness that should always be
there was finally there and it came out strong even against those that think
they’re mighty and many think they’re mighty and many look upon them.
But they’re false, they’re fake, they clap their hands and they
don’t mean it, they shout shouts of joy and they don’t mean it, but now the
world shall know the difference between the true and the false and even more so
than before. Therefore, I say, prepare yourself; make yourself ready for
harvest is here.
Are you open to receive the things that I
have for you or do you desire to continue to go your own way?
For this is the point of no return in that sense, for you must make a
choice and there is no turning back from that choice.
But I have many great things in store for those that choose to follow me
and do the things I have for them. But
for the world destruction will quickly come upon them even as you will see today
as my word is fulfilled that I spoke to you about before and I have spoke to you
about many other things that shall come to pass and they shall come to pass very
quickly. But you do not have to
fear those things, for remember they are not for my people, but if you’re not
mine then you fall into the other category.
So realize that it is important to know whose side you are on, for you
cannot have one foot in the church and one foot in the world, it doesn’t work
that way, you’re either all in or you’re all out.
For remember I said I would cut off the lukewarm, I would spew them out
of my mouth. Those are the ones
that tried to be one foot in and one foot out and that doesn’t work, its never
worked. But I chose those that are
totally one hundred percent sold out to me, those are the ones that I’m
looking for, those are the ones that I can move upon, those are the ones that
can do all that I have called for them to do.
Will you be one of those, saith the Lord?
8-29-2021 pm service
For have you truly considered my love
that I give to you, have you walked in the fullness of it yet, is it really
obvious to you how much I love you, that the love that you’ve given to me
should be far greater than the love that I give to you, and yet at times I see
not that love, I see it not, words yes, action no.
But there are those that love me with an everlasting love and I shall
bless them above and beyond all that they expect and all shall see my blessings
as I pour them out and they walk in the fullness of my blessings and I honor
them openly where they see the honor that they’re receiving.
Many, many are coming now, for I’ve called, I’ve called out and
they’re coming and you shall see that love and you shall enter into a new area
of love that you’ve never entered before.
Walk with me, walk with me, much closer, much closer, meditate upon the
love that I give you and see how your love to me compares.
For I say unto you, my children, for my
love covers a multitude of sins, says the Lord, because the love I gave to you
was more than anyone could ever give, says the Lord.
For I, the Lord thy God, sent my Son, says the Lord, for you because I
love you, says the Lord, you didn’t love me but I loved you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and be all that you can be through my
Son, says the Lord.
And forsake not the assembling of
yourselves together, but remember I said do it now more so than ever.
Be in my house when the doors are open, for if you love me you’re in my
house, you’re about the Father’s business.
So realize that other things need to come second and I need to come first
instead of the other way around. For
it is very, very late and yet there is more than enough time to do everything
that I have called for you to do and you will do it.
But only those who are walking with me the way I have said are the ones
that I can move through, are the ones that I can use, are the ones that I can
bless, for they will be the victors and the overcomers in every area of their
life. And yet you can be one of
those, but you have to put me first, you have to put other things second and you
must be about the Father’s business, saith the Lord.
For it is that time and it is that hour and I have shown great love to
you and now I am looking for the same in return, saith the father.
As you meditate upon the promises
you’ll see how much I love you and if you compare your love to my love it’s
very, very, shallow. But love is a
great thing when you give love, when you really give love the way that my word
tells you to give love then you know love, but you’ll never know love until
you give it.
For the whole world is waking up to the
revival that has started, the whole world has woke up to the blessings that are
flowing in, that has just started. And
if you’re not walking in the blessings have you ask why, why, what do I need
to do in order to be blessed like others are being blessed?
For if you’re not blessed you can’t bless me, you can’t bless
others, you can’t be there in a time of need when others have a need.
Are their needs far more important than your needs, they should be and
you should be able to supply every one of those needs for them, for that’s
what my love has done, I love so much I give.
8-22-2021 am service
I am, I am your lord, I am your Savior
and I’ve opened all the windows of heaven to those that are walking according
to my will and my pleasure. I’m pouring out blessings like you’ve never seen in your
life, I’m filling you to overflowing that you can do all the things that I
desire for you to do that you can walk in the fullness of everything that I
have, that you don’t have to back off for anything.
You need to deal with any fear that might be there, get it out, for I
didn’t give you fear, fear is not of me and when fear comes in your faith,
your faith goes out, o u t, out, don’t let that happen. For I have given you great measures of faith that you can do
everything that I ask of you now and you should be flowing in the fullness of
that faith, for it is yours, it has been given unto you, I’ve speeded up the
process and you’re reaping the results of that process.
Therefore, you’re receiving more now or should be, if you’re not, you
need to find out why you’re not. Wake
up, wake up, come closer, come closer, come closer, for the end is coming quick.
For I say unto you, my children, for
today is the day of opportunity, opportunity for you to succeed in all the
things I’ve called you to do, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, do you know what you are to do, says the Lord,
for I have dictated to you in my word the things that you are to do, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you,
press in and do it, says the Lord.
Don’t be concerned with numbers, for if
you remember Gideon, if you remember him you have one far greater than he was
and therefore I meat every need that he had and I shall meet every need that you
have. I shall make each one of you
that are walking according to my word giants; you shall be the giants, not the
enemy, not the enemy but you.
Every time the enemy thought he had
Israel they always won and won big, it’s the same with you.
There are those that’ll fail big because they’re not doing what I
have told them to do, but for those of you that are, you shall not fail, you
shall be big, you shall be like that giant and you shall be able to destroy many
enemies and bring in a great harvest, a harvest so great the world, the whole
world shall rejoice with you.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
be strong and of a good courage for I am with you, says the Lord.
And remember to watch what you speak out
of your mouth, for those things witch you allow to come out are quickly coming
to pass, whether they are good or whether they are bad.
But if you set a guard at your mouth and only allow my word to come out
of your mouth then you will always prevail, you will always have the victory.
For this is a key to being success in this day, in this hour more than
ever before, because the enemy is fighting harder than ever before.
But remember I have made you to be the victor, I have made you to be the
overcomers and you win always, if you do what my word has told you to do.
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For truly I am more than enough etc etc
that you can quickly find out that I can do all, all that I have said
that I can do and I can do it in a mighty way.
And you shall walk in all the glories of it; you shall walk in the
victories of it. And you shall not
be in fear any longer, for you’ll learn how to deal with it and how to
triumph, and how to gain in the faith that you’ll gain as you gain in the
victories that I have for you. For
the victories are the answers, yes, there is no defeat in the victories, for
there is nothing but victory, victory after victory after victory and multitudes
shall come to see you walk in victory and multitudes shall receive from you as
you walk in victory. And truly
it’ll be an hour, an hour of great joy, great peace and the things that I
shall do shall be awesome, prepare yourself, make yourself ready, for truly
it’s that time.
For I say unto you, my children, get
ready for my spiritual waterfall, says the Lord, for I have an abundance of
overflow for you, says the Lord. Therefore,
get ready; you’re going to have to swim, says the Lord.
For as you exalt my name and lift my name
up and you’re doing it in truth, victory shall come unto you, joy shall come
unto you, peace shall come unto you and you shall know it and recognize it and
you shall walk in it and others shall see it and they’ll know.
For truly I am a God of truth and those
that worship me must worship me in Spirit and truth.
For when it’s not, it’s not coming unto me, but it goes unto the
devil and you receive from him. Many do not understand this, but they cannot fool me, they
cannot fool the Spirit, but as you worship me in Spirit and truth I shall bless
you and reward you openly and others shall see it and come unto me and they
shall rejoice in my goodness.
Therefore, realize that you must humble
yourself before me, for to walk in the fullness of truth you need to be pure and
white as snow. Therefore, you
cannot come before when there is sin in your life, but you must deal with that
first before I can hear you. For my word says, I do not know you at that point in time,
but when you come unto me and humble yourself and turn from the sin that is
holding you back, that means to lay it down and to not pick it up again, then
you can walk in the fullness of that truth.
You can really enter into that place where you can worship me and I can
move upon your behalf and do the things that I desire to do for you.
For it is that time and it is that hour and those who are walking before
me like I have said will be the ones to receive the things that I have for them,
the abundance, the overflow, the blessings.
For it is that time and it is that hour and realize that if you’re not
receiving there is something not right and make it right so you can be where I
have called you to be, saith the Lord. For
the time is short and it is my desire that you are walking with me and not
against me, saith the Lord.
8-18-2021 pm service
etc that everlasting love and as you can
see the time is running out very fast, very fast, war is going on already and
it’s not going to cease soon and China is ready to move in.
Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me, for I shall watch over you
and I shall protect you and I shall keep you safe.
Without me you don’t have a chance, so draw close to me for I love you.
For now is not the time to sit back and
watch and see, now is the time to sit back and know that I am God.
Therefore, I say unto you, trust me with all your heart and not on your
own understand, says the Lord. Walk
in my ways for my ways are the victorious ways, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, be wise, be holy, says the Lord.
Know that I shall always watch over you
and protect you, that I shall always be there if you need me.
Call upon me, for I have given you my word and my promise that you can
stand on that. Be not like those that receive not my protection or my care,
but be one that walks with me.
For my ways are the only way, any other
way leads to hell, but that’s not a place you want to go to.
Therefore, walk, walk in the way that I have set for you and you shall
know that for sure you shall go to heaven.
Be not entangled in a yoke of bondage,
but realize that you need to be delivered and set free, for there is a
stronghold in your life. Don’t
deny it, but allow me to set you free, for the anointing is here and can set you
free at any moment, all you have to do is come and ask.
For if you continue in the way you’re going destruction lies ahead for
you. So do not wait or not delay,
for September is coming very quickly, saith the Lord.
8-15-2021 am service
And your praises are always accepted in
my throne room and that we rejoice as you speak forth the name of Jesus, for
truly there is no other name given that man should bow down to but the name of
Jesus. And all, all must bow before
him, saved and unsaved and those that walk with him shall walk in peace and they
shall walk in authority and they shall walk even as he walks.
And those that are not walking that way and are faking it shall be
destroyed, for they know it not. For
the hour is drawing very close, there are not years as some are asking, but
better would be to come in days, for the time is that short.
You have ample time to fulfill everything that I have called you to do
and it shall be done regardless of the battles that the enemy sends against you,
they only make you stronger and more victorious.
So fear not, fear not, there is nothing, there is nothing, absolutely
nothing that can override and overcome the name of Jesus.
So fear not the virus that their trying to call up again, for it was only
for that one time, if you remember my word, it was a warning to the church, it
was only for that time. The church
lost very few, but those that weren’t really saved did not know Jesus, could
not stand by the name of Jesus and therefore they died.
Wake up, wake up, the time is too short.
For I say unto you, my children, says the
Lord, for at the name of Jesus my word says that every knee shall bow and every
tong must confess that I am Lord. Therefore,
if you use my name, I am the Lord of your life, says the Lord, therefore believe
it and receive those things, says the Lord.
For I’m pouring out My Spirit upon all
people, they are receiving it now, therefore they all have a speaker for sure
and they will use their speaker and they will believe because the Holy Spirit
will give them the power to believe. And therefore you shall see many miracles, signs and wonders
like you’ve never seen before and you shall see the people come in and fill up
the places and empty out the untrue churches.
For they shall be emptied out, but not, not my church, for my church will
stand in the name of Jesus.
For where there is fear there is no, no,
no faith, but fear comes in faith goes out, when you allow fear to come in faith
leaves you. Therefore, you need to
wake up and listen because this is the hour when I’m filling you with faith
like no other time and therefore if you’re not receiving what I’m giving
unto you you’re not able to walk in the power and authority and ability that
I’ve given unto my church, for my church is the head, I didn’t put a name on
that, I said my church, my church. Therefore,
listen, obey the things that are said, I’ve not forgotten what I’ve spoken
or said would take place. I will
not say it again today, but wake up and walk in the power that only the Holy
Ghost can give to you.
You have some doors wide-open that you
haven’t closed yet and they need to be closed before school opens.
Therefore, I say to you, listen carefully to the many things I’ve said
unto you, search your heart, search your heart, for I’m looking for those that
are mine who will walk according to my word, who will do the things that I tell
them, who will not try to run things, but be a faithful servant unto me.
Therefore, I say unto you, close the doors.
For, yes truly, I desire to move upon
your behalf, but if you’re not walking with me the way that you should be then
you’re allowing the enemy to hold you back from receiving all that I have for
you. So when you do the things that
I have said then I can move upon your behalf with all of my might, with all of
my power, I can do for you the things that I have promised, that I desire to do
for you. For I desire to fill you
to overflowing, I desire to bless you coming in and coming out.
I desire for you to walk as the overcomer, as the victor in every single
area of your life, but you can only do that if you’ve done what I have said.
So hear what I have said and realize that I love you with an everlasting
love and do what I have asked and you will see great changes, saith the Lord.
8-15-2021 pm service
For I came also to meet with you, for I
always come to meet with you, do you come to meet with me, for there are those
that seek me, look for me, trust in me and I meet their needs.
For they see the signs and they see the times and they know exactly where
we are and they know there is no time to play games in church any longer and
they draw closer and closer and closer. And
I have those that shall meet with them soon, very soon, very, very, very soon
and you shall see and you shall know then the whole atmosphere shall change and
worship shall become even greater.
For I say unto you, my children, just as
when I sent my Son, Jesus, to the earth the darkness didn’t know what to do,
says the Lord, for light has come. Therefore,
I say unto you, when the people come the atmosphere shall be renewed, says the
Lord, in a way that you have never seen before, says the Lord.
For therefore, I say unto you, get ready.
For my love is being poured out in a way
that man has never seen before or felt it, but there are those that have felt it
and they’re drawing closer and closer and closer.
And as we look upon them we can see the love that they have for me, for
my word, for my house and it’s very obvious, draw closer, come closer.
Walk in this newness of love that I am
pouring out upon you, to those that don’t know me and don’t love me, they
don’t understand. But, I say unto
you that do, walk in that newness of love, show all the love that you can that I
can open the doors of heaven and pour a blessing upon you that the others
don’t get nor can they get. But I
shall bless you coming in, I shall bless you coming out, you’re the head and
not the tail, you’re above, you’re not beneath like them.
Therefore, walk closer; walk closer, for I have so much love I want to
share it with you.
Allow me to move upon your behalf and do the things that I desire, don’t be stiff-necked and refuse to change. For you saw how my people Israel were stiff-necked over and over and they only got destroyed over and over and I was not able to move upon their behalf because they were that way. So do not allow yourself to be that way, but realize when I am speaking unto you it’s for a reason and for a purpose so you can become all that I said you could be, that you can do all that I have called you to do. For I love you with an everlasting love, but just like my people Israel there comes a time when I cannot allow those things that they’re not supposed to be doing to continue, so also now I have to do the same for my church. So do not be one of those that is stiff-necked, but allow me to move upon you and do the things that need to be done in your life, saith the Lord.
8-11-2021 pm service
Let your hearts be open this night for I
desire to do a great work in you, I desire to cause you to rise even higher that
your understanding and expectation shall be even greater, that I can bless you
coming in and bless you going out, that I can cause you to rise up to be the
head and not the tail, above and not beneath that you can walk in the fullness
of all my word. For truly my word is available unto you and you can walk in
the fullness of that word. Therefore,
I say, come unto me, yield yourself to me and allow me to do the work that I
desire to do.
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
given unto you My Spirit, My Spirit to profit with, says the Lord.
For I have given unto you gifts, use those gifts, says the Lord, grow in
those gifts and you’ll be used in a way that you never thought, says the Lord,
for my thoughts, my ways are higher than your ways.
Therefore, I say, press into me, says the Lord.
For there are two ways, the right way the
wrong way, don’t walk on the wrong path, for that will throw you farther away
from me. But walk on the right
path, for if you walk on the right path you’re cooperating with me and I’ll
cooperate with you. I shall give
you wisdom, I shall give you knowledge, I shall cause you to understand the
mystery that you can walk in the fullness of my power and be all, all, that I
want you to be.
I’m pouring out my wisdom, I’m
pouring out my blessings, I’m causing you to prosper and be in health and walk
as the child of God. Therefore,
rejoice in me, draw closer, draw closer, draw closer.
There are many things that I desire to do
for you if you will allow me to. For
it is my desire that you are above and not beneath, the head and not the tail,
that you are the overcomer in every way. But
if you don’t walk according to my word how can you do the things that I have
said? How can I move upon your
behalf if you’re not doing what I have said?
So, therefore, do what I have said and allow me to move upon your behalf
and I will do great and mighty things for you said the Lord.
8-8-2021 am service
For truly what is your expectation this
morning, for what did you come expecting, that’s exactly what you shall
receive, come expecting nothing, receive nothing, come expecting everything that
God has, receive everything that God has. Don’t be foolish and sit back
wondering what I shall do, for I shall do whatsoever I desire to do and nothing,
nothing can stop or hinder me, nothing can hold me back.
For it is that hour and it is that time and I will move, yes, I will move
and you shall see it and many, many, many that have not changed yet, oh
they’re marked, they’re marked and his hour is coming, watch out, watch out,
but get ready, for I have things for those that are expecting.
For I say unto you, my children, come
from the shadows and allow me to bring you to my deep things, says the Lord.
For I have things for you that you know not, says the Lord, when you look
for them you’ll find them, says the Lord. Therefore, seek me, says the Lord
and you’ll see what I have for you, says the Lord.
Be not like Ananias and come and think
that I don’t know, for I do know, saith your Father God, and when your time
comes up, when your name appears on my list then I shall move upon you like I
did Ananias and I’ll move upon others as I did his wife.
Therefore, I say unto you, prepare yourself, get yourself ready, turn to
me with all your heart, call upon my name and I shall hear you.
For my word never goes out and returns
void, it always does what it is sent forth to do and it shall always do that and
even so now in these days that you’re living in.
For it’s my day, saith your Father God, to show my glory, it’s my day
to show what heaven can give unto you, how it can bless you, it’s my day to
remove the evil and take it off before its time, it’s my day to do that too.
Therefore, I say unto you, shout unto me, come unto me, open your hearts
that I, your Father God, can enter in.
Many years ago I assigned unto you an
angel and that angel is still with you and that angel is like the angel that
paid a visit to one many years ago and he dropped dead.
Therefore, I say unto you, be holy, don’t be a fake, there is nothing
that I hate more than fake, saith your Father God, phony.
Therefore, let my love be true love, let your love be my love, but
don’t fake it, don’t fake it.
For everything that I’ve done, I’ve
done with you with my whole heart. Therefore, when I see some only putting part effort into
things it bothers me greatly. Because
as a father who loves his children, you etc your own son that died for them that
they can live a victorious life without sin, without sickness, without disease,
without many of these things and yet most do not ever give back to me the way
that I have given unto them. But it
is my desire that you love me with all of your heart, that you give all of
yourself to me, that you allow the flesh to fade away that you can become more
like me, saith the Lord, for that is I my desire.
So put those things away that are holding you back, put them away, for it
is not my desire to have to destroy you if you are living in sin, but yet that
is what I have to do in order to live up to my word.
For I always live up to my word, my word always does what is says it will
do therefore, do what I have said and allow me to have total control of your
life, saith the Lord.
8-8-2021 pm service
Let your hearts be open this night that
you may receive the things that you do not understand yet, the things that you
do not know, the things that you struggle with, stumble over and fall.
Let your hearts be open, not your mind, you don’t need any sense
knowledge faith; you need faith, faith to believe.
Open your heart, let me fill your heart, for it’s your heart that
speaks forth my word, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,
the mouth speaks. So as you know
and draw closer fill your heart with my word, don’t make excuses, excuses get
you nowhere, open your heart, let my word come in, I don’t keep it from you,
sometimes we have to repent before anything can take place. So think upon my word, meditate upon it, for I desire to full
you to overflowing, I desire to bless you, I desire to make you mine.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
do not worry about the things of tomorrow, but be concerned about the things
that I have for you today, says the Lord. For
today you hear my voice, says the Lord, you will receive those things that you
have need of. Therefore, receive them, says the Lord.
For my word is not difficult, for if you
look around when the children that are here, they understand it, and if the
children can understand it, why don’t you understand it?
Because you allow the devil to deceive you, lie to you or you haven’t
repented and because you haven’t repented you can’t hear my word, you
don’t know my word, you think you do but you don’t.
But open up your heart, not your head, open up your heart, allow the Holy
Ghost to come flooding in tonight and I will do it all for you this night like I
said, all.
Do you remember when they brought the man
to Jesus in the house on a stretcher, there were lawyers there, scholars there,
doctors there, theologians there, the house was packed with the educated ones.
That was part of their problem, they were educated all right, in worldly
things and not spiritual things and only one received, the one that was brought.
And yet I was there, I was there, I was open, I was willing and I can do
the same tonight if you’re really willing.
If you will open yourself tonight I will do something that would take you
twenty-five years to do, but let me do it, for I desire this place to be all
that I said it could be.
Therefore, receive the things that I have
for you, don’t just sit in here and hear them and allow me to pass you by.
But do what I have said and receive it, if you must repent first, repent,
I’ve only been calling on to you for many weeks to do that and yet the door is
still open, but very soon it shall be closed.
So don’t allow this night to pass you by, but if you’re here and you
heard the word receive the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.
You need to deliver the people that they
can do the things that I have need of to be done, I cannot continually put it
off. So the minute the people start
coming, those that are still dragging their feet and refuse to repent go forth,
they’ll be off, they’ll be cut off, that will be it, no more, no more, no
more, no more. So wake up, take
ahold of these things that I’m offering, I’m only offering them because the
time is very short.
8-1-2021 am service
For it is that hour, it is that time you
can clearly see and I shall mark the false, I’ll mark them openly from now on.
So prepare yourself and make yourself ready, for I’ve warned you and I
am now moving by My Spirit in ways you’ve never seen me move before and I
shall be doing things that you shall even see Ananias and Sapphira one of these
days soon, for you have the rebellious ones and they shall do it.
But, I say unto you, draw yourself closer to me, allow me to bring all
the blessings in upon you, allow me, allow me to do all that I have promised.
For I say unto you, my children, it only
takes obedience to my word, says the Lord, obedience to the things which I tell
you to do when I speak to you to do, says the Lord.
From your obedience, you will see the things that I have for you, says
the Lord, from disobedience you will see the things that I have not for you.
So, therefore, I say unto you, do what I say, says the Lord.
Yes, even at times the children shall now
begin to move and flow in the gifts of the Spirit, do not let anybody tell you,
you cannot do it, for I’ve told you, you can.
And I am the Lord thy God, listen unto me and do the things that my word
says and you shall prosper, even at times far more than your parents because of
there disobedience. But if you’re not in disobedience you shall prosper and I
shall move mightily on your behalf.
For it is a great hour, far greater than
anything that you’ve ever seen before, the way is new to all. So don’t jump
out and think you know the way and do things that you used to do, but only do
the things that I tell you, you hear me clearly, that I tell you to do.
Otherwise you’re off in the false and I’ll reveal the false every
time, saith your Father God. But it
is my desire that you flow in the fullness of the Spirit that I can bless you
financially, physically, mentally, spiritually, even health wise.
And you shall see the multitudes, like I told you last week, the
multitudes are coming, they’re coming and they will fade out the false, the
false will eventually not come because they won’t want to be exposed.
But, I say unto you, walk according to my word and do the things that I,
your Father God, tell you to do.
For by now your faith is operating in a
far greater level than it was before we started moving in this way.
There are those that are still flowing in the false, they know not the
difference, but they shall know the difference for the truth shall come to pass,
but with the false nothing will take place.
When they call out the false nothing will take place, and if that’s not
enough, I, their Father, shall reveal them openly that all shall know.
But it’s a time to walk in all the miracles and the signs and walk in
the fullness of all the blessings. It’s
a time that your faith should bring in anything that you call forth for it to
bring forth. But you’ve got to
speak it with your mouth, if you run at your enemy with your mouth closed
you’ll get nothing, but if you speak forth my word I’ll move all heaven and
earth on your behalf, therefore speak my word, speak it.
For I have already made a way and I have
given clear directions, so really there should not be problems if you’re truly
following after me, if you desire to do everything that I have called for you to
do. But the problem is that some
are still holding on to the flesh that they were suppose to have crucified and
yet they are still holding on to it and it is not allowing you to be where
I’ve called you to be. But if you allow me to do the work in you that needs to be
done then you can become all that I have said you could be.
But you can’t tell me how to do it, for I know what should be done not
you, I know what is holding you back, I see those things that you don’t think
anyone knows about, but I know. Lay
them down at the altar this morning, for I have given many open invitations, but
how long can I continue to wait upon you if you won’t do what I have said.
For the time is drawing closer and very soon, very soon, very soon shall
I return for my church and if you’re not ready then I cannot wait for you,
saith the Lord.
8-1-2021 pm service
Let your heart be open to receive the
things that I have for you this night, for I shall move upon those whose hearts
are open and I shall fill them even with more faith than they already have that
they can begin to move into the area that I desire that they walk in.
But I need your heart to be open, no sin, no telling me which way to do
it but open, for I know exactly what you need and I can remove what you don’t
need that you can be in the place that you should be, but the place that you
refuse to go to, you refuse and I desire to help.
So, therefore, keep yourself open, be ready for I shall move.
For I say unto you, my children, these
are the last days and it is important for you to know where you belong in my
house, says the lord. For when my
doors are open you shall be here, says the Lord, for my house is a house of
praise, this is the house where victory is won and battles are won, says the
Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, be
in my house.
For multi-millions, multi-millions desire
to be where you are at this moment and they will come, yes, they will come.
But you have a head start if, if, if you follow what I desire and don’t
doubt, don’t walk in the flesh, but keep yourself open that I can do the work
that needs to be done.
Therefore, keep your spiritual ears wide
open, for I shall talk to you during the word, during the time that the Spirit
is moving at the greatest. You need to do what I tell you to do right then, you can
openly confess before all that shall be, if the gifts move this way or that way
it shall be. But listen; listen,
for your opportunities are running out.
For the promise was given and the calling
was sent out and it was your choice to answer that call, I’ve prepared you for
the day and the time and the hour you are now in, for the last great outpouring
that is quickly coming upon all of the earth.
For it is now that time and it is now that hour and I desire to use all
of you and not just a few, but I can only use those who are doing the things
that I have said. I can only use those who desire to be more and more like I
desire for them to be. For their
hearts desire is my hearts desire, they do not desire to do their own thing, but
they desire to be everything that I have called for them to be. Is that your hearts desire or is it in another place?
But it is very easy to change and do the things that I have said, for if
you will listen and obey you shall be all that I have called you to be, saith
the Lord.
7-28-2021 pm service
My word is alive and it’s revealed to
every, every creature and they need to walk according to my word, they need to
walk according to the light. For I watch over my word, I see it when it’s violated, I
see it when it’s fulfilled and I do not miss one single thing that goes on
even though man thinks that I do and it shall be revealed openly, oh yes.
Therefore, I say, walk according to my word, walk according to my
promise, for the time is very short, do not miss out, but walk according to my
For I say unto you, my children, speak
forth my word, for my word is in your heart, therefore speak it out, says the
Lord, don’t hold it back but speak it, says the Lord.
For in speaking you show your faith, says the Lord, therefore speak my
word and show your testimony, says the Lord.
For my word is sharper than any two-edged
sword and yet it does not cut away my word, it exposes my word that you can walk
according to it, that you can fulfill it, that the enemy is a defeated foe and
there’s absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing that he can do.
For I always watch over my word to
perform it and, therefore, I see to it that my word always comes to pass, for
you can count on that, saith your father. So
realize that in the days ahead many things must take place, for my house must
become a house of holiness again and therefore sin must be exposed.
So if you’re walking in those things lay them aside and make yourself
right, for it is now that time and it is now that hour.
For very soon now I shall come for a church that is without spot and
wrinkle, therefore those things must be taken care of, for I cannot have those
things going on in my house. Realize
the importance of the day and the hour that you are living in and the calling
that you have yet to be fulfill, for it shall come to pass in the days ahead
very quickly now, saith the Lord.
So we’re walking in a time of great
blessings even those round about you will tell you that it’s a barren time,
that everything is going sky high, that it’s a time almost unaffordable, that
is untrue. For even Isaac was
blessed far greater than Solomon during that barren time, he grew so great that
his enemies wanted him out of the land because he grew far greater and far
richer than them. And as quick as
they filled in a well he’d dig another, be like him, dig your well and I shall
7-25-2021 am service
For you fight not battles from a defeated
standpoint, but if you’re saved and filled with the Spirit you’re an
overcomer, the devil has already been defeated, there’s absolutely nothing he
can do to you unless you yield to him. And
many Christians are yielding and they should not be yielding, for it’s the
hour of great triumph, it’s the hour of great victory, for the time is short,
the time is running out quickly. And,
therefore, we need to be about the Father’s business, we need to be doing the
things the Father calls upon us to do and doing them in victory.
We should never, never, never, never, never be defeated, for you are the
winners, you are the victors, you are the overcomers.
For I’ve set before you my way, man’s
way is not my way, therefore, I do not operate in the realm of the natural, I
operate in the realm of the supernatural, I flow in the Spirit.
And as the Spirit flows freely, if man is of me, then the miracles, the
signs and the wonders shall take place, if they’re not, they will not.
For I say unto you, my children, what
have you been doing with the time I have given unto you, says the Lord, for
it’s been given to you a time to prepare for the things that are about to come
upon the face of the earth, says the Lord.
I’ve given to you time, are you ready, are you ready for the
multitudes, are you ready to run, says the Lord? For I’ve prepared myself for
this time, are you prepared my church? Therefore,
I say unto you, get ready.
For truly this is the day that I’ve
said for new things to begin to take place, I’ve told you exactly what would
take place and how it would take place that you could see it and know that
it’s of me. Well today is the
day, yes, today is the day and you shall know before the day is over that truly
today is the day. Therefore, lay
aside the sins of the ways that beset you, that holds you back, that stop you
and pick up the things that I’ve told you to pick up and begin to run and run
fast if you want to catch up.
For it has always been my plan and it is
now the time for you to see the fullness of those things as I have spoken about
already. Are you ready to do the
things that I have called for you to do, are you prepared for the day and the
hour and the time that you are now living in or have you gotten busy with your
own fleshly desires and they have drawn you away from things that I have called
for you to do? Set them aside and
begin to run, run, run, for it is that time and it is that hour and it is not my
desire that you are left behind, but it is my desire that you fulfill everything
that I have called you to do, saith the Lord. But it is your choice and you must
make that choice, you must make that choice, I cannot make that choice for you.
For I have already made a way, I’ve done everything that I can do, now
the rest is up to you, saith the Lord.
7-25-2021 pm service
For truly I shall move and act like I am
Lord and I shall meet the needs that are here.
So do not be fearful but let your needs be made known unto me, for you
have not because you ask not and if you ask I will do it.
So if you ask remember I did it and stand on the word and receive and you
shall have.
For I say unto you, my children, you must
expect the things that I have spoken unto you to be as I have said, says the
Lord. Therefore, when you expect
you shall receive, says the Lord, but without faith it is impossible to please
me and you will receive nothing, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, do what my word says and do it.
For when you expect nothing what can you
receive, but when you are expecting great things then great things you can
receive because all of a sudden you are putting your faith into action believing
that I am going to do, what I have said that I would do.
But there has to be action, there has to be action and when you come with
no expectation you are coming with no action, that is almost like telling me
that I’m going to do nothing. So
you realize how important expectation is, expectation is the key, for if you
expect nothing you receive nothing. So
expect great things and receive them, saith the Lord.
For if you can believe you shall receive,
so speak those things into existence and believe and receive and walk in the
fulfillment of what you have believed for.
For it is that hour right now, it is that time right now, if you can’t
believe then seek my face and find out why, because it is I, your Father God,
that has said believe, speak, receive.
For let your heart be filled with joy,
joy unspeakable, and when you’re walking in joy unspeakable that means
you’re receiving, because you can’t be joyful if you’re not receiving.
Therefore, walk according to my word and allow your heart to be filled
with my joy and let that joy bubble over.
7-21-2021 pm service
etc I’ve already etc, for I am your
Father, I love you with an everlasting love and as you continue to press toward
me I’ll press even closer to you. I’ll
strengthen you, I’ll uplift you, I will shower you with my blessings, I shall
fill you over and over with My Spirit that you can walk in the fullness of the
Spirit, that you can walk according to my word and my promise, for I am your
For I say unto you, my children, are not
you my children, are not my promises for you, says the Lord?
Therefore, I say unto you, know my promises, for if you don’t know my
promises how do you know what I have, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, press into me and find out what you have, says
the Lord.
7-18-2021 am service
Let your hearts be open and let My Spirit
have total freedom to move, don’t bind it up; don’t stop it, but stay open.
Learn to pray at least half an hour in the Spirit in the morning and a
half an hour in the Spirit before you go to bed to sleep.
Let the Spirit begin to control and operate in your body, for it’ll do
the maturing, it’ll do the leading, it’ll do the guiding, it’ll keep you
from going into error and missing the things that you need to know during these
last days that you can walk in the fullness of my power, the fullness of my
ability. That you can speak and
miracles shall take place, that you can speak and the money shall come flowing
in, learn how to operate in My Spirit, learn.
For I say unto you, my children, I have
given you everything you have need of, says the Lord, to be successful to do the
things I have sent you forth to do, says the Lord.
Therefore, as you get into my word, read, know and understand those
things, says the Lord and get them in your heart that you can rely on them, says
the Lord, that you can stand on them. Therefore,
I say unto you, live in my word, says the Lord.
If your children are filled with the Holy
Spirit for these last days, for these last days, listen to them.
For children know more in the spiritual realm sometimes than adults
because adults fight it, they don’t want to yield to it, they want to be the
controlling force and My Spirit is to be the controlling force.
My Spirit is to lead you and guide you and direct you, to show you all
things that are to come and teach you all things.
Learn how to function that way, learn how to flow in My Spirit.
If you read Romans chapter eight as I
told you to read and also chapter nine and ten you’d understand the moving of
the Spirit much better than you do and you’d realize you’d have to be filled
with it in order to get to heaven. Did
you hear me; some of you haven’t done that or even tried to do that?
You need to be filled with the Spirit, that’s a must.
Learn these things because the battle days are ahead, if you’re not
walking in the spirit realm they’re going to defeat you, you’ll be defeated.
That’s why at times, and there have
been those that I’ve touched, those that have been here that I’ve said
things that you just threw aside, you chucked aside, you didn’t even pay
attention to, you didn’t even listen to because you thought you knew better
and they were flowing in a higher realm in the Spirit then you’re in.
And for you to understand this higher realm you need to get into it,
that’s a must. You should be able
to look in the eyes of those that are here and know who is demon possessed and
who is not, that should be a must. It’s
very clear in the Bible that gift was given more for the last days and you are
in the last days and that’s a must, learn, learn, learn.
For I have given unto you many great keys
this morning. If you don’t
understand them ask me for understanding, get into my word.
For I told you where to go you would see it, you would understand it, but
most didn’t do that as I said to because as yet they don’t really receive
the instructions from my servant as from me.
And yet I give it unto him to give unto you and it is directly from my
throne room. So realize these things, realize that they’re not just
something you can do if you want to, realize you are given the things that you
have need of to make you victorious, to make you the head and not the tail, to
make you above and not beneath. For
it is my desire that you prosper and you have been given a great calling and,
therefore, I am giving you the things that you have need of that you can enter
into the place that I have called you to be.
Understand these things, saith the Lord, for it is very important for the
time and the hour that you are now in.
7-18-2021 pm service
For allow your heart to meditate upon the
things that you’ve sung, what would they be like if you reversed them, and yet
with joy knowing that you possibly will reverse them, you sing with all
enthusiasm. Lift up your hearts,
consider the things that I’ve said to you, consider the things that I’ve
shared with you and how much I love you and what I want to do for you.
And I know you, I understand everything, I don’t miss anything, and yet
for some reason many think I don’t know, I don’t see, I don’t understand,
but that’s not so, saith your Father God.
From before the foundation of the earth I knew exactly what direction you
were going to go, I knew if you would turn and I knew if you would go the wrong
way. But my arms are always
stretched out to you, there’s always a welcoming mat, there’s always a hope
you’ll change and love me with all your heart, love me with all your soul,
love me with all your mind and that mind would be renewed, as Randy said this
morning, that you’d be in the place that you’d be walking with me, that
you’d be in the place that you’d make it all the way.
Think on these things, saith your Father God and ask yourself the
question, where shall I be?
For I say unto you, my children, allow me
to submerge you with my word, says the Lord, from hence cover you from head to
toe, says the Lord, washing over you like a flood, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, allow my word to minister to you, allow me to
bathe you in my word, says the Lord, that it can cleanse you and that you can
walk in all the victories that I have for you, says the Lord.
For my ways are ways of righteousness,
joy, where your faith is in full operation, where all of your needs are taken
care of and supplied, where you’re happy, where you’re satisfied, where my
joy flows in a mighty way to you. Look unto me, call upon my name and see if I won’t answer.
Do a study and find out what my word says
when you’re in Christ Jesus or Christ Jesus is in you.
See the joy, see the opposite, see the happiness, see the opposite, see
the fulfillment, see the opposite. For
it doesn’t compare, the devil has nothing, absolutely nothing to offer, I have
everything, receive what I have.
Yes, for truly I give you many great
things, many great promises and yet most never receive the fullness of those
things for they don’t believe that I can really do it at times.
They still look at the circumstances, they focus on what man says and not
what I, your Father God, have said. And
yet man can never perform the things that I can perform and all through history
it seems like the world always wants to turn back to man, to go another way. But yet I have not changed, I have not moved, I’m the same
God yesterday, today and forever, I’m the same God that performs miracles,
I’m the same God that raises the dead, I’m the same God that scarified my
only Son so that you could walk in the abundance that I have for you.
So choose to walk in that abundance, realize how much I love you and how
much I’ve done for you already and that I desire for you to be the overcomer,
for you to be the victor, for you to be the head and not the tail and for you to
go through victoriously, saith the Lord.
7-14-2021 pm service
etc etc etc because I love you with an
everlasting love and I shall supply, meet every single need that you have.
I shall go before you and open doors that aren’t open, I will cause you
to be winners and champions and overcomers.
All I ask is walk with me, walk with me, allow me to guide you, direct
you, allow me to be your God.
For I say unto you, my children, in these
days you need to be close, you need to be by my side and listen to the things
that I have for you, says the Lord. The
things I have for you are success and prosperity, says the Lord, if you adhere
to my word you will have success, says the Lord.
Therefore, walk in the way that I have
prepared for you, for I have made a way where there seemed to be no way and yet
it is clear for you to do everything that I have called for you to do.
All you need to do is trust in me, put all of your trust and all of your
confidence in me. Look to me for
your help and for your resources, for I shall supply every single thing that you
have need of, that is my word and my promise unto you.
All that I ask is that you place your trust and your confidence in me and
allow me to do the things that need to be done.
Allow me to move upon your behalf, for truly I desire to do great things
for you, for I love you with an everlasting love.
For the days are short, but there is
ample time for me to bless you in such a way that your life from now till then
shall be filled with glory, shall be filled with blessings, shall be filled with
love and you shall enjoy every moment of it.
7-11-2021 am service
Yes, truly you are my children and I
watch over you to protect you and keep you safe.
Therefore, there is no fear that should come upon you neither should you
fear anything and when you do fear things than you call me and my word a lie and
I cannot protect you. You need to deal with the fear, for I have not given unto you
a spirit of fear, no, no, no, but a sound, a sound mind.
If you have a sound mind you wouldn’t think of fear in any way and in
any shape and in any form. For the enemy has no power, he has no strength, you are the
overcomers, you are the victors, have you read the end of the book yet, the end
of the book belongs to you. Therefore,
manifest the things that the book says, line your life up with my book, for if
you don’t know how to line your life up with my book read Romans chapters nine
and ten because that will tell you what you will get, it will prove to you above
and beyond any doubt what I have already said that I would do.
But if you would line it up with me I shall fulfill all the promises to
you, for that, for that is my word to you.
For I say unto you, my children, the
things in these days ahead the devil will try to produce fear in your life, for
my word says that I produce life and that more abundantly.
Therefore, I say unto you, cast off the fear and put on me, says the
Lord, for you will have that life, if you put that life into you, do my word,
says the Lord.
For my word is from everlasting to
everlasting and I have spoken some hard things to you, but it’s that time now.
For during the Campmeeting I even spoke other hard things to you, for
again, I say unto you, it is time now. And
if you’re not following the things that I said you’re putting your life on
the line according to Romans chapter ten, you’re laying it on the line. Therefore, I say unto you, walk according to my word, it’s
no longer time to play church, for I desire to bless you, I desire to fill my
will and my promises to you, I desire to do everything, everything that I said.
But your life has got to line up with it, you can’t say you don’t
fear and hide in the corner, you must stand on my word and stand and the enemy
will flee.
For it’s time for all the blessings to
begin to roll in, the only way you won’t receive the blessings is if you are
not walking according to my word. But if you know all that money belongs to me and you’re
walking in righteousness and holiness it shall flow in, but I have given you
instructions on how to call it in and as you call it in you shall see it coming
in, if, if, if, I hope you hear that if that I tell you.
For if your life is not lined up it will not, but it shall come into the
Therefore, know that I am saying is
truth, for those who are walking with me shall reap the fullness of the things
that I have. Those who are not
doing the things that I have said to do will not be able to receive the things
even though I desire to give it to them also. But you have to line yourself up with what my word has said,
you have to do the things that I have said for you to do. For it is now that time and it is now that hour, saith the
For I say unto you, my children, there
are two bags set before you and they are both overflowing, one on the left and
one on the right, says the Lord. I do not give partial life, but overflowing life and I do not
give partial death, says the Lord, for you are either dead or alive, which are
you today, says the Lord?
7-11-2021 pm service
I’m also fully devoted to you, all my
angels are fully devoted to you, they’ve heard your cries and are working
diligently now to bring forth those things that you are calling for and they
know where to look and they know whom to bring them to.
So look forward to great blessings coming, look forward to be moving in
mighty ways, look forward for me to bring forth those things that I have
promised. For my word is true and
my word is faithful and you shall see it and you shall know it and it shall be a
great joy, for things shall quickly go forth now.
For I say unto you, my children, it’s
like the cloud that is loaded with the rain, says the Lord, my blessings that I
have for you, says the Lord, are pouring down.
Are you calling on them, says the Lord, call them down, says the Lord,
for it’s a short time and I must fulfill everything that I have promised, says
the Lord.
For as you prepare the children they
shall also follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and they shall speak forth my
words and you shall hear them and they shall come to pass and others will be
coming excited and they will follow suite.
Don’t forget to keep your speaker on,
for there’ll be times when you need to speak forth the word of God, many
times. For many things I’ll want
to bring to pass, and if your speaker is not on you cannot speak, so don’t
turn it off at anytime, keep it on at all times.
Be ready for the things that I shall do
for you, for I have prepared to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful
way, but only for those who are doing what I have said.
Remember the things that I have told you, as you follow the directions
that I have given you, you are walking exactly where you need to be to receive
the things that I have for you in the days ahead.
For those that are not, it is easy to get back on the track, all you must
do is what I have said, follow the directions that I have given unto you.
Speak forth my word and watch as it comes quickly to pass.
7-4-2021 Evening Campmeeting Service
I’m the everlasting Father, the one
that loves you with an everlasting love, the one that loves you with all my
heart, the one that desires to carry etc for you in every area, that desires to
go before you and open doors where there are no doors, to make a way where there
are no ways. For it hasn’t ended,
I haven’t called an end to it yet, no way have I told you it’s over yet,
it’s getting close to being over, but it won’t be over until you go in the
rapture and then it won’t be open until you come back three and a half years
later to stop what’s going on that the earth is not solely destroyed, even
though it will be, I’m still in charge, I haven’t left, I haven’t left.
So let not fear come in, but let your hearts be filled with the
excitement, with the joy, with the enthusiasm far greater than any you’ve had
before. For I shall make it a go, I
shall make it a success, I shall do what you don’t think I can do, I’ve
offered many things during this Campmeeting and many of you just sit there, sit
there, sit there and don’t move, don’t move.
Have I changed, do I not love you, haven’t I always met every single
need that you’ve had? Name me one
need that I haven’t met, you can’t do it, you know it, put all of your trust
in me, haven’t I said that over and over?
Did you not hear that the wealth of the heathen has been saved up from
the very beginning for you, it belongs to you it doesn’t belong to them it’s
yours? Be excited this night and
I’ll yet do what you don’t expect.
For I say unto you, my children, when you
come expecting you receive great things, if you don’t come expecting you
don’t receive much, says the Lord. You must come expecting as a child expects their parents to
supply for them, says the Lord. Do
your children beg, they must not beg, for you are their parents, says the Lord,
and I am your Father and therefore I give unto you the things you have need of
over and abundantly above and beyond everything you have need of, but you must
get excited and come and get them, says the Lord.
For I have great things in store for you
yet, for remember all the promises that I ever gave you from the time you left
Wisconsin, they all have to be fulfilled now and they are for this time and for
this hour. Plus all the new
promises that I have given since you have been here and you have not even seen
any of those fulfilled yet. Yes, you’ve seen it a little here and a little there, but
you have not seen it to its fullest and my word always comes to pass.
Therefore, do not worry about the things the enemy tries to throw your
way, for he is only trying to take your eyes off of what I am doing for you.
For on the horizon are great things and you will see them very quickly
now, between now and the end of the year, as they begin to come in like I have
said, as the people begin to flood in, as the money begins to flood in and as my
work is carried out as I have called for you to do.
For I did not call somebody else, but I called you and you shall see it
through to fulfillment. So do not
worry about the things that the enemy is trying to do, for he has already been
defeated and there is nothing that he can do that will stop you or slow you
down. For you, you, you have the
victory over him, stand upon that promise I have given unto you and see it
through to the end, saith the Lord.
Remember the enemy has hit you with
everything that he could hit you with, cancer that couldn’t defeat you,
prostate that couldn’t defeat you, diabetes that couldn’t defeat you.
Over and over and over he has tried, yes, many have forsaken you, many
have deserted you because they thought in their mind the things you did were not
to their good, but if it hadn’t have been for you their lives would not be
what it is today. Let your eyes be
open to the new even stronger you, be not discouraged, be not down, but look up,
for I shall open the windows of heaven like you’ve never seen them open
before. And those that stand with
you will be blessed more than any other place they could go and the sounds of
your words storms from now on than any they’ve ever had.
Let your hearts be still and listen
carefully, don’t be persuaded by others, don’t be persuaded by any, you’re
the head of the house, therefore run your own ministry.
Don’t allow others to change you, do you remember Jezebel had no bite
and she was thrown off a roof and the dogs ate her.
Why are you fearful of Jezebel, who is she, wake up, wake up, who did I
create first Eve or Adam, who sold it all out Adam or Eve?
When you begin to look at things it looks a little different and yet it
would seem the other way because Biden is blabbing his mouth every day on what
he is going to do, but do you know he is dying?
Trump is not coming back in, the reason that Trump didn’t get in was
Paula White, did you hear her prophecy? I
couldn’t put him back in office after what she said, that’s what got him out
of office not the cheating, I could have stopped the cheating in the moment of
an eye, but it was Paula White and her mouth, the words that went out. Listen, listen, hear me, hear me, know my voice.
7-4-2021 Afternoon Campmeeting Service
For let your hearts drink in those
praises, think upon those things, let it digest, let it soak in, sing it again,
sing it again.
For I desire to set each and every one of
you free, says the Lord, to the point where you will move and flow with me, says
the Lord and nothing will restrain you or hinder you or stop you, says the Lord.
Put off the things for tomorrow and put on the things that I have for you
today, says the Lord.
For I gave you a new song for today for
this service, see how bound up you are, you can’t be obedient, that’s why
you need to sing it again that you can be free.
I told you that, that you are free to worship me, that you are free to
sing praises, that you are free to exalt my name, that you are free to tell me
how much you love me and then I can move and do the things that you desire in
your heart, be free, be free.
For truly it is my desire, remember my
desire that you are free, that you are free, that you can do the things that I
desire for you to do. So allow me
to do it, allow me to set you free, allow me to set you free this day, saith the
Let that be the song of your heart, let
that be the praise that you lift up high, let that be what I have said to you,
don’t try to force it, don’t put on things that are fake, but let the free
Spirit, my Spirit set you free, really set you free, that you are free indeed,
that you can run, that you can leap, that you can jump, that you can do whatever
I tell you to do without thinking twice or three times or four times.
Be open, be open, that’s all I ask.
When you come don’t think what you’re
going to do, I don’t want that. Just do what My Spirit tells you to do, because that’s what
I want, that’s being free. I
don’t control, I don’t force, that’s the devil, you don’t want the
devil, you want freedom, freedom, freedom and that’s what I am here to give.
7-4-2021 Morning Campmeeting Service
You shall see power today, but you do
realize in a way some are so strong willed they don’t know, they are without
will power to see what I offer them, so I do and move upon those that are open,
those that are willing. And
sometimes I make them wait a little bit until their hunger grows even more so
that they are really ready to receive. For it should not be that way, but I say, open up yourselves,
yield, yield to me, made yourself available that I can fill you with that power
that you do need, that I can give you the gifts of the Spirit that you do need.
For there are those that have the gifts that you don’t have, but I can
give them also to you, if, if you’re willing, if you’re obedient, if
you’re willing to do it my way and not your way.
So make yourself available today, for I have so much for you.
For I say unto you, my children, you must
be willing to receive the things that I have, for I will not force them upon
you, says the Lord. You must be
open and take them, says the Lord, by faith you have them, if you take them,
says the Lord and then operate in them.
The times have changed and the times have
grown shorter and I have told you these things, I’ve reminded you of the
upside down funnel. For at the top
of the funnel you have all kinds of room to move around, but the closer you got
to the end the less you have, that is so now today, saith your Father God,
it’s so. Therefore, you need to
adjust and set your timings to line with my timings or you end up not making
heaven. You think that’s a joke,
but it’s not a joke, I’m very serious and some have walked in the strongest
disobedience that you can find anywhere and trying to mock at it and laugh and
think it’s funny, but it’s not funny. I
love you with an everlasting love and I desire that all my children get to
heaven. But as you were shown
yesterday it’s only twelve thousand from each tribe of the Jewish people that
have been sealed, what makes you think you are much better, what makes you think
you’re special? And some come with a word and I haven’t even given them a
word and they’re ready to blab it all over and then they’re upset when
people don’t accept it. I don’t
function that way; I don’t work that way, never have, never will.
Everything that I do is planned, is purposed, and for a reason and as the
reasons are fulfilled then, then you become the superman, you become the giants,
the giant killer, you become the victor because I love you and I desire for you
to be the victor. And today I’m
going to show you in one scripture verse alone how much I desire to bless you;
one scripture verse and if you don’t believe that then you don’t get
blessed. But be open this day, for
we have three services today, then Campmeeting is over. Get it now, get it now, you don’t know what next year’s
Campmeeting has.
Therefore, don’t look down on the
things that I have for you today, for today is not tomorrow, tomorrow is
something different, tomorrow everything could change.
But if the door was open today and you didn’t walk in that way,
tomorrow that door could be closed and locked tight.
Therefore, do not allow me to pass you by without receiving the things
that I have for you, remain open to me that I can do the work that needs to be
done. For I love you with an
everlasting love, I desire to move upon your behalf in great and mighty ways.
I desire to give you the miracles and the healings and deliverances that
you have need of. But you have to
want it, you have to accept it, even though it’s free, even though I offer it
to you, you have to accept it. For
I love you and that’s why I offer it unto you, because I love you I want to
see you become all that I have called you to become.
I want you to be the head and not the tail, I want you to be above and
not beneath and I know what is coming, you do not know what is coming, you think
you know, but you don’t know. For
the days ahead are going to be far darker and yet most do not realize those
things because they are deceived already, so, therefore, receive the things that
I have for you, in Jesus name, receive them this day, receive them in Jesus
The Lord says if you will come and stand
up there and tell the devil you have defeated him, the Lord said if you come the
Spirit is here, you tell devil you have defeated him. He is ready to move upon
you, he is ready to give you the miracles, the signs and wonders because the
Lord Jesus name is higher than anything you’re going through today.
So allow him to move upon you, come, come, come and allow him to touch
7-3-2021 Evening Campmeeting Service
Let My Spirit continue to move upon your
hearts tonight, filled with my love, let my love flow freely, let the gifts of
the Spirit move freely to the others round about you, let the peace, the peace
of the Spirit do a work in your lives today that shall last, not for a day, not
for a week, but until you’re going home.
And let the power, the power, the anointing remain upon you that you can
touch others and lead them safely home that my house shall be filled, that my
revival shall spring forth, that all shall hear and many shall come and you
shall see and know. For I desire to move mightily on your behalf.
For I say unto you, you are my
conductors, says the Lord, therefore when you grab ahold of my word I am able to
flow through you, says the Lord. Therefore,
receive the things that I have and don’t push me away but receive me, says the
Allow me to touch you in a mighty way
this night, stay open to me and as My Spirit moves allow it to minister unto
you. Open up yourself unto me that
I can do a work in your heart and in your life.
For I desire to move upon your behalf just like I have said before every
service. Come expecting great
things from me, for I will move upon your behalf if you’re open, saith the
7-3-2021 Afternoon Campmeeting Service
Are you ready for it, for I’m ready,
yes I am, I am ready to pour out My Spirit without measure to fill you to
overflowing, to gift you with different gifts, for it is that hour and it is
that time, but are you ready, are you ready?
For some have received it before and they discarded it and they’ve
throne it away, this cannot be so. For
it is very sad when somebody casts away a gift this precious and thinks it’s
nothing, reprobate. But I’m ready
if your ready, saith your Father God, receive it and remember the gifts are
without, without repentance, they’re not taken back, they’re not stopped,
they are to be used continually from now until you go.
For I say unto you, my children, if
you’re not prepared, if you’re not ready to receive, it will roll right off
your back, saith the Lord, it’ll bounce right off, for you need to be able to
receive it, says the Lord. Therefore,
your heart has to be right, your heart has to be seasoned with my word, with my
love, says the Lord. Therefore,
prepare now and receive it, says the Lord.
For a man that’s a believer that has no
speaker, he’s not a believer. For a believer has to speak, his speaker has to be hooked up,
I’ve created it that way, I’ve made it that way. That’s why I say unto you, believe only twice and I say
speak three times, three times, the speaker is more important.
Let my words come out of your mouth, let the power of the Holy Spirit
touch the ears of the hearers that they may receive.
The speaker has spoken and your ears
heard what the speaker was saying and the speaker was saying I’m filling you
with new power, with new might, with new strength.
I’m making you a hundred times more powerful and in the anointing, in
miracles, in signs, in wonders, than you’ve ever been.
And if you have lost it before it shall be two hundred times greater, but
you must come, don’t sit on your butt, you must come, for I’m pouring My
Spirit out, I said now on you.
Etc do you understand more powerful, not
the mumble jumble, not of the flesh, not the flesh, the Spirit, flow, let the
Spirit flow.
7-3-2021 morning Campmeeting Service
Not only will I breathe on you now, but I
shall oil this place a special way that everything is moving much smoother, much
more anointed, much more powerful and you shall experience more miracles, more
signs, more anointing and the word shall be much, much clearer.
And I shall give unto you words, directions, instructions that you may
walk in these last days far more victorious than you’ve ever walked in your
life, that everything will be more clearer and everything more understood and
Satan less power, less ability to the true Christians, not to the fake, not to
the fake, for he shall destroy the fake. So
change if that’s you, change suddenly, because you cannot do things in your
own power, in your own ability and say it’s me any longer. I will not stand
for it, I will not take it, that’s blasphemy, unforgiven and I shall deal with
it openly that you can tell the truth from the false, the real from the fake and
everything shall be far greater and far easier than it has been. And when others hear they’ll come, they’ll not want to
stay away, they’ll not want the services to stop and you may be faced with a
choice of what to do, what to do. For
I’ll do whatever you decide to do and it shall be far easier and it shall be
far greater.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
saturate yourselves in my presence this day, says the Lord, anoint yourself with
my word, says the Lord. For as my word goes out it shall touch you, receive it, says
the Lord and let it do a wonderful work inside, says the Lord.
For it is my word and my promise unto you
that my word does not go out and return empty, but it goes forth and does all I
have called for it to do. Only believe what I have said, receive the things that I have
for you and watch, watch, watch as I move in even more might and more power,
saith the Lord.
For many shall begin to come now, for
they’ve heard my call, they’ve heard it go out, they understand the end is
very close and that revival is ready to go forth.
And as the revival begins to go forth, more shall come, they shall come
from near, they shall come from far, they shall come speaking in their own
languages and speaking in your language. And
the Spirit shall move far greater than you’ve ever seen it move and your
worship leader shall be more anointed than you’ve ever seen her.
And the music shall be heavenly and it shall get you away and you shall
spend hours at times in worship and you’ll not be in a hurry to go home, for
I’ll be here and you’ll want to be with me.
And I shall trust you with those around about you and you’ll not be
able to go home and go to bed and go to sleep, you’ll be on the phone calling
everyone you know saying it’s here, you’ve got to come, it’s here.
7-2-2021 Evening Campmeeting Service
For in your hearts etc etc etc that all
the power that I have, all the love that I have and there are miracles, there
are healings, there are mighty signs and wonders that take place, but it only
takes one to hinder it, it only takes one to stop it.
So remember as you flow allow yourself to love, allow yourself to walk in
unity, allow my peace to flow, don’t allow the enemy to use you and be the
cause of somebody missing heaven, somebody not getting a miracle, somebody not
being saved, for it doesn’t take much, it may seem like it takes much, but it
doesn’t take much. That’s why the enemy seems to win so much is my people who
are called by my name forget that they’re one with me, forget that they’re
me, they forget that the two are one, that we act alike, live alike, walk alike,
talk alike. But when you come back
to that once again then, then that power shall flow.
For I say unto you, my children, my body
must flow together as one, says the Lord, but how can two walk together less
they be agreed, says the Lord. Therefore, you are my body and you must agree, says the Lord.
One in Christ are the most powerful words
one can ever speak. We are one in
Christ, no divisions, no separations, no competition, but one, one in Christ.
My Lord says when one hurts all hurts.
Can you feel the hurt of your brother or sister; can you feel the love of
your brother or your sister or the lonely or the down or the discouraged? Are you a rose that lifts them up and brings the fragrance of
heaven or are you a thorn that puts them down and only adds to their misery.
Think on these things and let your love be as my love.
For yes, truly, allow my love to resonate
through you, for it’s love that conquers all and when you are filled with my
love then you can spread it to others, but remember that it is my love.
Jesus did everything he did by love, even the little children that others
chased away he brought them in because of love.
Remember love, saith the Lord, for it is important in these days and
these hours if you’re going to win souls to me, if you’re going to do the
things I have called for you to do you must show my love.
For if you love then my love should be in you, saith the Lord.
etc. etc etc then it’s important you
might ask, faith, faith works by love. So
if there is no love, there is no faith and if there is no faith there are no
works being done.
So, I say unto you, allow me to fill you
with that love to overflowing this night, for remember I said I desire to do
something for you in each and every service.
So allow me to fill you with my love to overflowing.
7-2-2021 afternoon Campmeeting Service
For do you not know that I flow through
you, for I have given to you the power, I have given unto you the authority, but
my children don’t walk in the power and authority that I have for them.
Do you not know the Bible says it starts within your own heart by
speaking out my word and allowing My Spirit to flow through you like never
before? It is the hour that you desire to see and it is here my
children. I say to unto you, it is
time, you need the fire to fall like never before, to speak forth my word and my
word only that my word comes out of your mouth, that negativity no longer comes
out of you, but my word and my words only.
For it is my word that brings life, it is my word that brings power, it
is my word that breaks the power of darkness, do you not know that my children?
It is my word that causes freedom; it is my word that brings victory.
Therefore, I say unto you, put a guard upon your mouth, speak only my
word, speak only my things, for you shall see everything that I have told unto
you. It is the last hour, it is the
end time, and you will need that mighty revival, get that revival spirit within
your heart, do not allow it to die down, for it is you my children that allow
the fire to go out. For I am here,
I am here and I am burning bright, do not go away from me, but I say unto you,
draw closer, draw nigh unto me. For
do you not know it is the hour, the time that I have called you, I have called
you to come close to me. So,
therefore I say unto you, back not away, but I say, come unto me, come unto me,
come unto me, for do you not know that I am here for you, I have everything that
you have need of. No longer listen
to the lies of the enemy, do you hear me, I said no longer listen to the lies of
the enemy, but I say unto you, rise up, rise up, rise up and become the victors
that I have called you to be for this time.
For my anointing is here, my power is here, and yes, I am here to
deliver, to set free, to give unto you everything that you have need of. So, I say unto you, hold back no longer, hold back no longer,
for my heavens are open, they’re pouring down upon you, it is up to you to
receive of me, says the Lord. For I
will not force myself upon you, no, I will not force myself upon you, but I say
unto you, you etc yourself like a funnel, like a funnel that I can pour it down
upon you. Therefore, I say unto
you, allow My Spirit to move upon you like never before, allow freedom to come
into you like never before, allow the etc that the enemy has around you to fall,
because today is your day my children, today is the hour that I have called.
I’ve called you here; do you not know that I have brought you here for
a special time and a special purpose? Therefore,
I say unto you, yield yourself to me, for I need you right here etc etc etc.
For I say unto you, my children, I am the
bright and morning star and joy comes in the morning, says the Lord.
Therefore, look up to me and rejoice and be filled with joy this day,
says the Lord, get filled to overflowing, says the Lord, press in, press in,
press in, for that joy is going to overflow, says the Lord.
Don’t allow the enemy a foothold in the
door, but keep it locked shut, for he can only move if you allow him the ability
to do so, for I have given you all power and all authority over him.
For I have said to set a guard at your mouth and do not allow those
negative things to come out of your mouth, for it is those things that gives the
enemy an avenue to move and stops what I am trying to do.
But only speak forth my word and allow My Spirit to move upon your behalf
like never before, for you should be walking in the fullness of everything that
I have for you right now. For this
is your time, this is your hour, this is your Campmeeting that I have given unto
you, the time set aside for you to come and receive the things that I have for
you. For sadly those still have
their own agendas, their functioning on their own schedules, they have not
allowed me to move like I desire, allow me now to move upon your behalf, receive
from me the fullness of the things that I desire to do for you. For truly they are great, they are great, they are great,
come expecting me to move upon your behalf, saith the Lord.
For I’m not holding back from you,
never have I held back from anybody, don’t accuse me of that, for it is you,
wake up, wake up. I’m here to
pour out My Spirit without measure, to bring forth miracles, to bring forth
healing, to cause the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear. I’m
here to move mightily right now. Open
yourselves up, open the door, I can’t force it open, I move freely, let me
move, let me move.
Even in the prophetic word last week that
I gave unto you I told you the things that were going to take place between now
and the time that I take my church out of hear, I gave you then the little ones
would come forth to bring the words because the fake one couldn’t.
Wake up, wake up, it’s that hour, it’s that time I’m not playing
games no longer, I’m willing to move, I’m waiting to move, now you move.
To start out with I’m going to heal MS,
every MS in this place I’m giving a miracle to right now, come and get your
miracle right now, MS, MS, cancer next, cancer next, I’m healing every single
cancer case in here, there are four of you and you know you’ve got it.
Come get your miracle now. High
blood pressure,x2, come get your miracle right now it’s there for you right
now. Lupus it’s there for you right now, come get your miracle,
come get it, yes, come get them, diabetes, diabetes, come get your miracle right
now, for I’m moving powerfully, I’m showing you how willing I am to move and
how the miracles and the signs and the wonders are going to come and I’ve told
you I’m putting a stop to all that is not of me. So be open, be open, be open to receive that you don’t lose
out, if you’re here and need salvation come now, if you’re here and need
deliverance come now. There are
those here that have got demons come and I’ll deliver you, I’ll set you
free, I’ll set you free, come, come, it’s time, it’s time, come.
7-2-2021 morning Campmeeting Service
Is your heart filled with love, are you
walking in love, for the greatest key to victory is love, love, love.
For as we walk according to the word of God we walk in love, our faith is
rooted and grounded in love. Love
knoweth no evil, speaketh no evil, thinketh no evil, love is the greatest.
For I say unto you, my children, as love
never fails so shall your faith not fail, says the Lord, when you’re walking
by my side. Therefore, I say unto
you, press into me this day, says the Lord, and you will see the things that I
have for you.
For it is my desire that you leave this
place filled to overflowing, different than the way that you have come, but
remember to remain open to me, for if you are not open I cannot move upon your
behalf the way I desire. Walk in
the Spirit realm and be open to me and I will do the things that I desire to do
in your heart and in your life, saith the Lord.
Open your heart and receive, I am here, I
am here, I am here to meet every need that you have.
7-1-2021 pm Campmeeting service
For let there be true worship, true
worship from the Spirit that you may hear, that you may know, that you may
understand. Lift your voices high,
let the echo’s roll, let the thunder roll in heaven, let the devil know that
you’ve spoken. And then my word
shall go out and not return void, that it shall do the things that I said it
would do. Even though you stand in
doubt with your mouth open, even though you’re a fake, let those that are true
stand, let them lift their hands, let them raise their voices, let their mouth
speak forth my praises, let my praises arise. For it shall be the rising of my praises that shall bring for
the miracles this night, saith your Father.
For I say unto you, my children, behold I
am here, I am here ready for you, says the Lord, therefore open up to me this
night that I can fill you, says the Lord. Don’t
hold back, but move forward, says the Lord.
So let your hearts rejoice, for the one I
spoke to you about last week has openly confessed and joined with you, so your
first one has come. Beware,
therefore, stand in the Spirit, function from the Spirit and do not allow the
enemy in, in any way shape manner or form, but take him by the horns and move
forth and bring in the promises. For it’s that hour, it’s that time, it’s now, saith
your Father.
For it is by my power and through the
Spirit that these things shall all be done.
For my power is far greater than you even know or realize and yet few
really know how to use it, few really know how to walk in that realm, but it is
time my church, it is time, walk in that realm at all times, it is time to
function in that realm. For it is time to see that revival like never before, it is
time to see the dead raised and lame walk and made whole, it is time to see the
blind see, it is that time now, it is the hour and the world shall watch as it
starts here and goes throughout all the world, for that time is now, that hour
is now. Therefore, walk in that Spirit realm so you can do all that I have
called you to do, saith the Lord.
For the things that were allowed before,
saith your Lord, will no longer be allowed, but the things that I have shall be
allowed. And, therefore, the
miracles, the signs, the wonders, they will freely come, they will freely flow
and you shall see it, you shall be witness of it.
And the more you see it the more you shall flow and the more you shall
walk in the Spirit realm and the more you’ll be awake to the things that are
going on. So throughout the whole
world this is being declared, openly declared, not denied, not spoken with false
lips, not spoken with a false spirit, but spoken in the spirit of truth.
Therefore, I say unto you, prepare yourself right now, make yourself
right, make yourself ready right now, for it is that hour, it is that time and
it shall be so.
6-26-2021 am service
For truly I am pouring out My Spirit upon
all flesh, upon all that desire it, upon all, all that want it.
For it is very needful and without it you can’t get by, it’s
available, but you’ve got to desire it, you’ve got to go after it, you’ve
got to ask for it. For if you ask for it I’ll give it to you and then you
shall walk in the fullness of the Spirit, the fullness of the gifts and you
shall be able to do all that I’ve said that you would be able to do, but you
can’t do it without it, you cannot do it without it.
Therefore, I say, get it, the second outpouring is here, the last
outpouring is here, get it.
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
prepared it for you, says the Lord, for you to partake of.
Open up your mouth and receive it, says the Lord, does not my word say
open up your mouth and receive the latter rain, says the Lord?
Therefore, I say unto you, come and get it.
For if you have the Spirit and are
flowing in the Spirit be prepared to be used during the Campmeeting time, for
there shall be miracles, there shall be signs, there shall be wonders, they
shall be poured out abundantly. And
there shall be those that come specifically for those things and I will meet
every single need that they have. Therefore,
I say unto you, prepare yourself, make yourself ready now.
For there is not as much time left as you
believe that there is, for Russia is knocking on the door right now for war,
China is knocking on the door right now for war, they’re pushing for a war
between the blacks and the whites. Do you not hear it, do you not recognize it, do you not
realize it or has the devil got you asleep rocking in a chair someplace thinking
that it is all well? Wake up I say,
wake up; the time is far shorter than you realize.
For when you’re filled to overflowing
there’ll be too many miracles taking place inside of the building every time
the doors are open that multitudes will be standing outside waiting for standing
room only to receive their miracles. Therefore,
I say unto you, prepare yourself now, get ready now, now, get ready now.
For yes, now is the time, now is the
hour, it is not for another time or another hour, but it is for now.
So receive the things that I have for you now, for they will not be
available later, for there is not time for later, but it is now, saith your
Father, it is now, it is now.
6-26-2021 pm service
For the echoes of my worship sound all
through heaven and it is a time of rejoicing and a time of singing soft tunes
that you can press your heart into the fullness of the things that you desire to
do, that you’re not boisterous, but you worship, worship that all of heaven
can hear your worship and rejoice with you.
And it is that hour; it is that time when we are moving into the
closeness of the return, the very closeness and your mind is upon that and not
upon yourself, but upon your God, the love of your God and the mercy of your
God, the tenderness of your God, all that he does for you.
For it is that hour, it is that time, let your heart sing softly the
sweet melody that I can hear them in my ears and rejoice with you, for it is
that time.
For I say unto you, my children, in my
presence there is peace and where there is praise I am, says the Lord.
Therefore, when you praise me I am there with you, says the Lord and the
victory is yours, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, don’t forget the things that I have given unto you and the
things that I give not, says the Lord, for you have the victory, says the Lord.
For praise is the sound of great victory,
it’s sweetness; it’s melody that touches your heart, not your head, but your
heart. It fills your heart to
overflowing and my love is felt through your heart and I hear your heart as it
shows forth my love. For as you
prepare yourself and make ready for the things that are ahead, for truly oh what
a Campmeeting this year, what a Campmeeting this year, what a Campmeeting this
year, if you’ve prepared your heart now and make yourself ready it shall be a
sweet sound.
For it is an awesome thing that I desire
to do on your behalf and yet at times your focus and your attention is on other
things when it should be on me and the things that are going on here that I am
doing. For there is no greater time
than Campmeeting and yet most are so busy they’re not preparing the way that
they should. But for those who
prepare from now until Campmeeting will receive all of the things that I have
for you. But you must start now,
even this night, make your preparations; prepare your hearts for everything that
I am going to do. Prepare yourself
for a great outpouring of My Spirit, prepare yourself to hear the prophetic word
as it comes forth and to witness the signs and wonders and miracles that shall
be there and don’t worry if you have prepared you will receive anything that
you have need of as well. So
don’t miss out on the things that I have, but prepare yourselves, saith the
Let the words that I have placed in your
heart to bring forth to my people be there, not somebody else’s word, not
things that you just thought of, but hear what I’ve said, hear what I tell
you. For it’s very important this
year that they hear the things that I desire, that they hear, they make ready,
for the time is a short time and yet there is lots of time to get it in.
But we need to get the things in that need to be got in and we need to
get them in now. So prepare your
heart now, make your heart ready; let your ears be open that you hear.
6-20-2021 am service
For truly I am moving mightily on your
behalf, far more mightily than you see, far more mightily than you know, I am
always there. I am ready to bring
forth the miracles, I am ready to bring forth the signs, I am ready to do all
the things that I said that I would do. Therefore,
you can walk according to my word, you can walk according to my promise, you can
do the things that I have told you. But
if you don’t stretch out and try to do them you’ll never get them done, for
you can’t do what you don’t try to do.
Therefore, I say unto you, come alive, come alive, come alive, hear what
I’m saying, move into that realm and let me bless you like you’ve never been
blessed in all your life. Let me
show you what I, your Father God, can do.
For I say unto you, my children, I am
ready to set free, I am ready to deliver, I am ready to heal, I am ready to do
those miracles, says the Lord, are you ready, says the Lord?
For if you believe like a little child
you’ll act like a child to get more ice cream, more candy, more goodies than
you do, because they believe and they’re not afraid to go after the things
that I told them they could have. But others have grown up like a dried up prune and don’t
dare to go after anything I’ve told them to do.
Come alive, come alive, come alive, be all that I have said you would be.
For my word has stood and it’s never
failed in all the years that I have been your God, in all the years that I have
been God. Therefore, why would you
doubt me now and why would you do things that I have told you not to do and lose
out on your salvation yet etc etc. Why
don’t you come and receive the things that I have for you and then you can
tell others, yes, this is true, he said that and I got it.
It’s available for you; go after the things that I have given you.
Oh, the promises, the promises, the
promises, that I’ve already given unto you, oh, the joy of walking in the
fullness of them. The joy of seeing
miracles take place, blind eyes opened, deaf ears opened, the dead raised, the
joy that many of you shall have. All of you could have it, for I’ve said unto you go after
those things. Don’t go after the
things that are going to send you to hell, go after the things that I’ve said
shall be your blessings and there shall be a greater reward when you get home.
For, yes, truly I have given unto you my
word, I have given unto you my promise and those things have always stood, yet
you have not always stood upon them. But
here we are again and I’m telling you over and over and over that is yours if
you want it. All you have to do is speak forth my word, and stand upon it
and know for surety I will do everything that I have said that I would do.
For I have always done what I have said that I would do, even though man
does not always do what he has said, I, your Father God, always do what I say.
So trust me like never before, realize how important the day and the hour
you are living in and realize you can become all that I have said you can
become, saith the Lord.
For it’s an hour of great joy, for you
are headed towards the final end just before I take you out and you shall have
that revival that I have promised you. You’ve
got those that are calling all the while that want to come now and they’ve
already started calling. So, I say,
get on fire, get on fire, get on fire, let your fire burn all the way to heaven
that the joy, that the happiness, that the pleasures shall all be yours.
For I say unto you, my children, many
have joy, but you’re not full. Therefore, I say unto you, become joy full, says the Lord,
then you will know what it truly means to be bursting to overflowing, says the
6-20-2021 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with joy this
night, let the excitement of the things that I’ve promised you fill your
hearts to overflowing that you may look forward with excitement and expectation,
that you can know above and beyond any doubt that I will do what I have said
that I will do, you shall know it and you shall see it.
For it’s very clear, it’s very obvious that you’re walking in that
spirit realm far more than you were walking in that spirit realm and when you
call out to me I’ll do the things that you ask.
But you’ve got to call out, you’ve got to ask, you’ve got to
believe in your heart and you’ve got to know above and beyond any doubt that
my word is true and I will do it.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
what things have I promised unto you, says the Lord? Let it be to think about
the things I’ve said unto you throughout the time of your time here, says the
Lord and I will fulfill those things, says the Lord, believe it, says the Lord,
believe it.
For my word never goes out and returns
void if you’re walking with me, if you’re not walking with me then you
can’t be expecting me to do the things you think I’ll do because you are not
doing the things that I want you to do. But as you walk with me I keep my word and fulfill my word
and keep my promises and you have such an abundance of life it’ll be a joy
from morning till night and you’ll be more happy than you have ever been in
all of your life before. So look
forward to this, look forward to it.
Oh the joy, the joy, the joy that is
about to take place for many, the joy, and others shall see who the joy is
falling upon and they’ll see the blessings, they’ll see the miracles,
they’ll see the signs and they’ll see the wonders and that shall excite
them. That shall separate the false
from the truth and the truth shall be known and they shall know who they are and
they shall walk with them, for as they walk with them they shrink themselves
also and they become mine, oh they become mine and all that I have for them
becomes theirs.
For truly, I say, know not that I want to
do many things for you, many good things, many awesome things.
For do you recall all the promises I’ve given unto you since the time
you first came here? For many do
not remember all the things that I have told them, but I remember and it is my
desire to fulfill every single one of those things and yet all you have to do is
walk according to my word and do the things that I have said to do.
Do not do something else, but to stay focused upon me, for I have called
you for a much greater calling than what you even realize and yet for most that
is not the most important thing right now and it should be.
For your eyes, your attention, your focus should be upon me and the
things that I need you to do. For
it is now that time and it is now that hour, it wasn’t that time before now,
but it is that time now. So it is
time to get ready and do the things that I have called for you to do.
It is not time to linger, it is not time to wander, it is time to focus
and do all that I have called you to do so that I can open the windows of heaven
and pour out on you blessings that you cannot contain, for that is what I desire
to do, saith the Lord.
6-13-2021 am service
For truly this is the house of miracles
and miracles should be taking place every day for every one that needs them.
If you are in need of a miracle, I am more than willing to give you a
miracle to meet every single need that you have.
But if you don’t understand that, and you don’t know that, you’ll
not walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you and you’ll not
receive the things that I have for you. Why
is it so hard to understand the closer we get?
Many are going in the wrong direction and they are playing games and the
cost is going to be a cost that you’ll not want to pay.
Therefore, I say, walk by my side, stay so close to me you can’t get
away from me and I’ll be there for you, whenever you have need of me I will be
For I say unto you, my children, do not
depart from my word, but stay in my word, for my word is life unto you, says the
Lord. Therefore, my word is what
you have need of in this day for direction, says the Lord, and guidance and
wisdom and the knowledge and understanding.
Therefore, get into my word, study my word and therefore you shall be
able to walk in this time victoriously, says the Lord.
For everything pertaining to you I’ve
already declared in my word over you, for I spoke it before I writ it, I spoke
it so I could write it, and because I have written it I have spoke it.
Now it’s up to you to speak my word, to walk in my word and to do the
things that I have told you to do, for if you don’t make it, it’s not me,
it’s you.
For phony-ism never achieves the goals
that you’re reaching for, everything that you do is phony, it’s very
recognizable, you fool no one, only yourself, the Bible tells you very clearly
that. You only deceive yourself and
by deceiving yourself you lose out on everything that you could have.
Therefore, I say unto you, wake up, wake up, wake up, it’s time to walk
in holiness.
For my word is always truth and even
though it looks like you got away with it, you didn’t get away with it.
So be not deceived, but walk in holiness, for the hour now is holiness,
everybody is crying holiness, holiness, holiness and if you didn’t get your
rewards now you haven’t got them. It’s
time to press in that you can be those that receive the things you should be
getting by walking with me.
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For the joy that there is in walking
before me, the joy that I give unto you, the pleasure, how it fills your heart
to overflowing as you go forth and do the things that I speak unto you to do, as
you win souls and bring in the lost and you see the place overfilled with all
those that are coming. What a joy, why wait till Campmeeting, begin to bring them
now, bring them now.
For I say unto you, my children, how
packed are you, for I want to pack you to overflowing, says the Lord.
Therefore, open up, open up, says the Lord and let me fill you, says the
Yes, there shall be joy, great joy, great
joy as you press forward and begin to do the things that I’ve already told you
to do. You shall feel it, you shall
know it, you shall see it, others shall follow and you shall rejoice with what
you see take place.
For I desire to move upon your behalf in
a mighty and powerful way, I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you without
measure. But where are my people
when my doors are open, where are you, for you are somewhere else but where you
should be. For when my doors are
open you should be in my house. For
it is that time now, it is that hour where you need to be in my house where the
doors are open, for you need to be serious about what is going on.
For very soon now my Son will come for a church that is ready, does this
look like a church that is ready, for there are other things going on that are
more important than me. Oh my
children as you would look at what is going on and how the enemy has you
distracted away from the things that I am trying to do for you and I cannot move
upon your behalf if you are not doing what I have said.
So heed unto my words and do all that I have said for you to do, for now
is your time, now is your hour and you can receive the fullness of the things
that I have for you, but only if you do what I have said, saith the Lord.
Do not be fearful for allowing your heart
to be free in the Spirit, to allow the Spirit to be poured out without measure.
Don’t be concerned if you speak forth miracles, signs and wonders
because it is that time and they should come and they will come.
If you’re not afraid to speak my word I will do what you say, then
maybe others will wake up and come out of their slumber and realize, hey, time
is going by I am missing out. Don’t
let the devil rob from you, you be the leader.
For if My Spirit is upon you, and it
should be, then you should already be doing these things.
So do not be afraid, but remember I said I would give you My Spirit, the
same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, and if it be in you and it is in
you then you can do everything that Jesus did and even greater because he has
gone to prepare a place for you. But
you were the ones that were called to do greater, my people were called to do
greater and it is that time for greater things to come forth.
So let My Spirit come alive in you like never before and speak forth only
my word and my word shall come to pass, saith the Lord.
6-9-2021 pm service
For truly I have great things in store
for my children, those who are walking with me, who are walking according to my
word, who are doing the things that I have called for them to do, great things
are in store for you. So continue
to draw closer to me, continue to dig in deeper and continue to draw closer, for
as you do those things I will move even greater on your behalf than I am now.
There are many things that I have yet that are in store for you, for it
is a great and glorious hour for my church that is ahead, that is coming and you
can receive all that I have for you by doing the things that I have called for
you to do. So continue to draw
closer and watch as I move on your behalf in a mighty and powerful way.
6-6-2021 am service
For a truth, I can do all that I have
said that I can do, and if you’ll walk with me I’ll cause you to walk even
as I walk that you may bring forth miracles, signs and wonders, that you may do
the work that I desire that you to do. But
you can’t get them by lying and when you lie that sets you way, way back, for
you need repentance and you don’t repent, because if you repented you
wouldn’t lie again. Therefore, I say unto you, hear, hear what I have to say,
draw into that place that I have for you, for it’s there and it’s yours,
walk in it.
For I say unto you, my children, a clean
pure heart is what I desire, says the Lord, so therefore empty out the things
that don’t belong there and fill it with me, says the Lord.
For my word, my word, my word is what will stand, says the Lord, not
anything else, says the Lord.
For the hour is very short and soon I
shall come for my church, you need to be ready, if you missed that you’ve
missed it all, don’t miss that. Then
walk with me, be mine, be mine and allow me to take you all the way through
Reading from Isaiah forty three eighteen,
but remember not the former things neither consider the things of old.
Second Corinthians five seventeen, therefore if anyone is in Christ I do
a new thing, because you are new creatures in Christ you don’t have a past no
more, but you’ve got a future, then he goes on to say behold I will do a new
thing. God wants to do a new thing in your life and my life and we
need it. Neither consider the
things of old, I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the
desert, all the dry place we may go into, God is going to do a new thing and he
is going to give you the water from above, that living water, it’s going to
touch you like you have never been touched before.
So be ready and receive that which God has for you and be sure to use it
for his glory.
Many great things are on their way and
you shall see them and you shall stand amazed at all the things that I have
promised to do and you shall see them. The
miracles, the signs, the wonders, the finances, as it comes in you shall see it
and know and understand, for truly I have given you my word and my promise and I
shall fulfill it.
Oh, the glory of it all when the
multitudes come flooding in, when the miracles, when the signs, when the wonders
and you shall see them. Oh, you
shall know, yes, and you shall be filled to overflowing and you shall see it as
it grows, and grows and grows. For
I have told you the last revival would start here, it will start here, for it
was ordained from the foundations of the earth and you shall see it, you shall
know it. Walk ye in it, don’t
miss it.
For I have far greater things in store
for you than you even know or realize, but you can’t walk in the fullness of
those things if you are not doing what I have said, if you are not walking where
I have said to walk. And yet I gave
you a timeline, and for some it has been extended, for how long can I extend it?
But I have to stand true to my word and therefore I will not extend the
time any longer. So know this from
today forth there will be time extended no longer for you, but there is still
today, there is still today. So
don’t miss out on today and walk into tomorrow, for destruction could lie in
wait for you in tomorrow, saith the Lord.
Let your heart be lifted up and let me
hear your voice as you talk with me, as you reason with me, as you debate, as I
share with you the scriptures and tell you where you’ve got to go and what
you’ve got to do. Listen, listen,
don’t shut your ears, listen.
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For it’s a great hour for those that
are walking with me, but remember this is the day that I extend nothing further.
Therefore, don’t let this day pass without calling upon my name and
setting things straight, it’s that time, it’s that hour.
For I say unto you, my children, is this
not the year of abundant overflow I’ve spoken unto you, says the Lord, but not
only in the finances but in My Spirit, says the Lord.
For in My Spirit you will overflow, says the Lord, and you will overflow
to the point, says the Lord, that you will be just as my Son Jesus was as he
walked this earth, says the Lord. Open
up tonight, says the Lord and receive that abundant overflow.
Let not your words go out and return
void, for I never allow my word to go out and return void and you should walk
also likewise. For when you speak
your word you have given a vow and that vow can come to pass and many can be
blessed when you walk in the fullness of my word.
For my ways are not your ways, but my
ways are far above your ways and when you walk in my ways many miracles, many
signs, many wonders take place. The average man cannot walk in my ways, only the spiritual
man, for the average man does not know the things of the Spirit, they are war to
him and he wars with the flesh continually.
But not so with the spiritman, the spiritman is far above, there is
nothing, nothing, nothing that he cannot do, that’s why it’s so much better
to walk in the spirit realm and not in the fleshly.
It’s that hour, saith your Father God
again, yes, it is, it’s that hour of great victory, it’s an hour of
miracles, great signs and great wonders, far greater than anything that you
know. And it’s that time, it’s
that time to press forward into the last bit and to walk with me hand in hand,
we’ll be that close and the things that shall take place shall be great oh,
great, great, great. And you shall
see it, you shall know it, but if you’re not part of it you’ll not even be
able to walk close to it. Therefore,
I say, it’s that hour, it’s that time, open your hearts now.
Don’t be one of those that has endured the whole journey and yet falls off before the destination has been reached. For that is not my desire, for I did not call you to not make it to the finish-line, but I called you to run the course that I have set before you and to finish along with me and all of my others that I have called. I did not call you to fall short, but yet somewhere along the line your choice, your choice changed your course, your choice once again can set your course straight and you can come into the fullness of everything that I have for you. So don’t miss out, for many have missed out over the years, but that is not my desire, but it is my desire to bless you abundantly beyond anything that you ask or think. And abundance is what is in store for my people, for those who are walking according to my plan and my purpose, be one of those, saith the Lord.
6-3-21 pm service
etc forever with everlasting love and it
would hurt my heart to see any not make it to heaven.
Therefore, think of the love that I have for you and the desire that I
have for you that you press into the fullness of all that I have for you, that
you can receive the blessings that I have here on earth as well as the blessings
that I have for you when you get home. For
my love is everlasting and it shall be with you and it shall strengthen you and
it shall guide you.
For I, the Lord, am the author and
finisher of your faith, says the Lord, from the beginning to the end, I see you
through, says the Lord, just follow me, says the Lord.
For true love is everlasting and it grows
stronger and stronger and stronger and you become stronger and stronger and
stronger, therefore walk in my love.
Be not one that knows only philias, but
be the one that knows agape, for the one that knows philia only knows not love
and walks out of my love and does not understand my love, but you walk in my
For it is love everlasting and it never
runs out, but it is always there and it will do anything for you.
That’s why I said walk in my love and it’s by my love that you will
bring in the lost. So learn what my
love is and learn to show it to others and you will walk very successfully in
the days ahead, saith the Lord.
5-30-2021 am service
For truly as soon as you recognize and
realize the power of my name in your mouth you can think about the move, you can
see the miracles take place, you can see the blind see and the deaf hear and
even the dead be raised. This shall
be your normal walk, it will not be a supernatural walk, this will be the
ability I have given unto you. But
you don’t recognize it, you need to realize that your mouth has life or death
in it and you’re calling in either life or you’re calling in death and it
has the power to fulfill what you call in.
Therefore, speak my word, saith your Father God, speak my word, speak my
word, be as Jesus was, for he only spoke my words.
For I say unto you, my children, for I
have given you my light to carry through this valley, says the Lord, you’re
not of the valley you’re of my kingdom, says the Lord.
So while you are here, says the Lord, show my light to those around you,
says the Lord and they will come to my light, says the Lord.
For when you are committed to me one
hundred percent there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can stop you, that can
slow you down, that can even hinder you. For
when you open your mouth Satan flees and his angels with him and you’ve become
the master, for I have made you masters, for I have made you equals.
Therefore, go in my word, go in my power, go in my ability and do what I
have told you to do.
For even the widow woman had more brains
than many Christians today. She heard what the man of God said, she did what the man of
God said, and while others were perishing, her, her son and the prophet lived
abundantly and they were the overcomers. Are
you going to be an overcomer or are you going to be a defeated one?
For yes, you have all power, you have all
ability, you have all authority, for I have given those things unto you and I do
not hold back from you. But at times you hold back from me, at times you don’t step
out and speak forth my word like I have said, you don’t always do the things
that I have said. But that power is
always there, that authority is always there, that ability is always there and
it belongs to you as I have given those things unto you. For I have called you my heirs, I have called you my sons and
my daughters, I have called you my anointed, and therefore I have empowered you
to do the things that I have called you to do.
Therefore, there should be no lack, there should be no want, for I have
already given unto you everything that you need to be successful.
All you need to do is realize that you already have those things, that
you have that power, that you have that authority, that you have that ability
and then all you need to do is go and do it, saith the Lord, for faith without
action is dead. So therefore, be active upon the faith that I have given unto
you and watch as the world is transformed, saith the Lord.
5-30-2021 pm service
For my eyes seek to and fro and I search
and look very carefully, I listen to the words that you speak and I look forward
to next Sunday. For truly it’s
harvest day for some, for they’re being faithful, they’re calling it out,
they’re lining up the scriptures and Satan has to yield and give back seven
fold over, but others will look on later and say why, why not me?
Wake up, wake up, wake up, the end is coming.
For I say unto you, my children, does not
my word say in the last days I will pour out My Spirit, says the Lord and with
those things come the finances, says the Lord, for I must do the work, says the
Lord. And, therefore I say unto
you, be ready to receive those things and do the things that I have sent forth
for you to do, says the Lord.
What are you calling out that you’re
expecting, nothing, therefore you receive nothing, for I have spoke to you week
after week after week about speaking forth my word.
By speaking my word things take place, because the moment you speak them
you have them even though you don’t see them, I’m working behind the scenes
to bring you the very things you’re saying, watch, watch your mouth.
Listen intently to the things that I am
giving you, for the words that you are receiving are directly from me and they
are to help you get to the place where you can receive the fullness of
everything that I have for you. Don’t
think that they don’t matter, don’t think that they won’t do anything, but
listen intently to the words that my servants bring you week after week after
week. For it will help you greatly
and allow you to step into the place where I can move upon your behalf in a
mighty and powerful way. Continuing
to ignore those things will do nothing for you, for I cannot move upon your
behalf if you do not the things that I speak unto you over and over and over.
So listen intently, pray that your ears are open that you can hear into
the spirit realm, for many ears are blocked and they know it not.
But I can remove that blockage if you ask me, if you really seek me,
saith the Lord.
For I spoke unto my children from the
very beginning, call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be,
not maybe, not if you are lucky, not if you’re good, not if you repent.
For I say unto you, my children, it shall
be as a dam that breaks, says the Lord, before it looked like there wasn’t
much, but then you will be overflowing, says the Lord, that quickly shall it
come in, says the Lord. Therefore,
be ready; get ready, says the Lord.
For Sunday shall be that way for some,
not only here, but all over, for my children are calling in their harvest, I
hear their voice. They’re not
mumbling, their mouth has not lockjaw, I’m hearing and when I hear I shall
5-26-21 pm service
For yes, truly, it is an hour of great
excitement; it’s an hour for me to do great and mighty things.
So continue to walk with me, continue to look to me, for I will help you
in every single area of your life if you will allow me to.
So look to me and I will move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful
way. Don’t worry about what is
going on around you, don’t worry about what is taking place in the world, but
focus upon me and I will move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way if
you’re walking with me, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, though
it’s dark, it is light in my word, says the Lord, therefore walk in my word
and you will not stumble, says the Lord.
5-23-2021 am service
For I am pouring out My Spirit without
measure upon those that desire to receive, but I’ll not take a maul and drive
it into them, for it’s a gift, a gift that they need, a gift that they should
be operating in, a gift that sets them free, but it is freely given, freely
given. And they need to walk in the
fullness of it, in all the power of it, for it’s there, it’s there, it’s
available, and on this week that you’re walking on, it should be the greatest
week yet.
For I say unto you, my children, you must
reach out and take it, says the Lord, for the things I’ve given unto you are
for you, says the Lord. You must
reach out and grab ahold of the things I have given unto you, says the Lord, and
then you must give them out to others, says the Lord. For through you I shall
move and baptize the world, says the Lord.
For if you cannot take it, then you are
not saved, for it is a gift to all my sons and all my daughters, and any gifts
given to them, that belong to them, they’re able to take it, they’re able to
run with it, they’re able to flow in it, they’re able to be used by it, for
truly it’s theirs.
For from the day of Pentecost My Spirit
has flowed and now it is fastly approaching the second great outpouring and it
is flowing. Therefore, you need to
walk with the flow, you can’t make it happen, you open your mouth and I will
fill it, that’s what my word says.
For remember, for remember I said it
shall happen suddenly, for if you look in my word it happened suddenly before as
they were waiting in the upper room in one accord, it happened suddenly,
suddenly, suddenly they were all filled with the Spirit to overflowing and they
all began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
For realize this, they were there waiting, expecting me to do it, are you
here waiting on me expecting me to do it or are you looking at other things? Are your eyes and attention on other things that are not me
and not of me, for you should be set upon me like never before?
For you should know with all the things that are going on all over the
world just exactly what time it is now and that these things are ready to take
place and you should be expecting to see it, you should be expecting to receive
the things that I have for you. But
sadly many are not, for their attention is on other things, but for those who
are attentive to me and My Spirit, to those who are open I will fill you and I
will move upon your behalf in a great and mighty way.
So continue to expect great things, for great things are coming your way,
saith the Lord.
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For truly My Spirit is moving mightily
upon this place, I can move with a multitude, I can move with a few, for I’m
not bound by the hands of man nor their praises, but I am bound by my people’s
hands and by my people’s praises. For
I have given my word and my promises that I shall fulfill them and nothing that
man does can nor will hinder, stop or slow down what I have chosen to do.
For it is that hour, that hour has come, a blessed hour, an hour far more
holy and more precious than many see or know or understand yet.
For even the little ones, they have been added into all that I am doing.
For I will not leave them out, for I’ve told you to seek the kingdom of
God like a little child with all your hearts, with all your souls, with all your
emotions, with all your expectations. For
if you expect nothing, you get nothing, for if you desire the bad things, you
get the bad things, if you desire the good things, I’ve already opened the
windows of heaven and there’re already being poured out.
It’s raining gold, you can say, from heaven, it’s raining gold and it
shall only get greater.
For I say unto you, my children, great
things are yet to be done, says the Lord, for I’ve got a great work, says the
Lord, that I’ve called all, each and every one of you to, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, press into the things that I have for you that
you can do those things, says the Lord, for great and mighty things you shall
see and do through me, says the Lord.
For fulfilling my word is the greatest
goal one can do, for they love me so much they want to do what I have for them.
And in by doing so they step into a realm far higher than they’ve ever
known before and the Spirit has total freedom to move, the phony is seen, for
all can see the phony, for it only exalts itself, it does not exalt me.
It does not take after the things that I desire, but it seeks after its
own, but you, but you, you’re mine, saith your Father God and soon, soon
others shall join quickly with you and then you shall see, you shall know, you
shall understand.
For in a sense you can look at it that
you’ve been in the pregame, you’ve been in the warm-ups, you’ve been
preparing, you’ve been getting ready for what I am about to do.
But now it’s game time, now it’s time to step into the next realm, to
step into the fullness of everything that I have for you, to come and be part of
the greatest revival that man has ever seen nor will ever see again.
For it is that time now and it is that hour now and very soon you shall
see My Spirit poured out without measure and you will see those come who I have
called here and you will see those come to get their marching orders.
For very soon now this shall all start, for I said they could come
anytime after, after April and it is after April and so the doors are open that
they can come. Are you ready to do
the things that I have called you to do, are you ready to be the ones that I
have called or do I need to find somebody else to take your place.
For I desire to use you, I desire for you to enter in and be part of all
that I have called for you to be, but you must make that choice, you must put
the other things aside and choose to follow me a hundred percent.
You must choose to follow the things that I have said and not the things
that man has said. But oh the
reward that shall be for those who will do all that I have said, for I will be
able to bless them and move upon their behalf like I will not be able to others
because they have not followed me like I have said.
So follow me, follow me, follow me, for great are the things that are
ahead, saith the Lord.
Oh the foolishness of man, for in their
cunning ways they figure they’ve got it all plotted out and yet if drought
should come tomorrow and the largest land in the world could be barren, there
goes your plans, for they were not my plans.
Be not foolish therefore, change your course, change your course by
walking according to my will and allow me to show you how to get there.
5-19-2021 pm service
Do not allow fear to enter in, for fear
is not of me and I have not given fear unto anybody, it’s of the devil and
you’re not children of the devil, therefore fear has no place in you.
You’re my warriors, you’re my children and I love you with an
everlasting love, I watch over you and protect you, I assign angels to you to
protect you and therefore you walk in perfect safety as long as you walk with
me. Don’t listen to what adults
tell you; listen to what my word says.
For I say unto you, my children, you must
pull the word from your heart, says the Lord and speak it forth, therefore you
shall slay your enemy, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, don’t leave it in the sheath, but open it up and speak it,
says the Lord.
The most important thing for you to do is
study my word, read my word, speak my word out loud, read it out loud, say it,
meditate it in your heart and let me bring forth what you need to know.
For the fruit of the Spirit is operating
in each and every one of you that is filled with My Spirit.
Don’t hinder it, don’t stop it, even if you don’t understand it,
allow it, allow it to flow fluently.
For My Spirit gives you power within, so
as you begin to flow in the Spirit then you can begin to develop the gifts that
I have given to each and every one of you.
You can come to a far higher place where I can speak to you and you can
clearly hear my voice. For remember I said my sheep, my children, they can hear my
voice, so if you are one of them you can hear my voice.
So get into my word, let it get deep within your heart, for then you will
see great changes, saith the Lord.
5-16-2021 am service
For truly My Spirit is being poured out,
but quite often man looks to the foolishness of the world and they don’t see
the spiritual side, for it’s blindness to them.
It shouldn’t be, for I’ve taught you and I’ve taught you and yet
you hear somebody say something opposite, you run with that quickly and you say,
I can’t understand this, I can’t understand that.
Why do you have no understanding, are you born again, have you really
been filled with the Spirit, for if you have been born of the Spirit you can
hear my voice when no one else can hear my voice.
For my sheep, my sheep hear my voice, they can hear it, it’s clear,
it’s loud, it’s distinct and nothing can move them from that, for my word
declares that, nothing, nothing. But
man in his wisdom walks in foolishness, for he has no deep foundation, for he
has never taken the time to build a sure foundation and without a sure
foundation his ship will sink. Do
you remember that song, how is your ship doing?
These are the very last days, the fighting in Israel should tell
everybody, everybody that, it’s so clear, it’s so obvious, only those that
don’t believe would challenge or wonder.
It’s time, it’s time, receive what I’m pouring out, receive what
I’m pouring out before those that come, will come and then there’ll be
nothing left for you, don’t let that happen, don’t let that happen.
For I say unto you, my children, you
cannot serve me and man, for you must make that decision in your heart, says the
Lord. For I am the one that you
shall serve, says the Lord, if you want to see the victories, for man says this
and man says that, and yet everything comes to pass not, says the Lord.
But I, I, your Father God, say and do, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, don’t be wishy-washy, make your decision and
make it now, says the Lord, for I am the Lord thy God, says the Lord.
Where were you when the peace treaty was
signed while Trump was still in office, la-la land?
Biden doesn’t know these things, even a two year old wound know that.
Oh the foolishness of man, the foolishness of man.
Study my word, know my word, stand on my word and don’t, don’t move
off it.
Basically I desire to talk to you about
the blessings that I have for you, I desire to talk to you about the victories
that are right beneath your nose and you can’t smell them.
I desire to talk to you of all the good things that I want to do for you
and I long to do for you, for I have made a promise with you, I’ve made a
covenant with you, you came here to fulfill my goal, my promise, but at times it
seems like I have to re-teach the very fundamentals all over again.
For you are not old enough to eat strong meat, matter of fact even today
you hear that saying, I’ve warned you about in the Bible, abstain from meat
and yet you don’t even know it’s written there, oh the foolishness of man,
the foolishness of man. My heart
goes out, saith your Father God, for my Son went all the way through all that he
was to go through because of his love for you and in the midnight hour, and
it’s not just hour, he made his choice, he said if there be a way and there
was no other way. Therefore, he
accepted the things that he needed to do, will you not accept the things that
you need to do, I’ve made it so simple, follow me.
For my sparrow sings the song of joy, for
their bellies are full, they don’t sow yet they reap, for I’ve said it would
always be like that. You sow but
you have a hole in your pocket and therefore the grain runs into a rock spot and
produces nothing. Those that walk
with me sow and reap and reap and reap and reap and reap and the blessings, the
blessings, the blessings are more than enough.
Therefore, I say unto you, do not look at
the circumstances, but remember what my word has said, remember what I have said
and stand upon that word and do not move. For
you know and you should realize the day and the hour you are living in.
Therefore, you should also understand that everything I have told you
must come to pass, for there are not many years for that to happen, but only a
few yet. So, therefore, I say unto
you, realize that these things will take place very, very quickly like I have
told you and do not be moved because you are not seeing things happen, but
believe that they are taking place. Know
without a shadow of a doubt that you will see them come to pass, for my word is
true and always has been true and you can stand upon that.
But at times you do not always do that and you look at the circumstances
and you look at the things that are going on all around you, but you do not
focus upon me. But know that I am
doing all that I have said that I would do, so put your focus and attention upon
me, realize exactly who you are and then you will receive the fullness of
everything that I have said, if you do what I have told you to do.
For it is that time and it is that hour and there is not another time or
hour for that word or those promises to be fulfilled, but know that that hour is
now, saith the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, my children,
settle in your heart what you would give to me, says the Lord, for I demand a
hundred percent, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, your whole heart, settle it now,
says the Lord.
5-16-2021 pm service
For truly it’s a great hour, far
greater than most know, far greater than most understand, they don’t look upon
what I have said in my word and therefore they look with confusion.
They see not, they know not, and yet things happen before their eyes, it
is that strangeness that has them fooled and yet the enemy is not that dumb, for
he has known from the beginning and he sees many from the beginning, he has not
changed one tactic, not one, no, not one.
For I say unto you, my children, that is
why I tell you to walk in the Spirit as I am in the Spirit, say the Lord,
therefore the enemy cannot comprehend spiritual things, says the Lord.
But the things that I have for you are light, and therefore when you walk
in that light the devil cannot touch you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, put on that armor and walk in that spirit,
says the Lord.
For when darkness covers over the mind it
is total darkness, light cannot penetrate to it any longer and therefore I put
light the very first thing in earth, spiritual light, and you would be able to
walk in the light that I put there and I called that light good.
Therefore, walk in that light, for you
are the children of the light, if you are mine.
Therefore there should be no darkness where the light is, but yet at
times my people allow things that are not of me to be more important than the
things that I desire for them to do. But
yet you should always be desiring to do everything that I have called for you to
do. For the world does not have the
blessings that I have for you, be it that I cannot give you the things that I
desire to give you if you are not doing everything that I have said.
But it is that time and it is that hour, so draw closer to me, draw
closer to me, draw closer to me, saith the Lord.
For wisdom is not hard to use because I
give it to you, you don’t go to school to get it, you get it through the
Spirit being your teacher and your guide. He
gives you all wisdom, he gives you all knowledge, everything else comes through
the sense realm and the sense realm as you know is not of me, never has been of
me, never will be of me, but it can cause you to stumble, it can cause you to
fall, turn on the light.
For I say unto you, be bold, be strong,
for I am with you, says the Lord.
If a fountain was to flow from the top of
the world, not earth now, but the top of the world, would it be flowing past
you? My Spirit is flowing past you
and if you can’t flow in My Spirit then there is something, something,
something that has a blockage and that blockage could be your death.
For My Spirit should be flowing through
you, it should not pass you by, but yet it does, because you’re not where you
should be, you’re not doing the things that you need to be doing, you’re
walking in the fleshly realm and not in the Spirit where I have called you to
walk. For how can I use you, how
can I move through you if My Spirit cannot flow through you, saith the Lord?
But it is my desire that you receive from me and that it flows through
you that you can minister unto others, be like that, saith the Lord, for that is
my desire.
5-12-21 pm service
Let your hearts stand open, close it not
unto my word, close it not unto my promises, for I am moving mightily on your
behalf and in the spirit realm you should see it, know and understand, for I
have said to you over and over that I will now move quickly and truly you’re
seeing that. Therefore, let your
mind understand what the Spirit is doing, for if your mind does not understand
seek help, saith your Father God, for I desire for you to be a giant.
For I say unto you, my children, beneath
you is darkness, but above you is light. Therefore,
keep your eyes on me, says the Lord, for where I am you shall be also, says the
For in the spirit realm there is always a
sound speaking to those that listen, are you hearing?
For even though you are little I love you with an everlasting love and I
go before you to make a way for you that you can walk through this time in great
victory, so fear not, fear not, fear not.
For I have made a way for you to walk in
total victory, therefore fear not the things that are going on in the world.
For I am doing great and mighty things upon your behalf as well and you
should recognize the time and the hour that it is and know that some of these
things have to take place. It
should bring you much excitement knowing that there isn’t much time left and
truly it is the hour for me to fulfill my word to the fullness that I have
spoken it unto you. For it is now
that time and it is now the hour and suddenly you shall see the changes, saith
the Lord.
5-9-2021 am service
For truly it is a great day for you and I
have many things to say unto you, so I need your attention.
I don’t need you thinking about what you are going to do after the
service or what your telephone is telling you; I need your attention, your sole
attention. For the plans that I
have for you are so great you need to catch every little detail.
You’re not here to bless yourself, you’re not here to lift up
yourself, you’re not here to even cause attention for people to look upon you.
For who are you in comparison to me, you’re my child, my called one, my
desired, I have given unto you great plans because I know your heart and I know
your work and I know your ability. And
you shall go forth and do those plans and fulfill those plans if you listen and
follow directions, if you follow not directions, my word says you’re like a
blind man and you’ll fall into a ditch and no one will even know where you
are. Listen and hear, for my love
is here for you, my desires are here for you. And
there is a way and that way is moving forward very rapidly and many are walking
in that way and their spiritman is coming alive like never before and they’re
seeing in the spirit realm like they’ve never seen before and yet
others don’t even know there is a spirit realm.
It’s time, it’s time, press in, for truly it’s time.
For I say unto you, my children, you must
believe in who I am and what I can do, says the Lord, for you, says the Lord.
For if you can’t believe in the things that I can do how can you
believe in the things that anything can be done for you, says the Lord?
For the day that you wake up you don’t know if you’re going to stay
awake, says the Lord, without me, for I’m your source, says the Lord.
Therefore, believe in all that I can do for you and you’ll succeed in
the things that I have for you, says the Lord.
Think not of yourself as a spiritual
giant or some finely educated gentleman or woman, but think of yourself as my
child. Empty out your wisdom, empty
out your knowledge, empty out those things that you’ve been taught and become
a little child, my child, listening to their parents, learning to walk in the
supernatural like you’ve never walked in it, seeing the abundance poured upon
you like you’ve never dreamed possible, of seeing the multitudes coming and
thinking then, wow, this is a genius church, this is where God is meeting with
everybody, for I truly shall do and will do all that I have promised and all you
have to do, all you have to do, listen, obey, I’ll do it.
Remember I only had one Son; he came and
did all the work that he ever needs to do to make it all possible.
Now the Holy Spirit is now your teacher and your guide, he’ll lead you
into all truth and show you all things that are to come and to cause you to be
the perfect man or woman that I have called, for you shall walk according to his
For it is not by power nor by might but
it is through My Spirit, saith the Lord, and if My Spirit is within you then you
can do everything that you need to do. For
My Spirit should be leading and guiding you, My Spirit should be speaking unto
you, for if you are hearing things that are contrary to what my word says, that
should give you a sign that you are not hearing from me.
But you should be, but you need to be filled to overflowing, some of you
haven’t done what I have said, some of you haven’t done the things that I
have said were very important to do. But
it is that time, for the hour is very late and it’s time to get on track with
the things that I desire to do. For
if you are not on track with me then I cannot use you in the days ahead, I
cannot use you to do the things that I desire to do.
For your desires must be my desires, saith the Lord, but some are still
chasing after their one wants and their own things but, I say unto you, lay
those things aside and pick up the things that I have for you.
Run after the things that I have for you, for there is great victory,
there is great joy, there are many great things in store for those who will
follow after the things that I have, saith the Lord.
5-9-2021 pm service
For truly it is that hour, it is that
time, and when you open your mouth and you speak, the anointing flows in
supernatural power. It moves
mountains and brings forth miracles and healings, it raises the dead, it brings
back life to those that have not life. For
truly it is so powerful, but you’ve got to speak it, for if you don’t speak
it who will? I don’t speak the word; you speak the word, for I’ve done
my work, now it’s your time.
For I say unto you, my children, what
does my word say, speak, speak, speak, says the Lord, to your mountain and doubt
not and it shall be cast into the sea, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, speak to your mountains, for my hand is not
waxed short, yours is short, says the Lord.
For you put it in my hands and see what I can do, says the Lord.
For I have no deaf and dumb children, my
children speak, and when my children speak the world moves, answers come,
changes come, be my child.
For remember the whole Egyptian army
thought they had my children, but when they stepped into that dry riverbed, I
closed the water back up and they were never, never, never seen again.
For when my prophet was on the mountain
and hundreds of the children of Baal were crying out and nothing happened, but
my anointed called out to me, fire fell and consumed the sacrifice that he had
made for me. So realize it only
takes one to speak my word and I can do even the impossible, for even man saw
the impossible take place that day. And many, many times have my anointed spoken the word and the
impossible has become possible. You
are my anointed and there is more than one here in this place, for you have all
of my power, you have all of my authority and it is at your very lips and all
you must do is speak it and it shall come to pass, saith the Lord.
5-2-2021 am service
For truly it’s allowing your spirits to
enter into the fullness of what I have for you, don’t think, don’t think,
for the flesh thinks, but the Spirit knows, move, move into my presence.
Allow me to do the thinking for you, allow me to do the speaking for you,
allow me to do the things that I desire and that I desire for you that you shall
become the greatest, the greatest, greatest church the world has ever seen, that
my presence shall fill every corner and there’ll not be a vacant spot.
For I’ll be here, I’ll be here, we don’t need the flesh, the flesh
has never produced anything but evil. We’re
not here for evil, we’re here for good, for the redeemed knows those that are
evil, sets them free, to strengthen those that are sick, to heal, to deliver, to
set free and it can be done in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
I don’t need help, I don’t ask for help, allow me to move and I’ll
do it, for I’m here for you and you need me here, expecting me and allowing me
and opening up to me. But that’s
the only way to get there, there is no other way, there is no shortcut, there is
no super giant that can run up and give you a word.
But you’re all here, you’re mine, you’re mine, you have, you have
what others need and it shall be so, saith your Father God.
For this day, this day, this day heaven has visited you.
For I say unto you, my children, don’t
be a tree that is stiff-necked, says the Lord and easily broken when the wind
blows, but be my tree, says the Lord, when the wind blows it moves with me, says
the Lord. Therefore, don’t fight
me, don’t resist me but move with me, says the Lord and you’ll see how
flexible you really are, says the Lord, for many of you haven’t even moved,
says the Lord. For I say unto you,
you’re going to move until you touch the ground, says the Lord, that my power
is moving, says the Lord and my trees know who I am and who they move for, says
the Lord. My word says resist the
who, the devil, says the Lord, resist the devil, don’t resist My Spirit, says
the Lord, but move with My Spirit, says the Lord, for then you will be free,
says the Lord.
For in the heart, in the heart the gentle
breeze is moving, because if it wasn’t in the heart it would be the flesh, and
as we said, we’re not moving in the flesh but the heart, sense it, sense it.
I’ve prepared you for this very moment, I’ve prepared you for this
very day and it seemed like ages to many, but it wasn’t time, I wanted to, but
I couldn’t because it wasn’t time, everything in my kingdom is done in the
perfect time, you don’t do it out of order, it is not me.
You don’t do it on the spare of the moment when you feel like it or
it’s not me, gentle, gentle, gentle.
The place on the fairgrounds has not
moved, they’ve built all around it, they could have built anywhere, but they
didn’t build there, it wasn’t time. And
yet it had to be there, but if you went and looked you could have found it, it
was a memorial for what took place in the capitol at that time, setting things
for this hour and this time, everything. If
you go back then to the very first tomb, the shedding of the blood and the blood
crying out of the ground, had to be then, very first blood ever shed. Not by Jesus, had to be shed then, that Jesus could shed his
blood when he came, timing, timing, timing.
Therefore, look forward with great
anticipation, for you should see, you should know, you should understand just
what time it is now and if you’ve been walking in the Spirit you should see it
all coming together very quickly now. For
suddenly, suddenly, suddenly change shall come, for that suddenly that I have
spoke to you about shall take place very quickly now and then you will begin to
see everything that I’ve told you come to pass, but not over a time period,
but suddenly. Remember I said
suddenly it would come, for there is not time for it to be dragged out any
longer, so it must come suddenly. Understand
this now more than ever that I will fulfill my word that was spoken, I will do
all that I have said that I would do. For
I have been preparing you for this day and for this hour and now is that time
and I can do everything that I have said that I would do, saith the Lord.
For you shall sense and know the
difference, the far greater anointing, far greater and yet there shall be the
rejoicing, there shall be the praising, there shall be the excitement for those
that really walk with me will not be able to keep their mouths shut.
Their mouths shall be filled and the Spirit can’t move if their mouth
is shut, for the Spirit can’t speak when he is bottled up and choked up and
pushed down until there is none. So
be filled with the Spirit, if you haven’t been, be filled with the Spirit if
you have been, but above all things be filled with the Spirit.
For I say unto you, my children, just as
you shuck corn I want to shuck the things off of your life that don’t belong,
says the Lord, that fruit can be seen, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, allow me to remove you, to strip those things
that cover you, says the Lord, that the world can see and know who you are, says
the Lord.
For are you truly ever filled that you
are not overflowing and yet overflow is not just a one time thing, but I say
you, you should be constantly overflowing because then you are filled to the
fullest measure that I can fill you, saith the Lord.
You should not be able to receive even
not one tiny drop without splattering over and therefore your mouth would have
to be open. For, therefore, I have
said unto you come regardless if you have been before, it’s time to be again.
For I say unto you, my children, I reveal
myself to the saved, but those that think they are wise in their own eyes I
hide, says the Lord. Therefore, I
say unto you, be like saved, says the Lord, that I can show you who I am, says
the Lord.
5-2-2021 pm service
For it is that hour when walking in My
Spirit is the main thing that my people need to do, the enemy is moving much
greater than he ever has before, only because people have allowed him to do it,
knowing no one stops him, knowing Samson and his wife, because throughout my
word he always moves, he always moves to keep things in order.
Oh what a joy, what a joy, what a joy, what a joy, what a joy, what a
joy, what a joy it is when you walk in unity, when you walk in love.
I gave you but one commandment and yet you want to struggle with ten that
I fulfilled for you so you wouldn’t have to do the ten, it’s only one, that
you love one another as I love you.
For I say unto you, my children, as I am
one with my word so you must be one with me, says the Lord.
Therefore, when we’re in complete unity, says the Lord, you’re able
to do the things that I’ve sent you forth to do, you’re able to bring forth
the miracles, you’re able to multiple the loaves and the fishes, says the
Lord. For the multitudes are
coming, says the Lord, and they’re going to need to be fed, they’re going to
need to be ministered to, are you able to do it, says the Lord?
When you look at the many miracles that I
did, when you watch and go over the things that the Holy Spirit did, can you
even do any of those? How many do
you have that can or are you going to have to struggle to figure out where
you’re going to buy the bread, where are we going to get the fish?
Will I always have to take control or can you take control?
The part of you taking control and being who I’ve called you to be is
your position and if you’re not fulfilling that position then we have a void,
how many voids do you want?
Even at times my parents questioned me
and I had to explain to them, I need to be about my Father’s business, are you
going to be about your Father’s business?
It’s that hour, it’s that time, we don’t have abundance of time.
It is a time to make up your mind and run with all you’ve got, it’s a
time to jump into the deep water and not muddy up the waters for others to swim
in. It’s a time to be everything
that I’ve said that you are, for you are.
For I have created you to walk together
and function as one body unified in My Spirit, for you all should be filled with
the same spirit and be able to work together.
But at times many have not put the flesh to death and, therefore, cannot
flow in the spirit realm like I desire for them to be able to flow, but that is
what you need to do in these days and these hours.
For you cannot flow in perfect unity if there is still flesh that is
still living, so allow that flesh to be put to death for good and allow My
Spirit to have full control of your life that you can walk and you can live and
you can do the things that I have called you to do.
For there is no other time, there is no other hour, for now is the hour
and the time that I have spoken to you about, now is the hour and the time that
I have prepared you for and it is that hour to go forth and do all that I have
called for you to do, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, when that fair makes
their move are you going to be ready to move with me, says the Lord?
Because when that fair moves you better be ready, says the Lord, cause
you’re going to have an outpour, says the Lord, you’ve never seen or never
though, says the Lord.
4-29-2021 pm service
For I say unto you, don’t allow the
devil to get you in a trap, for you have my word, says the Lord, use my word and
keep the devil trapped, says the Lord. For
you walk by the Spirit, he cannot see the things that you do, says the Lord, he
does not know what my word is and how to function in it, says the Lord, for he
knows only what man knows, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, walk in my word, walk in My Spirit and keep the devils trap
shut, says the Lord.
For I am your source, I am your supply, I
am everything that you have need of, so look to me for your help when you need
it, for I am always there, for my word says that I will never leave you nor
forsake you, but I am always there for you whenever you need me, unlike man who
is not always there when you need them. But
I am always there when you need me and I desire to work on your behalf in a
mighty and powerful way. I desire
to give you many blessings in the days ahead; I desire to move upon your behalf
like never before. So continue to
trust in me, continue to abide in my word and remember only speak my words,
don’t let the negative things come out of your mouth, but speak forth my words
that you may receive everything that I have for you, saith the Lord.
4-25-2021 am service
For truly keep your eyes upon this place,
saith your Father God, for this is the house of miracles, none other ministry
has been called just as you have been called nor is there another.
So do not try to compare this and what I am calling you to do or what
others are doing, for they have their calling, they have their gifts, but you
have yours. But I have set yours aside for this place, for this hour,
this very hour now, sad to say many do not believe that, but they’ll come to
believe that, for they shall see the things that shall take place.
For many things shall take place that’ll open up eyes, it’ll cause
those that you don’t see in your midst this morning not wanting to miss one
single service, to be here when they are not working, to walk in love, to
worship in love, to exalt my name above all others and watch me as I move.
Watch me as I fill this place and the next place and the next place with
my praises and my glory and my honor and your name shall be a household word. It shall not be like it is now, it should be now, but you do
not speak, I said let the redeemed speak, you don’t speak, you’re very
quiet, but you’ll notice that is changing and it’ll change even more so now.
For I’ll fill your mouth with my words, I’ll fill your heart with my
words, I’ll draw so close to you that my love will fill you so full you
can’t sit there with your mouth closed and be saved.
Some are not saved, they think they are, but they’re not, for if they
really were saved they would praise me at the mention of my name, just the
mention of my name, just the mention of my name should fill them to overflowing,
they can operate in the gifts of their flowing.
Miracles, signs, wonders, they shall flow, oh they shall flow, not just
like a river, but like a mighty flood, for it shall be a flood that fills this
place, saith your Father God and it’ll be filled to the overflow.
For if you’re not in the overflow you’re not in the flow period and
you need to get into the flow. For
I tell you and you ignore what I say, don’t do that anymore, saith your Father
God, cause this is the Sunday that you changed over.
Yes, and now I give you even more things and tell you more things and
tell you more things and you’ll go home felling like you’re going to bust,
but every time you come back the anointing shall be greater and greater and
greater and greater until even those standing outside shall shout with you,
shall praise with you to exalt my name above all others.
There’ll be a unity and you’ll recognize the unity and you’ll flow
within that unity, for it’s not time for divisions and strife, it’s time for
unity. Unity in the Holy Ghost, unity in my love, for I desire that
all of you, all of you fulfill everything that I have called you to fulfill.
For I say unto you, my children, even
though I raised up David, yet no one looked upon him before the time that he
stood up, says the Lord, for I called him to stand up and therefore many shall
try to give you things, says the Lord, but do not take their things, for I
provided you with my things, says the Lord.
My anointing, my power, My Spirit and from here, says the Lord, the
anointing shall take place and shall flow out, others cannot bring it here, for
I have given it to you, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, rise up and take the field, says the Lord.
Do you come with the excitement of
expectation, if not, what do you come for?
For if you won’t praise me, you won’t worship me, apparently you’re
not mine. But I shall fill this
place with those that will, yes I will, I’ll fill it to overflowing, I’ll
fill the next place to overflowing, I’ll fill the next place to overflowing
there won’t be room to contain those that I will bring in.
And they’ll come to worship, they’ll come to exalt my name, they’ll
come to receive their miracles, they’ll come to receive their marching orders,
they’ll come, they’ll come because I am here and nobody can stand in my
presence without worshipping me, without exalting my name, without being filled
with joy and excitement, without knowing and you shall know, for the truth shall
set you free.
For are your eyes upon my word and my
mountain or are they fixed upon the circumstances, of the things that you see
with your own eyes. For my word
needs to be within your heart, my word needs to be fixed upon your eyes day
after day after day that you may dwell upon the promises that I have given unto
you, that you might not let go that you rise up and become all that I’ve
called you to be for this hour and this time.
It is time for my church to truly rise up, rise up unto me, rise up unto
me and be who I have called you to be for this hour.
Have not I said you are more than the overcomer, have not I said you are
the conqueror? Oh, I say unto you, there is nothing that you cannot do with
me, saith the Lord, for without me you can do nothing. Oh, I say unto you, have your eyes fixed upon my word, fix
not your eyes upon other things but fix your eyes upon me.
For it is only me, says the Lord, that can bring you through, it is only
me, it is only me who can cause my word to come to pass.
Therefore, I say unto you, fix your eyes, fix your eyes and fix your
heart upon my word this day and do not waver to the right or to the left, but I
say unto you, stand firm, stand firm and watch my promises be fulfilled unto
you, says the Lord.
For you shall see young people my age and
younger now flowing in the gifts of the spirit, now walking in the Spirit ream.
They won’t hush up no more, no they won’t, they know in their heart
that it’s time to worship me, it’s time for me to reward them, it’s time
for me to give gifts unto them and they shall operate in those gifts, for they
shall be mightily important to you in these days, saith your Father.
For spirit and life are the main things,
therefore I have told you to get those things.
So when it comes to the flesh there is absolutely nothing, nothing,
nothing, nothing there, empty, nothing. That
means you’d get no rewards on earth, you’d get no rewards in heaven if you
followed the flesh. Therefore, I
say unto you, walk in the sprit realm, for as you are in the spirit realm I can
lift you up, I can lift you up, I can lift you up until you are walking by my
side, until you hear my voice, until you know, until you see with your spiritual
eyes and then you shall have, yes, you shall have because I said so.
For truly it’s a new thing I desire to
do in your heart and in your life, for I desire to fill you with everything that
you have need of from this time forward until I take you out of here.
For it is that time now to step into your places and positions that I
have called you to, it is time to fulfill your rolls that I have given unto you.
It is that time now, it is that hour now and don’t say, Lord, I really
don’t know what that is, but yet I have called you when you were yet young and
you knew then, so have you quickly forgotten what I called you to do, that it is
now time to fulfill that to its fullest. For
it is the time now, it is the hour now, I have filled you with my faith, you
should have my faith and there should be no lack in that area if you have done
what I have said. So let my faith
arise within you that I can do everything that I have called to do through you,
not through somebody else, but through you.
So know this, you won’t be like another ministry, for I’ve called
other ministries to their own calling, but I have called you for something
special, something particular and there will be nobody else doing what you do,
but all shall come through this place if they want to continue doing what I have
called them to do. They will come
and receive their anointing, they will come and receive their marching orders
and then my work will be done, my work will be done as I have spoken it unto
you. For I gave you this vision
many, many years ago before anybody else, I gave it to you and now you shall see
it come to pass and the world is seeing it, the world knows who you are and they
will come, they will come and they come, saith the Lord.
4-25-2021 pm service
Do you know deep inside your heart that
you are a child of God, do you know that, is that the reality to you or have you
just grown up in church and take it all for granted and never seen the beauty,
never felt the love, never knew what it was to walk by my side, to be an
overcomer, to be the victor, I mean the victor, the total victor?
You can, I’ve made it available to every single one of you.
I’ve called you to walk in the highest circle that’s never been
walked in, I’ve given you a privilege that none, none has seen before and yet
at times you wander around like you’re in a fog and there is no light.
And yet light was the first thing that I put on this earth, spiritual
light, the kind that lights your candle, the kind that causes you to see in
darkness, the kind that causes you to change because you love me so much and I
love you. It was the love, love,
love that sent my Son to the cross, it was love that raised him from the dead,
it was love that brought you into the family of God and it shall be love, it
shall be love that takes you to the very top.
For I say unto you, my children, as the
world grows darker and darker and less love is seen, says the Lord, oh how much
more my love shall be seen, for my love shall illuminate you, says the Lord,
like the sun, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, allow my love to flood you, says
the Lord, allow My Spirit to flood you that all the world may know and see that
thing that I have done, says the Lord, and continue to do, says the Lord.
For it is true, it is true that love,
that love that is flowing here tonight, that love that has already touched many,
already brought tears to some eyes because they’re so tender and know that
love so well. It’s that love that
I want to set abroad in other hearts that must come from you, it must come from
you and as it comes from you it shall change the lives that shall now come in.
For it’s always love, love, love, for
my word says that if you don’t love one another, you don’t even love me, if
you can’t love your brother and sister that you can see, how can you love me
who you cannot see with your natural eye, how can you walk in that love?
It’s not the love that the world has, for it’s the love called agape
which is by far the highest love and many have to learn how to walk in that, for
they have never, never known how to walk in that.
So, I say, learn how to walk in my love,
for if you do not walk in my love do you really walk with me, for can two walk
together unless they agree and if you cannot walk in my love you cannot be in
agreement with me. So, therefore,
you need to allow me to let my love fill you to overflowing.
For it is already there, for I made it part of you when you became part
of me, for if you are one of mine then everything that I am is part of you.
The old man has passed away or should have passed away, but at times the
old man has not totally passed away, therefore the new cannot take over because
the old continues to rise up. So
put the old to death and allow that new man that I have created you to be in me,
to be the one that I have called to be that you can walk and do all the things
that I have called you to do. For
if my love is not flowing through you, how can I reach others through you, for
it was always by my love that I was able to do the things that I desired to do.
For even as Jesus walked the earth, you saw him walk in love at every
moment and yet my people don’t always walk that way even though they should.
Learn how to do that in the days ahead, for if you are going to reach the
multitudes like I desire you’re going to have to walk in love.
For walking in love means letting things go, not having ought against
your brother, but burying the hatchet as they say. But allow me to do the work that needs to be done, don’t
tell my how to do it or what needs to be done, for I know the things that need
to be done, but you must first deal with yourself and allow me to make the
changes that need to be done in you and then watch how others seem to quickly
fade away. For those problems will
not be there because you have allowed me to deal with the problems that were in
your own life. For that is what I
desire to do for you this night, saith the Lord, for I desire to make those
changes that need to be made. I
desire to do those things for you because I desire to use you and if your not
flowing and walking with me how can I use you in the way that I desire? But allow me to touch you like never before tonight and do
those things that need to be done, saith the Lord.
For without love there is no faith, for
faith worketh by love, therefore I give unto you my love, agape love.
But if you move back into the natural, I told you the flesh produces
nothing, worldly love is nothing, it can take advantage of anyone.
It has no cares, it has no weight, it has only pleasure that it seeks
more, that’s worldly love. My
love never hurts, my love never destroys, my love is pure love and many have
realized they don’t have that. And,
therefore, they call upon my name and I fill their hearts with agape, for it’s
the agape that will win and become the overcomer.
4-21-2021 pm service
For now is the time for great and mighty
things, for it is that hour of great expectation.
For realize that I desire to do many things for those who press into me,
who desire to be all that I have called them to be, who really dig into my word
and do as I have said. As you begin to do that then I can open the windows of heaven
and rain down my blessings upon you. For
it is that time and it is that hour where I desire to move mightily and I desire
to use you in a mighty and powerful way. So
do not fear the things that are ahead, but know that I, your Father God, desire
to do great and mighty things on your behalf, for those who are pressing in, for
those who want to be all that I have called them to be, for it is that time and
it is that hour, saith the Lord.
So be like the grapevine and clusters,
says the Lord, for everyone that is part of that same cluster, says the Lord,
they make the best grape juice, says the Lord.
Oh, how I love you my children, therefore, I say unto you, be one, says
the Lord.
4-18-2021 am service
For truly that is a truth, but do you
know that truth, are you aware of that truth or do you have two confessions
coming out of your mouth? Are you a
double minded man that’s unstable in all of his ways?
If not, no longer speak negativeness, no longer carry two confessions,
either you’re healed or you’re not healed, either you’re the victor or
you’re not the victor, either you’re the overcomer or you’re not the
overcomer. But let not two
witnesses be inside of you, for you cannot serve two, you serve one and hate the
other, you walk not with me or you walk with me. Let your words be my words, come into agreement with my
words, say those things that be not as if they were and I shall bring them to
pass. For that’s the truth,
there’s only one truth, when you hold up my word that is the truth, everything
else is a contradiction to my truth. For
my ways are not your ways, my ways are higher than your ways, my ways are the
ways to walk and when you walk in my ways you walk in total victory.
From this day forth you walk in total victory or you walk in total
The Lord has a message for every one in
here today. It is Isaiah the sixth
chapter, it said in the year that Uzziah died I saw the King and he was high and
lifted up and the angels cried holy, holy the Lord God Almighty. And I said Lord
I am a man of unclean lips because I see the Lord and the angel of the Lord took
a live coal from the altar of God and touch my lips and purged me and cleansed
me. For God wants you to know that
there is etc etc is on the day of daily repentance before this etc. because we
are covered with the precious blood of Jesus forever and ever and ever and he
continues to cleanse us as we repent of our sins.
So just repent of your sins and your cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.
We don’t need a live coal from the altar of God; we have so much better
the shed blood of Jesus.
Again, I say unto you my children, for
there’s two sides to every coin, there’s the heads and there’s the tails,
what side are you, says the Lord? For I have called you the head and not the tail, says the
Lord, know the truth for the truth shall set you free, the tail makes you the
under man, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, who are you today, do you know the truth, do you know when my
truth speaks forth in the services, says the Lord, or are you one of those that
follows the tails, says the Lord. Be
like me, says the Lord, look at my face, for that’s all you need to see, says
the Lord.
For truly there is a way that seemeth
right unto man, but if you follow that way you end up in Hell.
From the very beginning the day that I created heaven and earth the devil
shows up and he said and twisted the word to Eve and man followed Eve and the
world is where they are now because they followed the twisted road and not the
straight road. Therefore, I say
unto you, hear my voice, listen to my voice, know my voice, follow my voice, for
there’s great victory if you follow my voice, there’s great rewards if you
follow my voice. You’re the
overcomer and not the under comer and the undertaker does not come for you, the
undertaker does not come for you. But
things shall come to pass very quickly now, very quickly, therefore, I say, walk
according to my word.
And do not allow yourself to be moved by
the flesh, for you come with your own spots and your own desires and you’ve
already made your mind up long before the Spirit was going to move.
Stop doing that, saith your Father, for that is flesh, that’s your
want, that’s your desire, that’s not my want and that’s not my desire.
But it is my desire that the Spirit flows freely and there is no flesh,
for I cannot move the way I desire where the flesh is and, therefore, I have
said I will not allow it any longer. So
check yourself when you come into this place that you do not allow your flesh to
move, but that you are only moved by My Spirit. For it is My Spirit that breaks
every yoke of bondage, it is My Spirit that sets the captives free and it is My
Spirit that will bring all things that I have said to pass in this day and this
hour, saith the Lord.
The very first thing that I set into
order when I created the heavens and the earth was the Zoe life, the life that
opens up your eyes, your spiritual eyes, that life that lights your candle.
Not the sun, not the moon, not the stars, they’re visible to your
flesh, but only the spiritual life, only the spiritual life is visible to your
heart, to the eye of the heart. For
it is the eye of the heart that sees the supernatural things, it is the eye of
the heart that sees the victory. Jeremiah
told you that, Isaiah told you that, Jeremiah said it over and over and over,
Jeremiah saw it in the spiritual realm and I have brought you to the place that
you should be able to see it in the spiritual realm.
Your eyes should be open this very morning that you can see above and
beyond any doubt, that you can know, that you can call those things that I call
as they are. For my ways are higher
than your ways, my ways are above your ways, there is no other way, there’s
only one way and that’s my way, saith your Father God.
For the devil cannot see, he’s never
been able to see, he’s always been blind, from the day I created him he began
to plot and make plans to be the victor, to be the overcomer, to run everything
and he’s still doing it today, saith your Father God, but he has never won one
battle, no not one battle. Therefore,
fear him no longer, stop following him, stop believing the things that he tells
you, for the world knows the virus is over.
What news are you listening to; if it doesn’t line up with my word
it’s not truth. Therefore, I say
unto you, seek the truth, find the truth and that truth shall set you free.
4-18-2021 pm service
For let your hearts be open this night,
saith your Father God, for there are many things that I want to do for you, did
you hear me? I’m not talking to
those out there in cyber land, but I am talking to you.
I desire to meet your needs, I desire to prosper you, I desire to give
you miracles, I desire to move mightily on your behalf and I will do it if
you’ll allow me. If it doesn’t take place it’s because you don’t allow
me, for I am speaking clearly, very clearly to you, I am here, I’m here in
your midst, I’m moving with my power, with my might, with my strength, I’m
here for you, I’ve never left you alone.
But I am here for you this night, saith your Father God and I will, I
will move, call upon me and I shall answer.
For I say unto you, my children, what
level of expectancy do you have for me, says the Lord, for I am the Almighty
God, and I will do all that I have said I will do, says the Lord.
Do you expect it, or do you sit back and wonder, says the Lord?
But, I say unto you, I can and I will and I will do it; says the Lord,
therefore, I say unto you, expect great things, says the Lord.
For do you not know my children how much
I love you, do you not know the depth of my love, my love for you is
everlasting. I open up my arms,
I’m opening up my arms and I’m am asking you to come in, I’m beckoning you
to come in, the decision is yours, will you come in?
For there is not one, no not one miracle
that I’ll refuse this night, not one miracle, I said I would do it; it’s up
to you. I cannot force you to
receive the miracles, I can’t force you to receive the healings, I can’t
force you to receive the financial blessings that I have, but I’d like to give
a big financial blessing to one, are you willing, for I have told you I’m
For do you know how I long to move upon
your behalf, how I desire to do those things for you, for I have set them aside
for you, but you have yet to receive them.
But the time is now, the opportunity is now to receive those things that
you have need of, to receive those things that I have for you.
For I love you with an everlasting love, and I desire to pour out My
Spirit upon you without measure, I desire to fill you to overflowing.
I desire to heal and deliver and set you free and set you on fire like
never before. Do you want to
receive the fullness of the fullness of the things that I have for you, saith
the Lord?
4-14-2021 pm service
Let my words be heard loud and clear so
you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, for the time is
short and yet there is ample time to do all that I desire to do.
But you must listen carefully and follow my directions and do the things
that I tell you, that you do not lag behind nor the Spirit get in front of you. For there’ll not be time for those that drag their heals,
only for those that are willing to run, so run, run, run.
For I say unto you, my children, be open
that I can fill you to overflowing, says the Lord, because that is my will for
you to be overflowing, says the Lord, for my will is for my word to be fulfilled
in your life, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, press in with all your might, says
the Lord.
For, yes, I have many great things in
store for you, so continue to press into me, for I will do a work in your life
if you do the things that I have said. So
allow me to do the things that I desire and watch, watch what I will do for you,
saith the Lord.
For the wise run very swiftly, they do
not hesitate, they do not halt, but they continue to move forward in my word,
for as they move forward in my word they become giants and the giants shall be
the overcomers.
For even tonight, saith your Father God,
you should be on a much higher place, a much higher place than you have ever
been before in your life. You should be running, running the race as hard as you can
run it, press in, press in, press in.
4-11-2021 am service
Let your hearts rejoice this day, saith
your Father God, for you’ve come a long, a long, long, long way, not all of
you, but you’ve come a long way. You’ve entered into the secret things, you’ve entered
into the depth and the width and the breadth of the Spirit realm and your
spiritman has come alive because of what you’ve been doing.
One more day, one more week, one more, one more, saith your Father God,
yes, one more and then you shall begin to know and understand and receive things
like you never have before. And the
wealth of the heathen shall come into those that have been faithful, those that
have done what I have asked them to do. It
shall not come to all, because all cannot be trusted with it because they use it
for their own glory, for their own pleasure, for their own worth and not for my
kingdom, for it’s for my kingdom, saith your Father God.
But I shall bless you abundantly above and all that you think and you
shall have plenty in your house and you shall not lack, your storehouse shall be
filled to overflowing and you shall see all the blessings that I have for you,
blessings, blessings, blessings. For
the heathen never did honor me, they never respected me, they never lifted up my
name, they never give me glory, they’ve never followed the things that I have
told them to do, so be not like them, be not like them.
For this hour shall be a different hour than any hour that you’ve
walked in, in your life, in your life, any hour.
And the Spirit realm shall be more keen, more open, more understandable
to the place that those that have demon’s can’t even enter this place, for
the demon’s will flee, the power will be so strong that they’ll flee.
So those that haven’t dealt with those problems before they shall be
openly embarrassed as the demons flee from them and others see and understand
and know, for I spare you, but you don’t listen and therefore you reap.
Oh, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice this day, lift up your voices this
day, let my praises, let my praises be heard.
For I say unto you, my children, as you
look into the heavens and see how so vast it is, says the Lord, yet there is
never an ending point to it, says the Lord.
The further you look into it the more you find, says the Lord.
It’s like me, says the Lord, search me, says the Lord, even the deep
things that I have for you, says the Father God.
For few really scratch but the surface,
but I am calling you to go deeper, I am calling you to go further, I am calling
you to step into the Holy of Holies, I am calling you to go above what all else
has tried. I am calling you to go
further, I am calling you to be the head, saith the Father and that calling has
always been there and you have known that calling from the time you came here.
You knew that it wouldn’t come till the very end, but the very end is
here now, so it is time, it is time that the world sees my prophet that I have
set for this time and for this hour. And
very soon now all of the world shall know who you are, saith the Lord, and they
will see it and they will come for their marching orders.
For I’ve said they could come after next Sunday, after next Sunday,
after next Sunday and many will begin to come now. For I have already spoken to their hearts, I have told them
it is time to come, I have told them that it is that time and it is that hour
and they are seeing it now, saith the Lord.
For truly truth shall flow like a river,
for you shall be prepared and ready for those that come that you can share with
them and many that come shall be walking in the Spirit, far above, far above
many that are here. They shall know and they shall see and therefore you need to
be in a realm higher than they are and I’ve given you that realm, saith your
Father God. For you shall be a
seer, a true seer that sees in the future that not only sees the future but
hears and knows the truth and you shall bring forth the truth that others may
gain the truth, that others may walk in that truth.
For I, I, your Father God, have said this and I have promised this and it
is recorded in my word. Look to my
word, search my word, you’ll find where I have said this and it is that hour
and it is that time now, saith your Father God, yes, that hour is here.
The Lord has been speaking to my heart
this morning, he wants us to know that we are in a race, but there is only one
winner in the race, right? But God says no, every born again believer they’re already
winners and in the race he wants them to keep running for that finish line.
Cause we haven’t finished the race yet, but there is more that lies
ahead for us, so just keep on running and don’t stop.
Beware of what you allow to enter into
your Spirit, try the Spirits and see if they be of me.
But you can’t try the Spirits unless you know how to walk in the Spirit
realm and you walk equal to a true prophet, for only a prophet can see in the
Spirit realm. Many think they can
see there, many think that they walk there, but that’s why the earth is so
confused today with their teaching, with their lies, with the falseness of the
things that they bring forth. For
nowhere is my word will you find that it says to educate your mind or your
brain, I give you true wisdom, the world doesn’t have true wisdom, the world
doesn’t have true knowledge, I give you true knowledge.
My word is the only thing that’s truth, it’s my word and yet many
operate in sense knowledge faith and know not the difference and they continue
to educate their fleshly mind and they walk deeper in darkness all the while and
can’t understand why they don’t get their miracles and can’t understand
why they don’t get out or they’re not set free, why they haven’t been
blessed, they’re still searching for jobs and they know not where to search,
and yet I have a job for everybody in this place, saith your Father God,
everyone. I’ll pay up all your
bills, saith your Father God, I’ll cause you to be on top, but I ask you to
walk with me, to grow with me, to know My Spirit, to walk in My Spirit realm.
Don’t be foolish, don’t be like the world, realize what I am doing
for you and you should realize by now through this study that you’ve been
going through. One more day and
your faith should be seeing things, will it be?
For I’ve tried to raise up others that
are no older than this one here, but many of you have refused to allow them to
flow in one in the Spirit and therefore you put water on the fire, you put the
fire out. Now is not the time to
put the fire out, now is the time to put the oil on, to put the oil on, to put
the oil on, saith your Father.
The enemy has fought tooth and nail, but
he is a defeated foe, he’s been defeated for longer than anybody in this place
has been a Christian, so he shouldn’t have ever been a problem to you, but you
don’t know who you are. Who are you, who are you, what do I say you are, do you
really know who you are? If you
knew who you are even chains would fall off of you, you’d have no problem
receiving the things I have said. Therefore,
I say unto you, open up to my word, allow my word to show you.
For I say unto you, my children, many of
my children have too large a head and too small a spirit, says the Lord.
They think they know everything, says the Lord, but they know nothing,
says the Lord. Therefore build
yourself up in the Spirit, says the Lord, therefore you’ll have the things
that you have need of, says the Lord.
If what you are doing isn’t working why
don’t you try it my way, for my way is the only way that will work.
For you will try and you will try your own way and will never do what you
really want it to do. Because I
have placed within you that spirit that wants to excel and you can never excel
in the world, you can never excel doing the things of man.
You can only excel in the Spirit realm, you can only excel when your
Spiritman grows, that’s why I have called you to this ten week study where
your Spiritman can grow and then I can do what I desire to do for you.
But some have been resistant and said no I am going to do it my own way,
but they do not know that destruction lies in wait for them and I am only trying
to spare you of those things my children. So realize that I’m trying to do these things for you,
I’m not trying to make it harder; I’m trying to make it easier.
Just try it my way, try it my way and see what I will do for you, saith
the Lord.
4-11-2021 pm service
My love shall overflow all your fears,
all your doubts, it shall fill your heart with joy, joy unspeakable, full of
glory, full of glory, and you shall walk, yes, even as I walked in the
supernatural if you can call out those things that be not as if they were and
they shall be. For I shall hear you
and I shall answer and the answer shall come quickly.
So speak not the negative words for they’ll come quickly and you do not
want them, for they bring no joy, they bring no blessings, they bring pain and
suffering and sorrow, but I add none of that to my blessings.
Therefore, I say, press in, press in, search me out even deeper, pray in
the Spirit even more so that you can get into that Spirit realm and walk in that
Spirit realm twenty four hours a day, that I can call upon you when I need you
and you’ll answer, for I am always here to answer you.
So be not afraid to call upon my name, for I shall be there.
For I say unto you, my children, I’ve
given you a mouth for blessings, says the Lord, not cursing.
Therefore, I say unto you, speak my word and my word only and watch the
things come to pass so quickly you’ll be in shock, says the Lord.
Because the things that I have for you to do are quick, they’re mighty,
they’re powerful, says the Lord, and they must be done before it’s time for
you to leave, says the Lord.
For the blind man only heard that I had
come, you know far more than that because I have revealed that unto you.
You should know my presence when it’s moving, you should know the
Spirit and the gifts when they’re moving, you should know the enemy and you
should be able to raise up a standard against him and stop him.
Therefore, you should believe me and as you believe me I do the
supernatural for you.
Many of you act like Gideon, when I call
out to you, you are, you stand there and doubt and say, who me, yes you.
Do you know who you are in the Spirit realm, do you know your spiritual
name, do you know the things that I have given to you?
Do you know the blessings that you do have, the blessings that you send
unto others, do you know these things? For
if you knew all those things your victory walk would be far greater.
For I say unto you, my children, is there
anything too hard for me to do, says the Lord?
Don’t put a limiter on me, says the Lord, for I am not limited in my
ability, says the Lord. You are limited by your ability, says the Lord, but through
me you can do all things, says the Lord.
For I have far grater things in store for
you than you know of yet, you have seen a few and I have showed you a few, but I
have many other things that are yet for you for this time and for this hour.
But they can only come to those who dig in deeper like I have said, those
who are willing to do all that I have said that I need you to do.
For there are many, many, many things that I need you to do in order to
be who I have called you to be, are you willing to do those things?
Yes, some are willing, but it is my desire that all are willing, saith
your Father, for I have called you here to this place, for this calling and I
desire to use you. So, therefore,
do everything that I have said that I can move upon your behalf in a mighty and
powerful way, saith the Lord.
4-8-2021 pm service
The great joy coming and it’s not for
morning, but the joy will fill your hearts to overflowing.
For you have those things that you know not, but you shall soon discover
exactly what you do have. For I
have given unto you the greatest, saith your Father God, yes, the very greatest,
I’ll attach things here that you never knew existed that do exist and you
shall see the mighty power, my mighty power flowing in a mighty way.
You shall see miracles, you shall see wonders, you shall see me do the
things that I have said that I will do and it shall draw you, yes you, closer to
For I say unto you, my children, my
kingdom is like a treasure, says the Lord, and when you open that treasure it is
bottomless, says the Lord, for there is no limit to the things that you can do
with me, says the Lord. Therefore,
I say unto you, search and find those things that I have for you, says the Lord.
For it was not yet time for you to see
all the light, and therefore you walk in the shadows, the shadows of the dark
spots. Not in the darkness, because
darkness is not of you, but now you are seeing in the light and as you look in
the light you shall see things that you never knew were there.
For now I am revealing many things unto
you that I could not reveal before. Do
not be frightened by those things, but rejoice in knowing that the day and the
hour you are living in is the last day and the last hour and very soon now I
shall come for my church. So be
ready, be ready, be ready, for there are great things in store in the coming
days ahead and you shall see it as my word begins to be fulfilled, saith the
4-4-2021 am service
And the power that I shall give unto you
shall be so powerful there’s nothing, nothing that shall be able to stand
against you. For my word has
declared this unto you very clearly, there should be no doubt, for doubt only
comes through Christians, cause they once believed and they no longer believe,
therefore they have doubt. Those
that lack knowledge sometimes they don’t believe, but they don’t have doubt,
therefore there should be no doubt in you, for you are the overcomers, you are
the victors, you are the ones that I have chosen.
And I command you to rise up to your heights, for it is that time, you
have but a day. Make sure you set the record straight, for you have but a
day. Let it be known unto you I
have warned you, I’ve spoken to you, I’ve declared these things unto you,
and I’ll not be able to repent on them, I’ll not be able to forgive on them,
for they are a final word. But I
can go from there to all the blessings, everything that Psalm 91 holds for you,
everything and in Isaiah thirty I speak to you very clearly, Isaiah thirty.
So as you look into my word and study my word you can see even more
things that I have to say unto you and beware of Monday.
One of the things I saw, I got a vision
from heaven that Jesus was standing at the right hand of God and he was smiling
down and he said to tell you that he’s got more in store for you.
He’s preparing you for what he has for you, and when you receive it,
it’ll be like the world you’ve never seen before, the church has never seen
before and you’ll have more power and ability than you’ve ever had, in Jesus
name you’ve got the victory.
For I say unto you, my children, from
this day forth the colors of many shall be made known openly, says the Lord,
that you’ll see the truth of those that are with you and those that are
against you, says the Lord. For my
house is based on truth, says the Lord, my word, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, know the truth and operate in that truth, says
the Lord.
For the pieces now fit perfectly into the
puzzle and only you had a puzzle, others saw it clearly, but all the pieces are
there if you need any scripture on any of the things that I have said.
But you must from this moment forward press into the fullness, the
fullness of what I’ve been trying to give unto you, then you can be one of
those that have uncommon faith to move in the fullness of my power, the fullness
of my ability, the fullness of all that I have, for that fullness shall now be
in you.
Let all negativeness depart from you, for
the words that come out of your heart, out of the mouth good or bad shall
quickly, quickly come to pass and many will die on the spot, let it not be you.
The nineteenth of April I can start
bringing in the new that shall come to get their marching orders and many shall
stay. So, I say unto you, climb to
the top, be ready, for I need to be able to use you and if you’re not ready I
can’t use you.
For I have lain out the plan and it is
very clear and should be very evident to you if your spiritman has come alive.
If it is not, then you need to come and allow me to touch you that I can
remove the blockage that is stopping you from receiving the things that I have
for you. For this is my word that I
have given unto you and I shall fulfill that word, the question is, will I be
able to use you or will I have to use somebody else?
For I can bring in those that I can use just as quickly as anything else
if you are not willing to do the things that I have called you to do.
But it is you who I desire to use, it is you that I desire to move
through, and yes, there are those here who are ready to run with me.
There are those who are ready to do everything I have called for them to
do, are you one of those who is ready, because you should be ready, saith the
Lord, you should be ready.
4-4-2021 pm service
I shall move upon you and I shall touch
you, you will know my love this night, saith your Father God.
For I have heard your prayers, I’ve heard you as you called out to me
and I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to touch you, I desire to
bless you, I desire to prosper you, I desire to lift you into a higher realm
that you walk in the victories that are set before you.
So open your hearts this night, open your hearts this night and allow me
to move.
For you must step into that realm with me
with expectancy that I will do what I said I will do, for if you don’t expect
it you’ll not receive what I have for you, but if you come expecting I shall
meet with you.
For I say unto you, my children, allow my
rain to fall upon you, says the Lord, come prepared to get wet, says the Lord,
I’m going to soak you with My Spirit, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, get ready; it is falling, says the Lord.
For this is but a small thing that I have
for you this night, for things shall grow even greater than this.
So don’t miss out on this, for if you miss out on this how can you step
into the deeper waters, for if you can’t wade, you can’t swim.
For in the former days My Spirit has been poured out with moderation, but that is not so for these days now, saith the Lord, for I have said I will pour out My Spirit without measure, without measure, without measure, are you expecting to see that without measure? For truly that is what I desire to do, it is my desire that you enter into the fullness of everything that I have for you. So come and receive everything that I have for you this night, for I have set aside this night for you to come and receive that you may be full of My Spirit, saith the Lord.
3-31-2021 pm service
For a great change is just ahead, a great
change, great change, saith your Father, change like you’ve never seen, change
like you’ve never imagined. For the miracles, the signs and wonders shall surround you on
every side, blessings shall be pouring in and your hearts shall be filled with
joy. So, I say to you, press in;
press in, for I have great things for you.
For I say unto you, my children, it shall
be like a fire round about you, says the Lord, and the world cannot touch you
when you are in a place, where you’re in a place where total safety ensues,
says the Lord. But yet you’ll see
the victories, says the Lord, for my blessings shall rain down upon you, says
the Lord, and you’ll receive all that I have for you, says the Lord.
For it shall be far easier for you to
walk in the fullness of all that I have for you than it shall be for adults.
For their mind gets in the way, they get in the way, their flesh gets in
the way, but I say unto you, be not like them, but press in, press in.
Don’t forget to call out my name, call
out to me, make sure you’ve covered all your sin then ask me and I’ll
forgive you, for press in, press in, press in.
For yes, the time and the hour is at hand
and great things are in store for my people, those who have put their trust and
their confidence in me. So put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me,
don’t worry about the things going on around you, don’t worry about the
things going on in the world that you might see or hear on TV. Don’t let those things bother you, but realize that I am
going to do for you many wonderful things in the days ahead. So continue to look to me and trust me and I will move upon
your behalf, saith the Lord.
3-28-2021 am service
For it’s of a truth, saith your Father
God, I am pouring out My Spirit, that I am pouring it out without measure, but
it’s up to you to receive, for if you don’t receive it, it is not me it is
you. For I am pouring it out, I’m
pouring it out, open up and receive, for without receiving you have none,
without believing you have none, it’s your opportunity.
Take the opportunity and run, run, run, run, for the revival is on, there
is no waiting, there is no more waiting, there is no more waiting.
For everything, everything is available now regardless whether it’s a
miracle, regardless whether it’s a healing, it’s available now.
For I say unto you, be like a little
child when they know that etc goes away they dance and they twirl and they have
no fear of freedom or no fear of want, but they only experience freedom, they
dance and they sing that’s what my children should be like.
As my freedom, My Spirit moves upon you and the rain pours upon you that
is what you should be like, free, free, free, free, free to do all that I have
called you to do for this hour, allow my rain to saturate and soak into you.
Oh, I say unto you, you only become greater and greater and greater in My
Spirit, you flow greater in my anointing that I have given unto you for this
hour, you become greater in the power that I have given unto my church.
I say unto you, be likened unto a child and be free in My Spirit, be free
to dance before me, be free to shout before me, be free to lift your voice
before me. For do you not know that
freedom comes through praise, freedom comes through praise.
So allow my word to full your mouth and allow freedom to come to you no
matter what situation that you’re going through or you’re in, if you would
just lift your voice to me you would see the giants crumble, you would see the
walls fall, you would see victory and freedom before you.
Oh, I say unto you my children, know, know the power that I have given
unto you and that power is through your voice, your voice of praise to me, for
that praise sends the enemy fleeing.
For it is up to you, says the Lord, to
pop or stay stale and hard, says the Lord, but I desire popcorn, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, let fruit be unto me that I can partake of it,
says the Lord, don’t be hardened up and part of the shell, says the Lord, but
I want to be able to partake of you, says the Lord, therefore pop, says the
For this is for you, not me, saith your
Father God, for I have no need of it other than the revival, other than the
souls that shall be won. But this
is for you to strengthen yourself, get the faith that you can call the things
that be not as if they were, that you can bring in all the blessings.
But if you don’t open your mouth you have not because you ask not,
I’ve told you that. You can sit
there and you can frown, you can do whatever you desire, but if you don’t obey
my word then you don’t receive.
For truly there is no more waiting time,
waiting time is over, it’s over, you need a miracle I’ll give you that
miracle, there is not one single miracle that I can’t give to you, I’ve
raised the dead, that’s a harder miracle than the one you’ve got, but I can
do that also during this time. I
can heal, I can deliver, I can set free, I can bless you financially, I can make
you all that I desire that you be. Therefore,
it’s your all, it’s your time, it’s up to you to rise up and take the spot
that you desire, you can’t sit in your place and sit there and think you’re
going to get anything, but you’ve got to move, for faith without action is
dead, dead, dead, dead.
For am I not greater than anything else,
is my word not higher than anything man says or can do, why is it that you still
have trouble trusting me? When I
said you have not because you ask not that’s exactly why you haven’t
received. Because you say, well
Lord, you see me, you know where I am, but my word says you have to ask and
because you haven’t asked you haven’t moved, you haven’t done anything.
But remember faith is an action and so, therefore, when I say come you
have to get up and move to receive. You
can’t receive where you are when I have said come, when I have said ask, when
I have said do, therefore realize that faith is an action and when you begin to
act on the words I have spoken then I can begin to fulfill the word that I have
spoken to you. So realize these
things, realize that I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful
way, I desire to do all those things that you have need of.
And, yes, I know what they are, but I have said, come and ask, come and
receive, go and do the things that I have said and you will see the great
victories that I have in store for you, saith the Lord.
For if you have been doing the things
that I have said unto you to do, then your faith level at this moment should be
far, far, far greater than when we fist started.
You should be able to receive anything that you have need of, you should
be able to walk in victories twenty four seven, you’re the overcomers, the
overcomers and by the word of your testimony you’ve overcome.
But if you don’t open your mouth you can’t do it, if you don’t act
upon what I say you cannot receive. For
faith without action as I have said over and over is dead, dead, do you
understand that? Do not function in
sense knowledge faith, but let your faith be heart faith, out of your heart and
you get that by renewing your mind, getting the word into your heart and by
believing, for you have to believe. Don’t
say I am a believer if you’re not acting in faith, you’re not a believer,
you’re a doubter and know it not. Therefore,
I say unto you, whatsoever you need it’s here.
3-28-2021 pm service
For truly it is a great hour, a great
hour for you, for if you meditate upon and think upon when you’re in the other
building it shall be filled, you won’t get to the altar as easy as you can
now. Oh, the joy, the joy that I
have for you, the blessings, the miracles, there is absolutely nothing, nothing
that’s impossible for me to do, all you have to do is believe, ask and
receive, it’s that simple, it’s that simple.
For I say unto you, my children, did I
not say to allow your eyes to be open, says the Lord, I didn’t ask or say
squint, wide open, says the Lord, if you squint you can’t see clearly, says
the Lord, but if they be open you can see clearly says the Lord.
You need to see clearly the things that I am showing you, says the Lord,
you’re able to walk in the path that I have set before you, says the Lord.
For remember you have three eyes, your
used to using two of your eyes, but you need to get used to your third eye, your
spiritman, you need to see through his eye.
For it’s through his eye you see the miracles, it’s through his eye
you receive all the blessings, it’s through his eye you know who you are,
it’s through his eye that you get to heaven.
For if you’re waiting for your flesh to
move you’ll never feel it, because I do not operate in that realm, but the
devil does and he doesn’t give out the things that I give out.
So, therefore, if you’re waiting for that you miss out.
Therefore know what my word has said and
understand that this is the hour for you to receive all the things that I have
for you. It’s not for another
time, it’s not for another place, it’s not for another hour, but it’s for
you here and now, understand that. Hear that word that I have spoken unto you, realize who you
are in me and take your place and your position that I have given unto you and
step into the fullness of all the blessings that I have for you.
For when you realize who you are then you know and understand that
everything that I have is yours you can walk in the fullness of everything that
I have for you, saith the Lord.
3-24-2021 pm service
For as you etc upon the etc I, your
Father God, shall move mightily on your behalf, I shall bring those things into
being that you desire, that you dream about, that you call upon.
For your voice is important to me, for I have said suffer not the little
ones to come unto me, but as you come I hear and I answer.
For as the adults grow older at times they do not call upon me, they do
not look to me, they do not put me first like you have and therefore I will do
for you what I have promised.
For there are many that wish upon the
stars, says the Lord, they look at the stars and worship them, says the Lord.
But I say look upon me, call upon me, don’t make a wish, but I made
promises to you, says the Lord and I promise that I will keep those promises if
you stand on them, says the Lord.
For the time of waiting is over, therefore you don’t have to wait like many have waited, for it was not time for them to receive what I have for them. But that time is over, waiting time is over, now, now, now, saith your Father God, I shall move.
3-21-2021 am service
It is an hour so great you do not
understand the fullness of it yet, it’s there and as you get more word into
your heart, as you continue to renew your mind, as you continue to speak my
word, your eyes will be enlightened and then you’ll see.
You see I spoke the word before it was written and because I spoke the
word it was written and because it was written you read it, I’ve told you to
speak it and when you speak it then we come into agreement and my word is
fulfilled. But many shy away from
that and they run and they hid, they say why didn’t this happen, why didn’t
that happen, everything happens in its perfect time, its perfect time, not
before, but in its perfect time. If
it was to happen outside of its time, do you realize what would happen to you,
you’d be so far ahead of me I couldn’t help you in anything that you were
doing. I couldn’t heal you, I
couldn’t deliver you, I couldn’t do anything because you’d be unteachable.
Walk with me, that’s all I ask of you, follow me, listen, listen, for
as you listen I shall take you to the place that you can never, never go.
Think on that, meditate on that and let me do what I desire to do.
For I say unto you, my children, mark my
word, steps for you to walk on, says the Lord, to climb higher and higher, says
the Lord, I’ve established your steps. Therefore,
I say unto you, if you’re not in my will you have not my steps but some other
steps, says the Lord, when you are not of me.
Therefore, I say unto you, make sure your foot is on my word, on my
steps, says the Lord, that you can get to where you need to be.
For there is but one truth, there is only
one truth and that’s my word, man’s words are not truth, science is not
truth, my word is truth. When you
harken to my word, when you obey my word, when you do my word that aligns you
and I together as one. When you and
I become one there’s absolutely nothing that you cannot do.
For you’ve taken my power, you’ve taken my ability, you’ve taken my
strength, you take all that I had to create the heaven and the earth and
you’ve put it into motion and there is absolutely nothing that can stand in
your way, there’s nothing that can hinder you, when you believe it, you’ve
got to believe it, but if you don’t believe it that’s another story, saith
your Father God. But, I say unto
you, open your ears, open your spiritual eyes, listen, listen and find, find the
Even children have gotten ahold of my
word and as you read my word you see their lives, they became kings, they became
rulers, they became overcomers, even before they were adults.
For my word, my word is the truth that
sets man free, my word is the word that heals, delivers, with my word you cast
out demon’s, you’re not even suppose to lay hands on a demon possessed
person. And yet people will go to a
church where they’ll do it and say, oh we have a deliverance ministry.
Speak my word only I said, speak my word, for the demon’s know, they
understand and they flee, they don’t flee for you, they flee for me.
My word, my word heals, delivers, my word brings miracles, my word, my
word, therefore, I say unto you, speak my word, speak it only.
And remember I said don’t speak the
negative things, for remember you have what you speak and so are you speaking
life or are you speaking death, are you speaking cursing or are you speaking
blessings, are you speaking prosperity or are you speaking defeat, what are you
speaking? But if you’re speaking
my word then you are lining up with me, you’re coming into alignment with what
I have said and that can come to pass. And
those things go forth and they do not return void, they do not return empty and
yet I am trying to teach you how to speak my word and yet many are refusing to
do that. Do you desire to go forward with me, do you desire to be a
part of the things that I have for you or do you desire to go your own way?
For I cannot move upon your behalf if you go your own way, but yet it is
so easy to do the things that I have called for you to do, but you must make the
choice. You have got to be the one
to do it, saith the Lord.
The Lord has said that the spirit of
discouragement is in this place; he said I have come to set the captives free
from this bondage. If you will
reply to me and come when I say come I will set you free this day because you
need to be set free from this bondage or discouragement today in Jesus name.
For I say unto you, my children, etc from
the likes of man with potholes and crevasses and rocks and ragged jagged places,
says the Lord. But I did not make
my way that way, you’re on the wrong path, says the Lord, get on my path, says
the Lord.
There are many things that I desire to do
for you, but you need to be following the instructions that I have given unto
you, you need to be getting to the place that I have called you to.
For these instructions that I have given you, this body, this place, have
come directly from my throne room, they are my direct orders to you and most of
the time sad to say you don’t look at them as my orders, you look at them as
the pastor’s orders or the leader’s orders, but they are my orders.
For I am the head and if you cannot follow my ways then how can I ever
use you, how can I ever move upon your behalf, how can I ever make the changes
in your life that need to be made? For
am I not the potter and you are the clay and yet I have to mold and shape you
into what I desire you to be, but many fight that because they want their own
things. But it’s the time and the
hour now that you need to set those things aside and allow me to do the work
that needs to be done, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, the only
detour that you have is when you walk in unbelief, says the Lord and did not my
people go round and round that mountain over and over and over and over again?
It was not my plan for them to detour that way, but because of their
unbelief they went that way, says the Lord.
I said to cross the Jordan and take the land, they didn’t take the
land, they walked in unbelief and doubt and fear, says the Lord.
Do you want to do what I have told you to do, cross, says the Lord, move
on with me, says the Lord, there are no detours only my way.
3-21-2021 pm service
Is your faith unshakeable, for is it
always unchangeable etc, there is no question about mine, saith your Father.
For mine has always been unshakeable, unchangeable, trusted and true and
as your faith reaches that spot, and it can then, then I can move so mighty on
your behalf. I can do the things
that I desire, I can call them into being, calling those things that be not as
if they were and they shall be. For
I spoke, yes, I spoke and the whole universe came into being and I can speak
again through you, saith your Father God and a new, a new order of people shall
come forth and they shall be mine. And
they shall be far greater than anything the world has seen and I, I shall be
filled with the joy that I have that I shall give to you.
For I say unto you, my children, if you
just open your spiritual eyes to me, says the Lord, you see everything that I am
doing. Every day you wake up, every
day you lay down, says the Lord, you see what I am doing, says the Lord, not
with your natural eyes, but with your spiritual eyes, says the Lord.
You see the buildings fulfilled, you see the miracles fulfilled, you see
it, says the Lord. Wake up and see
it, says the Lord, for I’ve anointed you, says the Lord.
Therefore, I say unto you, run with that anointing, run with it, says the
For I have given unto you my word that it
might be fulfilled, not that it would stand idly by and do nothing, but my word
always produces results, but man’s words stand by idly and do nothing, that is
why I have told you to speak forth my word.
Confess my word and you shall see the changes in your life, for you have
been dead for a time now, but I am calling you back to life, I am raising my
church back to life that it can serve me the way I desire it to be served, saith
the Lord.
For even my word had to be spoken over
the dry bones and it was spoken and the dry bones came to life.
So, therefore, when you speak my word over the dry bones in your life
those dry bones shall come alive, saith the Lord.
Be not fearful nor doubt, but be open
that you can take that first step that you can move into the place, the position
that I desire for you to be. For I have not created you to fail, I created you to win,
therefore be one of those winners. Oh
there’ll be some that won’t, but don’t let it be you, don’t let it be
you, it’s your choice, it’s your choice, for I have already made my choice,
I’ve made my choice, now you need to make your choice.
For Paul was on his way to kill the
Christians believing that was my will, but he had an encounter with me, he had
an encounter with me and then he changed and became the great apostle that you
know. Will you make that change,
will you make that change?
For, yes, truly it is your hour of divine
appointment, for I have an appointed time throughout history where I stepped in
and the world was changed because of the hearts of men that bowed to me who were
going the wrong way. And I have
given unto you my word; I have laid out my plans so clearly and yet some still
fight it, because they do not believe it is really my word.
But when you get ahold of it and begin to speak it and your inner-man,
your spiritman, begins to hear it, then it comes back to life where it has been
dead. And I am calling you back to
life, come back to life, speak forth my word, and do all that I have called for
you to do, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, my children, there
are some that have not removed their faith from this place, says the Lord, that
I have sent them here, say the Lord, from the very beginning, says the Lord.
And they shall be mighty, says the Lord, for they have not failed, says
the Lord and they continued on, says the Father God.
Therefore, I say unto you, be like those that didn’t fail, says the
Lord, like Abraham, says the Lord, he continued on and he saw the promises
fulfilled, says the Lord. Therefore,
be like them that did not fail, says the Lord.
For even Abraham was faced with the very
impossible, but yet I gave him my word, and as my word got within his spiritman,
remember Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness
and out of his loins came the nation of Israel.
Out of his loins came also the gentiles, out of his loins, out of his
loins and yet it was impossible in the natural realm.
And what you’re facing is impossible in the natural realm; if you put
all of your money together you could never do all that I have called for you to
do. But I, your Father God, can do
it, I can do it, and I can do it through you if you allow me to, for it is my
desire to do it through you. It is
not my desire to do it through somebody else; it is my desire to do it through
you. For out of you, out of you, shall be birthed many, out of you
shall be birthed many, for I said thousands would come into this place, but
really it would be millions, but you would not understand that because you did
not really see the fullness of it yet, but it will be millions.
For millions have already been touched by the hand of this ministry even
though you know it not, but some have seen it and you will see it even far
greater now. For you have seen the
turning point and remember April is coming very quickly and suddenly things will
change even more, saith the Lord.
For it is an hour for my church to wake
up, for I said to wake up and to realize that I have given them authority, the
power over the enemy, that they do not need to walk through depression, they do
not need to walk in fear, they do not need to walk in lack, they do not need to
walk in anything that the enemy brings upon them, but I have given them that
life and that life more abundantly. It
is an hour to wakeup, to wake your spiritman up like never before, you do that
by getting into my word, you do that by praying in the Spirit, you do that by
seeking me with your whole heart. It
is the wakeup hour, my children, to wake yourself up, to get yourself out of the
sleep that you’ve been slumbering, but it is time, it is time, it is time for
my church to arise, for my church to arise, for my church to arise and to
realize that when I say you can bring those dead bones back to life you can. Oh My Spirit shall do that my children, you need to have My
Spirit within you, you need to have my word within you, for when you do not have
my word within you, you only speak death and defeat.
Oh, but I say unto you, it is an hour, it is that hour that I’ve spoken
to you about in my word, oh but I am pouring out my latter rain like never
before and as you receive of me, you shall receive a newness, a newness, a
newness, a newness, even a new joy you have within your heart.
You will no longer feel that depression that has been upon you, but you
shall feel this new joy that I have set upon you.
Therefore, I say unto you, oh hang my word up around your home that you
can see my word on a daily basis that when you are down it’s right in front of
you, that the enemy has no, no, no, no, not even a little inch to get in.
But you see my word and my word is in your heart and on a constant basis.
Oh, I say unto you my children, the more of me you have in you the less,
the less of yourself you have, and the more of My Spirit that can dwell within
you, that Spirit that raised Christ up from the dead, did I not say dwells
within you? Oh, I say unto you, the more you get into my word, the more
you speak my word, the more of me resides within you and the less you and your
flesh resides. Therefore, I say
unto you, when you wake up in the morning allow my word to be upon yourself,
allow my praise to be within your lips. For
do you not know that when you wake up with praise within your heart the enemy
quickly flees from you, the enemy quickly leaves. Oh, I say unto you, know my word, know what I have given unto
you as promises, do not let go of them, hold them within you.
And you need to get up and sing my song that I have given to you that I
am your way maker, I will make a way where there is no way, sing it until you
have sung it enough that it’s within your heart that you know without a doubt,
without a doubt that is who I am because that is who I am, says the Lord and you
need to know me as who I am. For I
am, that I am, that I am, and there is no one greater than me, but do you know
there is no one greater than me, do you know who I am? Because in this hour and
this day, you need to know who I am because I am thee I am, that I am, that I
am, that I am and there is no one greater than me, says the Lord.
Who is man who can give you words like
these, there is none, so cast your doubt down, cast it away, don’t pick it up
again, refuse to doubt, refuse to keep your mouth shut, refuse to not do what I
say, refuse. For man cannot tell
you these things, do you not realize that, have you not heard the voice of God
this night, wakeup, wakeup, wakeup, are you that dead?
For I have called you to life, not death, life, life, and that more
abundantly, not less, not less. So
let my word ring in your ear, rise up I say, rise up, rise up.
Oh, I say unto those out there that are listening, it’s time to come
now, it’s time to come now, pack your bags, it’s time to come now, come,
come, come, for I have given opportunity after opportunity, after opportunity,
it’s your turn now, come, come, come.
For I say unto you, my children, have I
not made you fully loaded down with my benefits and with my weaponry, says the
Lord, and my artillery, says the Lord, to send forth, says the Father God, to
destroy the works of the enemy? Therefore, I say unto you, use what you’ve been given and
see what it will do, says the Lord.
3-14-2021 am service
For let the spiritual ears be open, for
that’s the Spirit I desire to talk with, it’s the Spirit that I desire to
move, flesh has no moving in this place anymore, be it known, mark it down.
For I’m a Spirit God and you’re created in my image, you are a Spirit
being and all we do will be in the Spirit and in truth and it shall edify you
and shall encourage you, it shall uplift you and it shall move you into the
Spiritual place that I desire that you be.
That you can flow, that you can flow, that you can flow to the overcomer,
the seeing faith, the faith that is far greater than any faith that I give to
man, for it’s the highest, it’s the highest, normally it’s not given unto
the normal people, it’s only given unto the prophets.
But I have called you and you’re in covenant relationship and,
therefore, because you are in convent relationship you share in that of the
prophet that you have, you share in that, therefore open up your spiritman, open
up your spiritman. For if
you’ve been praying every day in the Spirit you should be able to flow freely,
freely in the Spirit, freely, for others are starting to catch up with you.
Therefore, lag not behind, for you’re to lead the way and if you’re
not out in front, running out front, you can’t lead the way.
And I’ll remove the fleshly-ness, I’ll remove it, for the days of
Ananias and Sapphira have come, I will do it, I desire not to, saith your Father
God. Therefore, let the Spirit, let
the Spirit, not the flesh, but let the Spirit move.
For I say unto you, my children, my ways
are higher than man’s ways. Therefore, I say unto you, by My Spirit, I say, by My Spirit
shall the things be done, says the Lord, it’s truth, says the Lord.
For I am truth and none other but me, says the Father God, therefore, I
say unto you, be like me, says the Lord.
For it would be surprising to you if you
knew how many, how many does the world think are great, watch you very
carefully, listen to your program and feel what you’re saying, what you’re
doing and then they quickly follow so that others think that they are either
ahead of you or running with you. That’s
not so, saith your Father God, I don’t have any that are running with you, I
have none, none, but I desire to cause you to be runners, runners in the Spirit,
not the flesh, not the fleshly moves, runners in the Spirit.
For the runners in the Spirit always carry the message, it’s in the
Bible, they carry the message to those that shall follow, they hear from them,
not over the TV, not over the computer. Therefore,
I say, be my messengers, carry my word, tell others, look round about you, how
many are missing and yet I’ve said don’t miss, don’t miss, don’t miss.
Am I not God, who is your God if I’m not your God?
Ponder these things, for I desire to bless you.
For I’ve given unto you my first wind,
says the Lord, therefore, you shall be riding upon that first wind.
Are you on it, says the Lord, if not this is your last chance to get on,
says the Lord, time is running out, says the Lord.
Therefore, get on and ride with me, says the Lord.
You say, where are those that you tell us
are coming? I say unto you, is it
Easter yet, did I not give you until Easter?
You don’t listen and because you don’t listen you don’t understand
and because you don’t understand you do not follow.
One week I said pay attention and yet people are still reading their
Bibles, they were playing games on the machines.
Are they more spiritual than I am, are they God and yet they think they
are. Therefore, I say, listen carefully and follow, I don’t need
you to fulfill this, I’ve chosen you and because I have chosen you I will do
it through you.
That is why it’s easier to flow through
a child, for a child will listen, a child is teachable; a child is not a whole
bunch of tradition that they need to get rid of.
And, therefore, they desire to learn and if you’re teaching them and
training them in the ways that they should go they shall not, they will not
depart from them.
Remember now the day and the time and the
hour that you’re now living in that there has never been a time like this
before, for I said this hour shall be greater than even at Pentecost.
And if you look at the things that took place at Pentecost some of those
things are coming back, but will be even greater than they were then and even
the things that I had to deal with then so that there was righteousness and
holiness in my house. For how can I
judge the world if my house is not clean first, but I have called you to a
higher calling, a much higher calling than many others, therefore my
requirements are higher and if you are here in this place then you at one time
felt that calling in your Spirit. It
may not be there now because the enemy is trying to deceive you and lie to you,
but the calling was there and you heard it so you came.
Do not turn back from that call, for to turn back from that call would
mean utter destruction for you because then I cannot move upon your behalf, I
cannot do the things that I desire for you to do.
But instead grab hold of the things that I’m saying unto you and run
with the word that I have given unto you. For
I have told you what you needed to do to build up your spiritman to the place
where I can use you, for the place that I desire for you to be. And yet some have fought that a little bit and many have not
even done what I have said, but there is still time to do that and to get on
track. Remember I have said don’t
lag behind, but stay on track with the directions that I am giving unto you,
make a determination in your heart to do all that I have said for you to do, for
if you do not do that you’re not fully in with me, you do not want to receive
the fullness of the things that I have for you.
But it is my desire to use you; it is my desire, for I have called you, I
have chosen you, but you must also chose me, saith the Lord.
For many, many have been faithful and
already if you watch you’ll see the spiritual growth in their lives, the
higher level of faith that their flowing on already and everyone should be.
For you’re in the halfway mark and, therefore, you should be flowing in
a much higher degree of faith than when you started, if you’re doing what
I’ve told you to do. For your spiritman needs to hear those things that I have
told you to do, your spiritman through your ears out of your mouth to your
spiritman and it’s extremely important. For
many are saying crazy things out there in the world and if you can’t tell the
difference between them and what I say, your spiritman is not even alive.
So you should have check, after check, after check, regardless of what
programs are on, you should be mature enough already to see that it’s
troubling your heart because it troubles my heart.
For the world is being deceived, they are not preparing the way they
should, but then they haven’t had my leaders yet and you’re my leaders and I
need you.
3-14-2021 pm service
For of a truth I am raining down My
Spirit upon you and it shall grow and grow and grow and grow, even at times
you’ll feel like you’re soaked, like you’re soaked, like a real rain
storm, but it’ll be My Spirit and yet you’ll be dry.
You shall feel it through your whole body and know that it’s real.
For it is the lifeline that all need without that lifeline they can’t
walk in the Spirit, they can’t understand the Spirit, they can’t understand
spiritual things, they have no wisdom, they have no knowledge, none of the gifts
operate in their lives, it’s only through the Spirit, it’s through the
Spirit. So be not fearful to step
into that realm, to lose yourself in that realm, to let the waters flow, not
ankle deep, but deep enough to swim.
For as you begin to move in My Spirit,
says the Lord, you widen the channel that I am able to move, says the Lord,
I’m able to use you more fully, says the Lord.
Allow me to move in a way that I want to move and don’t put a
restrictor plate on me, says the Lord.
For I love you with an everlasting love,
a love far greater than many have ever tasted of yet.
But as you walk in the Spirit then that agape love, that agape love shall
flow through you and touch others round about you.
They may become angry, but you’ll have that love, you’ll laugh at
them at times because you’ll be filled with my joy.
So let it flow, let it flow, for truly, I desire to fill you.
For as you walk in that Spirit even the
mountains will melt before you because of the heat that is flowing through you
and power that is being generated, the strength that you have and obstacles will
fly away. For you shall be the one,
yes, you shall be the one that I am able to use.
Therefore, look up, look up and rejoice because your redemption does draw
For truly I desire to move upon your
behalf in even a far greater way than I am now, but you must be ready to receive
it, you must be open. Do you really
want to receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, are you digging
in the way I have told you to dig in? For
there is still time to get back on track, but it is very important that you
follow the plans that I have laid out, that you do not lag behind, but that you
are ready right when I need you to be ready.
For I desire for you to be in that place that I can give you all of the
things that I have in store for you, saith the Lord.
3-10-2021 pm service
For I etc everlasting love flowing,
flowing, flowing, flowing toward you, reaching out to hold you, to comfort you,
to strengthen you, to be your constant companion that you know that I am always
there for you, that you can call out and I’ll move on your behalf, that your
angels will protect you. Draw closer, closer, for I love you.
For I say unto you, my children, I have
given each and every one of you, says the Lord, angels.
Therefore, charge them forth round about you every day, says the Lord,
and watch, watch the things that shall happen because of that, says the Lord.
Oh the joy, the joy that shall flow from
you, the joy that shall constantly be your companion, the joy that shall fill
your life will be unspeakable. It’ll be so great, so wonderful, that’ll be my love, yes,
my love to you.
Be it known unto you that no weapon, no
weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, for I’ve already sent my
angels and they shall guard over you and watch over you and you shall walk in
Therefore, fear not the days ahead, for
even though at times it’ll feel like things are in an uproar for the world,
remember what I have promised you. Remember
that I have already made a way, remember that you will be the overcomer and do
not get caught up in those things, but stay in my word, walk according to my
promises. For you shall walk and
have the fullness of everything that I have said in this time now and in this
hour now, if you have done the things that I have told you to do.
Set your attention upon me and see what I will do for you, saith the
Etc. etc etc. I said to you, you must do
the things that I do, says the Lord, for I speak my word and I speak my word and
it comes to pass, says the Lord, I don’t speak the enemies word, I speak my
word. Therefore, I say unto you,
speak my word and do as I do, says the Lord.
3-7-2021 am service
For the fires burns brighter and brighter
and brighter and they shall continue to burn brighter and brighter, for I have
given unto you my word and I stand on my word, I stand on my promise.
Even though you do not understand it fully, you put your trust in me and
I shall take you with me, you shall flow with me and the Spirit of God shall
come on you with more power, with more might, with more strength and you shall
be more open and you shall begin to see. Yes,
you’ll see things that you have never saw, you’ll look upon somebody who
claims to be a Christian and you’ll see right through them, you’ll see the
deception, you’ll see the fakeness, you’ll see what they are.
For I shall make you so powerful, so powerful that nothing, nothing,
nothing can hinder you, nothing can slow you down, nothing can stop you.
For you are that church, you’re that church that I have prepared for
these last days and you shall, you shall, you shall walk in My Spirit.
For today is the day to let go of
whatever it is that is holding you back from coming to me one hundred percent,
says the Lord. Oh, I say unto you,
let go whatever it is that’s holding you back today, says the Lord, for
isn’t today, a new day, yes and I have given unto you freedom like never
before to worship and praise me. For
I have instructed you to pray in the Spirit and as you pray in that Spirit My
Spirit becomes greater and greater within you.
But do you not know that I have given unto you that Spirit that even
raised Christ from the dead? Oh, I
say unto you, greater things shall you do than Jesus when he walked here on the
earth, but if you do not have My Spirit abiding within you how can you do
greater, you have to have My Spirit within you, you have to have My Spirit
within you, says the Lord, to walk in the greatness, the greater things that I
have in store for this end time. Oh,
I say unto you, it is time for you to lay down, to give up, to set aside
everything that is holding you back from becoming all that I have said that you
can be and to rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, for the Spirit of
revival is here, it is already come, it is not coming, it is already here.
And as you yield yourself to me, as you yield yourself unto me you shall
be changed, you shall see change, you shall see change.
For a newness of My Spirit is upon you, oh a newness of fire, a newness
of anointing, a newness of strength, for I have given unto you all things, all
things, all things, all things that are good, all things that are good, says the
Lord. Oh, I say unto you, it is a
time for my church to rise up, to rise up and to walk, to walk, to walk in all
that I have said is theirs for this end time revival.
For I say unto you, my children, I am
filling this place, I’m surrounding you, says the Lord, breathe in My Spirit,
says the Lord, breathe it in, says the Lord, for I’m here to fill you to
overflowing, says the Lord.
It’s not by might, it’s not by power,
it’s by My Spirit, so quit trying in yourself and let yourself go that you can
flow in the Spirit realm that I can do it through you, I desire to do it through
For it is not by your fleshly power, it
is not by your fleshly strength nor is it your fleshly desire, put away those
things, saith the Lord, put away those things and do not yield to the lust of
the flesh, but yield to the Spirit of Almighty God.
For it is the Spirit that breaks every yoke of bondage, it is the Spirit
that sets the captive free, it is the Spirit that raises the dead and the dry
bones back to life. Let those dry bones live, saith the Lord.
For it doesn’t matter where you’ve
been, but it matters what lies ahead, it matters the choices you make today.
Are you going to run with me, are you going to receive My Spirit without
measure, are you going to be overflowing with My Spirit or are you going to be
one of those that is dead, one of those that’s falling away, one of those that
is backslidden never going to return to me.
But, I say unto you, come unto me, come unto me and be filled by My
Spirit this day, saith the Lord.